Total Drama Love

By _TD_Fans_For_Life_

329 11 9

The crew is back again, but with a twist. Five new contestants as all try to win the money or find love. Who... More

New Contestants
It's A Date(Date 1)

First Date(Challange 1)

96 2 0
By _TD_Fans_For_Life_

Chris grinned at the confused look on the teens faces as they were on a cliff. "The first part of this challenge is simple. Jump off the cliff with your date. Then both swim to shore, then one of you have to carry the other bridle style back to the resort. On the way you must both protect each other from the way. The pair with the least time wins and gets a nice Italian dinner for two tonight and immunity from elimination. Now if one person chickens out, so does the other person and them you have to wear a chicken hat and that adds ten seconds to your time. Now who wants to go first." He said as everyone was standing next to their dates except for Ezekiel, who was still part mutant, who stands alone.

-An hour ago-

"Okay, Lovers, time to see who you're dating today." The screen behind him came to life to reveal hearts with headshots of the contestants in it. The photos started to rotate around, but then is slowly stopped. "Here are the pairs:
Brooke x DJ
Allie x Scott
Garvulis x Heather
Kaylub x Cameron
Courtney x Carter
Beth x Sam
Katie x Justin
Sadie x Alejandro
Jo x Brick
Leshawna x B
Gwen x Mike
Bridgette x Lightning
Staci x Harold
Dakota x Manitoba
Zoey x Mal
Dawn x Duncan
Anne Marie x Vito
Lindsay x Owen
Izzy x Tyler
Eva x Trent
Sierra x Noah
Svetlana x Cody
Now get together and let's go...Ezekiel is alone."


Kaylub and Cameron looked at each other and could see the fear, but also determination, in each others eyes. Garvulis and Heather were bickering over jumping or not. DJ was certainly NOT jumping as Brooke sighed. Allie glared at Scott who cautiously looked over the edge to see no sharks with a sigh. Carter rolled his eyes as Courtney went on and on about strategy. Others were either okay with their partners or arguing. "I'll only say it again who's-" he was cut off when a splash was heard. They looked around and noticed a missing bubble boy and shy kid.
"Kaylub can't swim!" Garvulis cried as she threw Heather off the cliff and jumped off after her twin. Soon all four came up on the branch as Garvulis was carrying all three of them.

~~~~~~~~~~Garvulis & Kaylub~~~~~~~~~~
"Sorry sis." Kaylub said feeling bad as he looked at his sister who was looking away from him. "I know you're not mad at me." He said as she hugged him and rubbed her head into his cheek.
"I could never stay mad at my little bother."
"By five minutes."

"That girl is so gone, she's Izzy crazy, but I'm going to get hid of her brother first." She said angered.

"Me and Kaylub both was such a rush and when his sis saved us. It was amazing...I wonder who's carrying who." He started to think off.

Soon after the little show of courage and twin love, the others jumped except for Beth and DJ who dragged their partners down due to being unable to jump. Kaylub carried Cameron, Garvulis carried Heather, Allie was pouting as was Courtney as Scott and Carter carried them respectively. DJ carried Brooke who was telling him to go faster.
Once everyone was back at the main room the screen showed the places from first to last the order went:
Jo looked at the screen in shock as did everyone else...except for Kaylub and Garvulis. "Wow, I'm even in shock, but the tally is not wrong. Kaylub and Cameron are todays winners. So you can't vote for them in elimination. Time for dinner. Everyone was in the dining room eating whatever was served as Kaylub and Cameron sat at a table for two with an Italian theme around them as the music played.
"How did you go so fast?" Kaylub blushed a bit at the question before answering.
"Had to run from bullies and we lived near the forest, so I took to the trees."
"Wait! You mean we were jumping through the trees!?!" He asked extremely shocked as Kaylub nodded. After the food arrived, they talked about interests and became friends. "So who are you voting for?" He asked as Kaylub finished his plate.
"Oh, maybe Staci, she seems to always be talking about her families accomplishments and this is about not just you." Cameron nodded to this as he was planning on voting off some of the bad guys, but now thought otherwise. Back in the dining room Garvulis was chatting with Gwen about stuff as she listens with slight interest. Allie was conversing again with Izzy about random things as Izzy responded the same. Noah and Carter were talking about books to read later. Brooke was sitting with the other mean girls socializing over game strategy and who to get rid of. The rest of the bunch was doing something or the other.
The time came for the ceremony where one person would be voted off came around and everyone meet in a theater. Chris came up on the stage in a tux. Everyone quieted down as he took the stage. "In this season you'll get a chocolate rose as sign that you'll continue on. First two go to Kaylub and Cameron." They both got theirs as it was risen from the arm rest next to them. "Now you all casted your votes, the people called are safe from elimination and get to stay for another week. The person who doesn't receive a chocolate rose will exit the building and take the boat of losers and can't ever come back. So safe from elimination are...Heather, Jo, Brooke, DJ, Allie, Scott, Garvulis, Courtney, Carter, Beth, Sam, Katie, Justin, Sadie, Alejandro, Brick, Leshawna, B, Gwen, Mike, Bridgette, Lightning, Harold, Dakota, Manitoba, Zoey, Mal, Dawn, Duncan, Anne Marie, Vito, Lindsay, Owen, Izzy, Tyler, Eva, Trent, Sierra, Noah, Svetlana, are all safe." Some ate their flower while others gave it to Owen except for Garvulis who gave it to Kaylub. Both Ezekiel and Staci were on the hot seat. "Staci, you made the same mistake as before, you talk to much, and Ezekiel...well lucky you, you're safe." He said as Ezekiel was growling at him. Staci got up and left as the rest retreated towards their bedrooms.

"During the time where I was at home. I returned semi-human. I want that prize and no one." His eyes shined red. "No one will stop me."

"Last season was nothing, this season I'm going all in and no one will get in my way."
Two evil laughters could be heard through the resort. One animalistic, the other pure evil.

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