He's not the same man I loved

Per Erin_Chilton

125K 3.5K 743

The story starts after the last 4 words of Fall between Rory and Lorelai Més

1. I'm Pregnant
2. Telling Logan
3. 2 Weeks of Traveling and Planning
4. A night of Dinner and Dancing
5. Secret's out, Ideas are placed
6. Moving Day
7. Morning After and Doctor's Appointment
8.Surprise and Panic
9. Night Out in London
10. Dancing, Accusations and New Beginings
11. Confessions and Realizations
12.Wedding Day
13. Reception and Ambushed
14. Telling The Parent's and Gossip
15. Jumping
16. Telling the Gilmore Women
17. Night at the Inn and Dealing with Dads
18. Rumors And Bubbles
19. Winter Holidays
20. New Years, New Talks
21. Lawyers, Bridesmaids and Names
22. High Society and Regrets
23. Meeting Dad and Grandma
24. Double Heiress
25. Weddings and Surprises
26. Ring's and Visitors
27. Surprise Guest and Balls
28. Meeting The Gilmore-Morgan's
29. Lunch and A Surprise
30. Baby Showers and Big Deal's
31. Consultation
33. Family Celebration
34. Wedding Plans
35. Party's and Forever
36. Pictures and Surprise's
37. After party and Breaking secrets
38. Drunk Kareoke and The Morning After
39. Pre - Christmas eve party
40. Grandma's Old Tricks
41. Dead Man Walking
42. First Thing Christmas Morning
43. Christmas Continued
44. Back to New York and Honeymoon
45.Out With The Old, In With The New
46. New Year
47. Out In The Open
48. Moving Forward, Surprise and Loss
49. Going home
50. New Developments
50.5 flash back
51. Dinner with the In-laws
52. Book Tour and Surprises
53. Surprise Graduation party PT. 1
54. Surprise Graduation party PT. 2
55. Surprise Graduation party PT. 3
56. Birthdays and Life Changes
57. The Run In and Back From Paris
58. Unknown feelings
59. New Additions
60. Surprise Trip
61. Old Friends
63. A Wedding and A Crazy Mother In-Law
64. Home For Christmas
65. Surprise's
letter from the author
66. Valentines Trip's
67. Congratulations are in order

32. A Family Affair

1.7K 51 9
Per Erin_Chilton

Recap of what happened in the last chapter

"You know I'm more than happy to help you with the kids and shot's, Your doing a huge thing for me," Logan says

"I'm all in love, we have more than enough help with the kids and I'm all for helping with the shots," Finn says

"Alright when can we do this" Rory asks


"Are you breast feeding?" Kalinda asks

"Yes," Rory says

"We have to wait till your done breast feeding," Kalinda says

"Alright well 5 months from now it is I guess," Rory says

"Call us when your ready to get started and we will get you all setup," Kalinda says

"Thank you, Kalinda, you helped us a lot today," Rory says

"Thank you," Logan and Finn say simultaneously

The three of them leave Kalinda's office and head back downstairs

"Is 5 months from now an ok time line Logan?" Rory asks

"Yes, I'm not going to rush you, Anytime in the next year is great for me, I can find a great surrogate this way," Logan says

"I will do it as soon as I stop breastfeeding but that's not planned to happen till the latest of new years," Rory says

"Where do we pick Harper and Richie up from" Finn asks

"Manhattan Mall, If Logan is free he can always join us, I'm sure Harper and Richie miss their godfather," Rory says

"You know I won't miss an opportunity to see them," Logan says smiling

15 minutes later

Logan walks up to the stroller and immediately says hi to Harper and Richie before putting on the Moby wrap to carry them around.

"you couldn't wait could you?" Honor asks

" what, I missed them a lot," Logan says shrugging his shoulders

"this is the reason I'm willing to help Logan have kids, he's amazing with kids, and he wants them so bad," Rory says

"what did they say today," honor asks

"can't start till I'm done breastfeeding so by new years we will start," Rory says

"that's great, Logan we should start looking for a surrogate for you asap," honor says

"already ahead of you, I have a friend that is going to put a portfolio together of top-class surrogates," Logan says

"dynasty labs?" Honor asks

"no that's Paris Gellar's, she would ask to many questions and be snoopy" Rory says

the 4 adults and two babies continued to shop and get honor the last few things she needed before her own twins came, Finn helped carry bags along with the stroller and the car seats got carried out by a person from the store.

Aug 11th

Honor had her twin girls Alanna and Alissa on July 22nd just like she had told them they waited till the day after Rory, Finn, and Logans appointment.

Today is Harper and Richie's 6 week check up and Rory's 6 weeks post partum check up, April is in New York visiting Rory, Finn and the kids so she's helping out and watching the baby's while Rory gets examined. Harper is now 10lbs 3oz, 21" tall and riches is 10lbs 15oz 24" tall. Rory is doing good and has been cleared for regular activities. as soon as the appointments are done Rory calls Finn to let him know what the Dr's said.

"that's great love, I will see you after work," Finn says

"I will be waiting," Rory says


"Honey I'm home" Finn say's hearing Rory walk down the hall towards the living room

"Hi hun, Welcome home," Rory says

"Do we have plans tonight?" Finn asks

"No, but Steph asked if we wanted to go out tonight, bring April and the kids. Colin and Steph want too see them and April" Rory says

"Dinner, or dessert?" Finn asks

"Dinner is in the kitchen so desert I suppose," Rory says

"Alright, I will call Colin and confirm," Finn says

Finn goes off, and text's Logan

To: Huntz

"From: Finn

"Mate, Se you tonight, Remember the plan."

To: Finny

From: Logan

"I will Don't worry."

To: Huntz

From: Finn

"See you there."

Finn calls Colin

"Finn, What's the verdict," Colin asks

"Desert tonight, April, Harper, and Richie are coming. Logan is also" Finn says

"Good, I'm glad Logan is alright with this" Colin says

"I am too," Finn says before he hangs up

Back in the Kitchen

"Ladies and Babies, We are all set for dessert out," Finn says

"Let's eat and head out," April says

Rory, April, and Finn eat their dinner and get them self's and the kids ready to head to see the group


"Car's here," Finn says

"Just a second" Rory says

"Coming," April says

"I got the bean's and the bag," Finn says

Finn takes Harper and Richie to the car to get them all secured in then April comes, and then Rory comes last locking the door.

"Where are we going," April asks

"I was just told there would be a car and the driver would know were to take us," Finn says

"Smells like someone is up to something," Rory says

"Colin and Steph have something to tell us, I'm sure it may turn into a celebration," Finn says

"You're right," Rory says

15-minute drive later

"What is Desi's," April asks

"It's the hardest to get into dessert restaurant in New York, It's a major hang out of celebrities," Rory says

"Wow, do you think we will meet any" April asks

"I know we will," Finn says

"I cant wait," April says

The 3some and the baby's walk up to the man at the door

"How can I help you," The man asks

"Should be a reservation under Morgan?" Finn says

"Morgan +2+2, Go in sir," The man says

"Thank you," Finn says as the man holds the doors open for the 5 of them

They get escorted to a big table were Logan, Steph, Robert, Rosemary, Juliet, Josh, Honor, Honor's 4 daughters, and a few of their other friends are.

"I wasn't expecting you all to be here," Rory says as herself, Finn and April all sit and put the twins on the car seat chairs (Specially designed for car seats to sit on so the kids can be the same level of the table)

"It's a big night, You all need to latest news at the same time," Steph says

"So what's this news," Finn asks

"As you all know we recently got married, We decided that once we were married, we would stop taking precautions to prevent pregnancy, We are currently just about 14 weeks," Colin says

"Bloody hell, How the hell did you hide it this long" Finn asks laughing

"Well easy, I didn't wear tight clothing, I just started to show anyways, and we have all been really busy lately between baby's, family things and work," Steph says

"Congratulation's you two," Rory says

"I think this deserves a toast," Robert says

They all hold their glass's up "In Omnia Paratus" Robert says

"In Omnia Paratus," they all say simultaneously

Finn excuses himself to the bathroom

5 minute's later

Someone walks up to Rory

"Hi, I just wanted to say you have the most beautiful eyes" and hands her a rose with a tag that says "Say yes."

"Thank you, I got them from my mom," Rory says giggling

"OMG... Your... Hugh Jackman" April says

"Yes I am," Hugh Jackman says

When he walks away someone else walks up to Rory and hands her another rose

and says "Say yes" then another 5 people do the same and Rory looks around at her group confused

"I'm so confused," Rory says

"Us too, maybe the have the wrong person," April says

Finn comes back from the bathroom

"Love, what are those" Finn asks

"Hugh Jackman and a few others brought me roses with a tag that says, "says yes," I think they brought them to the wrong person," Rory says

The song "just the way you are" plays

"No, they didn't, Want to dance," Finn asks

"According to these I should say yes," Rory says

Finn puts his hand out to lead her to the empty area near the stage, they begin to dance

"Was this all your set up?" Rory asks

"not all of it," Finn says

they just stand there looking into each others eyes until the song ends then they go back to the table, a mile high mud pie is delivered with a toy ring placed on top of the cherry.

"What is this" Rory asks the waiter

"I was told to give it to the lady with the gorgeous blue eyes," the waiter says

"I think I have an Aussie admirer.... Hugh Jackman said I have gorgeous blue eyes but what's with this" Rory says

"Let me take a look....." Finn says before getting out of his chair

Behind Rory comes her family and his without her seeing

"Hmm Odd," Finn says before sitting next to her again and looking straight at her

"Rory, I love you, and I am so proud of you, I hate it took us so long to finally get to this point in our lives, We have 2 beautiful children, your a published author, a Yale graduate, Your an amazing mother and girlfriend......" Finn sys while getting down on one knee

"I have to ask Lorelai "Rory" Leigh Gilmore will you make me the happiest man alive, will you marry me," Finn asks

"OMG Finn.... Yes...... Yes, Wait did you ask my Mom and Dad" Rory squeals

Finn turns Rory around to show Lorelai, Emily, Luke, Jess, Christopher, Francine, Gigi, Paris, Lane, Finn's parents and his 3 sisters and Sookie

"WOW.... I didn't even hear any of you behind me..... How did you pull this off" Rory asks

"I had some help.... I asked your mom, Luke, Christopher, and Emily weeks ago, Also made sure Logan would be ok, Logan made the arrangement's to get everyone here, and April got the Mudd pie delivered with the toy ring to distract you from noticing everyone coming in behind you" Finn says

"You all know," Rory said looking at everyone in the group

"Steph, Juliet, Rosemary and Colin had no idea I was doing it here tonight, but everyone knew I was asking tonight, and Honor had to be here for it of course, and everyone else knew," Finn says

"how is it I had no idea," Rory asks

"Busy with twin's," honor said giggling

"how did you get Hugh Jackman, Darren Criss, Chris Colfer, Liam Hemsworth and the others involved?" Rory asks

"I know Hugh and Liam from running into them and Darren and Criss I met when Darren played Hedwig on Broadway, and I had backstage passed, we also have a few friends in common" Finn says

"Finn knows celebrities?" April asks

"We all have met at least one celebrity in our social circles a few times," Rory says

"Who do you know" April asks

"Put it this way... Glee... and of course Chris Colfer I have met, He's an author also" Rory says

"Wow I love Glee," April says

Rory looks to Logan and gives him a discreet look of "come here, " and he comes over

"So......"Rory says

"Congratulations, I'm happy for you both truly," Logan says

"Are you sure you're not upset?" Rory asks

"We were too young, you wanted to make yourself someone without the name, I was going to California and basically planned our life without talking to you, I also asked the wrong way, You both deserve happiness," Logan says

"Thank you, you do too, and you will get it one day," Rory says giving Logan a kiss

"Congratulations kiddo, I was hoping you would say yes," Christopher says

"Thank you, dad," Rory says

"Finally I can say my offspring is engaged," Lorelai says

"Oh mother," Rory says

"Congratulations kid," Luke says

"Thank you," Rory says giving Luke a hug

everyone else congratulated Finn and Rory but the last people... His family

"We are so happy he finally took the jump and asked, it took him long enough," Mrs. Morgan says

"It hasn't been that long, its only been 9 months since we found out about being pregnant" Rory says laughing

"Darling, we knew the minute we saw the way you looked at each other he was going to ask you to marry him," Mr. Morgan says

"Welcome to the family sis," The three Morgan girls say

"It's about damn time Finn," Evie says

Continua llegint

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