The CEO's Secret

By JazminaRazman

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Scarlett Jones is just an average women who is in need of new job because her current boss is harassing her a... More

Chapter 1: I Quit
Chapter 3: Meeting The CEO
Chapter 4: Psychopath Date
Chapter 5: The Trap is Set
Chapter 6: There is No Escape
Chapter 7: The Torture Room
Chapter 8: His Punishment
Chapter 9: All Is Revealed
Chapter 10: Recovering
Chapter 11: New Discovery
Chapter 12: Ricardo Giovanni
Chapter 13: Searching For a Long Lost Sister
Chapter 14: Too late
Chapter 15: His Past
Chapter 16: Old Crush
Chapter 17: Found
Chapter 18: Reunion
Chapter 19: The Truth
Chapter 20: Aftermath
Chapter 21: Bad News
Chapter 22: Bonding
Chapter 23: Funeral
Chapter 24: Christmas Eve
Chapter 25: Dante's Birthday
Chapter 26: New Feelings
Chapter 27: New Development
Chapter 28: Dinner
Chapter 29: Surprise
Chapter 30: Wedding Venue
Chapter 31: Choosing Desserts
Chapter 32: Bachelor Party
Chapter 33: Wedding Day
Chapter 34: Honeymoon

Chapter 2: First Impression

135K 3.2K 161
By JazminaRazman

Scarlett P.O.V.


I took a surprise step back. After I recover from my momentary shock I see that it was only my best friend Bethany. "You idiot!! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here so early?! I thought you were coming later tonight?" I said a little mad at her. "Sorry! I just wanted to surprise you when you got home and I can wait for you to tell me how you quit your work!" she said excitedly. "You did quit your work right?" she suddenly ask with her eyes narrowed on my face. "I can assure you that I quit and will tell you all about it after I have a nice bath and something have something to snack on" I answer her.

She moves to the side so that I was able to get inside the house."Good! I'm thinking of celebrating by ordering pizza and watching a DVD" she said while skipping to the kitchen to grab the house phone. "Okay I'm just going to shower first" I told her while walking to my bedroom to find my pajamas and then went to the bathroom for my shower. I locked the door then took off all my cloths and step inside the bathtub. I open the water making sure it was warm. Then I took a shower washing my face repeatedly trying to get the feeling of my old boss's hand on face. Once I was satisfied I closed the water took the towel that hanging on the door to dry myself and put on my pajamas.

I got out of the bathroom my hair is still damp but whatever I am too tired too dry it. On my way to the kitchen I stop by the washing machine to put my dirty clothes. It was half full so I switch it on then went to the living room seeing Bethany already searching for a movie at the DVD cupboard with the pizza on the coffee table. It must have arrived when I was in the shower and I didn't hear the doorbell. "So what are we watching?" I ask while flopping on the couch." We are watching The Avengers" she said enthusiastically while showing me the DVD. Figured she loved that movie only because Chris Hemsworth was in it. She is crazy about that guy. "But before we watch you have to tell me how you quit and what the boss's reaction to you quitting" she demanded.

I rolled my eyes and told her everything that happens after I hang up the phone. She was just intently staring at my face while telling my story getting pissed at the part I told her about what my boss told me to do. "How dare that creep even think to blackmail you into going to dinner with him!" she fumes as I finish my story. I brush of her comment "I don't know what goes through inside that brain of his and I don't want to know". "But still-""I don't want anything to do with him anymore so can we please drop the subject" I pleaded with her.

"Fine" she huff. "At least change your house" she advises me. "Why?" I ask skeptically looking at her as if she's grown to heads. Know she roll her eyes. "Because the creep has your house address. You don't what he will pull now that he desperate". My mouth turns to an O just realizing that her words were true. She shrugs "you can find a house that is closer to your new job so that you don't have to wake up so early and be late".

I nodded "your right. I didn't think of that". She scoffs "you can't think of anything that doesn't come and hit you in the face". "I am wounded I do think about stuff like how you look at any hot guy like you want to eat them" I said in an overly hurt voice. We both burst out laughing. Then we joke around for a bit then we watch the movie until I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning when I felt the sunlight shine on my face through the curtains that I didn't close properly. I groan my back feels stiff and open my eyes seeing my messy living room from the sleep over yesterday. Pillows were scattered everywhere pizza box lying on the ground. I look around for my Bethany and found her pass out on the carpeted floor. I stretch and yawn getting up from the couch to go to the bathroom for a shower.

Once I was finish and dressed I walk to the living room seeing Bethany still pass out on the floor. Suddenly I got an idea on how to wake her up. I went to the kitchen grab a glass and filled it with tap water then walk to where my friend was passed out. I smile evilly and pour the water on her face. Watching and laughing as she woke spluttering and coughing.

She glared at me "what was that for!". "I'm sorry but I couldn't resist" laughing harder at her expression. "Can't help it my ass" she growl sending me her angry stare. I felt bad so I was about to help her when she pull my hand and pour the left over water on the glass to my face. Smirking evilly at me. "Now we're even" she said satisfied.

It took me a while to process what she did and when it did I mock a gasp and attack her with the pillows. That's how we spent all morning fighting with pillows like kids. But I don't care it was fun and it was good to let go a little. After the pillow fight Bethany went to get ready for the day. We plan to go shopping for a new wardrobe so I look more sophisticated because my new company is very famous and so is my new boss who is the CEO and owner of the company. I have to look that I am meant for the job.

After all day of shopping with Bethany choosing almost all my wardrobe I was spent and hungry so we stop at the food court for something to eat before we got into my car and drove to my place.

At night we were house hunting in the internet to any available two bedroom apartment. I got lucky because while we were scrolling around the web I saw an ad that says they have two bedrooms that is one storey within my budget and it is also a few blocks near my work place. We check if it is real and not a scam. It is real and I manage to book it before anyone else. I am going to look at the new house tomorrow to check everything and if I confirm I am going to buy I will move by this weekend before I start my new job.

Me and Bethany were screaming and squealing jumping around the house to excite. Eventually we got tired and Bethany decided to sleep at my house again and go to work from my place. She skips work today as it is Tuesday to help me with my shopping and finding me a new house. I couldn't thank her enough for all her help. We went to sleep about midnight me in my room her in the spare room I have just for her.


The next day I woke up it was late afternoon and Bethany was long gone. I took my time getting ready for the day. I have to meet the real estate agent this afternoon about 3 o'clock. I wasted time at home watching relaxing until 2 o'clock.

I met the real estate agent and he showed me around the house. It is quite big with two bedrooms, a living room, and a small garden at the front of the house. It was more than I could hope for. I couldn't believe I get to buy the house. The real estate agent ask me if I am satisfied with this house if not he could look for something else. I told him that I am more than satisfied and that I want to buy the house.

After all the necessary payment was done I hired the movers to move all my stuff to the new house. So that was how I spent my weekend busy with moving houses buying more decorations to decorate my new house and arranging all my furniture so that my house looks homey .

By some miracle I manage to finish everything by Sunday so I have half the day to relax and prepare for my job tomorrow.

I double check to make sure I have everything I need for tomorrow and took a nice bubble bath then went to sleep nervous and exited at the same time for the new job.


I woke up extra early this morning getting ready making sure I look presentable but not to over until I look like a whore. My make up was light as I don't really like to wear it. My blouse was white and my pencil skirt black and it was just above my knees. I look at the floor to ceiling mirror in my room and was content with my looks so I went to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

Once I finish my breakfast I grab my purse, keys, and work bag and went through the front door locking it before I got into my car. The closer I get to the office the more nervous I became because the company I am working for now is a multi billionaire empire that was created by and equally rich man by the name of Ricardo Giovanni. I have search on the internet that he is very young at only 32 years old his company is already the most influential in the world. I also found out that he is very strict and ruthless to his employee firing them if they make even the slightest mistakes.

That's why I am scared I am going to make a mistake on my first day and get fired becoming jobless. I shook out all the negative thoughts that were in my head and concentrate on showing a good first impression. I arrived at the office 15 minutes early. I park my car at the employee's parking space and cut off the engine grab my bag and purse and walk inside the building.

I found the reception and walk towards it to find the lady behind the desk typing something furiously on her keypad. I felt bad interrupting her but I really need to know where my work place is. "Excuse me miss, I am so sorry to interrupt you but do you know which floor I need to go I am the new secretary" I told her politely. She looks away from her computer with a frown on her face until my words registered in her mind. "Oh yes, the new secretary. My name is Sarah as you can see I am the receptionist you need to go to the 39th floor and then ask a women name Catherine to show you to your desk. She is easy to spot. She is the only one who has bright red hair" she said politely while pointing to the elevator on her right. "I hope you enjoy working. A little advice ignore all the women on your floor if they bad things about you their just jealous that the secretary get to be close to the boss" she with a roll of her eyes.

I decided that I like her and that we can become good friends. I thank her for the help and advice. I assure her that I will not let what other people say about me get to me. So with a wave goodbye I enter the lift and press the 39th floor. While I waited for the lift to reach my floor I took deep breaths to calm my nerves and put on a confident smile. The lift opens with a quite 'ding'. I step out of the lift to see that the whole place was full people working walking around photocopying documents arranging the files. It was quite overwhelming. But I walk to find a woman with red hair. After walking round bumping into a lot of people getting shove occasionally I finally found her. Sarah was right she was easy to spot when you are at the right place.

I scurried over to her and introduce myself. We chatted for a bit then she showed me all I need to know about my job which was basically the boss's schedule for every single day. She was showing me the break room where you make your coffee and telling me I have to bring coffee to the boss every morning when the whores of the company decided to show them selves. How can I tell? Well that is easy I just have to see what their wearing. All of them were wearing blouses that look like it is about to burst open and skirt so tight and short it's a wonder they can walk at all. Beside me Catherine let out a irritated sigh.

"Well, well. What do we have here a newbie" the leader of the group said in a scathing voice. Trying to scare me I am guessing. "Yes I am. Who are you?" I ask without a hint of fear in my voice. I know how to deal with people like them. Their all the same trying to bully shy women. Not much different from high school girls actually. She seems taken a back with my words. I guess the all other newbie bow down to her. Well I am not going to be one of them so I stood my ground. She was just about to make a retort and insult me when a voice from behind them boom through out the floor.

"What is going on here?!"

I turn my head a bit to see who it was and I paled down a bit.

It was the boss looking red in the face.


This is all I manage to write for today. Again sorry if there are grammar mistakes. Hopefully I post the next chapter by tomorrow. Enjoy!

Bye! J

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