Storybrooke On Instagram 2

By imakestories

46.4K 1.4K 106

Part two to StoryBrooke on Instagram. More

Usernames and amounts they posted before
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #7
BookWormBelle #4
CaptKillianHookJones #9
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #8
OutlawKissesEvil #8
SomethingWicked #5
EvilKissesOutlaw #8
ItsSnowing #8
DavidCharming #8
CaptKillianHookJones #10
TheAuthorMills #6
EvilKissesOutlaw #9
OutlawKissesEvil #9
TheAuthorMills #7
EvilKissesOutlaw #10
ItsSnowing #9
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #9
BookWormBelle #5
DavidCharming #9
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #10
ItsSnowing #10
SomethingWicked #6
DavidCharming #10
EvilKissesOutlaw #11
CaptKillianHookJones #11
LeDarkOne #5
ItsSnowing #12
EvilKissesOutlaw #12
CaptKillianHookJones #12
DavidCharming #11
ItsSnowing #13
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #11
CaptKillianHookJones #13
DavidCharming #12
TheAuthorMills #8
DavidCharming #13
TheAuthorMills #9
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #12
OutlawKissesEvil #10
LeDarkOne #6
CaptKillianHookJones #14
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #13
ItsSnowing #14
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #14
EvilKissesOutlaw #13
OutlawKissesEvil #11
LeDarkOne #7
BookWormBelle #6
OutlawKissesEvil #12
CaptKillianHookJones #15
TheAuthorMills #10
EvilKissesOutlaw #14
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #15
TheAuthorMills #11
DavidCharming #14
TheAuthorMills #12
EmmaTheSaviorSwan #16
CaptKillianHookJones #16

ItsSnowing #11

703 24 3
By imakestories

ItsSnowing: When the ladies and I were off saving Henry.
Tags: EvilKissesOutlaw EmmaTheSaviorSwan


TheAuthorMills: If only I knew at the time.

EmmaTheSaviorSwan: Yeah, but everything ended up okay.

EvilKissesOutlaw: Yeah that is true.

DavidCharming: Everything did end up okay.

CaptKillianHookJones: Yeah they were trying to get a message to Henry and I was saving your life Dave.

DavidCharming: Oh shut your mouth.

EvilKissesOutlaw: The Pirate is right. Your dumbass almost got killed. Stupid Fake Charming Prince.

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