mr. payne // liam payne

由 niallskiiwi

164K 3.1K 3.6K

[completed] ❝i know what we did last night was so wrong, but why does this feel so right?❞ A story in which... 更多

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five


7.7K 156 194
由 niallskiiwi

I sighed with relief when the bell rang at the end of 8th period, which meant I finally got to go to Liam's class. I was anxious and eager to get to math the whole day; it didn't help that it was my last period.

As always, I was the first one in the room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Payne" I greeted, taking my seat. He turned around from the board and gave me a big smile.

"Hi Joelle. How are you today?" He asked.

"I'm good, thanks. Is it alright if I talk to you after class? I need help on something" I asked, trying to hold back my giggle. We both knew it was about my underwear.

"Of course" Liam grinned. The rest of the girls filed in and made their greetings, some obvious about their crush, others more nonchalant. But as usual, the most obvious was Kelsey.

Her annoying voice screeched upon entering the classroom, "Hi Mr. Payne! That color look so good on you"

"Thank you, Kelsey" Liam chuckled, while taking a quick glance at me. I smirked because he was finally realizing how obsessed his students were.

My classmates and I settled into our seats and waited for class to begin.

"Hello everyone, how was your weekend?" Our teacher asked, hopping onto his desk. I never understood why he has a chair if he rarely uses it.

Not to my surprise, Kelsey's hand shot up immediately, "Mine was good, Mr. Payne! I went shopping and bought a new bra. See!" Annie, Brooke, and I scoffed when she moved her shirt to the side to reveal her hot pink bra strap.

"Oh, um, that's nice" Liam stuttered. I chuckled at the uncomfortable expression on his face as he tried to change the subject, "Would anyone else like to share? Joelle? How about you?"

Annie and Brooke smirked at me when my eyes widened. I could tell Liam was trying to hold back a laugh, so I decided to fire back, "It was good. I went to McDonalds and watched a lot of Friends"
A smile spread across his face when I brought up some events from our weekend, "That sounds nice. Friends is my favorite show "

"Mine too!" Kelsey cheered. I rolled my eyes at her, causing Liam to chuckle. 

"Alright class, time to start some graphing!" Liam announced, going up to the board. He wrote r•cosθ=4 with the dry erase marker then turned around to face us, "Does anyone know how to solve this?"

One of Kelsey's minions, Riley, shouted from the back of the class, "I do!"

Liam called her up so she could show the class how to solve it. On purpose, she dropped the marker when Liam handed it to her. She giggled, "Oopsies!" and bent down to get it. Her skirt flipped over as she reached for the floor, showing off her underwear to our teacher. Liam's eyes immediately darted to the ceiling when he realized what she was doing. When she finally returned back up she smirked, "Nevermind, I forgot how to do it"

I glanced at Brooke and Annie and they were just as disgusted as I was. It was unbelievable how desperate some girls were.

Liam cleared his throat, "Um, does anyone else know how to solve this?"

After a few moments of silence, I spoke up. Liam sighed with relief and gladly handed the marker to me. I explained the problem to the class as I marked the board, "'r•cosθ' equals 'x', which means that the equation can be simplified to x=4. So, the graph is just a vertical line where x is always 4"

Liam smiled, "Very good, Ms. Taylor. Take a seat"

The rest of the class went as every other: Liam teaching as my obnoxious classmates practically threw themselves at him. I was relieved when the bell rang, meaning that the day was over.

"Brooke, I have work today so I don't need a ride" I informed my best friend.

"Okay! I might pay you a visit later. I did pretty good on my English project so I think I'm going to reward myself with ice cream!" She exclaimed. I giggled at her way of thinking. She was the most adorable person.

"Sounds good, see ya girlies!" I waved goodbye to Annie and Brooke as they headed out, leaving Liam and I by ourselves. As usual, he was seated on the top of his desk.

I smirked, "Now do you know what I mean when I say they all have a massive crush on you?"

"Oh, definitely" He chuckled, "And I believe these are yours"

He pulled out my red lace panties from the pocket of his bag and held them out to me. The heat rose to me cheeks as I stared at my underwear in his grip.

"Yeah, sorry about that" I laughed nervously. I took them from his hand and quickly shoved it into my backpack.

"No worries," He reassured, "So did I hear Brooke say that you work at an ice cream shop?"

"Yep! It's called Scoops. It's actually not too far from your apartment" I replied.

"Scoops? I know where that is! But, that's pretty far from your house, Joelle. How do you normally get there?" Liam asked.

"I take the bus there and sometimes back when my dad can't pick me up" I explained.

"Oh, well I can take you today if you'd like. I'm about to get going anyways" He offered.

I probably shouldn't have agreed because it was just going to intensify my already big crush on him, but I just couldn't help it.


Keeping my eyes on the road, I laughed as Joelle ranted about the girls in her grade while sitting in the passenger seat.

"And Kelsey hooked up with Riley's boyfriend at a party last weekend, but Riley still does whatever Kelsey wants! She's so desperate for popularity that she'll do anything to stay at the top, even if it means dealing with the queen bitch" She scoffed.

"Queen bitch?" I rose an eyebrow at Joelle's sudden profanity.

"Oh," She chuckled, "that's what the girls and I call Kelsey"

"I mean, if the crown fits" I commented, making her giggle.

"But, it doesn't seem like you have these typical teenage girl problems, Joelle. Unless I'm completely blind and Brooke is hooking up with your boyfriend but you're still friends with her to stay popular?" I joked.

She laughed, "No, I definitely don't waste my time on high school drama. It's not worth it. Plus, I've never had a boyfriend for Brooke to hook up with"

"You've never had a boyfriend?" I nearly gasped. How could someone like her not have a boyfriend?

She chuckled and shook her head, "I haven't. I mean I've like hooked up with guys before, but I just never wanted to date any of them" Her cheeks suddenly turned a light shade of pink, "I just shared too much, didn't I?"

I laughed, "No, you're fine. I'm a twenty five year old guy, of course I know all about the hookup culture"

"You're not a man whore, are you?" she smirked.

"Definitely not," I chuckled, "I actually haven't been with a woman in a few months" Joelle just nodded in response and I suddenly realized what I had let slip, "Now I'm the one sharing too much, aren't I?"

A small smile spread across her pink lips, "Nope"

"Good" I grinned.

The rest of our car ride was pretty interesting to say the least. Joelle did most of the talking, not that I minded. I quite enjoyed learning about her life in the short 30 minutes we had spent in the car.

She told me all about her parents and how they are rarely home because of work but she understands since she knows it's for her. I also learned about how she met her two best friends, Brooke and Annie, and how they've been inseparable since.

Joelle then talked a bit about her past 'flings', as she described it, with boys that attended the all guys school across the street from where I teach. She was sure to clarify that she thought all of them were too immature for her, which is why it never went anywhere.

I also learned that she could be a bit rowdy on the weekends. Occasionally, she goes out with Annie to a club or bar, using their fake IDs, which was surprising. She was sure to mention that Brooke doesn't join them because she's not into that stuff.

I was pretty shocked to learn that Joelle was into that behavior. She didn't seem like the type of girl who parties or drinks, but she also didn't seem like the type of girl to kiss her teacher, so I guess you never know.

Before dropping Joelle off, I told her that I was more than willing to start taking her to work after school. It wasn't far from the apartment and I genuinely enjoyed the time I got with her. Luckily, she accepted my offer, leaving me with a huge grin on my face that stuck with me the whole way home.

"Hey guys" I greeted my roommates upon entering the apartment.

"Hey mate," Harry took his gaze from the TV to look at me, "How come you're home later than usual?"

"I just dropped Joelle off at Scoops. Did you know she works there?" I replied, setting my briefcase down on the table.

"No I didn't," Harry smirked, "But I did know that you fancy your student"

I groaned, "No I don't!"

"Who are you kidding, dude?! She's all you've been able to talk about ever since she left on Sunday" Niall pointed out, making me roll my eyes.

"She's just nice to talk to. That's all" I replied calmly, hoping that would settle it.

"Yeah right," Louis scoffed, "You totally like her Liam!"

I sighed, realizing that they may just be right. Maybe I do have a bit of a crush on Joelle..But even if I did, It wouldn't matter because I couldn't do anything about it anyway. She's my student and she's way younger than me. It's illegal and just plain wrong.

Louis noticed the change in my facial expression and slung his arm around my shoulder, "I know you like her mate, but you can't do anything because she's your student and a minor. How about we all go to the club this Friday and make you forget about Jo, yeah?"

I agreed, thinking that this would be healthy for me. This crush isn't anything a few drinks and a one night stand can't fix, right?


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