Beyond the Snow: A Jack & Els...

Galing kay idiosyncratic_jas

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Beyond the Snow: A Jack & Elsa Story (Chapter 1)

Beyond the Snow: A Jack & Elsa Story (Chapter 2)

19 1 0
Galing kay idiosyncratic_jas

She turned around, almost hesitantly, and perused her stalker. Though Elsa knew of her power, she never completely knew what she was capable of with it. Fear, uncertainty and magic form an unstable mix, and to her, this amalgam was something others cannot know, let alone a stranger with a staff.

But there was something she didn’t immediately notice with the man who stared ardently at her.

“Your hair,” she muttered. 

As soon as she said those words, the austerity of the room was again replaced by the stranger’s cheerful demeanor.

“I know right? It’s flashy at first but you’ll get used to it.”

“It’s white. Is it like that ever since?” She asked.

To him, it was merely an inquiry of fashion, perhaps to lighten the mood which was exuded by the walls and pillars of ice. But to Elsa, it was more than that. It was a question that brought out a lot of memories – a single incidence from her childhood to be exact. The memory, among all others, served as the root of all her doubts and insecurities not only as a leader, but also as a friend. A series of lucid pictures flashed before her eyes, each with the intention of invoking a phrase which pierced her like a sword.

“I could have killed her.”

“Who?” As soon as he asked, a sense of sternness enveloped the queen.

“I’m going to ask from you only once,” Her voice raised. “Leave.”

He paused and eyed her.

“And if I don’t?”

“Then I will force you to leave.”

Her words were muffled by her trembling lips, but for the first time, he felt the weight of her threat. He held on to his staff and walked towards the window. A cold breeze came whistling, leaving a trail of snow as it disturbed the silence of the room. He closed his eyes as it brushed through his skin. All these years, he dreamt of knowing what it would have felt like to have that chilling sensation down one’s spine. But deep inside, he knew that even a blizzard would not be enough to quiver his, for in him was something far colder than absolute zero.

“Jack Frost,” He uttered. For a few seconds, there was silence. He looked up the sky and saw a glowing entity both he and Elsa were familiar with.

“That was the name everyone called me.”

The name was foreign to her. But peculiarly, she felt the need to listen to whatever this stranger has to say.

Drowning… that was the first thing I remember. I was beneath a sheet of ice, surrounded by water that felt like shards of glass. I wanted to fight whatever it was, but I was being pulled down by my own weight. I felt cold… empty… helpless. I couldn’t breathe. You see, I don’t fear death, but in those moments I realized I didn’t know fear either…”

“But then… the moon…”

“The moon… it… he saved me.”

“I never knew why, and perhaps I never will. At first, it felt like a dream. But I knew it was more real that it could possibly be. I thought that was it… that I would be happy and free again… that I would no longer have nightmares… I guess I was wrong, and the moon never told me how I am supposed to live my life as a…”

His voice trailed off.

“As a… what?”

She asked, her words now born of curiosity than provocation.

He only smiled.

“You see, Elsa, I know how you feel. I’ve been there before, and I’m still there. I know what uncertainty is… those nights when you couldn’t help but wonder why you were made this way. A part of me felt purposeless… like I was a mere wanderer… a ghost felt by everyone but known by none. Sometimes I wished my life ended back in those waters, but I knew that would be unfair, especially to those people who desired me. They may not see me the way I see myself, but watching them smile every time winter season comes… it was more than enough for me to feel real… to feel alive.”  

“What are you talking about?” She cut him off almost bluntly.

“I can see you, and you can see me. I don’t get where you are heading with this.” She turned her back from him.

“I appreciate all the talk, but you have to leave now.”

He only grinned and looked at her almost mischievously.

“Well, that’s the odd part.”

As soon as he said those words, he jumped out of the castle window which was about 50 meters high from the snow below.  Thinking the stranger could have been injured, Elsa darted towards it and gaped. What she saw was an unreal show.

The stranger flew and orbited the ice castle – a stunt which left her threatened for a split second. “Watch this!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. A tail of ice and frost followed his staff, creating random shapes and figures which harmonized perfectly with his playfulness. He soared back to the window and enticed her. But she was taken aback, but for the first time in forever, a tinge of warmth singed through her frozen heart.

“Who are you?” She asked with a mystified tone.

“To tell you honestly, I myself don’t know,”

“What I do know is this…”

He stretched his arms and staff, and in seconds, the room was rayed with glitters of rime, reflecting the moonlight which sliced through the transparent walls in every direction.

Elsa looked at Jack. And just like him, she felt alive.

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