Remembering Family

By SailorGirl9574

15.2K 178 277

*Spoilers* Her family was kidnapped, Amy was remembering her. Now what? *STORY LINE BELONGS TO ME* ALL CHARA... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue Part One
Epilogue Part 2
Epilogue Part 3

Chapter 2

1.4K 17 30
By SailorGirl9574

"I did it so I could help you guys find out more!" He shouted, using his hands to speak. "And don't forget what I got from them." He added.

"Yes, thank you for the caches. But that doesn't change the fact that if you hadn't betrayed us in the first place the Neverseen never would've gotten Kenric's cache in the first place." I growled. 

Sophie.... Fitz warned. I could sense the anger in Fitz's mind. He wasn't trying to hide it from me. 

"You don't understand." He said, his voice cracking once again. 

"Understand what? Wanting more info on your family? Wanting to help friends? I do that without betraying them. What don't I understand Keefe?" I said, crossing my arms.

"My mom had something planned for me." I scoffed. 

"And I have something planned for me, don't I? Hm? Or did you forget the fact that I'm genetically engineered and based off Alicorn DNA. Forget the fact that I'm meant  to fight against the Neverseen?" I interrupted.

"Project Lodestar." He blurted. "I was part of that." He mumbled. 

"And I'm part of Project Moonlark! The significance of Project Lodestar? Tell me that. Tell me that, Keefe."

"Tell me the significance of your project? Hm? Little puppet. Horse girl" He said, losing his temper.

"The significance? Change the Elvin world for the better. At least I don't betray my friends. Horses are loyal. And I am not a puppet." I said easily. "Now, what's the significance of your little project?" 

"To defeat you." He muttered. The anger in the room intensified. I didn't need to be an empath to know that.

"You joined a defeat me?" I said, staring at him with wide eyes. 

"I needed the info, Sophie." 

"And I needed, well need,  info on a lot of things! Some of them the Neverseen probably have! Does that mean I go around betraying my friends and joining a project that is working against one of my best friends? No!" 

"You're not assertive enough!" He accused. 

"How's this for assertive?" I started. "I. Currently. Hate. You." I growled. "Huh? How's that, Sencen?" 

"Sophie." Fitz said out loud. He knew I was about to cross a line, one that I wouldn't be able to come back from. The sound of our cognate rings snapping together filled the silence that Fitz's warning created. I sat back down, in between Tam and Fitz again. 

Sophie..... Fitz said, and I mentally sighed.

I know, Fitz. I shouldn't have lost control there. I replied, already knowing what he was going to say. 

You deserve to let loose sometimes. I just wish it wasn't in front of the councillors. 

Wonder what they'll do to me now. 

Nothing. If anything they might do something to Keefe. Judging on how they're staring at him. 

Why won't he tell us what he knows about Nightfall? 

I don't think the info is for Natalie's ears. 

Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But it's her mom and dad we're talking about. Doesn't she deserve to know?

And what if Nightfall is a disturbing place? Do we want her to know that her parents were there? He reasoned. I fidgeted with my gloves, pulling them off and gripping Fitz and Tam's hands. Tam was playing with his enhanced ability to play with shadows, and Fitz's presence in my brain became noticeably stronger.

Why'd you take off your gloves? Fitz asked. 

For Tam. I want him to know what it feels like to be enhanced. I replied.

But why now? 

Because I just remembered now. I'm not going to have him do a read on Keefe. Not yet at least.

Maybe having a read on Keefe wouldn't hurt though. I admit, I thought of the same thing when Keefe returned. Though the two despise each other. 

I think it's the only way I'll ever be able to let Keefe in again despite what he did for me. He betrayed us, and while he's getting what he deserves........

You still don't know if you can fully trust him or not, or if he came back on his own accord or for a Neverseen job. 


"Can you guys please stop talking in your minds?" Dex whined. 

"I want to do a read on Keefe." Tam blurted. Keefe shook his head in protest. 

"What are you afraid of?" Biana said. "We let you off the first time, but now that you've betrayed us, how are we supposed to trust you have the right motives for coming back?" She continued. 

"I don't trust Tam." He said scrunching his nose up.

"Why?" I asked before Tam could. 

"Because he's a shade.

"And I'm a telepath, inflictor, polygot, enhancer and can teleport. If his ability is the reason, why do you trust me? My blocking is invincible. Isn't that untrustworthy?" 

"Because I've known you longer and telepaths have rules."

"It's not like Tam is reading you without your permission." I said, scoffing. 

"I don't like him." Both Tam and Linh were getting frustrated. 

"What do you have against me other than my ability?" Tam said, letting his frustration out. 

"You! You in general!"

"Because I'm a twin?" He accused. Keefe didn't respond, giving us our answer. 

"Keefe. I lived with humans. Dex has triplets for siblings. Why is Tam any different than Dex and I? What is wrong with having a twin? You don't have anything against Linh. If I had a twin would you hate me?" I said calmly. 

"Because twins." He muttered. I could tell Tam was about to lunged at him and punch him. I shook my head at Tam, knowing it wouldn't be a good idea. 

"If you hate twins so much, why don't you hate me?" Linh spoke.

"I don't trust you because you don't seem to trust my friends." 

"Why is he even your friend?"

"Because at least I'm loyal and don't betray her." Tam snapped. 

"Tam is my friend because I chose to be his friend." 

Thank you. Tam shadow-whispered to me. We didn't do it often, but we still sometimes did it. 

No problem I said, giving him a small smile.

"You two can talk in your heads too?" Keefe said with a groan.

"It's called shadow-whispering." Tam muttered. 

"You want more reasons I'm friends with Tam?" I said, knowing he did. He nodded.

"I'm friends with Tam because he's kind, and genuine. Did you know that he went to Exilium because Linh had to go? He did no wrong. He's a loving friend and a loyal one, and he's trustworthy. I know he wouldn't betray me. We understand each other." I said. "I see no reason why he shouldn't be trusted because he's a twin, which I think is awesome by the way, or because he's a shade." 

"The Neverseen has a shade that is twice as powerful as he is." He exclaimed. Fitz remained quiet. 

Fitz?  I transmitted.

Yeah? He responded. 

Does that info make you nervous? 

I think Tam is really powerful. I just think he needs time to practice. It doesn't really help that there isn't that many Shades around. I don't think there is a mentor for one. 

You think he can get better than the Neverseen's shade?


"I think Tam can beat the Shade. He just needs a mentor, which Foxfire doesn't have." I stated confidently. Tam straightened his posture smiling at me. 

Exillium didn't really have one either. I don't know how I'd be able to get help if the only known shade was in the Neverseen. I'm not joining the Neverseen. Nope. Not gonna do that. Tam shadow-whispered to me. 

Well, we can ask the councillors if they know any Shades willing to help a fellow shade out. I replied, and he nodded.

"I have a question." I spoke. All eyes turned to me, and all side conversations stopped. I glanced at Natalie, who was still looking bewildered. 

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