My Life Crumbling Before Me...

By Megan_Loves_1D

218 2 1

I didnt know that my life could get worse and better at the same time. let me tell you now, things always get... More

Chapter 2-
Chapter 3-
Chapter 4-
Chapter 5-
Chapter 6-
Chapter 7-
Chapter 8-

My Life Crumbling Before Me! - One Direction Fanfiction.

62 2 1
By Megan_Loves_1D

Part One-

This was it. Today was the day I would finally get to meet One Direction!

I had loved them since Torn and I had been trying to meet them for over a year! I wasn't the only one in my family who liked them. My mums boyfriends daughter Megan was as obsessed as I was! We shared a room and our walls were covered in posters! I was fifteen, she was eighteen and I had an older brother who was twenty and called Daniel, he was the only one that could drive so he promised to drive us there if we let him go off shopping while we waited. We all lived with my mum because dad left when i was about one, and our mums boyfriend (and Megan's dad) Stan. The signing was at a shopping centre about 45 minutes away from our house so we didn't have to leave until about 12 because we had already camped out to get our wristbands and the signing didn't start until 1. Me and megan changed outfits so many times before I decided on my top that says 1D on it and some cream coloured jeans and Megan settled for her 'Mrs Harry Styles' jumper and chinos. Yeah, her favourite was Harry. I didn't really have a favourite, I just liked all of them equally.

Now I had the issue of doing my hair. Megan just brushed hers through and put a clip in it but I had very curly hair so it took me a lot longer. In the end I settled with it down with a clip with a flower in at the front.

'are you girls ready!' Dan shouted up the stairs

'almost' I replied. To be honest I got on better with Dan than Megan did and I argued a lot more with Megan than I did with Dan.

'well hurry' he shouted back. We grabbed our bags after making the final touches to our hair and makeup and ran downstairs.

'were going to meet One Direction!!!' I squealed as we climbed into the car.

'don't squeal like that in front of them or they will think you are some kind of freak, oh wait, you are' Megan said, laughing

'Meg, leave her alone' Dan said. I just folded my arms and sat back in my chair and refused to let her spoil the best day ever! We sat silently in dans car until we finally pulled up outside the shopping centre and parked.

'come on' Megan shouted as we walked inside to see hundreds of teenage girls looking around excitedly.

'wristbands' a security guard asked. Me and Megan held out our arms and he nodded and sent us to the queue.


'OMG! Daisy!!' Megan shouted as we joined the end of the queue.

'Megan!! You like One Direction?' the blonde haired girl caked in orange make up replied

'well yeah!!!' she said

'umm you know her?' I asked awkwardly

'she's my friend from college' Megan explained

'you know, erm, her?' Daisy asked, looking at me disapprovingly

'sadly yes, she's my dads girlfriends daughter' Megan said

'I can hear you you know!' I interrupted

'your point?' Megan said abruptly. I rolled my eyes and left them talking. Dan walked up to me.

'what's up with her?' he asked me

'it's her friend from college and they are being horrible so im pretending not to know them' I replied. Dan rolled his eyes.

'she's so two faced, just leave her!' he advised 'are you okay here if I go?' he asked

'yeah I'm fine' I replied as he handed me a sandwich and walked off. After about half an hour we heard screams coming from the front of the queue. One Direction had arrived! The queue seemed to be going so slowly! About an hour later we were nearing the front of the queue and I had no one to talk to so I settled for Megan.

'Megan?' I began

'what do YOU want' she said

'I was bored so, at least talk to me for a bit?' I suggested

'fine! What do you want to talk about!! She said

'I don't mind' I replied

'how about you let me go first in the queue' she suggested

'but I want to go first, and im already infront of you!' I protested

'quit whining like a baby and let me go first!' she said pushing me aside.

'I don't whine like a baby! You've been out to get me since the day your dad got with my mum! You put me down every day and I have had enough!' I shouted, finally being pushed over the edge with her insults

'you did not just accuse me of that!' she replied, moving towards me. By now we were really close to the front of the queue.

'yes, yes I did! Before you moved in I had my own room and could have friends round whenever I wanted without having to worry that you will embarrass me! And since you came into my life I have to put up with all these insults making me feel really self conscious!' I replied, letting out all my anger.

'you think I am happy about having to move into your scummy house and share a house with YOU and your brother and..' she began

'Leave Dan out of this' I interupted

'anyway, my father is making me call your mother mum! That woman is not my mother! If it wasnt for her I would still be in my old house, going to my old school with all my old friends and I could go out with my family without having to ditch them!' she said hurt fully. We were next in line to see One Direction. Megan took another step towards me intimidatingly. 'I HATE you!' she screamed. Suddenly she threw her fist towards me and I could see it heading straight for my face. I froze on the spot, I couldn't move! Her fist met my cheek with a lot of power, sending me flying backwards. Me head smacked down on the floor and I cried out in pain. I lay there for a minute as I felt her kicking my side, pain rushing through my body. 'get up! Wimp!' she shouted as I slowly opened my eyes to see her being dragged away from me by a security guard as I felt the last of her painful kicks on my ankles. I shut my eyes again because i was in so much pain. I threw my hand up to my throbbing nose and felt something wet run in between my fingers. Oh no! I really hate that girl!


Comment your honest opinion!!! Meg!xox

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