Can five equal one?

By wyndiste

39 2 5

kill me please More

Naamloos deel 2

Naamloos deel 1

28 1 2
By wyndiste


Beings like humans who possess three abilities. These abilities include: levitating the beings and objects around them, invisibility, and sharp hearing. Electrens come from the planet known as Electress, which is one of the planets that The Three discovered. Electress is named after the one who found it. The planet was often at war with Sunra. They would fight about the beliefs of The Three. Believing that Electress hated Sunra, meant that Electrens must always hate Sunrans. Unfortunately, the planet of strength has fallen. The current leader of the once planet, Queen Nova choose a small number of her people along with herself and her son to seek refuge on the planet Earth, after being denied refuge from both Sunra and Winden.


Out of the three kinds, the Sunran appear the most unlike the humans. All Sunran have a crystal on their chest, which allows them to remember everything. All female Sunran have vine like markings under both of her eyes. The markings are always the same color of her eyes. Sunrans only see in monochrome. They have pale skin due to the harsh climate of Sunra. Sunrans are very slender so they swift runners. Sunra, like Electress is named after the founder. The planet known for control is broken up into four parts. Three empires, and in the middle is The State, which is the government. Like the other planets, the government is based on bloodline.zsa cbvhnjkm1 '187 Sunra, herself spilt the planet into four parts for her four sons. Ruke got control of the Ruke Empire, Stellan got the Stellan Empire, Cambell got the Cambell Empire, and the eldest son, Sona got control of The State. With a government known for control, people started to rebel. Though the War of Commons ended, The Sunran government has even more struggles with it's people.


With feathered wings, they are like angels. Windiste are from the planet Winden. Like the rest, the planet is named after the founder of the planet. In the royal family, it is common to marry your own sibling to keep the bloodline clean. Windiste refer to those closest to them as their 'wing'. This term is also used to refer to the one that you will marry. Windiste believe that Winden did not have an opinion on Sunra and Electress' fight so they prefer to stay neutral.

Chapter One♚


Broken opened his locker and started to grab his history book. He dropped it in shock when he heard someone calling his name.

He turned to face his caller. To his surprise it was the twins, Graci and Wendy. Both the girls had brunette hair and blue eyes. Broken always thought it was hard to believe they were twins since they looked so different from each other. They did not even look related. Graci's eyes were a strange ice blue color, while Wendy just had a normal shade of blue eyes.

What would they want? He thought. Broken knew people only talked to him to mess with him. But the twins never did that, they have never even spoke to Broken before.

"Broken!" The tone of Graci's voice was calm, but by staring at her eyes, Broken knew that wasn't the case.

"Graciela, what do you want?"

"Explain this to me." She pulled out a necklace from the pocket of her jeans. "Why did Moonstruck give this to me? Who the hell even is that?" Broken's eyes widened when Graci took out the necklace, but he was even more shocked when she mentioned Moonstruck. It can't be. She's dead. Isn't she?

"Explain, green eyed freak!' Wendy's voice interrupted his train of thought.

"Well, if you wanted me to tell you something, then the best thing is to not call me names. Also, what makes you think I would know anything about this?" Broken just wished they

would leave him alone. He just everyone to leave him alone. Is

that too much to ask for? It's not like I see anything wrong with being that weird loner kid. Heh, I already am that that weird loner kid. Heh. He couldn't stand being called a 'green eyed freak'. He may have emerald green eyes but that didn't mean he was a freak. Or maybe it did. Broken knew he wasn't human, but he was sure no one else knew.

Graci sighed. "Come on, Broken. You don't want that golden scarf of yours to get stolen, now do you? Her voice was cold, and her pale eyes stared into his soul. Broken could tell that his peer was not bluffing.

"Just leave me alone!" He backed against his locker. "I know nothing about that Moonstrike person or whatever the name is." Broken hoped that the tone of his voice and his facial expression wouldn't give away the fact he was lying. What do I know about Moonstruck? How about what you know? He wanted to say, but he didn't want to explained himself. He would rather not talk about his old friend. He still felt bad for what he did. Broken wished he knew how Graci and Wendy knew about Moonstruck. And why Graci had Moonstruck's sister's necklace. The only thing this conversation will get him was late to his history class.

"You're really fine with losing the scarf? You wear that stupid thing everyday." Wendy sneered.

"Just leave me alone! I don't know anything about the necklace! Broken shouted.Wendy's gaze fixed on her sister. Graci was too busy staring at Broken. A few seconds later she met Wendy's gaze Then glared back at Broken, "He is lying." Graci stated.

Broken just blinked at Graci. He was speechless. What? How could she know that? He knew he was a good liar. He lied about his past to everyone. No one had ever saw though his lies. What was so different about Graciela? And that's when Broken realized how much Graci looks like Moonstruck's mother. She does have Arrow's necklace. She knows something about Moonstruck. Surely she can't be. Broken could not believe his eyes. Was the girl in front of him really Moonstruck's beloved younger sister? He didn't know what to believe. Arrow is dead, and so is Moonstruck. Or at least that is what he thought.

Broken then remembered how Arrow had an extra ability. The young girl could tell when others were lying. But how? He couldn't figure out how she was still alive. If Arrow is alive, Moonstruck must be as well. But how?

Wendy was tapping her foot impatiently. "So?" She rolled her eyes, "You going to explain yourself to us?

Broken knew he couldn't tell Graci the truth. It would only make people think he was more

"You're not going to tell?" Graci smirked then pulled Broken's scarf off his neck

"Hey! Give it back!" Broken's shout couldn't be heard because of Wendy's laughter. The girl's laughter was loud and obnoxious. It made Broken furious. He just couldn't understand why people just can't leave him alone.

After a while more kids joined in the twins' little game. Broken's ears just started to feel numb. All he could hear was shouting.

Why isn't anyone helping me? Does it not concern anyone?

"Leave him alone!" Broken was relieved to hear the voice of his sister, Estelle. Though the two were not actually related, since Broken was adopted. She did her best to be viewed as a big sister figure. "I said give it back!" Estelle had a sight French accent. Broken's new family were French. Due that that fact, Broken actually spoke a lot French. "Give it here!" Estelle grabbed the scarf that was taken from her brother. She handed it back to her brother and smiled. "Here."

Broken faked a smiled, "thanks, Estelle." I can't believe I need my older sibling to look out for me. I can take of myself!

Estelle fixed her brown gaze on her brother, their gazes met. "What was that about? Does stuff like that always happen to you? Why haven't you talked to me about this? Are you okay?" Estelle's voice was filled with concern as she asked Broken questions.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

Broken hoped that his day wouldn't get any worse. Besides getting on, his older sister decided to walk him to class. Which Broken could only describe that as utterly embarrassing. Luckily he had history class, which was Broken's favorite. Human history and culture had always been something he found very interesting, even as a child. Growing up as Electren royal his mother had him and his twin learn about humans.

He flinched as his teacher announced that they will be working in pairs. Broken hated working with others. He just hated people in general. "Darn it." Broken said to himself.

Broken hated working with others. He just hated people in general. "Darn it." Broken said to himself.

The teacher started to read off a list of who was with who. He told his students to sit next to their partners.

Broken picked up his stuff to sit with his partner. His partner was a girl with brunette hair and blue eyes. His partner was no other than Graciela.

Graciela raised her hand. "I refuse to work with my partner." She said.

Broken looked at her. He was disappointed that she didn't want to work with him. But he didn't think he could be able to work with her. That would be too weird. He thought.

The teacher stared at them and calmly answered no. "This is a partner project, I plan for it to stay that way. Understand?

Broken's green gaze fixed on Graciela. She looked like she was about to scream. Does she dislike me that much? She has no reason to hate me. Or at least none that I know of. "I can do all the work if you like." He whispered to her.

Graciela gave him a cold look. "What do you take me for? An Idiot?" She snapped. "If we don't finish this in class, then we'll do it right after school. In the library. I really just want to get this project over with. Got it?"

Broken stared at her for awhile, then he finally nodded. He was confused on why Graciela wanted this project to be done as soon as possible.

"Let's start then." Graci then pulled out her history book and they started to flip through the pages. As she flipped them she read off the page number.

Broken thought it was just annoying. But he could deal with it. He glanced at her. Broken couldn't stop thinking of why she would hate him. She barely knows anything about me. Broken realized.

After thinking about it Broken didn't know much about Graciela. He always just assumed that her and her twin were really close. He thought this because Wendy would always wear perform, and that scent would linger on Graciela. Also, he always would see the two together. I guess she only knows that a lot of people hate me.

"Are you listening to me?" Graci sounded annoyed, her pale gaze was fixed on Broken. He hadn't. He was too busy

thinking. Always thinking. But what was the point? I was too busy focusing on why this stupid girl didn't want to work with me. Maybe that's why she hates me, I'm always too busy daydreaming. Why does this even matter to me? He asked himself.

There are a lot of people who hated him. Why does he care about Graci hating him? Graciela was just like everyone else. She is a stubborn brat who only cares for herself. Nothing more, nothing else. Graciela, the brat, that name suited her. But sadly, Graci was different. Broken was sure she was just like him, an Electren. But not just any Electren, his beloved knight's little sister. Arrow, she was Arrow. He was sure of it.

Broken didn't know if he was correct. What if he was wrong? He couldn't tell her. What would she think? Would she think I'm insane? Oh, what am I thinking? Of course she would!

"Broken!" Graci slammed her book shut in frustration. "This is the last straw! Maybe we could actually get something done if you payed attention me!"

As soon as she slammed the shut, the eyes of their peers were on them. It was a classroom filled of whispers.

Broken caught the glimpse of his partner's pale eyes. They were cold and threatening, blue pools of anger and annoyance.

He hated that feeling. The feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He always felt though they were eating away at his insides. The feeling of worry and stress devoured him.

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