Hey, Mate! (Cursed Mates #1)

By _thistroublemaker

216K 10.5K 2.8K

"The Moon makes you a half... and then you find your mate. And together, the two of you, make a full" ****... More

Chapter #1- Prologue- Where I wasn't accepted by my Mate.
Chapter #2- I return to Little West after 14 years.
Chapter #3- Heart to Heart with Asher.
Chapter #4- I am affected by Asher, but not by Alpha Ulysses.
Chapter #5- Alpha Ulysses corners me.
Chapter #6- Sel's loyalty astounds me.
Nash interviews Alpha Ulysses Asher Black #1
Characters in the story so far.
Chapter #7- Meet Teague and Melria..... and Mrs. Anderson.
Chapter #8- Mel's words make me rethink everything. Everything.
Chapter #10- Disappointment.
Chapter #11- Please don't strip!
Chapter #12- Fight of the Century.
Nash interviews Alpha Ulysses Asher Black #2
Character introduction #2
Chapter #13- Back to Little West... Or nah.
Chapter #14- Faery acquaintance.
Chapter #15- The place my heart desires the most.
Chapter #16- Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?
Chapter #17- Confrontation... (kind of)
Chapter #18- Heat (0.5)
Author's Note
Nash interviews Alpha Ulysses Asher Black #3
Chapter #19- You must have mistaken 'beast' for 'gentleman', Mate.
Chapter #20- Heat (1.0)- Not strong enough to resist you.
Chapter #21- Uninvited guests.
Chapter #22- Not every wolf is lucky to have a Mate.
Chapter #23- Deals over breakfast.
Chapter #24- Ditching the Alpha.
Chapter #25- They know.
Chapter #26- Heat (1.5)- When the Alpha turns into a blackmailer.
Chapter #27- Heat (2.0)- Teague's Mate... and Alpha Ulysses' Heartbreak.
Chapter #28- Marked.
Chapter #29- He is shy.
Chapter #30- The Dinner.
Chapter #31- The Alpha saves the day (or night?)
Chapter #32- The Alpha's Mark.
Chapter #33- The biggest mistake of my life.
Chapter #34- A trip down the memory lane. (Part 1)
Chapter #34- A trip down the memory lane. (Part 2)
Chapter #35- Sorry, Babe. I Don't Fancy Blood!
Chapter #36- Blood Turns Her Off.
Chapter #37- Who is Taggart to Me?
Chapter #38- The Art of Breaking a Heart.
Chapter #39- We lead them towards the future.
Chapter #40- We talk in the moonlight...
Chapter #1- Welcome to the Black household.
Chapter #2- "Because you are My Mate!"
Chapter #3- A Breakfast for six. (Or Ten? Because T eats for five people alone!)
Chapter #4- It's all in the eyes...
Chapter 5- Throwing them all out...
Chapter #6- I finally tell her the truth.
Chapter #7- I invite him over.
Chapter #8- Tag's prediction.
Chapter #9- Olivia feels the sparks.
Chapter #10- Olivia's Mate.
Chapter #11- Make me Yours.
Chapter #12- Where is Lys?
Chapter #13- Hayden and Rebecca Open Up.
Thirteen things about me
Chapter #14- Let's elope.
Chapter #15- A Long Ride.
Chapter #16- Sebastian, the wannabe cool Uber driver.
BONUS CHAPTER- A Dragon's scale.
I kinda need your help...
BONUS CHAPTER- Freaking Hyenas.
Chapter #17- Ed shares his secrets.
Chapter #18- The ugly green monster turns red!
Nash's Note!
Chapter #19- Walking Dead.
Chapter #20- Back to Little West. Again.
Chapter #21- Only Change is Constant.
Chapter #22- My Worst Nightmare.
Chapter #23-My Mate makes me angry at silly (and sometimes not so silly) things.
Chapter #24- How do mates make up after a lovers' spat?
Chapter #25- A Night of Revelations.
Chapter #26- ILoveYouSpice
Chapter #27- In the veil of the Night.
Chapter #28- Meeting.
Chapter #29- Who is the Oracle?
Chapter #30- A trip to Hell.
Chapter #31- A Deal With The Devil
Chapter #32- Negotiations- A Curse and A Promise.
Chapter #33- TEASE
Chapter #34- Take a whiff.
Chapter #35- Cowgirls and Horses.
Chapter #36- THE WAR HAS BEGUN!
Chapter #37- War and Knitting.
Chapter #38- Girl Time.
Chapter #39- Counting Losses, Saying Goodbyes and Meeting Bas Jr.
Chapter #40- The Final Goodbye
Epilogue- Sugar: Happily Ever Afters are overrated.
Surrender, Mate. (Cursed Mates #2)

Chapter #9- The inauguration.

3.9K 143 18
By _thistroublemaker

Chapter #9- The inauguration.

(Edited- 21/05/2017)















"FUCK OFF!" I snap at whoever the bastard who is assaulting me as I sleep is, and I feel the weight lift off the bed followed by a male's cry.

"Jeez woman! My ears are blee-"

I let out a guttural growl and whoever it is, leaves the room.

Thank the Mo-

"Rise and shine sleepy head!" It's a female's voice and since she is not assaulting me, I ignore her pathetic existence.

Until the shades are ripped open and the sunlight hits my closed eyes.

"FUCK OFF!" I cry, shading my eyes, and then I feel light, as if my body is in the air... and just to check out my new supercool power of flying, I open my eyes, only to come in direct contact with the cold hard floor.

I groan and then realizing that it was a joke and I really can't fly, I compromise with the situation and using my hands as a makeshift pillow, I drift back to my lover. My sleep.

"For the love of the Gods!" I hear her hiss and then I feel her besides me.

"Wakey-wakey little baby!" She starts shaking my body but I don't budge. I can't betray sleep.

I just can't.

It's my one true love.

I think it's The On-

Fire up that load,
Another round of shots;
Turn down for what!

I shoot right up, covering my ears to give them some relief.

"I am up assholes, I am up... and you two fuckers are dead!" I growl with blood shot eyes.

I see red.


Teague shoves his stack of pancakes towards me, but I don't lessen the intensity of my glare and he visibly gulps.

"Truce?" He asks in a hesitant, hope filled voice and I let out a low growl.

"You should watch your back" I say as I take a huge bite out of his so called 'peace-offering'

"Well... in my defense, it was 12 o'clock and we were getting late... so I thought..." I cut him off.

"So you think too? Well that's fucking new. And fucking dandy too, no?"

"Hahaha... no?"

"What's funny?" Mel asks as she magically appears on the seat next to mine.

"Your face" I spit.

"Dude" She cringes as she piles my half empty plate with cupcakes.

Cupcakes in the morning?

She's forgiven.


I dig in and she sighs in relief.

"You should watch your back too... just in case" I say with a mouthful of chocolate chip goodness, just to mess wuth her. It's a bonus to see her visibly stiffen.

Damn. How I love being the one people fear...


"It's my car, and I am driving" Teague argues with Mel and she scowls.

"If that's the case, then I'll just teleport myself there, because no way in hell you are driving! My Granny drives better than you and she is as old as dinosaurs" Mel snorts.

"Are you kidding me? The last time you drove, we had to bewitch three police men to avoid jail. And that is me forgetting about that teen couple you almost killed!" He reminds her.

"Are you kidding me? It was their fucking fault that they got horny in the middle of the road! Smooching like it was the end of the fucking world. They should've been thankful that it was just me driving and because of my excelllent driving skills they are still alive" Teague looks thoughtful and taking advantage of his momentary distraction, Mel snatches the Porsche keys from his hand.

"Hey!" He cries and I snap my fingers and place my hand, palm up in front of Mel.


"That so called 'should be thankful to me for saving their lives teenage couple' were making out on the footpath" I deadpan and Mel colours dark red, before dropping the keys on my outstretched palm with a huff.

I open the driver's side door and get in and just as I expected the two of them are now arguing about who gets to sit shotgun.

"Get in the back, Mel" I call out and she gives me a betrayed look, but I wink at her.

She gets the message and gets in the back seat and Teague, looking as triumphant as ever, starts getting in the front seat.

"I knew you loved me more!" He says as he sits down and as expected by his 6'4 self, his head hits the roof of the car, making the packet of gooey slime tear and leak down on him.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" he turns red and gives me the deadliest glare possible, but because of the slime covering him, I can't help but laugh.

Mel is having the laugh of the century at the back seat, rolling on the seat and kicking the back of Teague's seat and slapping the leather like a retarded seal.

Seeing her, I laugh even more.

Teague opens the passenger side door and attempts to get out.

Key word- attempts.

I had put superglue on his seat, so now he is stuck.

This triggers Mel even more and her laughter has no bounds.

I smile evilly at a red-and green-faced Teague and he starts breathing through his nose, indicating that his beast is pissed too.

This scares Sel in me, who never surfaces in front of Teague, but I am chilled out, aware of the fact that Ruin, Teague's beast, adores me.

"Shut the door Teague" I order once I realize we are getting late.

"But I need to-"

"Shut the fucking door!"


"Fine!" I snap and start driving.

Beacause he is a man, he is basically married to his car, he immediately shuts the door, seeing that I am not kidding, as we make our way out of the parking lot.

"You guys are assholes, fucking spawns of Satan. I be a good person and give you free flight tickets and be a good host and invite you to my grand abode, and this is what you bitches and witches give me in return. Complete assholes" He glares at the two of us and I don't bother hiding a self-satisfied smirk.

Mel just continues laughing.

Where would I be without these two is a mystery I never plan to unravel.


"Are you kidding me? I wasn't even the one who blasted that damn song on your ears!" Teague whines like a kid.

"Damn sure it was your mobile" I glare, because let's face it. Mel doesn't know how to use a mobile except for making a call.

"But- But this skinny witch stole my mobile!" He points an accusatoty finger towards Mel who is giving him a stink eye.

"Keep that up and you'll be stuck with those glimy clothes throughout the function" she says seriously.

I smirk and park in the training center's lot.

"You can't do that!" He gives her a shocked look and she flips her hair.

"Another word, and you'll see what all I am capable of doing, now smile" Mel gives a saccharine sweet smile to him and like an idiot he smiles.

She clicks a photo in her camera, but since it's Mel we are talking about, one photo turns into ten and she has a confused look.

"You are supposed to only click the button once" I deadpan and she gives me an embarrassed smile.

I shrug and get out.

"Mel? I love you, babe" Teague pouts.

"Too bad I don't bat for your team, handsome" She gives him a mock pout and I roll my eyes.

"Come on, love" he literally begs and she looks at me for confirmation. I give her a nod.

She clicks her fingers, and Teague is thrown out of the car... with all his slime-y glory.

I run to the boot of the Porsche and retrieve the extra set of clothes I had packed for him.

Teague catches the packet, but gives us an unbelievable look.

"Why can't she just use glitter on me?" He points at Mel but glares at me.

"Because" I shrug and start making my way to the hall, which is to be inaugurated.

"You guys are fucking bullies" he shouts to our back and Mel clasps her stomach, to hold in her laughter, which again has no bounds.

"We love you too!" I call back to him, and hear his cuss in response, making me dissolve in a fit of laughter.

I love my misfit friends!


It's half past one, half an hour after we reached here, and Mel is somewhere in the background, checking the last minute details as she and Teague were the ones who built this place.

The two of them are business partners, with Teague holding 60% and Mel 40%.

No wonder the two of them drive Porsche and Lambhorgini and Audi and BMW and Mercedes and I am stuck with a broke down bike.

Sucks to be broke!

I frown when I smell a distantly familiar scent, but it diminishes before I can place it, and Selene in left unsettled in me.

'Something bad is gonna happen' Her voice is a whisper in my head and I scowl.

'If you can't say something good, then please refrain from opening that mouth of yours' I snap and then block her, not wanting my negativity to dampen such an auspicious day.

This day is important to me as we are launching our first self defense center in Canada. We have a handful in Europe, a dozen in Africa and Asia, but because of many Packs and Prides settled in America, it was hard to get the permit. Canada, has made us work our asses off.

I may not be financially involved in these centers, but they mean the life to me.

When Teague first came up with the idea of establishing them, I was worried, how a she-wolf, a lone Tiger and an outcasted witch would be able to bring a change, but now, 4 years later, we are going steady.

Thanks to Mel and Teague for investing, of course.

"Everything good?" Teague appears out of nowhere and I smirk at him.

"That crazy witch is a perfectionist in these kind of things, so I can safely say that all's clear"

"I know. Now the two of us just have to show our face, and as a trio, cut that damn ribbon and inaugurate this damn center" He smiles at a leopard skin tight red cocktail dress.

I recognize her and frown.

I nudge him.


"They insisted" he shrugs and I donno what to take of it.

Publicity can be good, they can help with the advertisement and awareness in the supernatural world, but Sheila Sky, the leopard, is a reporter from Supes 101, and she is known for her gossip columns, beside others.

"But her?!" I ask in a whisper, aware that if I raise my voice to its normal pitch, she'll be able to hear me, even from a mile.

"There are others too. Why else do you think I asked you to dress to impress. You are my date" He smiles down at me with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Why was I not informed about this?!" I ask with clenched teeth.

"It was my idea" Mel comes out of nowhere with a woman hanging at her arm.

"And she is your date?" I stare at the scantily dressed woman, who by the smell of it, is a doe-shifter.

"Yes. Isn't she beautiful?" She asks me as she snakes her arm around the doe and I have to agree.

The woman is indeed beautiful, with her big eyes and small nose, and pouty lips.

"Thanks. My name is Arianna! " she offers me a hand and I take it with a smile.

Her cheeks turn red, and I am in awe of how beautiful she actually looks.

Mel is glaring daggers at our clasped hands, and I instantly pull mine back, and raise my hands up in surrender.

She gives me a curt nod and I nod back, reassuring her that I am still staright and not going for her girl.

She must be whipped to be that possessive.

Teague however doesn't get the message and before he can make a move, Arianna says, "Don't bother. You may be hot as fuck, but I love this witch" and sashays off somewhere with red cheeks and a smile.

Mel smirks at us and follows Arianna like a lost puppy and I can't help but laugh at Teague's red face.

I already love Arianna. Too bad, I won't be seeing much of her, as Mel likes to keep her girlfriends to herself.


"We have some faces showing up today" Teague whispers in my ear. We are both standing at the entrance, waiting for Mel to grace us with her grand self, to cut the ribbon.

It's tradition that the three of us cut the ribbon together. Bet she's smooching that girlfriend of hers in some corner.

I stop surveying the crowd, and turn towards Teague.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... did you not notice that the crowd today is much denser than we've ever had before?"

"But I thought it's the paparazzi..." I trail off.

"That too... but why do you think that so many of them are here to cover a single event. And why would gossip columnists show up too? Mel and I are not exactly media candy" He says sarcastically.


"Since Canada is neutral land, I invited all super natural beings that I am acquainted with" He gives me a smug look and I have to give it to him for being smart.

That way, they can see his team's efforts and the interior designed by Mel and he can land himself good contracts. On top of that, the self - defense center also becomes known!

"When did you get so smart, handsome?" I pull him towards me by his tie and he smirks down at me.

Ignoring his smirk, and aware of all the eye on us, I proceed to undo his tie and then tie it properly, making the knot puffy and triangular.

I get on my tippy toes and kiss the side of his lips, amongst the flashing cameras and whisper, "Now you are a media candy too, handsome"

He cringes. "You had to do that, didn't you?!"

"Of course" I snort.

"You are such an asshole" he says with a tight smile.

"And I am your date for the night" I smirk.

See, Teague has this weird theory that he should only be known for his work, not his looks or playboy ways. But what he doesn't get that, sometimes no publicity is bad publicity.

I know his team of workers are the best out there, courtesy of him handpicking all of them, and that lands him plenty of contracts, but because he is not in the limelight,  he doesn't have a wild international name, and it is high time he gets it.

Other than that, this way, he can have more sponsors for the self-defense centers, so the change that we are trying to bring, can be brought faster.

"Sorry guys, we are late!" It's Mel who pipes up out of nowhere.

"Is Lavania not coming?" I ask Teague.

"No. She had to get back to Korea for a photo shoot" He shrugs, but I can see the clouds in his eyes.

I squeeze his hand, and he gives me an empty look.

I know Teague cares about his mother a lot, and these self-defense centers are in a way his tribute to her, and what she's been through, but it sucks that Lavania is afraid to face the demons of her past.

Mel doesn't allow Teague to dwell in his mood, and instead claps her hands, not only gaining the two of our attention, but the buzzing crowd's too.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you all very much for joining us today on this auspicious day!" She says and though she is not using a mic, her voice is loud and clear enough for all.

"Without further ado, let us cut the ribbon and inaugurate this 29th DMT defense center!" The crowd cheers and Mel clicks her fingers, making a golden tray, wrapped with red velvet, appear.

She picks up the scissors out of the tray and hands it to Teague, and we take our position.

Teague in the center, Mel to his right, with Arianna to her side, and I to Teague's left.

Mel and I place our right hands on Teague's,  and he cuts the ribbon, hence inaugurating the 29th DMT (Delilah-Melria-Teague's) defense center.


"Congratulations" I think it's just another guest couple, behind us when I hear the female voice, so I give a tired smile to my friends, who are mirroring my expression and we turn in sync to the guests.

"You're wel-" my words get locked in my throat when I my eyes lock with the man standing beside the lady.
Sel stirs inside me.


So... this is a relatively longggg chapter, no?

Anyway... what are your thoughts on this chapter?

It was mostly a filler chapter... so ya know...

I hope you liked it anyway.


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