soulmates // phan

By emily_shantelle

11.5K 663 945

in which dan and phil are soulmates. a world when someone draws on themselves, it shows on their soulmate's s... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
hi all!

chapter seven

881 56 57
By emily_shantelle

Dan woke up in Phil's arms. He smiled. He loved waking up to this.

He remembered the night before and how well it went with Louise. He closed his eyes for another blissful moment before opening them again.

He somehow got up without waking Phil, and replaced his presence with a pillow which sleeping Phil immediately held.

Something about this made Dan's heart flutter. He loved Phil, he really did.

Well, of course he did. They were soulmates.

Dan left the room after putting on sweatpants and a shirt, as well as grabbing his phone, and he went into the kitchen to get some yogurt or something else for breakfast.

He had work at ten-thirty, and it was only eight-thirty, so he was fine. He scrolled through the Tumblr app and ate his yogurt, tapping his foot.

About fifteen minutes later, Phil was awake and walking toward Dan, slightly aloof as he was not a morning person.

"How'd you sleep?" Dan asked, locking his phone and putting it face down on the table.

"Pretty good," Phil said, "It helps to have someone with me. But I did notice you replaced a pillow with yourself."

"I did so I wouldn't wake you," Dan said, "Besides, it was rather cute seeing you hold onto it for dear life."

"Oh god, please don't tell me you took a picture," Phil said.

"No, dammit! Missed opportunity," Dan laughed, "Oh well, I'm sure I'll get another chance someday."

"Never," Phil said, "I will always be vigilant."

"How can you be vigilant when you're unconscious?" Dan asked with a chuckle.

"Shut it," Phil laughed, finally sitting down at the small table across from Dan.

"How'd you sleep?" Dan asked.

"Great," Phil said, "Thanks to you."

Dan blushed, "Oh stop."

"No way," Phil said, leaning over the table and kissing Dan's nose.

"You're so cheesy," Dan said. His face continued to heat up.

"I know, but you love it," Phil said, "But do you work today?"

"Uh, yeah," Dan said, "At ten-thirty."

"Aw man," Phil said, "I was hoping to spend the rest of the day with you."

"I get off at four," Dan said, "If you want we can hang out later."

"Yeah, that'd be good," Phil smiled, "Sorry I've been hanging with you so much. You're probably getting sick of me."

"Not even close," Dan said, "I love hanging out with you. I just love you, Phil."

"I love you, too."


When Dan got to work, it was Louise's day off. The person to open and the person that worked with Dan that day was Chris, which Dan now knew was Phil's ex-boyfriend's current boyfriend, and Dan was now Phil's.

Dan was aware of Chris being Pj's soulmate. Dan wasn't sure if he should not like Chris, so he tried to stay away from him for the day, which would be difficult as he would be spending the whole of his work day with him.

"Morning, Dan," Chris said cheerily, "How are you, mate?"

Chris was a hard guy to hate. He was always happy, nice to almost everyone and great at his job. He also had some of the same interests as Dan.

"Fine," Dan said, avoiding eye contact as he clocked in. He then took a seat at the reception desk and sorted some papers.

"That's, uh, that's good."

Dan didn't reply. He felt like such an ass.

He soon got up to rearrange books in a corner away from Chris, and the rest of the work day continued as such, until it was finally closing time and Dan was ready to rush off to his home. He was about to leave when Chris stopped him at the door.

"I don't know if it has anything to do with me, but what's wrong? It seems like you're put off about something," Chris queried.

"Well the fact that you took a part in making my boyfriend's life hell at one point makes me quite upset," Dan snapped. He instantly regretted it, but he kept his serious expression.

"I-What are you on about?" Chris asked. He really had no idea.

"Phil Lester, sound familiar?" Dan said, "Pj was his boyfriend for a time."

"Oh," Chris said, "That was so long ago."

"It doesn't matter," Dan said.

"That's right, it doesn't," Chris said, "Phil wouldn't have met you if it weren't for Pj breaking up with him."

"Didn't he cheat though?" Dan asked rhetorically, "Oh right, he did. He went and fucked you before even thinking twice about how it would make Phil feel. He didn't deserve that."

"I didn't know they were still together when-"

"Phil told me everything. When Pj came home to him and confessed days after, how it made him feel. You should be ashamed to be with someone who would do that to a person."

"Pj's my soulmate," Chris interfered, but Dan shook his head.

"So?" Dan couldn't think of anything else to say.

"I still don't see what your problem is," Chris said, "It's not like it's my fault. If you should be mad at anyone it should be Pj, the one that actually initiated the whole thing with me. I was just the one who happened to he his soulmate. So excuse me."

Chris then shoved past Dan and stormed out the door, bumping into someone on the way out: Phil, who was there to pick up Dan.

Chris had tears falling, and Dan just looked angry. Phil didn't look too happy either, seeing as someone he didn't like very much just ran into him.

"Goddammit," Chris cursed, "Of course you're here."

Phil's eyes widened as he remembered the painful memory. Chris looked somewhat worried, but still looked stern.

The door slammed open at Phil and Pj's house. Pj was home!

Phil stood up to greet his boyfriend, when Pj rushed past him. He grabbed a suitcase and began to stuff it with his possessions.

"Peej..?" Phil asked, "What's gotten into you?"

"I don't love you anymore," Pj said flat out, "It's over."

Phil's heart immediately shattered into pieces, "Peej, I-I don't..."

"I met my soulmate," Pj said, stopping his packing and facing Phil, "Look, I've been seeing someone else for a few days, and I'm sorry, I really am, but I just need to be with him.

"I can't believe this, I thought you and I were soulmates?" Phil was heartbroken.

Pj rolled up his sleeves and showed him the marks, "If you were my soulmate, you'd have these! Anything you write on yourself shows up on the person you're really supposed to be with, you dimwit. I can't believe you never knew that," Pj dryly laughed.

The tears began to fall from Phil's eyes, "Why did you play me like that?"

"You were just a game to me," Pj said, "I never loved you. Or, maybe I did at one point, but I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You've always been so conceited and you're too clingy. I can't deal with it anymore. You're on your own."

"You know what, Pj Ligouri?" Phil spat, "Fuck you." Then he slapped him across the face, "Get your shit and get away from me. I never want to see you again."

And even though they were both crying and Phil was sobbing once Pj slammed the door, it was over.

Phil was crying when Chris shoved him out of the way. It brought him back from his memory and he looked over his shoulder at Chris who had dried tears staining his cheeks. He got into his car and flipped Phil and Dan off before speeding away.

Dan rushed out to Phil and saw his state before hugging him tightly, "Phil, what happened? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

Phil just shook his head. He was crying rather hard now. "I'll bring you inside," Dan said, guiding Phil to the library and bringing him to a seat.

Dan hugged him again, "What happened?"

"Seeing him brought it all back. The pain I felt; everything," Phil cried out, "I don't want to linger on the past. I hate myself."

"Don't say that," Dan said sadly, "I love you, Phil. It's okay to cry. It's healthy and a natural human response to situations like this."

"I'm sorry," Phil said. He really was broken. Well, he felt happy with Dan, but the sadness was still there some days.

Dan just kissed him sweetly, his lips lingering on Phil's for a couple of seconds.

"I don't miss him," Phil said, "I just miss some of the things we did. I miss staying up late with him and just talking about all of my problems, and I miss living with someone. I am so happy with you, Dan, and I love you, but sometimes I just really want those feelings back.

"I completely understand how you feel," Dan said. He kneeled on the ground next to the chair Phil was sitting in.

"I'm really glad I have you, Dan," Phil said.

"I'm glad you're in my life," Dan said, "Move in with me."

Phil smiled, despite the dried tears on his face, "Okay."

They kissed again.

/a/n heyoooo so I would've updated a few days ago but my internet was down

That's still no excuse and I still always update like at 10-12 at night and it's been almost a month since my last update but I'm still alive so that's cool I guess?

I failed a test in my Government class at school RIP

also I'm probably not getting any sleep tonight so that's a thing

but anyway no one cares so I'll not update for another month probably but I hope you liked the plotty chapter. :)


-emo goose

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