Free Vacation

By thatwriterlady

9.6K 516 154

After a bad breakup, Dean gets into a fight with his best friend that pushes him over the edge. It ends with... More

The Breakdown
The Importance of Friendships
The Lodge
A Pleasant Trip
We Meet Again
Massages and Gossip
Hot Cocoa and Ugly Sweaters
Dinner Confessions
A Little Advice
Go After What You Want
Family Love


527 36 2
By thatwriterlady

“Has anyone seen Dean?”  Sam asked.

“I went up to his room, but he’s not in there,”  Charlie said from her perch on the edge of the couch.  They had all gathered in the common room, along with some other guests.  It was just after 8 and people were gathering for the fireworks that were going to be set off somewhere on the property.  There was supposed to be a big show of it, and everyone staying at the lodge had been invited. 

“I saw him.  He was…busy, with a dark-haired guy.”  Garth chuckled.

“Busy?”  It took a moment for Sam to realize what he meant.  “Oh.  Oh!”  He laughed.  “I guess he’s really getting along with Castiel.”

“Apparently so,”  Charlie mused.

“I hope he’s not jumping into something he’s not ready for,”  Sam worried.

“I’m not jumping into anything, Sammy.  You need to stop worrying about me.”  Dean came striding in with a man dressed in a tacky yellow and red sweater with elves on it and they sat together in an oversized chair near the fireplace.  “For those that haven’t met him, this is Castiel.  Cas, these are my friends.  Aside from Charlie and Sam, who you already met, this is Ash, Garth, Cole, Vicky and…”  Dean had pointed each person out but he realized one was missing.

“Where’s Dorothy?”

“Right here!  Here I am!”  The woman came rushing in, her normally braided hair flowing free and trailing behind her as she sat down on the floor between Charlie and Ash’s legs.

“And this is Dorothy,”  Dean finished with a grin.

“It’s nice to meet you all.”  Castiel nodded politely since it was impossible to lean forward and shake everyone’s hands with Dean half on top of him.

“Where were you?”  Charlie asked, her eyes locking on Dean.

“Don’t worry about it.”  Dean replied with a wicked smirk.

“Uh huh.”  Charlie rolled her eyes.

“Hello, everyone!” Gabe came striding into the room with Michael, Anna, Rachel, Claire, and Hael.

“Should you be with your family?”  Dean asked Castiel.

“No, it’s not necessary.  He just rounded them up and made them come.  I’m already here.”  Castiel replied.  He nodded towards the desk.  “Same for Luc.”

“So, as per tradition, we do a celebration every New Year’s Eve.  We’ll be opening the bar up at 10.  Out back we have a large patio and beyond the patio is a staging area for fireworks.  The lodge is open year round, though we really have the most guests over the winter.  We have a fireworks that we will be setting off right at midnight.  You may come out onto the patio if you wish, however, if you do not want to be outside in the cold, you can view from inside, safe and warm behind the huge windows I had installed for your viewing pleasure.  I hope you all have a wonderful evening and that you will come stay with us again soon.” 

Gabe did a little wave as he looked around the room.  When his eyes lingered on Sam he offered a tentative smile and a quick nod before moving forward to people that were eager to talk with him.

“Dude, he’s so into you.”  Cole laughed.  Sam’s cheeks were burning as he shot his friend a dirty look.

“He’s right.  His heart flutters every time he looks at your girl hair,”  Dean teased.

“Shut up, jerk.”  Sam growled as he crossed his arms and glared at his brother.  His reaction was downright hysterical to Dean, who couldn’t stop laughing.

“Make me, bitch!”

“Dean, teasing is not nice.”  Castiel admonished, though it didn’t have nearly the effect he had intended as he was fighting not to laugh too.

“Maybe not, but it’s fun!”  Dean argued.  Castiel couldn’t stop himself from smiling. 

“Someone has a crush on our Sammy.  It’s so cute!”  Charlie tried to pinch his cheek, but he slapped her hand away.

“I’m glad they’re picking on him for a change instead of me,”  Dean said just soft enough that only Castiel could hear him.

“Mmm, I know the feeling.  My brothers are still being a pain because I won’t introduce you.  I know them though, and I know they will seek out every opportunity to embarrass me.  Luc might very well bring up bedwetting issues from my childhood.” 

Dean took the man’s hand, threading their fingers together.

“Did you have a bedwetting problem?” he teased.  Castiel bumped him hard with his shoulder.

“That’s not the point.”

“It kind of is.”  Dean laughed.  “But seriously, I don’t care if you wet the bed til you were 10, wore braces, had pimples, called your mom ‘mommy’ til you were 30, played band, none of that matters because I’m in the here and now, and I like you just as you are.”  Dean shifted a bit so he could bring their mouths together in a gentle kiss.

“I feel the same way.  We are not the sum of our past, but we are better for it.  Mostly.  I suppose that doesn’t apply to serial killers,” Castiel mused.

“Your nerd brain is a wondrous thing.  I look forward to seeing just how it works,”  Dean said with a smile.  Castiel smiled back.

“You are the first person to tell me that.  Most people just tell me I’m strange, and they don’t want to talk with me anymore.  You make me feel…normal.  Thank you.”  He leaned in to Dean, placing his head on the man’s shoulder. 

“You’re amazing, Cas.  I’m glad I came on this trip.”  Dean meant that too.  Castiel tilted his head back to kiss the bolt of his jaw.

“I’m glad you did too.”

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