Between Mirrors and Roses (A...

By persephone7913

366K 14.5K 9.7K

The life of an ordinary girl is turned upside down when she is transported into her favorite musical, "The Ph... More

1: Through the Mirror
2: Through Another Mirror (This One a Door)
3: In the Lair
4: Back in the Opera House
5: Another Visit from the Phantom
6: More of Erik
7: The Audition
8: The Aftermath
9: Somewhat Friends
10: Unmasking the Phantom
11: Notes and Confrontations
12: In Which Erik Comforts a Hormonal Girl
13: Two Vastly Different Men
14: Tension (And Not the Good Kind) Before Il Muto
15: The Night of the Opera
16: Secrets Revealed
17: More Confrontations
18: In Which Christine Plays Hookie and Meets a Persian
19: Don Juan, Completed
20: Masquerade
21: The Plot, like the Inexplicable Mist, Continues to Thicken
22: Plots and Anticipation
23: A Long-Awaited Day
24: Plannings
25: The Point of No Return
26: Final Lair Scene
27: Christine Runs for Her Life
29: A Wedding
Part 2
30: A New Life
31: Erik the Husband
32: Secrets
33: Long Days and Lingering Doubts
34: Changes
35: In Which Erik and Christine Brace Themselves
36: An Arrival
37: Aria
38: Another Child
39: Family
40: A Story

28: Preparations

8.4K 384 142
By persephone7913

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I woke tangled in bed with Erik. He was still asleep, the scarred side of his face facing the ceiling. I was content to lay safe in his arms until he woke up.

Images from the night before flashed through my mind, and I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing them away. I couldn't quite believe that I had killed a man, but I had, in self-defense.

Erik was awake now and watching me to see if I was too.

"Good morning," I smiled, opening my eyes.

"Good morning," he replied, and I expected him to leave now that I no longer needed his presence to sleep. But he stayed, gently pressing a kiss to my temple and laying with me a while longer.

When I could avoid the reality of morning no longer, I hauled myself up and to the washroom to get ready for the day. My room was empty when I emerged. I pulled a dress out of my bags to change into, then put the rest of my clothes in the closet.

The house was exquisite, with patterned moldings, carved banisters, and polished wooden floors. I wandered around the upstairs, peeking into some of the open rooms; then, feeling like a regal lady, I descended the spiral staircase. I explored the house some more. It was mostly bare; drape cloths covered the few pieces of furniture. My room was the only fully-furnished one that I had seen.

Back in the main hall, I ran into a plump woman of about forty carrying a lump of sheets. She started violently when she saw me, and her face went red.

Erik walked into the hall from another room and, taking in the scene, crossed to me.

The woman gave him a hasty curtsy. "Monsieur Daae," she addressed Erik. "Who is this young lady?"

Erik glanced at me apologetically. "I'm sorry," he told me, "I forgot to mention this to you. This is Jeanette Dubois, our maid. Nadir recommended her. She will come during the day to do housework."

"Oh yes," she rambled. "M. Khan is very kind. I used to work for him in his inn, but I liked the thought of working in a house much more—you always know the people you're serving—and so he found me a job here."

Erik nodded, awkward. "Dubois," he said, "this is my fiancé, Christine."

I smiled at the woman. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Madame Dubois," I said.

"Oh, dearie," she said. "Please call me Jeanette. It's what I'm used to." She shuffled her load of linens to a more comfortable position and started off again down the hall.

Erik turned back to me. "She came well-recommended, though Nadir always exaggerates these things." He took my hand. "The house isn't as ready as I would have liked. I was pressed for time."

I patted his cheek. "It's wonderful. Don't worry, Jeanette and I will have it looking like a home in no time." I paused. "You used my last name."

"Yes." He brushed his hand across the nape of his neck. "I do not actually know mine. I hope you don't mind."

I smiled. Of course I didn't mind. "I think it's wonderful."

He smiled back. "I thought we could visit Nadir today," he said, "to explain all that has happened. Then I will find a priest and arrange a wedding date."

"That sounds lovely. I'd also like to see Meg and Madame Giry to tell them I am all right."

So our plan was set. We had a light breakfast, knowing Nadir would serve refreshments, then took another carriage to his inn.

Nadir, upon seeing us, gave a few quick instructions to some servants then led us into the back room. Once we were comfortably seated and offered an assortment of tea and pastries, Nadir addressed Erik. "You must continue to bring Christine with you on your little visits. You actually act decently around her." He took a sip of tea. "It's a shame. I rather miss you barging through the door at all hours of the night."

"Don't get too used to it." Erik grinned, then sobered. "As delightful as your company is, our visit does serve a purpose. I wanted to explain—"

Nadir pulled out a newspaper and read a headline. "'Young Singer Kidnapped by Opera Ghost.' Yes, I assumed that was referring to you two. What about this one? 'Body of Vicomte De Chagny Found in Sewers.'" He set down the paper. "I am more curious about the second."

I looked at the ground.

Nadir noticed my discomfort. "Erik," he asked, "what happened last night?"

I answered. "Raoul attacked us, monsieur. He had Erik caught in a noose and was going to kill him if I didn't go along with him. I agreed, and I led him into a trap." I met Nadir's frown pleadingly, needing him to understand my actions—as if his approval made everything all right again. "He was going to hurt me. I had to."

"Oh, my dear," he said, setting down his tea and clasping his hands. "You were certainly justified in any action against him. You poor girl. I cannot fathom what that ordeal must have been like."

I gave him a watery smile.

Erik took my hand and cradled it in his. "Christine was cool-headed and brave," Erik said.

I beamed at him.

Erik brushed a lock of hair behind my ear with exquisite tenderness.

Nadir coughed, bringing our attention back to him. "Do I need to leave you two alone?" he asked.

I shook my head, grinning. I couldn't imagine my life without either of these men.

"On a lighter note," added Erik, "Christine has agreed to marry me."

Nadir leaned back in his seat at this news. "Just think," he reminisced, "not half a year ago you were convinced she would never even look at you."

It was truly amazing, how far we'd come. I could hardly believe that a year ago I had been a single college girl. Now, I was a lady engaged to be married.

"When is the wedding taking place?" Nadir asked. "I am invited, I assume."

"As soon as possible," I answered. "And of course you must be there. Erik has no other friends."

"So I'm a friend now, am I?" Nadir joked to Erik.

Erik humphed and stood to get himself more something from the kitchen.

Now was my chance. I'd spoken to Erik about it already and gotten his consent, but I wanted to be the one to ask. I leaned toward Nadir, biting my lip. "I have a request to make of you," I said. "I know that I haven't known you long at all, but you are the closest thing I have to a father." I was worried I was being presumptuous, but I didn't know who else to ask. "Would you walk me down the aisle?"

Nadir looked in danger of crying. He patted my hand affectionately. "I would be beyond honored, my dear." Erik returned, and Nadir gazed fondly at the two of us, picking up his tea again with a little shake of his head. "I never dreamed," he said to no one in particular.

We stayed a while longer, catching up with Nadir, then headed to the opera house to see the Girys. Erik had sent them a note earlier that day, and they were waiting for us on the Rue Scribe, looking around furtively. When the carriage pulled up, I emerged alone; Erik was going to take care of the legal aspect of the marriage.

The ladies hurried to my side then pulled me into a nearby cafe to chat.

"Oh, Christine," said Meg, "it's all my fault that the Vicomte followed you and Erik! I never warned Maman, and she thought like everyone else that you'd been kidnapped!"

I tried to reassure her. "It's all right, Meg. It isn't your fault." I turned to the older Giry. "Thank you, Madame, for trying to look out for me."

"Oh, Christine," she repeated. "How are you? How is Erik?"

"He is fine, I am fine, and we're going to be married very soon."

The women exchanged joyful glances. "Are you sure," asked Mme Giry, "that this is what you want? As I told you before, he is a difficult man."

"I know," I insisted, "but I love him, and he loves me. He's trying very hard to make our marriage work. He even left the opera house and purchased a real home for us." I told them about the beautiful house and restated how happy I was, and Mme Giry finally seemed to believe me.

"This is wonderful news, child," she said. "Tell us as soon as you know the time and place of the wedding."

"Ooh!" exclaimed Meg. "What are you going to wear?"

"I—" I said, "I don't know." I thought back to my first night in Erik's home, unveiling the mannequin that bore my image. Was it wearing a wedding dress? I thought I remembered that it had been, but I hadn't liked it much. Even if I had, I had no clue where the dress was now.

"We'll have to go shopping, then," Meg said with a definitive air. "Can you meet us here again tomorrow?"

I said that I could, and we arranged a time. Soon, the carriage that had dropped me off returned, and I gave my friends parting hugs.

Erik was waiting for me inside. "How did it go?"

"It was marvelous. The girls were understandably worried about me, but I assured them that all was well. They want to take me dress shopping tomorrow. I just hope we have time. When is the wedding going to be?"

Erik smiled shyly. "A week from today. Is that acceptable?"

"It's perfect." I pecked his lips. "Just look at me, Erik: your future bride."

Erik leaned toward me, bliss etched on every visible feature. "Soon you'll be mine forever," he said. "And I will be yours."

He slept in his own room that evening, conscious that he could tarnish my image if we were seen by the maid staying in the same room.

I met with Meg and Mme Giry the next day as planned. They took me to the dress district, and we window shopped a little before entering a promising establishment.

The sheer number and style of choices overwhelmed me. Part of me wished I could be back home with Erik, already married without all this hassle. The other part was on a cloud, giddy with excitement.

"Thank you for letting us come with you," Meg said, holding tight to my arm.

"I can't think of anyone I would rather have with me," I said. I meant it.

Mme Giry guided me down the first row of satiny dresses. "How much do you wish to spend?" she asked.

"Erik told me not to worry about the price," I said, "but I'd like to keep it reasonable. After all, I'm only going to wear this dress once."

"Oh, but Christine," Meg argued, "this is one of the most important days of your life! You can't be worrying about money at a time like this."

"All the same," I laughed, "let's try to keep it simple."

As with the last time we went dress shopping, I was loath to begin, so Meg dove right in while her mother stayed comfortingly by my side. Meg returned from her first expedition with five different dresses; only two of them fit, and I liked neither. More prepared with my tastes and size, Meg made a second round of the store. This time she brought three dresses, all of which looked so gorgeous that I wanted to cry.

I finally settled on a gown that I adored. It fit snugly in the bodice and had elaborate lacing up the back and off the shoulder sleeves that extended all the way around. The bodice came to a point in the front and back, and the layered skirt fell like a waterfall over my hips and spread over layers of chiffon to trail on the ground. We also found a veil scattered with tiny, beaded flowers, and we were finished.



I paced back and forth across Nadir's parlor.

"Stop that," he said. "You're making me ill just watching you."

I turned to give him a look. "The wedding is tomorrow," I told him. "What else am I supposed to do?"

"Sleep," he suggested. "It is the middle of the night after all."

I waved this away and resumed my pacing.

"You have a big night ahead of you," he said.

I spun around to catch any hint of humor in his expression, but if he smiled, it was hidden behind that ever-present teacup. I stood in front of him, hoping that towering over his seated frame would make me feel more powerful; as usual, it did not. "I'm not worthy of her, Nadir," I confessed.

He raised his eyes to heaven in that infuriating way of his. Back to earth again, he tried to comfort me. "Erik," he said. "It is abundantly clear to me that this girl loves you with her whole heart. You've never been one for trusting, and I understand why, but trust her tomorrow when she swears she will love you for the rest of her life."

I nodded solemnly.

He continued, "You have found quite a woman in young Christine."

"I am aware of her perfection," I said.

"She is very amiable," he agreed, "and intelligent, which she needs to be to keep up with you. I never would've thought it possible, but you found someone worthy of you."

I gave him a puzzled look.

Nadir continued to stare at me. "Yes, Erik, you deserve her, as much as you think you don't. But you must always work to keep it so. Remember that."

I thought I understood. "Thank you," I said and took a seat on the sofa. My worries had not suddenly vanished, but they'd lessened with his reassurance.

"You're very welcome," he said. "If you need any more advice, on anything, ask for it now rather than tomorrow night."

That was definitely a smile. "You are pushing the line, old man," I growled.

He waved me off. There was once a time when Nadir tiptoed frightened around me. That time was long gone. "Go away, Erik," he said. "You may not need sleep, but I do."

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