
By Stabbedintheback

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This is an introduction to a series of a teen struggling with sanity. More

day one
Day 2 1st day of school
Later on
The Night Air
Who is she
Into the real night air
GPS Tracking
Barely Alive
The end of the beginning and the beginning of the end


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By Stabbedintheback

Just another day in this boring town full of nothing but strip malls. No where cool to hang while I play hooky. Sitting behind some stupid stores dumpster smoking what Alex would call a fag. Stink of it all over my fingers took a while before I didn't get nauseous of the smell but I still get a massive head rush brain cloud. Man my nails are freaking gross just dirty black with no polish. Oh crap I think I hear someone driving around the bend. I took a head dive into the dumpster. Wow a bunch of cool crap to have if I had my own shack someplace. Started thinking of those two dudes that gave me the creeps the other night. Looked like they were Huffing paint with all of it on there face. Reminded me of Jake he use to huff everything and ended up in the hospital almost died or something crazy. Grabbed a couple of things peeped over the side and jumped out of the dumpster. Wiping off the sweat that was close. Have to find a better spot to hide during school. Soon as I jumped the fence to the park the lights! Fuck they got me !nowhere to run!

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