M P 3

By -deanied

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A story in which a girl stores all her messages for a boy in an mp3 story idea: @-eatseokjins The story is pu... More

120 18 25
By -deanied

In amidst all the chaos surrounding me, her voice was the only thing saving me from going insane....


"I'll talk to you later, okay." Jimin escorted Hyo Ri to the door, while the rest remained in the kitchen.

"Yeah, we can talk later. Where the rest can't bother us!" She spoke slightly loud on purpose so the boys could hear.

"This snake."

"You should disappear before the vultures eat you up alive! You're personality is deadly enough and the sad thing is you're still breathing!" Taehyung shouted, revealing an amused smirk afterwards.

"See you later then." Jimin ignored him, and shut the door after him and Hyo Ri said their farewells for a second time.

He then went back to the kitchen with an annoyed expression plastered on his face, ready to confront the boys from the way they had been treating Hyo Ri.

"What's wrong with you guys?" He retorted, looking at them in disbelief.

"Are you talking about us or you?" Namjoon crossed his arms, looking at him intently. "What are you talking about?" He gave them all a puzzled look.

"Jimin do you even know what you're doing by playing around that girl?" Jin now spoke in anger.

"What's the big deal, it's not like we're going to get together. I don't even like her like that."

"So you're just fooling around with her like some immature teenage boy? Are you seriously kidding me right now!" Taehyung growled, about to jump on Jimin, but was instantly stopped by Namjoon who was beside him.

"Calm down Taehyung, violence isn't going to solve anything in this situation!" The mature leader yelled, pushing his dongsaeng back.

"What are you guys getting so mad for, it's not like it's affecting anyone." Jimin shrugged his shoulders un-amused by their angered actions.

"Are you trying to be funny or are you just stupid," Jin commented harshly.

"What's so wrong with playing around with some girl, you guys do it all the time!"

"Jimin, talking to girls is not meddling. That's a whole other situation." Namjoon disputed, still holding onto Taehyung.

"No it's not! It's the same thing I'm doing!" Jimin responded.

"It's not the same thing when you play around with a girl in front of someone who you clearly know likes her more than you do!" Taehyung shouted. "What are you guys even trying to say?!"

"Jimin, stop acting as if you didn't know what's going on! Why are you acting like such a child?!" Jin tried his best to suppress his anger.

"I'm acting like a child?! Can you explain to me why you're calling me that when I don't even know what's going on!" Jimin hit the kitchen table in frustration.

"Because you know that Yoongi likes Hyo Ri, and you're playing around with her as if it were some fun game to see Yoongi tear himself apart because of it!" Jin finally yelled it out, shutting the boy right up.

Deep resonating silence then lingered in the apartment. And it wasn't the one that made them comfortable, but one that created an uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs.

What made it worse was the pool of tension in which they were currently drowning in.


"Can we just talk about something else? My mind doesn't want to be stressed so early in the morning." Yoongi let out a small laugh, while awkwardly scratching his head.

"Yeah, sure. So...what were you doing until now?" Hoseok rapidly changed the subject.

"Well, if you really want to know. I was trying to get rid of the FBI agent who has been looking around my apartment for the last half hour." He pointed to Jungkook, who had retreated back to his room to look at his stuff.

"Ah, I see. Did I ruin the plan?" Hoseok joked, earning a smile from the once sad boy, which brought him joy.

"Sort of, but it got better when you came so it's all good." Yoongi grinned, grabbing the bowl of cereal that was on the coffee table, and going to the kitchen to place it on the sick.

As he did so, an overly confused Jungkook came out of the room with an object in hand that had a pair of headphones dangling from the side.

"Hyung, you found your mp3? Where was it? You were looking for it forever." The maknae exposed the mp3 in his hands that made Yoongi's eyes widen in confusion.

"That's my mp3?" he questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Is it not? It looks very similar to the one you had during your junior year. You lost it during the summer, and you were looking for it everywhere. Do you not remember?" Jungkook laid the object on the counter, while Yoongi stood still staring at it.

"I don't. I just found it in some box I was unpacking when I moved into the apartment." He lied for some odd reason that he couldn't explain.

"Wait, you lost your mp3? I remember you telling me you gave it to some girl during the summer on a rainy day." Hoseok quickly joined the conversation, making Yoongi become even more confused than before.

"I gave it to a girl during the summer on a rainy day?"

"Yeah, you told me, remember?" Hoseok gave him a peculiar stare, while Yoongi simply looked at him in a disagreeable way.

"Then how about dating Chaerin, the most popular girl of the school. You should at least remember doing that?" Jungkook pictured the girl that was once upon a time called the hottest piece of baloney on campus, while the one who dated her shook his head as if he didn't even know her.

"If you can't remember that iconic moment, then what do you remember from our high school year?" Hoseok questioned in shock.

Yoongi gave him a strange look wondering why he was reacting as if he was disgusted by his response. He was only being human and he got attacked for a reason he knew nothing about.

"Why is this an issue so important that I need to remember my high school year?" He spoke carelessly trying not to make a big deal out of things.

"Dude, you dated the hottest chick in our school. Other guys from different high school's even knew about her. I'm pretty sure it was a big deal," Hoseok argued.

"Okay, I dated a hot chick during my high school year, what's so great about it?. Should I make it such a big deal when I can't even remember the girl's name?" Yoongi bitterly spoke, letting out a small chuckle.

"Hyung, are you sure he isn't sick. I feel like we should take him to the hospital," Jungkook whispered to Hoseok, but still saying it loud enough to where Yoongi could hear.

"Okay, either you tell me what's the big deal or both of you are out of here." He points in the doors direction showing them how serious he is.

"Oh, wait no! Could it be!" Hoseok then began to spute out, jumping around the small apartment like a crazy man.

"What? What is it?" Yoongi and Jungkook simultaneously said at the same time.

"Jinx, you owe me a coke hyung." The maknae smiled happily, while Yoongi looked at him with a straight face of disappointment.

"If you don't quit playing. I'm-"

"Anyways, why are you hopping around my apartment like some maniac? What did you remember?" He asked Hoseok, who was still trying to calm himself down after his big realization

"There's something that happened during your time in high school that you should definitely remember by now," Hoseok answered.

"And what is this occurrence that you're not allowing yourself to say?" Yoongi was in angst waiting for Hoseok's answer that he was slowly trying to convey.

"Do you seriously not remember?"

"Does it look like I do?" He shook his head becoming internally conflicted--unable to recall an incident during his four years of high school that made an 'ah-ha' moment come to mind.

"Can you just tell me what the hell happened?!" The frustrated boy stress-fully sighed out.

"Well, you stayed in the hospital for a week in a state of coma. We didn't know what had happened or how you ended up in the hospital for that matter. We weren't necessarily with you when the incident happened. We thought you would never wake up, but thankfully you ended up being okay, so we were really relieved."

"I was in a coma?!" Yoongi instantly gave him a baffled look. "Yeah, but you ended up being okay so we didn't look into it."

"Hold up, so let me get this straight. I was in a coma for a week and no one bothered to figure out why?" He gave Hoseok a suspicious look, since nothing that he was saying made any sense.

"You had barely woken up a week after being hospitalized. The least of our worries was questioning you on what had happened." Hoseok defended with a hint of strange behavior.

"When did this happen exactly?" Yoongi questioned, now full of scrabbled thoughts.

"It happened during our senior year. We were in winter break then, I believe." Hoseok nodded his head, reassuring that his response was correct.

"Did I not say anything about what happened back then?"

"Mm, no. Just like right now, you didn't remember anything of what happened that day, or how you ended up in the hospital."

"What the hell." Yoongi's mind went completely blank as if someone had made him forget how to process his own thoughts, and his kitchen counter didn't really help in anyway either.

Bzz Bzz Bzz

The sudden sound of a phone brought everyone's minds back down to earth, except for Hoseok's who continued to have a blank expression, still lost in his own world.

"Hyung, your phone is ringing." Jungkook nudged Hoseok who looked a bit taken aback at his abrupt gesture, and proceeded to carefully take out the device from his pocket, all while still looking at Yoongi with concern.

"Oh. What's up manager hyung." He answered, excusing himself out of the kitchen and entering Yoongi's room.

The call lasted no longer than five minutes, and it took a matter of seconds for Hoseok to inform both boys that they needed to leave to the broadcast station and prepare for a music show.


Soft music played in the background while the stylists began fixing the boys up for their recording, in which they were to appear in 2 hours.

The room could be so to speak peaceful, as no one was being loud or acting ridiculously hyper.

However, If you were someone to walk into the room, the reality would be that the strong tension between the four boys who were getting ready was comparable to that of prey standing next to it's predator.

So no one dared to initiate in any type of conversation. Being enough of a delicate state as it was, one word could cause the whole situation to explode right then and there in front of everyone, and the staff knew that wouldn't be a nice news article.

"Close your eyes for me." The stylist softened her voice more than usual for safe precaution, and yet Taehyung spoke no words, while thankfully had a calm demeanor.

Which was the total opposite of Namjoon and Jin who continued to intently stare and give the silent treatment to Jimin.

Of course he tried his best to ignore and block them out, but there gazes felt as if they were piercing through his skin, and it made him feel uncomfortable.

It wasn't long before his hyung's gazes broke away from him, giving him the feeling that he could breathe again, but even then he couldn't feel comfortable.

At the exact moment he looked up to see who was entering their dressing room, his breath hitched, and swallowing dry air didn't seem like the best idea to keep himself invisible. It was the exact moment he wished he was buried alive.

Being in the current situation he was trying to deal with, and being in the same room with all the people who are were currently against him wasn't the best place to sort things out at the moment.



I fixed the chapter since I really disliked it's plain and boring sentences. Hopefully it's better than before, and you guys enjoy it more.

I'm currently trying to write Ch. 9 so please have patience for me! Thank you guys so much for waiting this long!

You guys know I love you right? You guys are lovely and beautiful!


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