I Don't Want to be Right

By neverendingstory1820

695K 18.6K 3.9K


Drunk Sammy
At Bobby's and a Motel
Between Jobs
Distractions (Smut)
Handcuffs and Whips
Meant to Be
Starry Nights
The Nightmares
Author's Note
The Incident
The Morning
Stress Relief
The Baby
On the Job
One Night Stand
The Angel
The Mistake
The Difficult Case
Dean's Birthday
Doing the Dishes
The Break
The Break Part 2
Coming Out
Payback (Smut)
Movie Night
Authors Note
Autumn Kisses
The Shower
Sandy Shores
I'm So Lost Without You
Weekend At Bobby's
The Last Beer
New Year's
This is Halloween
Haunted Date
A Thanksgiving Attempt
Tickling and Cuddling
Answered Prayer
Ice Skating
Surprise! (mpreg)
Surprise! Part 2 (mpreg)
Surprise! Part 3 (mpreg)
Pour Some Sugar On Me
Confessions: Epilogue
Just The Beginning
Handcuffs and Whips: The Smut
Author's Note
Please Don't Leave Me
Please Don't Leave Me: Part 2
Be Bold: Part 2
Never was Right
Teenage Mistakes
Authors Note *Please Read*
Dreaming of a Family
Be Bold Part 3
Teenage Mistakes Part 2
Too Far
Coming Out Part 2
Dreaming of a Family Part 2
Author's Note
Demonic Love
Rage Time
Father-Son Time
Pep Talk by Gabriel
Author's Note
Demonic Love Part 2
Rage Time Part 2
Faith Part 2
Rage Time Part 3
We Take Care of Each Other
Fatherhood Part 2
Rage Time Part 4
Author's Note *Edited*
Demonic Love Part 3
We Take Care of Each Other Part 2
10 Facts About Me Tag
Two Timed
Drunken Confidence
Demonic Love Part 4
We Take Care of Each Other Part 3
Alone Time
I'm a Horrible Brother
Malec Oneshots!
Two Timed Part 2
Drunken Confidence Part 2
Dean's Girlfriend
Demonic Love Part 5
Mystery Spot
Demonic Love Part 6
Into You
Hold Me Sam
I'll Never Regret Loving You
It was an Accident
Authors note.
Deaf Part 2
Dean's Fear
Deaf Part 3
Demonic Love Part 7
Author's Note
Undercover Couple
Cheating Part 2
Cheating Part 3
Sympathy for the Samifer
Did I Force You?
Sympathy for the Samifer Part 2
Sympathy for the Samifer Part 3
Story Teller
The New Boyfriend
Sympathy for the Samifer Part 4
The New Boyfriend Part 2
Two Babies?!
Pregnancy of Team Free Will
Author's Note
Pregnancy of Team Free Will Part 2
Pregnancy of Team Free Will Part 3
Author's Note
Pregnancy of Team Free Will Part 4
Trust Me, Love Me
Lucifer: Reborn
Caught Part 2
Bloodlust Part 2
Caught Part 3
Bloodlust Part 3
Caught Part 4
Dean's Secret
Dean's Job
Bloodlust Part 4
Dean's Secret Part 2
Well.... (A/N)
Lucifer's Baby
Dean's Secret Part 3
Lucifer's Baby Part 2
Movie Marathon
I Can't Do This
Dean's Secret Part 4
Running Away
Dean's Secret Part 5
The Aroma of Sam Winchester
Dean's Secret Part 6
Regret? Never.
The Hot Tub
Am I Pretty Enough?
The Djinn
Cursed Love
The Secret Leviathan Dean Let Out
Important Note

Be Bold

2.7K 91 18
By neverendingstory1820

This one will feature Sam Wesson and Dean Smith from episode 4.17 It's a Terrible Life.

Suggested by: @PrincessPeach211

"Are you coming back?" Dean Smith asked his girlfriend from his office desk.

"I'm not coming back, unless you get rid of those brats"

"But, Raven, they are our kids, how can you say that?"

"I don't care. They've already ruined my body, I don't want them to ruin our lives too"

The line went dead. She hung up on him. He sighed and hung his phone up too. Then he covered his face with his hands. What was he going to do? There was no way he could raise two young kids on his own.

A few minutes later, he gathered his bag and left the office. Upon arriving home in his silver Prius, his two kids, Austin and Justice came running out, yelling "Daddy's home." He smiled, got on one knee, and held out his arms for his kids to hug him. The babysitter came out from the same area they ran from.

"How were they?" he asked, standing up, still holding his kids.

"They were good, the best behaved 3 and 4 year old I've ever dealt with."

He beamed at her and praised both children before setting them down to pay the babysitter.

"See you tomorrow." he called as she walked out the door after saying bye to the kids.

"Did Amanda feed you guys supper?" he asked.

They both nodded.

"Okay, then it's bath-time, then off to bed with you two"

Both Austin and Justice ran from him, giggling as he chased both to there bedroom. Eventually, he got both kids bathed and put them into their beds.

"Goodnight sweetheart" he whispered to Justice before kissing her forehead. Her eyelids were already beginning to close as he walked out, leaving the door ajar.

"Sleep well, Son" he said to Austin, again, kissing his forehead.

"Goodnight, Daddy" he replied before closing his eyes.

Just like with Justice, he left the room, leaving the door ajar.

Once both kids got put to bed, he tried calling Raven again, but to no avail. He got the same response, but this time she got angry and ending up yelling at him. Once the call was over, he got ready for bed and went to sleep, even though it was still pretty early.

~2 years later~

Dean's POV

I still haven't been able to get back together with Raven, as she still wants be to get rid of Justice and Austin, and I still refuse. Austin is 6 now, and he is now going to school. The problem is he's realized that he only has me, and other kids have two parents. Now he's asking questions about his mother that I can't answer. I don't want him to have a bad image of his mother. I still call Raven sometimes, but she doesn't seem to care. I've begun to feel a constant numbness or emptiness less days. I feel like I'm going through the motions of my life. Even Justice has asked why I'm always so sad looking, but I always fake a smile for her and tell her everything's fine and not to worry.

Sam's POV

"Maybe we should give him a few more minutes?" I suggested.

"He never showed for the last ones, just start without him"

I rolled my eyes, annoyed that they won't wait for Dean to come to the meeting. I wonder if something is wrong, hopefully everything is alright.

"Sam? Sam!"

I came out of my daydream.

"Are you paying attention?"

I nodded, even though I had no clue what was going on.

"He was probably daydreaming about Dean again" someone in the room whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear"

I tried not to let my blushing show, but it didn't work, as some people in the meeting were giggling at me. With a scoff, I got up and walked out of the room. Everyone always made fun of me, but it got worse when they found out I've developed feelings for my boss, Dean Smith.

I went to Dean's office, adamant on finding out why he's missed the last few hours of meetings, especially how that worrying about it got me laughed at. I knocked on the door.

"Hold on" Dean's voice on the other side said.

I opened the door anyway, making Dean looked up in fright. He was wrapping his wrist in white cloth. I noticed there was also a little bit of blood on the floor below him.

"Uh, sorry" I apologized, now feeling guilty about opening the door.

"It's fine" he said, hurriedly trying to cover up his wrapped wrist.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded, putting on a reassuring smile, but I knew it wasn't genuine.

I sighed, "Sir, I know something's wrong." Then I pointed out the small bloodstain, "and you missed a bunch of meetings this morning. I'm worried about you. You've never been like this."

"Oh? You know me that well, huh?" he asked, a slight smile playing on his lips, this time I could tell it was more real.

I pulled up a chair and sat beside Dean.

"I want to know if you are okay"

He proceeded to tell me everything that's happened in the last few years.

"That's horrible. She shouldn't do that to her kids" I said.

He nodded, "but I can't raise both of them myself. I need her, they need her"

I realized this was my chance, "Well, what if you find someone different?"

"What do you mean?"

"You should get out there, find someone new"

"But, Sam, I don't know if I can go through this again, and I'm not sure if the person I'm interested in is interested in me"

I nodded, trying not to let it show that I was upset he wasn't interested in me.

"And I'm not sure what Austin and Justice will think about the person I'm interested in"

"Well, if you want my opinion, be bold and ask them out, the worst thing that could happen is they say no, and I don't think anyone could say no to you" I paused, realizing I probably shouldn't have said the last part, "um, as for your kids, they're little still, so they're pretty resilient to things that happen in their lives."

Dean smiled, "So, you're saying that if I'm not interested in a girl this time, then it'll make my kids more accepting later?"

I nodded.

"Thanks for the advice man."

I got up to leave, upset that I basically just lost my only chance at the one person I've crushed on for the last two years.

"Oh, and Sam?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning around.

"Do you want to go out for a drink sometime?"

I smiled, "Are you asking me out?"

He smiled back, "I'm being bold"

I shook my head, "You're an idiot, but yes, I will take that drink"

He let out a small laugh, "Good, how's after work tomorrow?"

"Sounds great" I said happily.

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