Aphmau All Series Oneshots! B...

By WalkingFreak3

10.2K 176 149

(Book 2 is better but u can still read dis) More

Request Please!!
Request 1:Aarmau
Request 2:AaronxSenovia
Request 3:LiochantxLeona
Request 3:TravisxSenovia
Request 4:Garmau
Request 5:Dancole
Request 6:Laurmau
Request 7:Travlyn(pt1)
Travlyn (pt2)
Part title
Part title
Very important.Please Read.
Request 8:LaurencexReader
Request 9:GarrothxReader(Tear Jerker)
Going on a Trip(A/N)
OC Contest!!
Request 11:Mystreet sing off!
Request 12:TravisxReader
What should i do for 1k?
OC Contest Winner!
Request 13:GenexAli(OC)
Request 14:Zanexreader
On Hold+New Book
Request 16:GarrothxPregnant!Reader
Request 17:AlissaxLaurence (Part one!)
Request 18:TravisxRo'Meave!Reader
OMG 3K!!!!
Request 19:Prince!TravisxHard to get!Reader
Please help me.(pls read)
The End
Geuss whos back?
Book 2!

Request 10:Zanmau

157 2 3
By WalkingFreak3

I just felt like doing this,I don't really ship it.....(Zane~chan for liffeeee)

3rd p.o.v

All had been well on Mystreet that day.The birds were chirping,a cool breeze blew threw the air on the spring day.
All that was interrupted when Aphmau ran down the street,tears in her eyes.And would you like to know why?
Aaron cheated on her,with Michi.The worst thing about it,is that Aphmau walked in on them making out.
When Aaron saw her,he turned his back and kept kissing Michi.
Aphmau didn't know where to go,Katelyn and Kawaii~Chan were gone,and Lucinda was working.
Then she remembered Zane,and ran toward his grey home.
When she got to the door she hesitated on knocking,at the beginning Zane told her Aaron wasn't right for her..And he was right.
Aphmau put her head down,and looked at her feet.
She decided she would just go to her moms.
As she turned to walk away,she heard the door creak open.She stood frozen.
"Aphmau?"Zane said,unsure why Aphmau was standing outside of his door.
"U-U-Uhh..."She stuttered,feeling tears well up her her eyes once again.
"What are you doing,do you want to come in?"Zane said,wanting to be nice to his best friend.
Aphmau turned around slowly,and Zane got a good look at her cheeks stained with tears.
His face went blank,and he grabbed her arm jerking her inside.
"Z-Zane!"Aphmau shrieked in surprise.
Zane trudged inside with a death grip on Aphmau.
He slammed the door shut and pulled Aphmau to the couch.
Aphmau sat on the couch for a few minutes,before Zane came back in with cupcakes,and a faint pinky cake plush.
He sat down and handed Aphmau a cupcake,putting the huge plush beside Aphmau.
"What wrong?"Be said,you could definitely hear the worry in his voice.
"A-Aaron....Aaron cheated on me!!"Aphmau shrieked lunging forward at Zane.
Zane held his hands up as Aphmau cried into his chest.
He blushes a deep red as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Aphmau,he's not worth your tears."He said,laying his head on top of hers.
They sat like that for a few minutes,silently.The comfortable silence.
Until Aphmau raised her head up,Zane looked her in the eyes.
"Thanks for being my best friend Zane."She said smiling at him."But,ya know what's really hard about having a guy best friend....?"She said looking down.
Zane got nervous then,what could he have done now?
"Being in love with him."She said looking up at him.Zane turned a deep red,and his eyes widened.
His mouth curved into a small smile,and he leaned in.
There lips landed on each others,and they were a perfect fit.
They separated,sadly they needed to breath.
That made Aphmau forget all about Aaron.


Oh My Irene guys!Disney World was so fun!Im currently writing this in a car,in Georgia!Ive got to drive about 3 more hours!!Ugghhhh!Well I hope you liked it,I decided to change it up a bit and go third person.

See ya!

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