cinder boy [phan]

بواسطة tragicbands

883 78 14

where's your fairy godmother, cinder boy? © tragicbands © المزيد

; prologue ;
; one ;
; two ;
; three ;
; four ;
; five ;
; seven ;

; six ;

57 5 2
بواسطة tragicbands

"Lets play twenty questions." Phil suggested, his gaze was stuck on Dan's face and Dan was looking anywhere but Phil. He stated that he wanted to know more about this boy, and twenty questions sounded perfect.

"Twenty questions?" Dan asked, now looking back at Phil. Those blue eyes will be the death of him.

"Yes, I'll go first." Phil grinned, walking slowly. He wanted to hold the boy's hand, but wouldn't it be weird?

"Is it true you're going to Cambridge?" Phil asked.

"Well, I don't really know yet. I haven't received any justification that I passed so, I can only dream at this point." Dan pursed his lips, soon they spotted a bench with fairy lights. It was cliché as fuck, playing twenty questions with someone to find out more about them but they both didn't care.

"Hm, me too. But it's my dream school." Phil sighed, "okay, your go."

"How much did you want to meet me tonight?" Dan asked, his question was risky but he wanted to know.

"Very much, yeah. I wanted to know how you were like.." Phil stared at Dan as he absentmindedly played with his fingers, his bottom lip between his teeth. "I can say I'm not disappointed." he grinned.

"Oh- um, me too." Dan stuttered, but soon smiled.



"Um, and those poems that you write, were they all true?" Dan asked, staring at Phil. It wasn't his turn to ask a question, but they weren't keeping track.

Phil's eyebrows furrowed, of course he meant them. He had obvious feelings for the boy, and even now in real life he knows that he's still into him. He would write about how he's like the moon and shit like that, "Yeah.." Phil trailed off when he caught glance of Dan biting his lip.

"Really?" Dan smiled.

"Of course, yeah." Phil cleared his throat. "Okay, my turn. Do you prefer burgers or salads?"

"Umm, probably burgers. Salads are gross." Dan laughed.

"Same, actually." Phil smiled, standing up from his seat. "Let's walk for a bit." Phil suggested, extending his hand out to Dan. He took it without hesitation, and immediately felt giddy inside. They walked around the park with their hands intertwined, the soft hum of slow music from the school.

"Wanna dance?" Phil suggested, standing straight and smiling brightly at Dan.

"Here?" Dan asked, his heart beating loudly in his chest.

"Yeah, come on."

Phil stepped closer and took Dan's hands, placing them in his broad shoulders. He rested his hands on Dan's waist, and started swaying to the beat. The music was pretty faint since it was playing inside the building but it was enough for them. Dan's hands were turning clammy and he didn't know where to look, his heart was pumping at an abnormal rate. It honestly felt good dancing with someone, especially with someone as beautiful as Phil Lester.

"You seem tense." Phil asked, his voice turning into a whisper.

"I'm just nervous." Dan admitted.

"You don't have to be." Phil smiled at him before extending his arm and insisted Dan to twirl.

"This is so fucking clichè." Dan smiled, looking down.

"Life is a big ass clichè, you get to make it unique."

Whenever Phil speaks in that matter through chat or text his inside always flutter, but hearing it in real life is a whole different story. They swayed to the music slowly, Dan was looking down on his feet and trying not to step on Phil, who was just admiring the boy.

Their conversation from earlier lasted for a little bit longer, some random and basic questions were thrown like 'what's your favorite color?' and 'any songs you like' before Phil asked an alarming question.

"So, who really are you?" Phil asked. Dan's face became pale all of the sudden, and he was biting his lip nervously. Oh shit, he forgot that Phil doesn't really know that he's been talking and dancing with Dan. He honestly wished he knew, but now he has to face the feeling of rejection. If Phil finds out he's the diner boy he will definitely won't think twice and never talk to him again.

"Well um-" He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence because soon his phone was blaring, and his face turned pale. Shit, it was his alarm.

It was almost twelve.



"Um, I gotta go." He stated then he immediately darted inside the school in search of Niall. Phil was shocked, and stared at Dan when he went through the school doors, but he followed him anyway. Dan found Niall vigorously making out with someone behind a door, and he yanked Niall out of her grip before running off with him towards the front gates.

"What the fuck, Dan?" Niall asked, obviously mad about being interrupted.

"My alarm went off." Dan stated, and Niall's expression immediately changed.

Once Phil was inside the school, loads of people ran up to him and congratulated him. He was confused but when he heard a bunch of 'congratulations' he already knew what happened.

"And give it up for our king of the year, Phil Lester! No surprise there, congratulations." A teacher spoke through a mic and soon a spotlight was on Phil. He looked around and saw the boy about to run through the doors of the school with two people on his tail, he ran quickly in an attempt to catch up to them. He was foot behind them when the boy's phone dropped from his pocket, which made Phil stop to pick it up.


"Who the hell were you making out with earlier?" Dan asked, his hand gripping his coat. He was now in the front seat of Niall's car, trying to breathe properly but obviously failing. It was already 11:55, Rachel would be in the diner soon.

"That, my friend, was Hannah." Niall smiled proudly, and Troye scoffed in the back seat.

"Jealous, Troye?"

"Bitch, I'm gay as fuck."

"Me too." Dan replied making the three of them laugh.

"But seriously, Hannah? How?" Troye leaned forward.

"Well, Calum was trying to get on with her so I, being the amazing person I am, pushed him off of her. He seemed to be pissed but he just gave me the middle finger before walking off." Niall smirked.

"Congratulations, mate." Dan patted his friend's head. Their conversation was flowing for a while, until Dan ran his hand over his pants to wipe off his clammy hands is when he realized his phone wasn't there.

"Holy fuck, my phone's missing!" Dan screamed.

"What, where the hell did you put it?" Troye asked.

"Right in my pocket, I- Niall, Niall! That's Rachel's car!" Dan pointed at the car right beside them making the three of them panic. Niall quickly pressed down on the gas and overtook Rachel's car, parking behind the diner. Dan quickly ran inside and took off his coat, hiding under the sink to put on his pink work shirt. When he was wearing his shirt, he ran upfront the counter and tried to act nonchalant.

"Where is Dan?" Rachel came barging in, her two sons walking behind her but Michael was in a tux while Luke was in a purple knee high dress, they also attended the party and Dan was thankful that they didn't notice that he was there. Nobody would suspect that the two of them were actually brothers.

"Here." Dan spoke, standing up from behind the counter and looking completely bored. He is hoping that Rachel won't call him over because he was still wearing slacks and fancy shoes rather than his normal jeans and sneakers. Rachel rolled her eyes before walking out, her fake ass swaying as she pushed pass her son's and made her way to her car leaving Dan relieved.


hi this story is going way too fast shit

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