Saving Cara

By haileyyyeve

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Cara is a 17 year old girl who had lost her dad. She's a cheerleader and track star also in photography. She'... More

School Day:
Double trouble:
Dress Picking:
All Alone:
Beat up:
Bound to Cameron:
Its So Hard:
Fragile Like Glass:
Worst Wedding:
Fist Fight:
One Month:
Im Sorry:
He's Gone:


235 4 0
By haileyyyeve

I woke up to my alarm next to my ear, blazing. I hesitantly turned off my alarm, getting up. I put on a simple outfit of skinny jeans and a sweater.

"Cara." My mom peaks her head through the door.

"What?" I ask with an attitude, pulling over my hoodie.

"I know you've been throwing up," she starts and sits on my bed with a bag in her hand with a small rectangular box in it. "And I know you are dating Cameron." She pulls out the box that reads 'Pregnancy Test'

"What the hell!" I yell at her grabbing the box and throwing it against my wall.

"I only want to be sure." She says with a sad face. "If you are, I will have no choice but to kick you out." She looks down at her lap.

"I'm not pregnant!" I yell. I turn away from her scrunching my fists in my hair.

"Please," she begs with a crack in her voice. "I need to know." She sniffles.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat. When she leaves I grab the bent box and go into the bathroom.


"There." I say plopping the stick onto the counter. Mom smiles and Tim comes into the kitchen.

"What's happening?" He asks. I scoff and throw the stick away into the trash. I wasn't pregnant.

"Can I go to school now?" I ask angrily.

"I'll take you!" Tim says happily.

We get into his car as he turns the car on.

"Cara," he starts but I cut him off.

"I'm not pregnant. Now let's go before I'm late." I demand. Tim sighs but starts to drive.


We pull up towards the school and herds of people are shoving in to make there way inside.

"I was going to say that you have to get use to this." Tim softly says.

"Why?" I ask not looking at him, feeling my eyes get watery.

"Because," he starts "because me and your mom are in love."

"Love isn't real." I say sadly. I wipe the tear from my eye quickly.

"Ca-" before he could say some stupid lecture I got out of the car.

When I walked down the halls people stared at me, guys smiled and checked me out, while girls laughed, pointed, and looked at me in disgust. I felt like the center of attention, as if I was a rare diamond nobody has ever seen!

"Whore!" A girl said under a cough.

I walked to my locker opening it up, papers and papers fell out. But they weren't just any pictures, they were pictures of me in between Cameron's legs. I stood back as the papers shuffled under my legs.

"Cara?" I turn to see Grayson. He tries picking up a paper but I grab it from him. "What the hell!" He says angrily but with a soft voice too, which I don't even think that was possible.

I grabbed all the papers with a blurred vision, I put them in the trash as everyone laughed and stared at me.

"What was that?" Grayson asked me following me.

"It was nothing." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Cara." He urges.

"Just go to Ava, okay!?" I yell lightly.

"Hey babe!" Cameron wraps his arm around me, I hold myself tightly trying to be away from him. Cameron grabbed a paper out of the trash and smiled. "You look sexy in this photo."

I grabbed the photo from him and pushed it down in the trash.

"Guess I shouldn't have sent that to Frank." Cameron chuckles. He pushes me off of him lightly and walks away, not before grabbing another picture.

"Stop starring at me, Grayson." I say quietly not looking at him with my arms wrapped around myself.

"What happened yesterday?" He asks getting close to me.

"Nothing." I sat looking back at the trash can. Grayson grabs a picture making sure I wouldn't be able to grab it from him. He pushed me inside of an empty room. "Leave it alone." I whisper to Grayson.

"Why!" He yells at me, making me cower back in fear.

"It's nothing." I say pushing my hair back with my hand.

"This is nothing!?" He shoves the photo in my face. I take a glance at it and see myself, a weak figure with red puffy eyes and a slap mark on my cheek. I look away from the disgusting thing the paper shows me.

"I'm fine." I say not looking at him. He sighs and leans against me on the wall, his face close to mine.

"Please, Cara." He begs with his eyes closed. "I beg of you!" He leans his forehead on mine and puts his hands on each side of my face. They were soft and warm. Unlike Cameron's, they were rough and cold.

"What?" I whisper.

"Don't let him hurt you." He looks into my eyes. I hold his wrists with my tiny hands.

"He doesn't." It was barely a whisper and barely hearable, because I was lying. I was lying to myself and him. He moved his arms away and all the warmth all the safety was gone.

"If you keep in denying it, I'm never going to talk to you." He threatens. "Does he hurt you?" He asks.

I didn't say anything, I couldn't. I was physically and mentally, frozen. Grayson scoffs and nods his head, he starts to walk off when reality came back to me.

"Grayson!" I beg and grab his hand. He snatches it out of mine and turns around.

"No!" He yells violently and points his finger at me. "You! You put yourself here!" He yells. "You keep denying everything!" He yells in my face. "I don't ever want to see you again!"

I gasp when he slams the door of the room loudly as it echoes through the whole room. I couldn't feel anything, everything was gone. I just didn't want to feel anymore. Everything I had, it was all gone. In two hours everything I had in me and everyone I cared for was gone. A tear slipped down my cheek.

'Crying. Just like a baby! Just like a weak person!' (AN: I'm not saying whoever cries is weak, because whoever says that is wrong bc people are just handling things differently. So please don't say a person is weak when they cry.)

I stood there when my knees buckled and I fell to the ground. I ball my hand into a fist and put it over my heart. More tears slipped from my eyes, but no sound came out.

(AN: Remember the dress from the other chapter. I was being stupid and put it on the other chap. and not this one)
I walked out of school and started walking to a store. Dresses were filled in the shop, all over the walls and shelves.

"What can I get you?" A squeaky voiced girl asked me with a big smile.

"Uh, I need a bridesmaid dress." I sniffle.

"Do you want elegant, sexy, or-" I stop her.

"I just need it simple." I answer. She nods and gets out a dress shoving it in my arms. It was tan with beautiful draping. "Thanks. I'll take it." I give it back to her.

"Okay!" She smiles "49.99!" She says brightly. I hand her my money and take the dress, leaving.


I walk into the empty house, filled with silence. I walk into my room and take out my dress. I take off my clothes and put on the dress that fit perfectly and looked beautiful along with my dark hair.

"Ugly." I gasp and turn around seeing Cameron.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him grabbing my little blanket I had wrapping it around me.

"You weren't at school, so I knew you'd be here." He smirks and clicks his tongue.

"Right." I whispered.

"Come here." He opens up his arms. I didn't move and that made him angry. "Now!" He yelled.

I moved towards him and he pushes my blanket onto the floor making me feel naked in front of him. He snaked his hand behind my neck and the other around my waist.

"Let's just hope Tim doesn't get here early." He whispers close to me unzipping my dress. I sniffle and shut my eyes tightly. My dress falls down to the floor and I stand there in my bra and panties. "Take off my clothes and kiss me." He says closely to my face.

My weak and shaky fingers wrap at the hem of his shirt. I take it off and he presses his lips against mine. He grabs my hands roughly and places them on his big bulge.

"Take them off." He commands me. My fingers tremble and unbuckle his belt. He grabs the belt from me and sits down on my bed. He pats his lap and I go towards him, I try to put my legs on each side of his hips but he yanks me by my wrist and makes me lay on his lap. My stomach on his thighs, he loops the belt and hit it against my ass.

I whimper in pain and he does it again, I groan in pain and bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. I feel Cameron bend down and kiss my back, he unclips my bra and pulls it off.

"Get off me." He pushes me into the floor. I sit up and put my knees to my chest, covering my boobs. Cameron stands up and takes off his pants. "Spread your legs." He commands me again, I furrow my eyebrows and he sighs. He pushes my shoulders down on the floor and grabs my legs setting them down on the floor.

"No." I say trying to get away. He grabs my hips and takes off my panties and he takes off his boxers. He thrusts into me and I hiss in pain.


He pulls out of me and I crawl onto my knees and hands. I grab a cover and pull it over my body. Cameron stands up and puts on his clothes.

"Get your clothes on!" He yells at me. I whimper standing up with weak legs. I put on my clothes quickly and Cameron grabs my wrist.

We get in front of his car and he pushes me against his car kissing me roughly with his hand against my neck tightly. He bites my lip roughly and blood traces from it.

"Get out of my way." He pushes me aside and gets into his car. I go inside the house and go into my bathroom, wiping my lip of blood. I hear Mom and Tim come into the house, shutting the door.

"Cara!" Mom yells "get down here!" I sighs and fix myself up a bit.

"What?" I ask from the top of the stairs. I look down at mom and Tim sitting almost on each other.

"Get down here." she strictly says pointing to the seat in front of them. I walk down the stairs, still in pain from Cameron.

"What Mom?" I asked her sitting away from them.

"Why weren't you at school?" She asked.

"What are you talking about?" I scoff, knowing exactly what she meant.

"Stop the bullshit Cara!" Tim yelled at me. Mom just let him talk to me like that.

"It's not like you care anyways!" I yell letting my anger go. "You just want to fuck my mom and have a roof over your head!" I turn to my mom as she looks at me like she's seen a ghost. "And you! Moving on to the next guy and the next guy and the next guy over and over again! It's only been a fucking year since he's died! You can't even see how much pain I'm in because you're so fucking blind!" I tell till my voice gives out. At this point I'm standing up and panting with my eyebrows furrowed in ward. I let all my expression on my face go to look at Tim and Mom starring at me with confused looks.

I walk out of the house quickly and start to walk. I don't know where I was going, didn't know what I was going to find, but I found something. Not something happy, but something that hurt me again, and again, and again.

I saw Grayson, at the window of Ava's house, I think. I watch from the window and see he takes off her shirt. He went slow and touched her so gently. The one thing I ever craved was a gentle touch. I turn away and start to walk the opposite way.

It hurt having to watch him do things with her. And the worst part is, I don't even know why it hurt.

I sat down at a bench in this abandoned park where no ones ever gone to in forever. It was about an hour and thirty minutes since I had left the house. I lay my body flat on the bench and close my eyes.


"Cara!" Someone tells worriedly. I sit up and look at my surrounding. Grayson was coming at me. "I thought you were dead!" He yelled.

"I'm fine." I whisper not looking at him. It was already dark, maybe nine o' clock. "I have to get home." I said to myself. I stand up and rub my eyes and my head, I walk pass Grayson with my arms around myself from how cold it was.

"Cara, wait!" Grayson says and I hesitantly stop in my tracks.

"I'll be fine." I say quietly with pain in my voice.

"It's too dark." He says. I hear his shoes push some gravel and I know he turned around to look at me. I lean my head back and inhale and exhale quickly.

"We aren't friends, Grayson." My voice croaked.

"I'm sor-" I cut him off like how I always do with people, except for Cameron.

"Don't apologize." I scoff turning around. "Because, in the end, who really means it?" I shrug my shoulders and he looks down at his feet.

"At least stay the night?" He asks. "I don't want you to be alone." He adds.


Me and Grayson go up to his room and he hands me a shirt of his and leads me to a spare room.

"You can sleep in here, tonight." He smiles at me. I nod my head and set his shirt down on the couch that was there.

"Are you going to watch me undress?" I asked Grayson to see he was at the doorway still.

"Goodnight Cara." He said.

"Grayson!" I tried to get his attention, which worked. I wanted to say something about seeing him and Ava.
"What is it Cara?" He asks.

"Uh, I just wanted to say thank you." I turn away from him and hear the door close.

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