So like... you love me? [COMP...

By yhlikeicarE

959 456 128

...I'm too lazy to do description.😬 "All you need to know is that at the beginning the story is a bit bor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (LAST)

Chapter 9

42 29 5
By yhlikeicarE

   When school finished, I technically ran out of the class. I couldn't care less about the glares and mumbles from others. I had Evan who trusted me, that's all I need.
   The Starbucks in the shopping mall near our school was usually packed with our own students, but now it was quiet and  empty, well I ran quite fast.
   Five minutes later, Evan arrived, with a broad smile on his face. He was as gorgeous as always. I smiled back at him and we sat down at a table in the corner.
  He took a sip of his coffee and stared at me with a grin on. His eyes were shining.
   "What??" I said shyly, I could feel my face heating up. The way he was looking at me, maybe I'm just assuming. Could it be?
   "You'r so funny when you are curious." Funny? Seriously?  He could've used other words, like pretty? Or cute at least?!
   "Sank you!" I said coping his accent, well , old accent. He spit out his coffee and it got all over the table, thank god it didn't fall on me. We both laughed our heads off as he tried to put tissues all over the table.
   This was nice. I liked being with him. No denying, I could be his Girlfriend. I like to spend lots and lots of time with him. I want him to open up to me, to tell me about himself, his life. I would open up too. My life's not that interesting anyways.
   After a while, we both were quiet. So I started to ask.
   "So... why were you in China?"
   "Well, you see, my parents worked in the American Consulate in Beijing. At first, it was only for 3 years, but then they extended their contract and we stayed there for a few years longer." He wasn't hesitated to tell me about himself at all. He moved on.
   "Then, I came back to the US." He wasn't smiling anymore.
   I wasn't sure to ask him why. But I gathered the courage to ask.
  "Umm.. why?"
  He was silent for a while but decided to tell me anyways, he looked at me, pain clear in his eyes.
   "My mom... it was my mom.. I mean, she was cheating on my dad." Those last words came out so smoothly I doubted if I heard it right. But he moved on.
   "It was her assistant. When my dad discovered, he was heartbroken, he loved her. So he quit his job and I came back with him.... I couldn't stand seeing the face that split my family apart every single day."
   I was shocked, didn't knew what to say.
   "Im sorry." Was all I managed to say.How plain and unoriginal.
   He smiled bitterly, I wanted to shout out how cute he looked when he was sad.
   Awwww!!! i was mentally screaming.
   I didn't knew what else to say so I decided to change the topic.
   "You'r accent-" he cut me off by putting his finger on my lips.
   "It was fake, lol." He cracked into laughter.
   "What??!! But why??"
   "Just thought it would be fun, "
   I gave him a suspicious glare," fun ?"
  "Na. Not really."
   He looked at his watch, I looked at mine too,(btw guys there's this really cool psychological trick, if u think someone is looking at you look at your watch or at the clock, if they were looking they will most likely do it as well. Thank me later!✌️)
   "I wanna bring you to a place." He said grabbing my wrist.
   "Where?" I said smiling at him.
   "It's my favourite place,"
   "Where is this Favourite place of yours?"
   He grinned, showing off all his perfect white teeth.
   "Do you trust me?"
   Oh Gosh, I hate it when people say that!
   "Umm.. maybe?" It came out more like a question.
   "You better do."
   He ran off holding me from my wrist, I found it hard to catch up with him. By the time we reached his car, I was breathing heavily.
   We jumped into the car and I let him bring me to this mysterious Favourite place of him.

   While he was driving, I tried to focus on the road, but what he told me about his family was just heart shattering. And I imagined being in his situation. (Who knows this: like u put me in such an uncomfortable situation..?😂)
    Suddenly my phone vibrated, I got a message . Oh, just an advertisement.
   [ Valentines Day Special, UP TO 50% OFF! --- blablabla mall]
   What Valentine's Day? I looked at the calendar.
   Damn it! Its 13th Feb!
   How can I not even know! Well, right, I don't have a valentine anyways. 😐
   I looked at Evan.
   "What?" He said , his eyes never leaving the road.
   "Omg your hair looks so good!" I said using the best sarcastic tone I could. Cuz his hair was really messy, I think it's because his windows were open, so wind messed up with his hair.
   "Oh." He seemed to be surprised. He ran one of his hands through his hairs. "Thanks."
   I literally face palmed my self . 🤦‍♀️
   (👆 that's a real case btw, I once said that to a guy and he didn't get my sarcasm as well. I was so embarrassed cuz everyone thought I was complimenting him. 🤦‍♀️)
  There was an awkward silence for a while.
  "How about you? " he said. Still focusing on the road.
  "What me?"
  "How's your life?"
  "Nothing special. My parents are both business people. My life is boring. I have a Sister. " I stopped ,looking at him. "Her name is Alsace."
   He burst out laughing. "Buahhahaha... Alsace - Lorraine!!!"
   I just smiled.
   After he was done laughing, we finally came to a stop.
  I looked outside, it was, normal. Just a neighbourhood .
  I mean it wasn't a beautiful view, or something like that. I honestly thought we were gonna watch the sun set. Watched too many movies maybe.
   "Don't judge it by its cover." He said, as if reading my mind.
   "You can at least tell me where it is now? Can't u?"
   "It's my grandma's house."
   The f?
   "You bought me to your grandma's house?!" I couldn't believe it. How unromantic!
   "Come on! You will love her! " he said getting off the car.
   "Fine." I said as I did the same.
   I was about to press the bell of his gramma' house when he stopped me.
   "Just one more thing," he said grabbing me by my waist. I liked that tho. "Pretend like you'r my Girlfriend." He ordered.
  "But wh-" the sound of door opening shut me off.
  He gave me one last smile before I faced what layed ahead.

❓make a Guess ❓
Why did Evan bought her here??

Hey. 👋
Tmr is actually Valentine's Day.
Vote if you'r single like me. ⭐️
~I will update the Valentine's Day as soon as possible~

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