The Forgotten || The Maze Run...

By kristinebb

1.8K 57 19

Y/N was one of the Original Gladers and Newt's girlfriend. But one of WICKED's experiments erased her from th... More



175 5 3
By kristinebb

I opened my eyes just to find myself in an unknown bed, in a cold white room. I had no idea where I was. The sudden beeping of the machinery near me made me realize that I wasn't dead after all. My head wasn't pounding, my body wasn't hurting anymore; everything felt fine. Except one thing: where the shuck was I?

I didn't recognize the room, so I was pretty sure I wasn't in the Glade at the moment. I slowly got up from bed and checked my bruises; they were almost healed. My clothes were new, my body was clean. I started to freak out. Who did this? For how long was I here, without knowing? Were the others here too? Maybe I should go and find Newt, he always knows what's happening.

When I was about to snatch the wires from the medical machinery, the room's door suddenly opened and two people went in. A man and a woman. They were wearing white lab coats and had some papers in their hands, examining them while looking at me.

"Ah, Y/N is up!" the woman said looking at me, but in the same time talking to the man next to her. He just noded and smile.

"Just in time", he responded. "I have to say, I wasn't sure she was going to survive the first night."

"And who are you?", I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't worry Y/N, you are perfectly safe now", the woman said. "I'm dr. Alicia Green. He's dr. Alan Brown. But of course, you already knew that."

She paused waiting for my answer, but I only gave them a mistrustful look. "Am I at a hospital?", I asked instead.

The woman –dr.Green- giggled "It seems that you haven't remembered everything just yet, but no worries, you will be feeling better very soon."

"What are you talking about?"

"You are at WICKED headquarters, Y/N", the man answered instead. "You were taken from the Maze after you were almost killed by a Griever", he explained.

"Yes, I remember about the Griever thing, but..."

"The Variable worked perfectly," the woman again "They are not going to remember anything!" She was so excited about that, that she started to clap her hands. "Exactly like you've said."

"Excuse me?",I asked. "Said what? And who are you, people?"

"Oh, I keep forgetting that you haven't gotten your full memory back", she said rolling her eyes. "But come with me, see how the experiments go so far."

Dr. Brown disconnected me from the beeping machine and handed me a white coat. "Perfect, just like in the good old days", he concluded after I put it on.

"Where are the others?"I asked.

"In the observing room", Alan told me. "They are all waiting for you." Dr. Brown smiled and gently pushed me out of the room and through a long corridor with lots of green doors.

I didn't have any idea what in the world they were talking about. All I wanted to do was to see my friends. And Newt; especially Newt. And as long as they would bring me to him, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Alan stopped in front of one green door and pressed the doorknob. As I walked in, I saw another unknown faces. Ten people in white lab coats were in front of some monitors, observing something...someone. At a closer look, I realized they were watching my friends. Alan wasn't talking about the other Gladers waiting me in this room, he was talking about the rest of WICKED's staff.

"What's this all about?", I shouted at them angrily.

"Look Y/N, I'm very sure that if you'll wait another couple of hours you'll remember everything you need to know, because we already removed the memory swept from your brain" one of the men in the room said, a tall brown-haired and middle-aged guy. "But long story short, you are a part of WICKED. It was your idea to put yourself into the Maze, to see how a bunch of boys would react around a girl. You wanted to test the control Subject, A5."

"Who's...who's A5?", I asked worried.

"You also know him as Newt", Alicia answered. "And you were right about him. He didn't pass the test."

I turned around to face her. "What do you mean by that? What test?"

"He is the weakest subject from them all", she explained. "His brain doesn't work like the other's. That's why the Variables were so different between him and the other Subjects."

"Please stop calling them Subjects!", I yelled at her. "They are people, people like me and you. A bunch of kids actually!"

She sighed and looked at me with compassion. "I understand that you developed some feelings for him Y/N, but don't forget our main purpose. WICKED is good, you know? We're trying to save the world from The Flare; including Newt, remember?"

At that statement, my voice softened. I went closer to the monitors and watched carefully what they were showing. Thomas and Minho were just coming back from the Maze, while Newt was running around the Glade with a pink shirt in his hands.

"That's my shirt!", I screamed enthusiastically. "They must be looking for me right now!"

"I wouldn't be so excited if I were you", Alan said and approached me. He pressed some buttons from the right side of the monitor and suddenly I heard what my friends were talking about.

"Minho, do you think this is funny?!", Newt shouted at the Keeper of the Runners, throwing the shirt to his face. "Or it was you, Tommy?!", he asked looking now at the Greenie.

"What are you talking about, Slinthead?" Minho examined the shirt and frowned. "What's this?"

"You tell me! None of these Shanks know nothing about it, so it must be you or Tommy. All week I've been founding bloody girl stuff in my room, and now this?! A pink shirt? Do you think I'm some kind of bloody sissy?!" Newt was shouting so loud by now, that every Glader was looking at him.

My heart sank and my eyes filled with tears. I didn't understand what was happening, why they were not remembering me.

"Forget about the stupid shirt Shank, we have bigger problems", Minho added. "We found a dead Griever."

Newt's eyes widened. "What did you just say?"

"Exactly what you heard. We found it dead near the Section 3", Thomas explained.

"But nobody was in that Section for almost 2 weeks now." Newt frowned at his statement. He was in a deep thought, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Exactly", Minho agreed. "Then who killed it?" His question remained without answer while all three boys looked at each other, concern etched on their faces.

Suddenly,all the monitors went black. I felt Alicia standing next to me, her hand on myright shoulder as a gesture of comfort. "Don't worry", she said. "Everything is going to change." 

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