Saving Cara

By haileyyyeve

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Cara is a 17 year old girl who had lost her dad. She's a cheerleader and track star also in photography. She'... More

School Day:
Double trouble:
Dress Picking:
All Alone:
Beat up:
Bound to Cameron:
Fragile Like Glass:
Worst Wedding:
Fist Fight:
One Month:
Im Sorry:
He's Gone:

Its So Hard:

171 2 0
By haileyyyeve

/AN: The pics are pretty self explanatory. On the joggers if you want to go by what I want, which is make them more baggy, you can or not./

At first, when I figured out Gray had told Rebecca about Cameron, I was a little mad. I was mad until I heard that gray and her went through the same struggle. I wanted to all to her, but I didn't want to be a burden to her. My door barges open and Cameron walks in, he goes straight to my closet picking out my clothes.

"I'm not wearing this shirt Cameron." I say softly handing it back to him.

"Did I say you have a choice?" He seemed angry. When is he not?

"Is this how it's going to be?" I ask "you choosing my outfits and choosing everything for me." I clarify my question. He gets in front of my face and grabs my neck tightly, I fall to my knees, my eyes start to give up as I gasp for air. He let's go and I fall to the floor all the way, gasping and gasping for air.

"I know you've been hanging around Grayson." Cameron gets on top of me, his weight pressing down on my hurt ribs: I pound on his chest but he grabs my wrists. "I thought I thought you yesterday?" He yells "don't worry. You're family isn't here."

"Please." I beg Cameron his weight makes the sound of cracks and the wind blown out of me. Cameron gets off of me and I spit up blood. I gasp jaggedly holding my chest.

"We're not going to the hospital if you have a broken rib, I wouldn't know how to explain." He rustles his hair and grabs my hand forcing me up. I have no choice but to lean on him as I wheeze. He strikes my hair roughly and I try so hard not to cry, how helpless I probably looked. Cameron takes off my sweatshirt, revealing my boobs, he puts on a bra and pulls over my shirt.

"Lay down." He demands me, pointing to my bed. I lay down carefully not to hurt anything else, he takes off my pants and his eyes rake my legs. He puts on my sweatpants and throws me a jacket. "Come on." He grabs me and pain surfaces my lungs and ribs.

He halfway throws me in his car and goes to his side. I put on my hoodie, over my shirt. We sit in silence until he starts to talk.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Grayson!" He yells making me jump a little.

"We only talk a little." I whisper in defense.

"Only talk?" He yells "stop lying, you whore!" He shouts.

"Yes, we've only talked." I answer, he takes a quick glance at me and scoffs.

"You're such a lying bitch." He shakes his head in dismay. Suddenly pain flows up my torso, he had hit me in my stomach with his fist. I bend over in pain, holding my stomach. "Look what you made me do!"

I bend forward holding my stomach in pain. I cough from the sudden blow, trying to hold in the feeling of wanting to throw up all over Cameron's car.

"God you're weak!" He grabs my shoulder making me lean back onto the car chair. The car stops and we're finally at school, the ride seemed longer than usual, Cameron gets out and I do too. "Don't talk to him, you're MINE!" He points to himself pushing me up against his car. "Only MINE!" He grabs my jaw and kisses me roughly "don't do anything stupid." He threatened pushing me back, making me hit his car.

I walk into school with people's eyes on me. People whispering, people laughing, people giving me dirty looks. It's a constant reminder that no one likes me, not even me. I get to my locker and Grayson leans against the locker next to me.

"We can't talk." I whisper not looking at Grayson.

"Don't tell me it's because of him." Grayson scoffs when I don't answer. "You can't be serious, Cara?" He gets off from the lockers.

"I'll text you in first hour about it." I answer Grayson.

"But-" I cut him off.

"Gray, trust me." I look into his eyes and he nods. "Now, walk off with a little sad puppy face and I'll see you in first hour." I turned away and looked angry setting my things in my locker.

"Good actress." Grayson fake scoffed and walked away. I put on an angry face look and grabbed my stuff gently walking to my first hour from my painful ribs.

Class was loud and noisy due to the teacher being late. Grayson sits next to me pulling out his phone.

*Buzz* 'come over today.' I smile looking at Gray who sent it to me.

'Okay.' I send it to Grayson.

'My mom wants to talk to you, if that's okay?' He texted me. I look at him with  a worried look 'she really wants to help you!' I sigh and text back an okay.

"Okay class!" The teacher claps his hands and I jump a little. "Come on, get off your phone guys. You can text your 'bars' later." He said with air quotations, the class erupted and laughter.


I walk to my locker getting some books out. An arm snakes it's way around my waist.

"Skip second hour with me." Cameron's voice made me cringe "I'm horny and it's getting harder." He meant his dick.

"I can't." I whisper "my mom will kill me." My breathing hitches as cameron slides his hand up my stomach.

"You're coming wether you like it or not." He threatens. He grabs my stuff putting it back in my locker and grabs my arm. He shoves me inside of an empty classroom.

"Please Cameron, not at school." I beg. Cameron takes off my hoody and stares at me up and down. I shiver as he eye gawks me. He throws me into the teachers desk and he gets on top of me.

"Get off of her!" The door slams open, Cameron gets off of me and I see Grayson! I have never been so happy to see him!

"Get out of here Grayson!" Cameron yells.

"Come here Cara." Grayson says reaching out his hand.

"Cara, I will snap you in half!" Cameron yells.

"Cara trust me." Grayson says. I grab my hoodie and walk over to Grayson. Cameron gets in front of my face and Grayson holds me against his chest. "You better back up!" Grayson threatened in a low voice but still threatening.  Cameron walks off and I sigh in relief, Grayson turns me around and puts my hoodie on me. "We're skipping school." He answers and grabs my hand gently.


"Do you want to change?" Grayson asks. I nod as we step into his house, he  puts his hand on my back gently leading me up to his room. I hold myself as he searches in his closet for clothes. "Um I have shorts from my mom and a hoodie of mine, unless you want to wear yours?"

"I'll wear yours." I reply and he smiles. He hands me his hoodie and a pair of his moms shorts that are just exercise shorts. "Thank you." I say softly and he closes his door for me to change. I sigh and put on the hoodie to see it goes down to my mid thigh.  I walk down the stairs to see Grayson talking to his mom.

"Mom, please talk to her." I hear Grayson beg. "She's all alone. I love her, mom!" He sighs and I see him rub his face "she needs to know that he's no good for her and what he's doing is wrong!" I clear my throats and walk down a couple more stairs.

"Hello sweetheart!" Rebecca says happily.

"Hey Rebecca." I smile weakly "I hope you don't mind, but I'm wearing your shorts."

"Not at all." She smiles brightly, the same smile as Grayson's. Rebecca looks down at my bruised legs and looks back up at me.

"Mom could you make some tea?" Grayson asks and Rebecca nods leavening "please sit Cara." Grayson says. I sit next to him and shove my hands in the middle pockets. "I know you heard me."

"Gray, I can also unhear things." I chuckle and smile.

"But I don't want you to unhear what I said." He grabs my hand and looks at me. "I want you to remember it when I finally get you out of this mess." He twines them together, his hand engulfing my tiny, bony ones.

"I'll talk to your mom." I answer leaning my head on his shoulder. His hand gently touches my cheek and I put my hand around his wrist as he kisses my forehead.

"Okay." He whispers.

"Tea's ready." I hear Rebecca say. I stand up and Grayson does too.

"Just trust her." Grayson holds both of my shoulders. I nod my head going into the kitchen seeing Rebecca hum putting tea in cups.

"Is Gray not coming?" She asks sitting down. I nod my head no sitting in front of her.

"He wants you to talk to me." I grab the cup thanking her quietly.

"I know." She smiles taking a sip of her tea. "After my husband had died in his line of duty, me and Grayson were devastated." She sighs calmly.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I found a nice guy, I thought. He became lightly violent and drank a lot, he would force me to do things." Her hands start to tremble a little. "We married because he forced me to. When we moved in, it got worse, he'd beat me and force me to have sex with him. If I said no he'd go into Grayson's room and beat him. I mean I would choose myself to get hurt anytime than my own son." She explains and I nod. "Grayson and me are so close, until he started getting older and understanding of things. And so did my husband, more beatings on me since Grayson would talk back." She quickly wiped a tear. "Grayson was more kinder with me and gave me the courage to leave him. And that's exactly what you need to do." She tells me parting my hand.

"I'm scared." I explain looking up at her through some strands of my hair.

"Sometimes the hardest thing and right thing are the same." She raises her eyebrow. I put my leg up to my chest.

"How did you leave him?" I ask taking a sip of my tea.

"I told him I was fed up with his beatings and I packed me and Grayson's stuff and left." I sigh knowing with Cameron it won't be that easy. "Grayson tells me what he does to you." Rebecca looks down at her tea.

"I'm not angry at him." I whisper. "He's very kind."

"But, I know that's not everything." She says, I nod gently. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

"He broke my wrist, probably cracked my ribs, and he's..." I couldn't tell her how he raped me. "He..."

"Honey, you're safe." She pats my hand again "we've both been there." She sounds like she knows everything about what has happened.

"He's touched me." I say, surprisingly with no tears.

REBECCAS POV(Grayson's mom)

"He's touched me." Cara says. I tried not to cry when she said that. She said it with a cold look, like she was... like she was already broken and so used to it happening.

"Grayson cares for you Cara." I sigh not knowing what else to say. She looks at me with a little glint in her eyes.

"I know he does." She says "I know that he loves me." She scoffs then chuckles lightly. "How can he love me?" She asks rubbing her eyes then her face.

"Because you're strong. Even if you think you're weak." I explain to her knowing she's a very strong girl to be in this position at such a young age.

"How am I strong if I can't even break up with someone, but you." She sighs "you are the definition of brave. You were married to your monster, I'm only his girlfriend."

"Do you want to know how long we were married?" I ask her wanting to know how long I've been with him.

"How long?" She asks.

"For six years. But being with him was almost nine years." Cara looks down at the table.

"I don't want to be with him for that long." She whispers tracing her finger against the wood.


After talking with Rebecca I went up into Grayson's room.

"Come in!" He yelled once I knocked. I creeped into his room to see him on his bed without a shirt on, watching tv. "Cara!" He says standing up.

"Yup?" I Say with a chuckle.

"Sit please." He says sitting back down on his bed, I sit next to him and he stares at me.

"What?" I say looking back at him.

"You're so beautiful." He says looking into my eyes.

"Don't be a cliche." I chuckle pushing his face with my hand. He chuckles and grabs my wrist gently pushing me back on the bed playfully. Grayson laid on top of me, both of us chuckling, Grayson still held my wrists and leaned his face more towards mine.

"I can't." Grayson says I furrow my eyebrows.

"Gray, what were you going to do?" I ask him as he gets off of me and sits.

"I-" he stammers. He looks at me with sad eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looks at me straight in the eyes "I'm sorry." He mumbles before kissing me. He put his hands on each of my cheeks, I held his wrists. It felt wrong but felt good at the same time. I kissed back hastily and Grayson never moved his hands, he never slid them down to touch  me, he didn't get on top of me, and he didn't even try to pressure me into the kiss.

"Grayson!" We hear his mom yell and we part. I wipe my bottom lip and Rebecca comes in.

"Are you staying the night?" She asks me.

"I don't want to be a burden." I say and she laughs.

"You are like family honey." She closes the door before saying I can sleep wherever.


"Sleep with me." Grayson blurts out to me on the couch when we are watching a movie.

"What?" I ask and he knew I thought he meant sex.

"I mean only sleep." He Says quickly "in my bed, with me." I chuckle and I didn't know, but I was already nodding my head yes.

"Fine." I say chuckling.


I didn't know how but I had fallen into a light sleep. I felt Grayson pick me up from under my knees and my back. I clung onto him sniffing in the sent of his cologne. Soon I feel cold soft covers under me. The bed sinks in and everything gets warmer when Grayson's arms wrap around me. I turn around and snuggle in his chest, it rumbles from laughter and I hear a photo click of a camera. He puts the blankets over us and I fall asleep.

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