Fallen but Not Broken {Destie...

By chey319

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The angels have fallen. Castiel lost his grace, and is now a human. He experiences hunger, cold, need, but st... More

Chapter 1: A Fallen Angel
Chapter 2: Let's Get You Cleaned Up
Chapter 3: Shower Incidents, Awkwardness, and Suspicion
Chapter 5: I Can Hear the Sirens
Chapter 6: Sam the Man with the Plan
Chapter 7: Missing
Chapter 8: What Now
Chapter 9: Am I Dreaming?
Chapter 10: What? I Like Dream You
Chapter 11: Fallen for a Fallen Angel
Chapter 12: Bounty Instead of a Halo Above Your Head
Chapter 13: Losing My Religion
Chapter 14: Another Case
Chapter 15: They Killed Kevin! Those Bastards!
Chapter 16: Friend of the Devil
Chapter 17: Honey I'm Home
Chapter 18: Day Off
Chapter 19: Trial
Chapter 20: Isn't the End
Author's Note

Chapter 4: A Weeping Angel (not sorry)

39.5K 1.5K 2.3K
By chey319

Dean woke up, mumbling to himself. Rubbing his eyes, he lazily swung his legs over the edge of the bed and brought himself to the doorway. He leaned up against it, trying to keep his balance, yawning. Suddenly, he heard the sound of a muffled cry coming from the opened bedroom door down the hall. He checked his watch. 3 am. He figured no one would be up, so he went to investigate the noise. When he reached the room that was the source of the disruption, he knocked on the door, which fell open.

"Cas?" Dean assumed.

The sounds of sobbing never paused, so Dean approached the dark haired man and sat next to him on the bed, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Cas, it's okay. I'm here, and nothing is going to happen to you," Dean cooed to the fallen angel.

The sobbing slowed, then finally Castiel looked up into Dean's eyes, a tear streaming down his cheek.

"Dean, I went against my own. I went against Heaven. At one point, I even betrayed you and your brother. Dean, I almost killed you for the angel tablet. I killed the angel we searched so deparately for. I teamed up with Crowely. Don't tell me it's going to be okay, when we both know that is a lie," Cas snapped, straining himself from bursting into another fit of tears.

Dean looked away from Castiel's face before speaking again, "I know Cas, while all of that was true, at the time those events occured, you felt you had no other choice. I'm positive I would've done the same thing if I was in your wings. I forgive you, Castiel. Don't be so hard on yourself. I know you're human now, and I'm going to try my best to help you figure everything out," Dean shifted to look at Castiel, "You don't have to go through this alone, Cas. I'm here for you, we're all here for you."

A single tear stained Cas' cheek. He shifted under the duvet and turned away from Dean.

"Then why do I feel so alone?" Cas questioned with a broken voice.

"What would make you feel better?" Dean empathized.

"Maybe... could you keep me company tonight? I had a nightmare and I don't wish to have another one," Castiel beseeched.

"Sure, buddy. I'd be happy to," Dean smiled down at the shadowy figure, manuevering around the bed to the other side and sliding under the covers next to the fallen angel.

"Thank you, Dean," Castiel mumbled before nodding off.

Dean smiled, gawking at the snoozing body in company with him. He tried to imagine the years since he's known him. At first, he thought of him as a big bag of dicks, but then he rebelled. I rebelled and I did it -- all of it -- for you. The fallen angel's words began to loom around Dean's mind. After his rebellion, he became family. The only person he cared for more was Sammy. He would, without hesitation, do anything for either of them.

He took in the sight of the man nuzzled against his own body and whispered, "Good night, angel," before he laid down and began to doze off himself.

Castiel peeped one eye open to watch Dean, then after making sure he wasn't going to abandon him, he felt himself ease up and fall asleep again.


Dean woke up first. He looked up at the tangle of sheets that he was under, then over his shoulder to the peacefully asleep man. He beamed down at the figure before crawling out of the bed and padding across the room. Before reaching the door, he was caught in a warm embrace that had approached him from behind.

"Good morning, Dean," Castiel yawned into Dean's shirt.

Dean moved away and ruffled Castiel's hair.

"Did you sleep well? Any nightmares?" Dean hoped.

Castiel sluggishly nodded, rubbing at his eyes.

"Good. Say, why don't we go downstairs for some breakfast, I'm sure everyone is awake by now," Dean encouraged.

The two of them descended downstairs and towards the kitchen, where Sam and Kevin were already half way done with breakfast.

"Breakfast is almost done, why don't you two go wait out in the living room and we'll bring it out when it's ready, okay?" Kevin suggested.

The two agreed and waited patiently in the other room, making small conversation.

"So, Cas, how do you think about being human?" Dean inquired.

"I find it quite annoying. Constant urination, eating, pain, emotions. It's very overwhelming," Castiel quite blankly stated.

"Yea, that's humans for ya," Dean chuckled, raising his beer to his lips and taking a sip or two, then setting it down on the table. 

Sam and Kevin came bustling into the room carrying hot plates with vairous breakfast foods strewn about them. One was set in front of Dean, another in front of Castiel, and the others were for themselves. They all ate in the room and conversed amongst themselves, and Kevin went to work after he was done. Sam took all of the used plates back to the kitchen and began to clean up.

"I think I found us a case," Sam came back into the room, drying off his hands with a towel.

"What is it?" Dean questioned, stitching his eyebrows together in confusion.

"Well, there is this one town in Wisconsin, usually crime free, but now.." Sam drifted.

"Shit hit the fan?" Dean further poked.

"Yea, they started killing their own spouses, and of all nights, it was on the couple's anniversary," Sam added.

"Sounds like our kind of thing," Castiel budded in.

"Castiel, why don't you stay here while me and my brother go check this out?" Sam implied.

"No, Sam. Thank you for finding the case, but there is no way in hell I'm letting you go, you're still healing from the trials. If Cas is going to be human and be around for a while, he might as well learn to hunt, and this seems like a relatively small case. You need to sit this one out, Sammy," Dean demanded.

"Figured as much, I'll text you the coordinates and additional information while you guys head over there," Sam declared.

Dean nodded, grabbing his coat, and gesturing Castiel to follow him out to the Impala. Once they left, Kevin turned to Sam curiously.

"Wow, didn't think you'd give up that quickly, Sam," Kevin stated shockingly.

"I have a plan," Sam smirked before exiting the room to the library.

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