
By DiabolicalxDarling

149 11 9



149 11 9
By DiabolicalxDarling

You don't quite understand do you?

The monster that is humanity

The burden of free will.

The mind is a trap of thorns and jagged rocks

The concept of perspective is a skewed one.

Men and women are creatures of disgusting habit.

Seeing through narrowed kaleidoscope eyes,

With steam powered hearts of rusty cogs and pipes

Claws for hands and fangs for teeth,

Believing this monstrous display is true beauty

Humanity is a hopeless race

Having reached the end of the evolutionary time line

Bound to a path in which they are doomed for suicide

To die at their own curled knobby hands

To scratch out their crystalline blurred eyes

To remove their fangs one by one and bleed from their disgusting mouths

To cut off their claws and listen to them howl at the pain...

To remove their mechanical hearts

Wash the rust from their insides

And clean out the metal debris

If the poisonous body parts are removed

If we fight through the pain

If we adapt with the changes

If we can see through clear eyes

Touch without cutting

Kiss without biting

Live without the dirt of life

Maybe humanity can survive

Maybe humanity can become worthy of survival.

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