The Choice

By hunnyhays

19.7K 1.2K 126

There comes a time in everyone's life when they are faced with a difficult choice. For most people, following... More

The Choice-Chapter One
The Choice-Chapter Two
The Choice-Chapter Three
The Choice-Chapter Four
The Choice-Chapter Five
The Choice-Chapter Six
The Choice-Chapter Seven
The Choice-Chapter Nine
The Choice-Chapter Ten
The Choice-Chapter Eleven
The Choice-Chapter Twelve
The Choice-Chapter Thirteen
The Choice-Chapter Fourteen
The Choice-Chapter Fifteen
The Choice-Chapter Sixteen
The Choice-Chapter Seventeen

The Choice-Chapter Eight

1K 64 2
By hunnyhays

He must suffer. As he made my dear wife suffer, I will make him suffer. I will take everything he holds dear and destroy it before his eyes...


I've had so much shit thrown at me today, I need to relieve some pressure or I'm going to blow a mental gasket.  As soon as my car was returned, I checked out of the hotel and headed for the gym.

I saw Mark's truck in my rear view mirror the whole way, and chose to ignore him. Thankfully work out clothes were on the list of stuff I bought while I was stuck at the ranch. I changed into a pair of tight shorts, and a sports bra under a tank top in the locker room.

I need more than the treadmill or stationary bikes are going to give me. On the far side of the gym is a door that is marked restricted access. I entered, and found myself in a large room with punching bags hanging around the perimeter, and a boxing ring sitting in the middle. Several men were making use of the bags. In the ring two men were sparring. Both wore helmets, gloves, and mouth guards.

When I entered, the two men in the ring paused and glanced over. "Lexi." The man holding the pads called, his words garbled by the mouth guard. He took off his helmet.

I recognized him immediately. Shawn has been training self defense and martial arts classes in this gym for nearly two decades. He smiled when he saw me.

"What brings you here, kiddo?" He asked as his opponent left the ring, and I approached.

"I need to blow off some steam." I said.

"Yeah." He nodded towards the door behind me. "Anything to do with him."

I looked back. Mark had entered behind me. He had also changed into his work out clothes. Outside the gun range, this is his favorite spot.

I rolled my eyes. "Can't leave me alone for a minute, can you?"

"Not when someone is trying to hurt you." He answered.

I climbed into the ring. Shawn offered me headgear and gloves, I refused, and taped my hands instead.

"Take the gear." Mark ordered, climbing between the ropes. He used the tape on his own knuckles.

"You take the gear." I snapped. I knew he wouldn't. Mark's a tough guy, he doesn't need protection. Ha, little does he know.

This won't be the first sparring session with my big brother. Only one of many. This is one of those things that goes back to my childhood as the youngest, and only daughter. Part of my toughen-her-up-training. I think he enjoyed it back then. Watching me limp out of the ring with a bloody nose, split lip and bruised leg. I guess it was my own fault, I kept coming back for more.

I do not anticipate that this session will be any different. Mark does not intend to let me leave this ring walking. He intends to teach me a lesson, and more than likely he will. But I plan to at least get a few licks in. My training sessions with him ended when I was sixteen, though I continued to train with Shawn until just last year.

Mark's doing his usual dancing around, like he saw the pros do it on UFC. We don't get quite that wild here. Though I've seen him and Paul go at each other like that. I'm sidestepping, slightly slower. He's laughing and taunting. I'm sure he thinks I'm the same uncontrollable kid I was at fifteen when he nearly broke my arm in this ring.

I waited for the right moment, and blocked a few of his hits. He won't ever hit me hard enough to do real damage; just enough to give me a few bruises. I'm a girl, and it's ingrained in his DNA to never do physical harm to a female.

We danced around each other for a while. Both getting in a few hits here and there. I felt myself getting tired, but I was not about to let him see it. Finally, he stepped forward to bring his fist at me, and left himself open. I took advantage of his mistake, to hit him with my right, left, and right again, before lifting my leg in a high kick that caught him in the stomach.

He fell back a few feet, and landed on his ass. "I taught you that." He snapped, when he caught his breath.

I laughed, "Than you should have expected it, huh, jackass."

"Really? Kind of childish." He jumped to his feet again.

"Oh, the indestructible Mark Patterson." I said, taking advantage of his open stance to swipe my foot at his leg. He landed on his ass, but managed to jump back to his feet quickly. "You never did like surprises." I laughed again inwardly. Oh, the surprises this man is in for. I can't wait. Just to see the look on his face when Chessy tells him her happy news, would be priceless.

He's getting pissed now. I can see it in his eyes. He has always taught me to never allow my anger to control me when I'm in a fight. His goal when he was teaching me was to make sure that no man could get the advantage over me. I'm not a big woman, I'm average height, and weight, but most men look at me as inferior.

He moved to swing at me with his right, a bit harder than usual. I didn't get out of the way fast enough, and he got my left cheek. I felt the swelling already starting, but  I wasn't done with him yet. I replied with a left and right to his open midsection, and used the back of my foot to hook around his leg. He went down hard. I followed and got him in a choke hold. Not easy with him. But he's letting his anger get the better of him.

After a moment, I heard my father's voice yelling at me to let him go. I glanced over to see Dad, Jacob, and Tony standing ringside.

"Boy, you better get out of that ring now, before she kills you." Dad called.

Amidst the chucks rising from the others in the room, I released my hold on my brother.

"You let me win?" I asked.

Mark laid on his back in the middle of the ring, and shook his head.

"Than what the hell is the matter with you?" I asked, "You never let shit get to you."

He shook his head, "I don't know."

"Perhaps she's about five feet six, blonde and blue eyed?" I asked.

His eyes popped open, and he glared up at me. "Fuck no."

I laughed, "Admit it big brother, your caught."

He sat up.

"Chessy's a good person," I said, "And you're normally a good man. I think you both deserve some happiness."

He sat silently watching Dad, Jacob and Tony converse ringside.

"I've known Chessy most of my life." I said, pushing to my feet. "And I can honestly say that I've never seen the sparkle in her eye that she gets when she talks about you."

His gaze shot to mine.

"But this morning, there was a hell of a lot of hurt."

"It's not my fucking fault. She decided to end it, not me." 

"What did you expect her to do? You basically told her that she's too young for you, and you'll never be serious. You haven't even told anyone. She doesn't want to be a secret. Have you told her how you feel?" 

He shrugged. "No."

"You are an idiot, you know that?"

"Yup." He pushed to his feet, and climbed under the ropes.

Shawn climbed in, and tossed me a pair of boxing gloves. He spent a good half hour running me through different punches and kicks. Letting me get more aggression out. By the time I was done. I was sweating, and exhausted.

There was no sign of the others when I left the boxing ring. Was it possible they were finally going to leave me alone? No such luck. The front of the gym is floor to ceiling tinted windows. I can see the four men standing outside. 

I took my time showering, and even applied a little make up. I brushed my damp hair out, and left it hang loose around my shoulders to dry. Dressed in jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt, I sat on a bench to pull on my sneakers. My phone jingled, and though I didn't recognize the number I answered.

"Alexandria, this is Elizabeth Simpson from CPB News." The caller said.

"Oh, really." I finished tying my shoes, and grabbed my bag. "What can I do for you, Miss Simpson."

"Oh, please call me Elizabeth."

"Okay." So this is the voice of the most popular news anchor in the country.

"I'm kind of surprised you answered." Elizabeth said, "We've been trying to reach out to you, but your number is kind of hard to find, and then this morning, some anonymous person sent it to us."

I stepped outside the gym, and found my Dad, Tony, and my brothers standing off to the side of the building. "What do you mean they sent it to you?" I asked.

"We received a letter in the mail this morning." Elizabeth answered, "It had your name, and phone number on it."

"Interesting." I finished tying my shoes and grabbed my gym bag. 

"I didn't think it was real, but well...It is. So I am hoping I can talk you into answering a few questions on camera."

"Not likely." Outside the locker room, I waved goodbye to the staff at the front desk, and pushed out the glass doors. 

"How about a phone interview?"

"I'd rather not." I'd parked my little bug at the end of the lot, away from the other cars. Mark had parked his truck on one side, Dad's was on the other, and Jacob's is blocking in the end. Geez, what is it with my family and these big ass trucks? It isn't as though they use them. I have never seen anyone but Jacob haul anything around in them. 

"I'd really like to tell your story, Alexandria."

"It's Lex." I said, a little too snappish. 

"Got it, sorry. Lex. I'd really like to tell your story. The research I have done on you has led me to believe you are an amazing person."

"Not hardly." I glanced over the men waiting for me. My gaze met Tony's briefly before I glanced away. "Wouldn't you rather interview Tony? He's the hero. Or my Dad, or one of my brothers?"

"A hero saved a hero. I'd love to interview you both. We could have you on at the same time. I'd love to discuss your relationship and how its developed."

"There is no relationship." I hung up on her.

"What was that all about?" Dad asked.

"Elizabeth Simpson wants an interview." I answered.

My brothers and Tony laughed, Dad folded his arms, "You should do it."

"Wait, what?" Is he joking?

"Seriously, you should go on camera, and tell them what really happened. Maybe then, they'll leave you alone." Dad answered.

Before I could respond, my cellphone dinged a text message. I glanced at it, and again, my blood ran cold. I felt chills run down my spine.


I looked around.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked. He was leaning heavily on his crutches, I could tell it's really starting to bother him. 

Dad took my phone out of my hand. "Who is this from?" He demanded. He looked through the other messages. "Holy shit. Lex, why haven't you said anything about this?" He handed the phone to my brothers.

"We need to get her out of the open." Mark insisted.

"No." I snapped, and grabbed my phone from him. "I'm not going into hiding again." I headed for my car without another word. At that point, I was tired of running. Tired of hiding out. I just wanted to have a little bit of normal back in my life. 

As I crossed the parking lot, my gaze shifted to the people moving around. The gym was at the end of a long strip mall, and there were a lot of shoppers there for a Wednesday afternoon. I noticed several people carrying huge teddy bears, and was reminded that next week is Valentine's Day, or Singles Awareness Day, depending on your relationship status.

A car pulled into a parking space in front of me. I paused to admire the custom paint job on the Dodge Charger as the driver got out.

"Alexandria Patterson, damn it's been a long time." 

"Tommy Wilson." I couldn't help but grin when I recognized the Captain of my high school football team. "It has been a while." 

"You're looking hot as usual." He looked me up and down. 

I did the same to him, "You don't look too bad yourself." I remembered he had gone on to play college ball after high school, but blew out his knee and couldn't go pro. "I think the last time I saw you was at graduation." I'll never forget that. Right after we were dismissed and threw our hats in the air. Tommy had found me, grabbed me, and kissed me. He then walked away without a word. It had shocked the hell out of me, since we had never dated, and rarely talked. 

"I see you still have your body guards." He said looking behind me. 

I glanced back, at the four me standing in a half circle less than ten feet away, obviously listening to my conversation. "Of course." I answered. "Some things never change." 

Tommy took out his phone, "What's your number?" 

I gave it to him, and after typing it in, he opened his arms, "Hug for old times?" 

With a huge grin, I hugged him. Damn, he smells good. We said goodbye, and he opened his trunk for his gym bag while I continued on to my car. 

"Take Tony with you." Dad said, while I was dropping my gym bag in the trunk. 

"No, I'm going to be at Chessy's for a while." 

"Chessy has a couch." Dad informed me. 

I slammed the trunk, "Dad, I'll be fine." 

"Alexandria Lynn Patterson."

I stopped in the process of getting into the drivers seat. No matter how old you get, when your parent uses your full name you tend to listen.

"Please take Tony with you." Dad's voice was calm.

"What good is he going to be?" I asked, "It isn't as though he can chase somebody down."

"He's armed." Dad answered, "And it will make me feel better."

I threw up my hands, and rounded the car to the passenger side. I opened the door and slid the seat all the way back.

"I'm going to have a trace put on your phone." Dad informed me as Tony hobbled over to the open car door.

"Yup." Was my answer. When Tony was inside the car, and his crutches were stowed next to him. I rounded the back of the car again. Dad caught me in a big hug.

"I love you." He murmured against my hair. "Be careful."

"I will, Daddy. I promise."

He kissed the top of my head, and again I felt like a teenager as I climbed into the car. The three men stepped back as I backed out of the parking space, and drove away.

Great! Now I'm stuck with him. How does a man look good when he's wearing sweats. With his ankle still in a walking boot, he can't straighten it enough  to put on jeans, or anything, so he wears sweat pants. 

He isn't much good to me with the crutches, so I decided to get him something different. We drove in silence for a while, until I pulled the car up outside of a store. 

"What is this place?" Tony asked as he followed me out of the car. 

"A friend of mine works here," I told him, "They specialize in equipment for the handicap." 

"I'm not handicap." He snapped, "This is only temporary." 

"Than you need a temporary fix." We went inside the shop, and were immediately greeted by the clerk behind the counter. Abby and I had gone to high school together. I introduced her to Tony, and asked if she had something easier than the crutches. 

She lead us to the back, and showed us a knee scooter. It looks similar to the one kids ride, but this one has a padded bench type seat that comes up to the knee. Basically, you put the knee of your bad leg on that, and scoot around so you don't have to use crutches, and you aren't putting weight on your bad foot. 

We left there an hour later with Tony outfitted with the latest model. It even had locking brakes, and broke down to fit in the trunk. 

"Thanks for thinking of that." Tony said as I pulled the car back on the road. "I appreciate it." 

"I hope it helps." 

"I think it will." He said, "If you aren't in a hurry to get anywhere, the rebuild on my mothers house is just about done. The contractor has been asking me to do a walk through to see if there is anything that needs to be changed or fixed before they put the finishing touches on."

"I can take you over there." I volunteered. I steered the car towards his mothers house, and pulled into the driveway next to a big white pick up with a logo on the side. I climbed out and retrieved the scooter, "Do you want me to wait out here?" 

"I'd rather you say close." He answered, "If you don't mind. I'd actually like your opinion. I modernized the house a bit, and added a few personal touches." 

Why not. I followed him inside. I was surprised when I saw the inside of the house. "I thought you said they were almost done." The walls were drywall and the floors were cement.

Tony laughed, "They have just finished the new layout. I told you I changed some things."

"Tony." A big man came from the back of the house and shook Tony's hand. "Good to finally meet you."

"You as well," Tony said, "this is my friend, Lex." He motioned to me, "Lex, this is Shane the GC."

I nodded to the man. 

"Well," Shane said handing Tony a clipboard. "Just make any notes on changes, or anything you see that should be different. I've got to run. Call me if you have any questions." He handed both of us his business cards before rushing out the door.

"What do you think?" Tony asked me after the door had closed behind the General Contractor. 

"I was only here the once," I said, "But it looks much more open." 

"Yeah, I had them take out a few walls. There's also an addition on the back. It took about ten feet off the back yard, but it's give the house a lot more space." 

"How many bedrooms?" 

"Four." He answered.

"That's a lot for one person. Do you plan on getting roommates?" We walked through the spacious house. Three of the four bedrooms were modest size, leaving the master bedroom most of the space. It was huge, and had double doors that lead to what would be a private patio.

"I'm going to install a hot tub there." Tony explained.

The patio was about ten feet by ten feet with high walls on all sizes. "Private."

He nodded.

Inside the bathroom, I grinned. There was a huge corner tub on one side, and a walk in shower next to it. The toilet had an enclosure on the other side of the his and hers sinks. "Did you design this?" I asked, running a hand over the smooth granite counter tops.

"Kind of." He answered. "I basically went onto this website, and chose what I wanted where. Shane put it in the most appropriate places."

We walked towards the back of the house. "How much was destroyed by the fire?"

"All of it. It was a total loss. The place had to be torn down. This is all brand new building."

"I'm surprised you rebuilt the same type of house. You could have done something much more elaborate. The floor plan could have been completely redone."

"When I was little," Tony said as we entered the huge kitchen, "my mother was working three jobs just to pay for this tiny little apartment. When I turned thirteen, she surprised me by moving us into this place. She was saving money from her three jobs for the down payment."

"So rebuilding is a tribute to her?"

He nodded, and shrugged, "In a way." He glanced away, "She always said she wanted me to raise my kids in this house."

"So the extra rooms are for your family." I nodded, "Makes sense to plan for the future." 

Tony shrugged, "Mom always said I will have at least one boy named James, and a girl named Annie."

"Why James and Annie?" I laughed.

"I have no idea." He shrugged, "She just said she wanted grandkids named James and Annie." He looked around the kitchen. "I just wish there had been something left of her here. A picture, something."

"There wasn't anything?"

He shook his head, "Nothing. The fire took it all. Every last picture." 

"You don't have any family or friends who would have pictures?" I asked. 

He shrugged, "I think my mother has a friend somewhere in California. They talked now and then, but I don't now her." His voice sounded hoarse, "I should have been taking better care of her." He whispered, "All those years I was in the Navy, she was by herself. I should have been there for her." 

"Oh, Tony. I know she was proud of you. She told me as much. Did you know she carried your pictures around with her? In a little album. She showed them to me when I was with her at the hospital." The sad look on his face was irresistible. I wrapped my arms around his waist under his hoodie. I felt the gun he wore in his shoulder holster. Though I took little comfort in the fact that he is armed. I don't want to contemplate him using the gun.

After a moment, his arms came around me, and he gently stroked my back. "I'm sorry you have been dragged into this. You shouldn't have stopped. If you hadn't you would be safe."

I pulled back slightly, "Tony, no matter what has happened, or what will happen, I will never regret stopping that night."

He cupped my face between his hands, and brought his lips down to mine. I sighed and leaned into him. As his tongue slid against mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck, and held on when my knees turned to jelly. He released me long enough to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer.

We finally broke apart. Both of us were gasping for breath. "If you apologize, I swear I will kick your ass." I whispered.

He chuckled, and buried his face in the side of my neck. "Is it bad that I am not even a little bit sorry?"

I shook my head.

"Mark will not be happy."

"Mark has his own problems to deal with. Pretty soon, I will be the least of them."

"What do you mean?"

I pulled away, and shrugged, "He'll have to tell you."

"Keeping secrets?" 

"I think you need to get off your feet."

"Good idea, I'm hungry. Let's go find some place to eat."

It's not a date. That's the thought that popped into my head. I hate those parts in the romance movies when the girl makes a big deal out of whether or not it's a date. Why the fuck does it matter? I have no idea. But for some reason it does actually matter to me. I would love to be on an actual date with this man. I've shared a lot of meals with him, but nothing that could be considered a date. 

I drove a few miles to a bar and grill that's only a block from the precinct that Dad and Paul work out of. It's one of my favorite places for wings, but it's also a cop hang out. It was pretty crowded when we entered, but we managed to get a booth in the back.

I helped him back the scooter under the table so he could put his foot up on it. By the time he was settled, I could tell that his foot was really hurting. We ordered sodas and a big platter of wings to share. As soon as our drinks came, he popped a pain killer. "That bad?" I asked.

He nodded, "I hate taking these damn things, but damn. Without them, I can't..." He bit off his words and glanced away.

"Is it only your ankle?"

He shook his head, and patted his chest. "This has healed, but when I'm on the crutches a lot, it really starts bothering me."

"Has the scooter helped at all?" 

He nodded, "I can already feel the stress being lifted from my shoulders. Though I am still not going to be able to do much. I can't wait to get this damn thing healed." 

"The doctor said it won't be much longer. In fact, don't you have an appointment tomorrow?" 

He nodded. "They want me to go for some more x-rays." 

"I have to go to an appointment with Chessy in Phoenix tomorrow. But I can drive you to the imaging center after that." 

He nodded. "Why Phoenix?" 

I shrugged. "Let's just say she doesn't want the visit to get back to certain people." 

He nodded. "I can guess. You know." 

I took a drink of soda. 

"Does Mark know?" 

I shook my head, "She broke things off with him. And she is trying to figure out how to tell him." We were silent for a few minutes. "Did you bring any clothes with you from the ranch?" 

He shook his head, "I was in too much of a hurry. I talked Jake into bringing me, but I didn't think past that." 

"I'm sorry that I worried you." I said. 

"I'm sorry that I upset you." 

Our food came, and I gathered my thoughts as I at a barbecue chicken wing. "I think I want to just forget about it." I said. Not mentioning the embarrassing moments would be helpful. 

"I didn't mean for it to sound as though I am only attracted to you because you saved my life." He said, "I know it's more than that. I just don't want to confuse you." 

I laughed bitterly. "Oh, geez. Does anyone think I'm an adult?" I shook my head, "Tony, I'm not sixteen. I know what heartache is. If you aren't interested in anything more than a fling, than say so." 

He shook his head, "Lex..." 

"Well, look who's here." A tall thin gray haired man stepped up to the table. He grinned down at us. "Lexie. I am so glad to see you. And Officer Brillin, It is a pleasure." He reached out a hand to Tony. "Michael Patterson, this is my niece." 

Did I fail to mention that my uncle owns the bar we're in? Well he does. He's an ex-cop. I climbed over Tony's foot on the scooter, and hugged my uncle. 

"How are you, darlin?" Uncle Mike asked. 

"Great. Just wonderful." I answered, and motioned to Tony, "He's my bodyguard." 

"Lunch is on the house for heroes." Uncle Mike kissed the top of my head, and hugged me again. "Your Aunt and I are proud of you." 

"Thanks, Uncle."

He left the table, and I climbed back into the booth. 

"I have come in here a couple of times with Mark." Tony said, "He never mentioned your uncle owns it." 

I shrugged, "Mark is Mark." 

"Your uncle doesn't seem very concerned about you being here with me." 

I laughed, "Why would he? I'm twenty-five. He's seen me out with men before." I glanced back at my uncle behind the bar, "In fact, I come here quite often on Valentine's Day when I'm single. He has a Single's Awareness party here every year." 

"How often are you alone?" 

I finished another wing, and wiped my hands on a napkin. "I'm never alone." I answered, "And I'm always single. My dear brothers chase most men away." 

"They didn't chase that one in New Mexico away." 


"What do you mean you're never alone?" 

I picked up my phone. "I don't generally go anywhere alone. Even in college there was rarely a day that went by that I didn't see one of my brothers. I think they stalked me. It was either them, or one of their colleagues. They even had the campus police watching me." 

Tony shook his head, "You went to New Mexico alone." 

"True,  but then, I informed them that I had been offered a job, and that I was moving, and I did that on the day before I left. They barely had time to say goodbye, let alone no."


I shrugged. "It's what I have to do to get away from them. I know they love me, and they want to keep me safe but..." I shook my head. "They don't give me a chance to do anything on my own."

"I think you are seeing only one side. You should see things from their side."

"Tony, I get it. I'm not only the youngest, but I'm the only girl. My mother got into a car accident when she was pregnant with me and I came three months too early. When I was three, Mark lost me at a fair. When I was seven, I was nearly run over by one of Jacob's horses. I could go on. There are many instances to choose from. I'm not perfect, but neither are they. For every one of my close calls, there are at least three for each one of my brothers. The only difference is I'm a female."

"There's more to it than that."

"Like what?" I demanded, "My profession? That's the only other difference. I didn't do what everyone else did. I am more comfortable in front of twenty-five five-year-olds than I am with my own family."

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