A problem shared is a problem...

By claraalonso_fans_

3.1K 72 63

This story is about Angie and making a tough decision and while making that decision she remembers her past a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 part 2
Chapter 3 Thoughts
Chapter 4 IT'S NOTHING!!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 "You Seem To Make Her Happy "
Chapter 7 House or Mansion
Chapter 8 Birthday and the past
Chapter 9 Fransisco and trip
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20

Chapter 19

118 3 15
By claraalonso_fans_

I went to the Castillo's house after work. For the usual, to teach Violetta.

"Hello Ms. Carrara" says Violetta as she walks down stairs for our class.

I'm guessing she is mad about what happened today in class, but it had to happen they were interrupting my class.

Violetta's POV

We started our work. I'm mad at Angie for what she did today but I know she had all the right to do so, but it was rude also she could have asked us to leave her class nicely.

As we were in the middle of our work her phone started ringing like crazy at first she didn't answer the first 3 calls but the fourth time she took it.

"Hello, Angie speaking" she says

" WAIT WHAT" she says

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE TOOK HER?" She says into the phone.

"OKAY YOU CALL THE POLICE AND ILL GO LOOK FOR THAT DICK" she says and I was a bit surprised.

"Hey girls" says my dad as he enters the house.

"Hello dad" I say

"Germán, I'm sorry but I have to leave early it's in emergency if that's okay with you?" She ask my dad.

"Sure, it fine you can go early" He says

"Okay, Thank you. Violetta just finish your homework and we will continue tomorrow" she says

"Do you need a ride anywhere?" Ask my dad as he see's how nervous she looks.

"Let my dad drive you Angie" I say

"Yeah sure" she says trying to calm down

"Let's go then" I say as we head to the car.

My dad starts driving as Angie gives him directions. We arrived to some house. She gets off from the car and head towards the house. Dad and I just stay in the car and wait.

"Open up" she says


A man then comes out. He seemed scary Angie started to shake she seemed to be scared by him.
Angie and him seemed to be arguing I don't know about what I couldn't quite hear anything about what they were saying.

Angie's POV

"Where is she?" I asked

"What are you talking about" he says as he comes closer to me.

"Where is she!!" I start saying pissed off

"I don't know what your talking about" he says coming closer to me.

Patrick came rushing towards me and he punches Francisco really hard that made him fall down to the floor. The police arrested Francisco and they had to control Patrick because he wanted to hit him again. I went into the house and I found hope knocked out with blood all over her.

I screamed for help.

Patrick came in and he stood there shocked and the left out. I then heard screaming.


I then heard sirens and paramedics came in and put Hope on a stretcher and started to put in a oxygen mask on. I asked if I could go with them but they said that it would be to croweded so just to head to the hospital myself and start filling out papers.

I headed outside and they were about to take Francisco.


He just started laughing as they took him. Patrick went with them to testify and all that. I headed to Germán's car to ask him something.

"Hey, can I please ask you a big favor" I say

"Yeah" He says

"Can you please drive me to the hospital?" I ask

He said yes I got into the car and he started to drive to the hospital I kept freaking out knowing that something could happen to Hope.

Violetta's POV

Patrick punched this guy and he went in to the house then very soon after he came back outside and tried to punch this guy again but the police had to hold him back but he started to scream at this guy.

Angie came out with the paramedics they had someone on the stretcher I couldn't see who it was but I could see there was a lot of blood. Angie asked my dad if he could drive her to the hospital he said yes and now we are headed there.

As soon as we got there my dad and I went down with Angie because we didn't want to leave her alone at this time. They gave Angie some papers to fill out. We all sat down in the waiting room.

Angie starts to cry out of no where. A nurse came and tried to calm her down he finally was able to He then left.

"I should have known" says Angie in tears

My dad hugged her trying to comfort her. She just started to cry into my dads chest.

"Maria was right" Says Angie saying my moms name.

"What was Maria right about" Asked my dad

"He was trouble from the start. I always fall for the wrong guys I can't never fall for those sweet loving guys" she says crying even more

My dad and I still didn't know what she was talking about but we went along with it. We really didn't know what to tell her we didn't want to make her feel worse.

"I need to call my mother" says Angie

"Why?" I asked

"She needs to know the truth" she says and dad and I are even more confused.

"You guys don't happen to have a cellphone with you?" Asked Angie my dad handed her his phone. Angie went to call my grandma in private.

Angie's POV

"Mom?" I asked into the phone

"Angeles" She says happy

"I need you to come to Buenos Aires" I say

"Is everything okay with Violetta?" She asked worried

"Yes, But your other granddaughter isn't" I say finally

"Other granddaughter?" She asked

"It's a long story. But my daughter she's 14 years old and her name is Hope she's a sweetheart. She is hurt really badly and I think it's time she meet you and I stop hiding her from you" I say finally being able to tell her the truth.

"You have a daughter" my mom said surprised.

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