I'm Not A Pokemon!

By TheBookwormMaddy

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I'm Not A Pokemon!
Chapter 1: Eggman's Horizons
Chapter 2: The Doctor's Find
Chapter 3: What happened to Sonic?
Chapter 4: A New Pokemon
Chapter 5: Team Dweeb!
Chapter 6: Sonic Goes With Team Rocket
Chapter 7: Sonic Fans
Chapter 8: Pokemon Plans!
Chapter 9: Giovanni
Chapter 10: It's A Trap!
Chapter 11: Obedience Training
Chapter 12: Hours
Chapter 13: The Unlucky Time
Chapter 14: The Big Boys
Chapter 15: Tipping Point
Chapter 16: Pokemon Team
Chapter 17: The Bad Guys?
Chapter 18: Getting Nowhere
Chapter 19: Just Saving The Day
Chapter 20: Egghead Action
Chapter 21: One To Go
Chapter 22: The Pokemon v A Pokemon
Chapter 24: Final Action
Chapter 25: Collars Again
Chapter 26: Bad Sonic
Chapter 27: April Fools, Sonic!
Chapter 28: It's After Midday, Idiot!
Chapter 29: Home Is...?
Chapter 30: The Unormal Normal

Chapter 23: It's Not All About YOU

701 32 5
By TheBookwormMaddy

Supremic held up the emeralds curiously, and while he could feel its power, it refused to react with him. He harrumphed and chucked it on the grass before violently kicking into Sonic, who retched blood in response. Supremic was embarrassed for him, he was so weak!

"I'm honestly curious, you know." Supremic muttered "Why did you think you could win?" The blue hedgehog didn't answer him, so he kicked him again "Answer me!" He ordered snappily and Sonic coughed pathetically.

"I-I don't... ugh..." The blue creature curled up, protecting himself "I don't know."

"Then why bother trying?" Supremic sneered, lashing out at Sonics back. 

"I'll always try... for my friends." Sonic gasped, as if in realisation, and started to get back up.

"Really?" Supremic laughed and pushed him back down, kicking him again. Sonic didn't give in, though. He tried to get up again. "So pathetic. And tiresome, too. Give in." He shot a powerful jet of water at Sonic, but he jumped to the side and skidded onto his side. "I can understand that without you, your friends are pretty screwed, but sometimes you have to think about yourself. I mean, if you keep coming after me, I'll kill you. I left you before, but I think I gave you enough chances..." He moved faster than Sonic could see and ripped him off the ground by his neck, like he did to Tails before.

"PIKACHU!" A screech came and Supremic cried out as a large voltage shot through him. He dropped Sonic and turned on the small yellow mouse.

"Supreem!" He snarled at it.

"PIKA!" Pikachu pointed at him "Pika pi! Pika pika!" Then it glared at Sonic and snapped at him "Pika pika pi!"

"I-I don't understand..." Sonic rasped, but as the oxygen flow got back to his brain, he started to understand them again.

"You were stupid not to call for help!" The pikachu declared furiously "Us Pokemon work together to win!"

"He's in no shape to help you, little rodent." Supremic snarled and took a deep breath, but before he could use an attack, Vector bowled into him, smashing him down. Sonic looked around in shock, where was everyone coming from?

"Sonic!" Amy knelt by him and gently took him in her arms "We need to get you to Eggman." She made a face "I never thought I'd say that."

"It does sound.. pretty weird!" Sonic smiled bravely, ignoring the pain "Take Tails first..."

"We already have. Come on, lean on me, try to walk. You can do it." She smiled encouragingly as she lifted him to his feet.

"The fight- I need to help-" He protested, glancing at Supremic as he battled them off, but Amy tutted at him.

"You'd only get in the way like this." She warned and nudged him away "Eggman can fix you up. As soon as he does, you can go back and battle." He sighed weakly and leaned into her and they walked together through the forest.

"Sonic, when I gave you the emeralds, what did I say?" Eggman roared.

"Don't run off?" 


"I lost them."

"You- YOU WHAT?" He clutched his face in horror "I willingly gave you the emeralds, and you lost them?" He started hyperventilating "This is why I don't do nice things. Oh Mobius, oh no."

"Calm down, Egghead." Sonic snapped "They're somewhere near where the other guys are fighting, so can you just hurry up with that potion thingy and let me go?"

"You're not needed there anymore." He sneered in reply "It's not all about you, you know, Sonic! Sometimes we don't need the hero." Eggman folded his arms "There's more to life than just strength and speed and power." He tapped his head "Sometimes this is all you need."

"Are you basically trying to tell me you have a plan?" Sonic muttered harshly.

"The plan's already in motion. The Sonic should be captured any minute now."

"Supremic." Sonic corrected.


"His name is Supremic." The hedgehog repeated. "Where did Amy go?"

"To get a potion. I ran out, but there's a pokemart near by." Eggman frowned at Sonic "When you find the emeralds, you're going to give them back to me."

"Oh, really?" Sonic flashed him a grin "What makes you say that?"

"You're a Pokemon."


"Pokemon in pokeballs can be crushed."

"And you think you can catch me?" Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"No, Sonic, I think I can catch Amy. I think I can catch Tails and Knuckles. I think I can catch-"

"Alright, I get it." Sonic glared at Eggman and Eggman glared back. "How about, you take half? Then we're even."


"I'm not giving ALL of them to you."

"Even for a friend?" Eggman grinned, but then gave a shake of his head "You can have two."

"How generous. And in return, can you reverse this?"

"Yes." He gave him an honest glance "I promise you a fair deal."

"I don't trust you, of course." Sonic returned.

"Of course." Eggman repeated with a smile as Amy skipped in and held out a bag.

"I got some!" She chimed "And the others are coming back, too!"

"Ah, good. Amy, you can attend to Sonic, right?" Eggman asked as he walked out.

"Sure!" She pulled out a potion and squirted Sonic, who gave a small cry of shock.

"Woah, Amy! A little warning wouldn't hurt!" He laughed as she squirted him again "Wow, that stuff does make you feel good."

"I know, right!" She tilted her head "I'm so glad you're ok, Sonic. Eggman was really worried that you were going to die."

"Really?" He blinked in surprise.

"He was probably worried about the emeralds rather than you, but it was nice to think that he cared." She beamed at him and dropped the potion in the bag "Now that they caught the Pokemon Sonic, we can all go home!" She jumped at him and hugged him as he squirmed uncomfortably "Everything can go back to normal!"

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