We All Deserve To Care For Ou...

By ResilientBella

8.6K 113 38

Self care is so crucially important with ones health, physically emotionally and mentally! Without caring for... More

Your Survival Skills
Your Survival
Enjoy Your Time Alone
Taking Me Time
Love Yourself Unconditionally
Instagram Can Harm Your Mental Health If You Look At Right Angle
Enjoy Life
Life Gets Better
Take A Deep Breath
Self Care
Worthy Risks
Things Will Get Better, I Promise
You Matter
What Scares You?
Your Problem?
Self Challenges
Who You Are?
You Are Amazing!
Self Care Tasks
Self Care Activities
Your Approval?
Self Care
Thinking Strategies
Your Beauty
Never Give Up!
You Can!
Your Happiness!
Screw Society, Be Yourself
10 Ways To Lift Your Spirits
Forgive Yourself
Self Change
Live The Life You Want!
Just Love Yourself
You Can Change!
Be Nice
You Deserve To Take A Nap
Be Kind With Yourself
You Will Be Okay
True Beauty Defined
Your Worth
Take Care Of Yourself
Everything Will Be Okay, Don't Worry
You Are Strong Enough!
Mindful Breathing
Strength & Courage
Your Doing Great!
You Are Your Own Hero
There's Light At The End Of This Pain
What Matters
We Are Unique And Equal
The Burning Man
Imagine How You'd Feel If You Hold On...
Your Mental Condition Does Not Define You
You Are Beautiful!
You Are More Than Your Past
You Are...
You Are Complete
Isolation, Starvation, Depressed...
I'm Allowed To...
I Am...
Self Care Practices
I Will Not...
Self Hate
Resisting Change?
Life Learning Moments
We All Have Reasons To Live & Believe
Do This For Yourself
Thought Of The Day
Let Life In
Love Yourself First Before Everyone Else
Be Kind To Yourself
Don't Give Up On Yourself
How You Treat Yourself:
Self Care:
Be Gentle With Yourself
A Courageous Life
Take Care Of Your Whole Body
Know Your Self Worth
What If It Does?
Letting Go
It Takes Time; Be Patient
Take A Deep Breath
Understand The Wisdom Of Reality
You Have It Within Yourself To Win This Battle
It's Time
We're Mentally Ill But Mentally Healthy
Your Moment: Destiny Is Calling You
Love Oneself
Mental Illness Stigma
The Greatest Revolution
Your Mission
Your Are Good Enough
Monsters Demons
Humans & Humanity
Heart & Brain
Rise up Now
Take Your Chances
A Fight Song
Regret: Chances
Take Chances...
Reveal Yourself & Don't Be Afraid
Don't Make Decisions When You're...
Love When You Are Ready...
Life Is Imperfect: Accept That!
Demonizing Thoughts
Prepare Yourself
Making The Right Decisions
Obsess Over Yourself
Love The Mind
Judge & Laugh
The Heart?
It's Time
Don't Blind Yourself
Life's Tough, So Are U!!!
What Truly Matters...
You're A Surivor: That's Amazing!!!
True Life Lessons To Be Learned
You Gotta Save Yourself
Self Love!!!
Begin Again
Recreating Yourself After Relapse & Mental Illness
It's Never Too Late...
Take Back Your Life
Do What You Love
Self Belief
Be A Voice!
Recovery & Healing
Confidence Is Not...
Screw Society
Living The Imperfect Life
Happy New Year!
Ultimate Motivation
Relationships Matter
Happy Thoughts
I Am
Positivity Matters
A Goddess
Let's Get Past Our Past
Listen To Your Heart
Convincing Yourself
Happiness Is...
Feeling Good
Recovery Will Be...
True Friends
Each Moment...
Strong Women...
Learning To Love Ourselves
Fight For What You Believe In!!!
Fragile, Broken...
Pain & Suffering
The Rain Storm
Your Beautiful Just The Way You Are
Self Care Stuff
Your Thoughts...
Set Yourself Free From The Prison World
You Deserve Love
Self Compassion
Be In The Moment
Keep Learning...
What Kind Of World Do U Want?
Wrong & Right
Confident Theory
Take A Load Off
The Truth Is...
Everytime You...

Negative VS Positive

9 1 0
By ResilientBella

15 Differences Between Positive People And Negative People

As you know, it is a drastically different experience being around positive people versus negative ones. If you are striving to be more positive yourself, here are 15 ways you can do so:

1. "Failure is part of learning."

Positive people view failure as an opportunity to learn and get better. They understand that failure is an event, and doesn't define who they are. Negative people are emotionally disabled by failure because they allow it to define who they are. They fail to understand that it's part of the learning and growing process.
2. "I can do hard things."

Positive people love to be challenged. They understand that there is no growth without struggle. Positive people embrace difficulty, and look for ways to overcome them. Negative people love the easy road. Because obstacles increase the likelihood of failure, they try to avoid them like the plague. To negative people, hard times don't make you, they break you.

3. "I always give my best."

Positive people focus on giving their best effort, regardless of the situation. They understand that there are many things they cannot control, but effort is not one of them. No matter what, the positive person strives to give their best — even if it isn't much. Negative people want things to come easy to them. If they have to try hard, they believe they just aren't good at it and give up. They are more likely to give their absolute best if they know people are watching them.

4. "She is inspiring!"

Positive people are inspired by the success of others, they look at those who are excelling and ask themselves the question, "What can I learn from them?" Negative people become jealous and threatened by the success of others. To negative people, when others succeed it means they are failing.

5. "What can I do better?"

Positive people embrace feedback. Because they are always striving to get better, they are open to learn anything that will enhance their skill set. Negative people get offended when they receive correction or feedback. Instead of seeing it as means to improve, they interpret feedback as a sign of their incompetence.

6. "I give power to what I focus on."

Positive people focus on things they can control. They understand that their happiness is dependent on how they choose to respond to what happens to them. Positive people believe that they give power to what they focus on, so they use it wisely.

Negative people center their focus on things they can't control. For example, they ruminate over past conversations, beat themselves up on past mistakes, and allow their fear of the future to stop them in their tracks today.

7. "People can change."

Positive people know that the only thing that doesn't change is change. They believe that they can change, and that other people can change. Negative people believe that people are fixed; therefore, they don't try to improve because they believe, "What's the use?" Additionally, negative people don't allow others to change. Once a negative person puts a label on something, it's very difficult for them to see it in a different way.

8. "I still have a lot to learn."

Positive people love to learn. They understand information evolves, and what used to work 10-years ago, might not be effective today. Negative people believe they know it all, and are less likely to welcome new information if it contradicts what they believe. They care less about what's right, and more about who's right.

9. "Let's go big!"

A positive person isn't afraid to swing for the fences because they don't fear striking out. A negative person not only thinks small, but they also try to convince others that their dreams and aspirations are too big.

10. "Have you heard about [insert name]?"

Positive people build others up when they aren't around. Negative people tear people down to make themselves feel good.
11. "I am my own worst enemy or best friend."

Positive people have effective self talk. They are aware of the story they tell themselves, and don't allow their own thoughts to discourage them. Additionally, they are realistic with their expectations. Positive people don't feed themselves lies about their weaknesses or how difficult the situation is.

Instead, they tell themselves what they need to do to succeed. Negative people are their own worst enemy. They struggle to see the bright side of anything, even if they are successful. They are also masterful at focusing on all the negative aspects, and diminishing their own confidence.
12. "What is my body saying?"

Positive people carry themselves like champions. They are purposeful in the way they interact with people and their facial expressions show positivity. Negative people carry themselves small. They hang their heads, and look down. Just by looking at them, you would think they are mad, sad, or indifferent — definitely not happy.

13. "Teamwork makes the dream work."

Because they are team players, positive people will get behind and support ideas that are not their's — even if they might disagree with it. Negative people have a hard time fully supporting ideas they feel won't be successful. When an idea that wasn't their's doesn't succeed, they are sure to give their teammates the "I-told-you-so" expression.

14. "What's the bright side?"

Positive people have an attitude of gratitude. They can see the good in a situation, and don't take things for granted. Negative people struggle to see the silver-lining in difficult situations. They don't often take the time to stop and notice the positive aspects of a situation.

15. "You're so good!"

Positive people like to spread positivity. They pay close attention to when others do well, and they are quick to tell them. Negative people say, "Why would I compliment people for things they are supposed to do?" What they don't understand is, it's not about the compliment, it's about showing the other person that you notice them. A simple compliment can strengthen relationships and motivate the person to do even better. Positive people don't underestimate the power of encouraging words.

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