Valentine's Day One-Shot

By indecisive_child

652 11 5

Original story by @JessGirl93 More

Cole's POV

652 11 5
By indecisive_child

"So what are your plans tonight Jay?" I ask my brother while grabbing an apple off the counter.

"Nicole is supposed to come over after school. I'm not sure what we're going to do, though," he replies nonchalantly with a shoulder shrug.

I don't know what he sees in that girl. Yes, my opinion is biased since I've had a crush on the same girl for what seems like forever, but he seriously needs to rethink his choice. Knowing the two of them, things are probably going to get heated since it's Valentine's Day. Luckily I won't be at home to find out. I'm taking Tessa out for dinner and asking her to prom. I told her earlier this morning that I would pick her up later tonight.

"What are you doing on the day of love?" Jay asks me, a spark of curiosity visible in his eyes. Like he cares. He knew about the torture going on and didn't do anything to put an end to it. His girlfriend was torturing my Shortcake while I was gone and I'm still not okay with it.

"If you must know, I'm taking Tessa to dinner," I say before taking another bite out of my apple. Noticing the time I hurriedly finish my apple and then grab my bag before leaving.

On the way to school, I stop at the first flower shop I see. I have no idea what flowers to get Tessa so I go the classic route and buy red roses. When I get to school I make my way to her locker with the flowers, hoping she will be surprised. I am almost at her locker when I see her. Her back is towards me but her blonde hair is put in a high ponytail. She animatedly talks to someone, obviously not noticing my stalker habits. With my ego the size of Africa, I march up to her with the flowers like I own the hallway.

"Happy Valentine's Day, my lady," I announce, not caring who in the hallway looks. I quickly peck her cheek and then hand her the flowers.

A deep shade of red appears on her cheeks and a smile tugs at the sides of her lips. Soon she is smiling ear to ear.

"Thank you," she replies softly.

"Meet me after school?" I ask, to which she nods her head.

She walks towards her first class with the bouquet of flowers tucked in the crook of her arm while I walk towards my first class. I want tonight to be perfect. That's the thought running through my head the entire day. No one seems to care about what the teachers have to say since they are all discussing their Valentine's Day plans.

After what seems like forever, school is finally over and I find myself back at Tessa's locker, waiting. While waiting for her, I check my phone.

"She should be here by now," I think to myself. Once again I check my phone to see if she texted me, but she hasn't and it's well past the end of school. I try calling her, but it goes straight to voicemail. Right as I am about to give up after trying to call her seven times I notice her walking towards me. Her eyes don't have their usual sparkle. Instead, they're sad.

"What happened?" I carefully ask while pulling her close to my body, trying to comfort her. I don't like seeing Tessa sad.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Can you drive me home?" she asks with pleading eyes.

I can't say no to her, no matter what. Looks like tonight's plan is going to be a little different than what I originally had in mind. I nod my head in response to her question. With our fingers intertwined we leave the building and drive to her house. Minutes later we are parked with the engine off.

"Are we still on for tonight?" I ask. I know it makes me sound like I don't care about her feelings, but I need to know if our plans for the evening have been canceled because of whatever happened.

She just nods her head. She's been quiet all day. Not much talking or texting unless she needed to. I'm worried about her, but I don't want to push her to tell me. I want her to come to me. I care about her and I want her to know that.

"I'll see you later," she says as she gets out.

"What time are you picking me up?" she calls out as she reaches the door.

"Seven," I say with fingers as if she needs the visual help.

Once the door closes behind her I speed home. This evening has to be perfect. Whatever happened today really shook her. Jay's car is in the driveway when I get home. I enter the house and am greeted with silence. Soon enough I hear sounds coming from upstairs. I assume that it's Jay and Nicole. With no one around I eye roll at the thought. I call the restaurant to make sure our reservations are set and everything I have requested is ready. Then I go to my room to put the necklace I bought in my coat pocket. With spare time until I have to pick up Tessa I shower and then chill in my room.

When my phone reads a quarter to seven I leave to pick up Tessa. The car is blaring The Chainsmokers on the drive over. The car is parked so I check myself in the rear view mirror before going to ring the doorbell. I know this sounds cliche but the most beautiful girl I have seen comes out.

"Gorgeous," I say.

"Not too shabby yourself," she replies with a smirk. God, my personality is rubbing off on her. Together we walk to the car. Our hands are intertwined and resting on the center console the entire time. Being the gentleman I am, I open her door when we arrive at the little restaurant. The restaurant I chose is on the fancier side. I'm not loaded, but I'm able to treat my girl to a nice restaurant every now and then. Tessa seems to notice this since her eyes double in size, but she doesn't say anything.

"I have a reservation under the name Cole Stone," I tell the waitress who starts to eye me. Can't people tell I already have a girlfriend and am not interested?

Not getting the message she flirtily shows us to our table. We take our seats and begin looking at the menu.

"Ready to talk about whatever's bothering you?" I ask without looking up from the menu.

"I guess so. There's no point avoiding it any longer," she says with a sigh. I didn't think it would be that easy to get her to talk to me.

"Nicole managed to corner me today. What she said cut pretty deep. We used to be best friends and she continues to backstab me," she continues.

"Enough about me. What is this amazing date I hear you planned?" she asks with a smile that I know she is trying to put on for my sake.

I chuckle to myself before answering, "well, first of all, choose something to eat."

When our orders are placed we're staring at each other. Thinking it's the perfect moment I pull the box out of my coat pocket and place the Tiffany colored box in front of her.

"You didn't have to get me anything," is all she says as she opens the box to reveal a necklace.

"Yes, I did. You're my girlfriend and this is our first official Valentine's Day together. I also have something else for you, but you'll get it later," I say with a wink. Her gift isn't as sexual as I am making it sound. I don't want her to guess what I'm actually going to do.

The food arrives and I hear my stomach make noises. Tessa must have heard my stomach because soon she is in a fit of giggles. When our stomachs are full the waiter returns to take our plates. For the fourth time during the meal, he is eyeing Tessa in her dress. Of course, she looks hot, but that doesn't mean he can start undressing her with his eyes. Only I can so I shoot him daggers with my eyes. Well, I try to and he seems to get the message.

"That was a wonderful dinner Cole. Thank you," she says with her signature smile.

"There's one more thing," I say. I signal one of the waiters and whisper to him. He returns with a plate and sets it in front of Tessa. Her reaction is just what I wanted to see.

"YES," she squeals, then places a kiss on my lips.

A/N: Since this is kind of a cliche story to begin with, I chose to make Cole overly romantically cliche. Think of it as him making up for time lost since he spent so many years teasing Tessa.

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