OMG, are you Hazza? (One Dire...

By vampire-

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How the hell did I, Nadine, bump into Harry from One Direction? More

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

284 10 3
By vampire-

I woke up the next day.

Well, I woke up to One Direction's 'Up All Night' blasting out of my alarm clock.

I smiled to myself as I remembered the events of yesterday.

I met Harry Styles. 

Which is like the coolest thing EVER!

I stretched and got out of bed.

Half an hour later, I had eaten my scrumptious breakfast which my mum had made for me, dressed, showered and all ready to go to school.

I was waiting for Hayley to come and knock at my door.

We walk to school together, and she is always usually late at coming.

God, that girl.

10 minutes later, I heard Hayley banging on my door.

"Fuckin' hell, Hails, my mum is sleeping." I scolded as I opened the door.

She was grinning, and her hand was raised like as if she was going to bang on the door again.

I frowned. 

Someone looked very happy today.

"What happened?" I said bluntly, folding my arms.

She frowned, "Am I that predictable?" she asked.

"Spill." I said.

"Whatever, Kingsley is buying me tickets to see All Time Low in 2 weeks time, when they're touring here. And says I can bring 2 people 'coz he won't be going." She exclaimed and jumped up and down.

I linked my arms with hers and shut my front door and got walking. 

"Oh my God, Hails, I'm so happy for you. I know you've been dying to see them. Alex is absolute sex." I gushed.

She yanked her head up and down so fast like an excited puppy.

"Um, Hails, I don't want your head to come off your neck." I pointed out.

She turned to glare at me, "Shut up, Mrs Styles." she teased.

I rolled my eyes, "I told you over and over again, I DON'T WANT TO BE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH HIM! We will be JUST friends." I snapped.

 "Woah, dude, chill." She said, raising her eyebrows, "You know you said he follows you on Twitter, don't you think he'll see all your tweets about doing naughty things to One Direction?" She giggled.

I gasped and almost choked.

"Fuck, Hails! I didn't think of that!" I shreiked.

Oh my freaking days. 

Haz and possibly the others will probably see my tweets, e.g  Harry is sex on legs. Harry is a sex god. Harry needs to get in my bed etc.

Hayley was laughing and was being a very bad friend by not giving me any advice in this very moment where I am panicking.

"I have to delete my Twitter. I'm like a sex-crazed slut on my Twitter!" I cried. 

"Chill! It'll be jokes when he see's that. Leave it, you could probably laugh it off, Dee." She assured me.

I took deep breaths and thought 'Yeah, why not? He'd find it funny, scratch that, it IS funny.' 

"Right, I'll leave it. Wait, is that Colin coming over to us?" I said, as we approached our school entrance.

"Hey, Nadine, Hello, Hayley." Colin greeted us.

", h-hi, Col-lin." I stuttered. 

What the fuck is wrong with me? I can speak perfectly fine when Harry Styles is in front of me but when Colin is saying Hi to me, I can't answer him without sounding like a retard!

"Hey, Colin." Hayley smiled, nudging me and reminding me to get my act together.

"Can I meet you at lunch? I wanna talk to you about something." Colin asked me.

I swallowed, "Sure, where should we meet?" I said, hoping to sound casual and nochalant. 

"How about the library?I have to return a few books I borrowed." He suggested.

Aww, he's such a hot nerd!

"That's fine with me." I smiled.

He returned my smile with a heart-warming one of his.

"I'll see you later then, Nadine." He said, waving and walking off.

"Nads, here is your award for making a fool out of yourself." she grinned and handed me her empty chocolate wrapper.

I threw it ar her, "Shut up, you! I actually did pretty well after  my disastrous greeting." I pointed out.

She shrugged, "Whatever. We should get to class now, lessons will start soon." She said and we walked inside.

At lunch, I decided to go 5 minutes late to the library because i didn't want to seem too keen.

"Remember to not stutter or make a complete ass out of yourself." Hayley reminded me.

"Great help, Hails." I retorted.

She gave me a massive grin and a thumbs up. 

"I know! I'm a great help, and you should thank me loads." She laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Wish me luck." I said and walked to the library.

"AND REMEMBER, NO FOOLING AROUND OR ANY FUNNY BUISNESS, NADINE WOODS!" Hayley screamed down the corridors, causing all eyes to look between me and her.

I threw her a 'I'm so gonna kill you later' look and went on my way.

Colin was already there, returning his books and borrowing some while tapping his feet rythmically while he waited for the librarian to scan his books.

I approached him, "Hey, Colin." I greeted him with a warm smile.

He turned around and grinned when he saw it was me, like he was happy to see little old me.

"Hey there, Nadine." He replied, "Just done with these then we can talk over there." He pointed towards the corner of the library.

I nodded and when he was done, we walked over to the corner.

"What are you reading?" I asked him, peering over at his books, "Stephen King is really good, isn't he?" 

"Yeah, he's my all time favorite author." He agreed.

We chatted a bit more, about our music tastes.

"I listen to all types of music, really, from pop to rock. One Direction are absolutely amazing, so is All Time Low and Black Veil Brides." I babbled like an excited pup.

He laughed, "My little sister is in love with One Direction, I'm forever teasing her." He grinned,"All Time Low are lovely, definately one of my favorite bands. Not so sure about Black Veil Brides, never really heard their music. But Coldplay is and always will be my favourite ." He said.

I nodded, "Yeah, Coldplay are definately one of the best bands ever." I agreed with him,

"But One Direction are absolutely amazing!"  I exclaimed.

"I'm not going to agree or argue!" He laughed at my childishness.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Aw, don't be upset. Here, take my chocolate bar, did you have lunch, by the way?" He said, handing me a Cadbury's Dairy Milk.

I took it and broke it in half and gave him the other half.

"I'm not that hungry." I shrugged and bit into the chocolate and in an instant, the luscious chocolate started to melt in my tongue.

We both chatted a bit more, and eventually, the bell rang for our last 2 lessons.

"Right, Nadine, I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me on Saturday night?" He asked, casually.

I was busting with glee inside but decided to play it cool.

"Sure, Colin, what time?" I replied.

"I'll pick you up around 7. That okay?" He questioned.

"That's perfect." I smiled, but realised it sounded too...forward. 

Perfect? Out of all things, I chose to say perfect. I need to read a dictionary. 

He grinned back, "Lovely, Nads. I'll see you around." He waved and left me with a slow smile spread on my lips.

"What are you smiling at?" 

I turned around to see Gwyneth peering at me.

Gwyneth is my lovely friend, she usually hangs out with other girls, but she's friendly and speaks to everyone, so we instantly clicked. 

Plus, she has a slight obsession with the boys. 

"No hello?" I pouted.

"Don't change the subject, Nads." She pressed.

"I may have just been asked out by the Colin." I grinned.

"Oh my god, Nadine! I'm happy for you, babe!" She quealed and jumped up in excitement.

"Chill! I've been asked out not you!" I joked.

She laughed and we walked to our next lesson, as we had that lesson together.

I was daydreaming about Colin and Harry, chewing on my pen and the last bell of the day rang.

Everyone packed their bags, waved bye to their mates and headed out.

"Have a good weekend." I said to numerous people.

I headed out with Gwyneth and we met up with Hayley.

"NADS! How'd it go?!" Hayley exclaimed, hugging me.

"HAILS! I. CAN'T. BREATHE!" I choked out. 

She let go of me and patted me on the back, "Sorry, Nads, you know how I get when I'm excited." 

I shot her a glare and she shut up.

"I need water." I announced.

"I've got a water bottle." Hayley perked up, hoping to get in my good books.

Aw, isn't she lovely? (Author's Note; see what i did there? ;D)

I took it from her and drank a lot of it.

"Woah, someone's dehydrated." Hayley just can't keep her mouth shut. 

She's always commenting on things that don't need commenting.

Like the sk-

"The sky is so blue today." Hayley commented.

I laughed out loud.

Well, very loudly.

Gwen and Hails looked at me like I'm mad.

I can understand if Gwen found me a tad crazy, but Hails is on a whole different level of craziness, so I don't know why she wast staring at me like that. 

"Why do you laugh so randomly?" Gwen asked, confused.

"You wouldn't understand." I replied, shaking my head.

They both shrugged and we walked on.  

"Come over to mine, my parents are out." Gwen suggested.

I thought about it, "Can't. Sorry, gotta sort out some stuff at home." I told her.

She nodded, "That's cool, what about you, Hayley?" Gwen turned to Hayley.

"Sure, I have to pick some things from my house, then we'll go over to yours, okay?" Hayley said and Gwen agreed.

As we came nearer to my house, I turned around and faced them.

"Have a good weekend, guys. Love you." I said, hugging them both and heading into my house.

They waved and went on their way. 

"Honey, someone is here to see you." My mum said, sounding dazed.

Who the hell could it be?

"Hello, Nadine. Nice to see you again." a cheeky slow voice said. 

Seriously, what the fuck is Harry Styles doing in my house?

I'm not complaining! 


"Oh God, I think I've got a stalker." I joked, with a smile on my face.

"Nadine, you never told me about Harry Styles." My mum said, accusingly.

"It's not her fault, Mrs Woods. I actually told her not to tell anybody." Harry explained.

How sweet, Harry Styles was backing me up!

"Humph. Well I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." My mum said.

I could tell she wanted to bust, yeah, my mother loves One Direction too.

I told her I hate fangirling so I could count on her to act cool infront of Harry.

"Want to go to my room?" I offered.

"What are you suggesting?" He replied, wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk on his lips.

I slapped his arm, "You wish." I muttered.

"I do." He nodded, not the slightest bit embarassed.

I was turning an unattractive shade of red.

He laughed at my embarassment.

"It's either my room or the living room." I said, my cheeks back to it's normal milky shade.

He raised his eyebrows, "Can't we do it here?" He asked, looking innocent but I could see the inner meaning to that.

I tugged his curls and he winced, "Stop it, Harry. Or I'll kick you out my house, and guess what, you're well known in this area and I'm sure some girls would like to see the famous Harry Styles." I smirked, crossing my arms.

He paled, "Your not really going to do that?" He said, looking very frightened.

He probably had bad experience in the past.

"Of course not, stupid. Now, I need to go to my room and you need to explain why and how you came to my house." I said, literally dragging him into my room.

"This is not how you treat a guest!" Harry protested.

"Well, you don't go into people's homes and flirt with them." I shot back.

"You've got a point." He agreed and sat on my bed.

I smiled, "I'm always right."

"Pfft." I heard him say.

I rolled my eyes.

"Can I trust you to stay here and wait for 15 minutes while I take a quick shower and get out of this damn school clothes?" I said, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Of course!" He said, smiling sweetly. 

He looked very innocent...Too innocent.

I did that 'I-got-my-eye-on-you' gesture and went to my bathroom.

After about 15 minutes, I got out.

Clean, strawberry smelling and just fresh.

I stood at the door way, my mouth gaping wide.

"Harry, why are you prancing around in my bra?" I seethed.

He halted. 

"I just saw it and I had to try it on." He shrugged, taking it off like as if wearing women's stuff was completely and utterly normal.

"Did anybody ever tell you that you are a complete idiot?" I huffed, snatching my bra off his hand and stuffing it in my draw. 

"All. The. Time." He nodded.

I shook my head, "This boy is a nutter." I mumbled to myself.

"I heard that." Harry grumbled from behind me.

"Truth hurts." I snickered.

He frowned.

"Aw, you look so cute when you frown." I cooed.

He instantly smiled and his dimples showed, making him look so angelic.

"That smile is decieving...if only people knew that you dance in womens underwear..." I started.

"Don't you dare tell anyone." He interupted, shooting daggers at me.

I laughed at his expression.

"Course I won't! I'm not a snitch. It's not my buisness if Harry Styles has an obsession with underwear..ahem, WOMENS underwear." I teased.

He shrugged, "Do you want to know why I came or not?" He said.

I nodded and sat beside him.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out some paper...which looked like....TICKETS!

He handed the too me.

"2 Tickets, bring someone with you, and backstage passes. As promised." He smiled warmly.

I jumped up and hugged him.

"Thanks, Harry!" I exclaimed, excitedly!

"I always keep my promises." He smiled.

"Good, I keep my promises too." I smiled back.

"Should I bring Hayley?" I asked him.

"That's your best-friend, right?" He asked.

I nodded, "She's not a huge fan or anything but she'd be fun. Wait, I could bring Gwyneth. She loves you guys." I said, thoughtfully. 

A smile creeped up his face, "Don't hit on my friend." I warned him.

He smiled innocently, "I didn't say anything." 

I looked at him suspiciously.

"Hey, I got you tickets! smile." He said, and used his fingers and pushed my lips up, making my lips for a smile.

"There now, don't you look pretty." He commented.

I laughed, "I really appreaciate this, Harry. You getting me tickets for free." 

"My pleasure." He smiled modestly.

"But I want to know why. I mean, you wouldn't really do this for a fan. You confuse me." I said. 

"Listen, Nadine. You didn't act like a fan. You treated me just like you would do to another teenage boy. Not like a celeb at all. That's what made me speak to you. And you're fun to speak to you, I'd like to get to know you better, and I know the boys will adore you. I mean, you're hilarious! We like humour." Harry explained, laughing at the end.

"Thanks, Harry! That's really nice to know." I said genuinely.

He smiled and was about to say something but his phone beeped.

He quickly skimmed over it.

"It's Louis. He's coming in 5 minutes. I need to go." Harry explained.

"Tell him to come up. You could have dinner and leave." I suggested.

He sniffed the air, "Yep, we're staying, I can smell your mum's delicious cooking." He complimented. 

I laughed, "My mum is a professional chef." I told him.

"That is amazing. You get to have amazing meals everyday! Louis is a horrible cook!" He smiled then wrinkled his nose at the Louis comment.

"Louis is calling, 1 second." He said and picked up his vibrating phone. 

"Hey, Lou. You're outside? Come and knock on the door. We're having dinner. You don't want to? Her mum his a professional cook. Plus she's making carro-" Harry said but got cut off by the door bell ringing.

"Louis and his carrot obsession." Harry shook his head. 

I hopped down stairs. 

Oh my god, I'm actually gonna meet one of my idols.

I breathed in and relaxed.

Nadine, cool, calm and composed, I told myself.

I opened the door.

Oh my god, he looks so beautiful in real life.

"Hello!" I greeted him.

"Hey der, Nadine! Harry's told me all about you!" He smiled.

"He's lying then. He hardly knows me!" I frowned, joking.

He laughed, "You're right, Haz, she's lovely." Louis said over my shoulder, to Harry, who was grinning.

"Told you, Lou." Harry smirked.

I ushered him in and told them both to go to the living room.

"Wait here, let me speak to my mum." I told them.

I went into the kitchen, "Mum, the boys'll be joining us for dinner." I told her casually.

"WHAT!? The boys! I thought it was only Harry!" She exclaimed.

"It's just Louis and Harry." I smiled.

"You could've told me earlier! I would have prepared something more special." She frowned.

"Leave it, mum. They'll love your cooking, whatever you make." I assured her and joined the boys. 

"So, Nadine, tell me about yourself, seeing as all that comes out of Harry's mouth is confusing crap." Louis said and patted the seat beside him.

I sat down beside him and I saw Harry glare at Louis.

I chuckled, "Well, shoot me with questions." I suggested.

"I know! Let's interview you!" Louis gushed.

 I laughed, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Wow, I feel honoured." I said in a fake posh voice and pretended to be all shy and flattered.

Louis grinned, "So, who is your favourite from the band?" He asked, cheekily. 

Usually I would say Louis, without thinking. 

He's been my favourite because of his humorous personality. 

Harry is great as well, and I didn't want to offend him.

"To be honest, it's you, Louis, because you are weird, whacky, crazy and I love all your pranks and jokes and your immature personality. But all of you are different in your own way, and I love Harry's flirtatious charming personality, and how Liam is always so sweet to the fans and when he does the twitcams, the way Niall is so cute and his accent and cute personality, plus Zayn being vain makes him more attractive, for some weird reason..." I rambled on.

"Woah, Nadine, you seem to know us!" Harry smiled.

"I am a Directioner." I pointed out.

"It's really great to hear you say these things about us." Louis grinned, "Next question, describe yourself and what you like most about yourself." 

I thought for a minute, "I guess I'm a really bubbly girl. I take life as it is and i'm just crazy really. I speak whatever is on my mind and I love making people laugh and laughing myself. What I like most about myself is my personality, I usually attract people's attention with my humour. I don't think I'm pretty enough to attract people with my looks." I answered truthfully. 

Louis and Harry gasped at the end.

"Nadine! Have you never looked in the mirror! You are beautiful, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better. Your eyes are incredible and your hair!" Louis exclaimed. 

"Yes, Nadine, you don't seem insecure." Harry nodded.

"Thanks you two. I guess I like my eyes. But my hair is plain. But enough about me. i'm pretty sure dinner is ready. Ready to try out my mum's famous cooking, boys?" I said, getting up.

They nodded, eyes wide.

I laughed, "Let's go then." 

I led them to the dining room.

I set up the table, with the boys help.

After 10 minutes, we were seated, munching on delicious food, and chatting like we we're a normal family having dinner.

My mum is quite young, so it's easy to speak to her.

She chatted to the boys, made them laugh, just like I did.

Louis cracked us up though.

With his constant jokes and comments on everything.

This dinner was definately the best. 

After dinner, the boys and I offered to clear up, seeing as my mum did a lovely job of making dinner.

Harry washed the dishes, Louis dried them and I put them away.

After we were done, we went to my room.

"Your mum is an incredible cook." Louis complimented.

"And she's hot." Harry added, cheekily.

I whacked him, "I'm banning you from checking my mum out! Mr I-like-older-women. She's not Caroline Flack, y'know!" I warned him. 

Harry blushed and Louis laughed.

"Caroline was lovely, she's not as bad as you guys make her out to be." Harry defended her.

"Shut up, Haz, you know she called us immature. Danielle and Eleanor are lovely to us." I shot back.

"Eleanor is great, right?" Louis winked.

I nodded, "She definately is, you guys are so cute together! And Liam and Danielle should get married already!" I squealed.

"Wow, it's amazing how you guys like our relationship! Dan and El get death threats sometimes! But you lot are always sending them lovely messages though" Louis said.

"Anyways, Harry, I thought you liked cats, not cougars." I joked.

He groaned, "Leave me alone!" 

Louis and I laughed and teased him a little more.

"I don't like you anymore, Nadine." Harry pouted.

"i didn't even know you liked me," I grinned, "Plus, who says I like you?" I added.

Harry smirked, "We've seen your tweets." 

I froze...shit shit shit. 

Keep it cool, i thought to myself.

"What was it she wanted to do to us, Lou?" Harry turned to Louis, who was now smiling evilly.

"She said she wanted your grav-" Louis started.

"SHUT UP!" I interrupted and clasped my hands around his mouth.

"And she said she wanted your carrot, Louis." Harry winked.

Oh god, kill me now.

They'll be teasing me about it forever!

"My carrot, huh?" Louis smirked.

"I've found out that you guys are JERKS! Don't want your carrot or gravy!" I huffed.

"Aw, we know you still love us." Louis said, hugging me and giving me a cute wide eyed look.

I sighed, "Stop being so cute." I mumbled.

Harry snickered.

I glared at him and he stopped.

"Nadine, did anyone ever tell you that you're scary?" Harry asked.

I glared at him again and he shrugged.

"I'm sorry!" Harry said, holding his hands up in defeat.

I smiled and crossed my arms.

"Aren't you boys gonna go home? It's getting late." I said.

"You wanna get rid of us already?" Louis pouted, faking hurt.

I patted his cheek, "Of course not, you poor baby." I said, like as if i was speaking to a child.

Harry chuckled, "You're right, we do have to get going." He nodded, "and I was wondering if you'd like to chill out with us tomorrow, the lads would love to meet you." 

I felt flattered. 

I mean, who wouldn't?

One Direction would love to meet me! Nothing can get cooler than that!

"Sure, I'm dying to meet them too, when?" I asked.

"Would you mind if I picked you up around 4?" He suggested.

"Wait, I'm actually busy tomorrow evening, so how about Sunday?" I said, remembering my date with Colin.

How could I have forgotton? 

"So busy you can't come out and see us?" Louis sniffed.

"Yes, guys, I have date actaully." I smiled.

Louis' face broke into a smile and Harry's face fell.

"Really? That's great, Nadine." Louis grinned.

"Thanks, Louis. Why do you look so sad, Harry?" I said, facing Harry.

"I'm not upset, I'm happy for you, babe." Harry managed a smile.

I wasn't convinced...he looked disappointed.

Could Harry have feelings for me?

Woah, girl, he only just met you!

 I should stop thinking things that are probably not true.

"So Sunday is cool then?" I asked.

They both nodded, "Perfect!" Louis grinned.

We talked a little more about general stuff and used a lot of banter.

"Bye, Harry, Bye Louis, see you lot on Sunday!" I waved as they got in their car.

Louis waved and Harry blew me a kiss.

I pretended to catch it, and he chuckled.

I smiled and went into the living room.

"Honey, why didn't you tell me you were friends with One Direction?" My mum asked.

I laughed, "I'm not! I mean, I wasn't until a few days ago. I recognized Harry while I was walking home the other day." I explained.

"Okay, love, you should go to bed soon." she told me.

"Sure and mum, I won't be home tomorrow evening." I said, then closed the door and walked to my room.

I switched on my laptop and browsed the internet for a little while.

I put it away after a while and got ready for bed.

In bed, I was tweeting on my phone.

I then realised, the whole of One Direction were following me.

Dude, that's waaaaay cool!

Omg, I've never spoken to Zayn, Liam or Niall!

I mean, I've met Louis and Harry and I know more about them.

But I haven't actually seen Niall, Zayn or Liam in real life.

OMG! I'm gonna 'hang out' with them in 2 days! 

I lay there in my bed, freaking out.

My phone beeped and i got a message.

"Goodnight, Nadine. Louis x" 

Aw, how sweet! 

I saved his number and texted him back.

"Night night, carrot boy. Nads x" 

I got another text, from Harry this time.

"Hello Nadine. Haz xxx" 

I smiled at the text, he sent me 3 kisses! 

"Hey, it was lovely spending time with you and Lou tonight. Can't imagine what it will be like with the rest of the boys!" I replied

Haz - "I'm glad you enjoyed today :) and you'll love the boys! They're great fun!"

Me - "I already love them, duh, I'm a Directioner! i want to hear Niall's laugh." 

Haz - "LOL! Niall's laugh is epic! that means you love me too, right? ;)" 

Me - "HELL YEAH! I'll bring Nando's for Niall :) He'll love me in an instant, and yes, of course I love you! but you are still a jerk." 

Haz - "aw, that hurts my feelings, I'm not a jerk :'( Yes, bring him even a chip, he'll love you :)" 

Me - "Sowwie, Hazza, you're lovely, you're not a dick, happy? aw, Nialler is so cute!" 

Haz - "I'll let Niall know you called him that and what you're bringing :D and I am VERY happy :D" 

Me - "WHAT DID HE SAY? DID HE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ME? TELL HIM I LOVE HIM, OKAY? And I'm glad you're happy, babe you being happy makes me happy and the fact that I made you happy makes me happier, is that confusing :)"

Haz - "LOL, Nadine, you're crazy. I got what you meant :) and he said he loves you too :O"

Me - " *dead*"

Haz - "ok, Night night, sleeping corpse. :) I'll see you soon, lovely :)" 

Me - "Night :)"


I laughed and put my phone away.

Gosh, he is really lovely. 

I closed my eyes and drifted off. 

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