Forget Me ∞ teen wolf & the o...

By mydogthinksimgod

144K 3.1K 595

Mieczyslaw Mikaelson. The youngest in the original family. Or Stiles, as he is more commonly called, has bee... More

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Part 1 prolouge
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 2

12.5K 276 16
By mydogthinksimgod

Stiles didn't know what to do.

He had been pacing around his bedroom for 10 minutes now and still had no idea what to do about the vampire killings going on in Beacon Hills.

And because of his dallying another one had been killed. Stiles heard this on his dads police radio, that he had found the body, through the transmitter he had set up in his bed room.

He knew he should be telling Scott, Lydia and Malia everything he knew about the murders right now but he could bring himself. Whenever Stiles thought about doing just that, an intense feeling struck him in the stomach, one he faintly knew to be fear.

And this scared him even more. Stiles hadn't felt anything close to fear since when Klaus didn't meet him on that horrible day. The day when his Clara was murdered, the day he had now decided was the worst day of his life.

Stiles decided to try and push aside the idea of telling the others and tried to come up with other solutions.

The obvious one was find and get rid of these hunters himself. But Stiles wasn't keen on this idea either. For a long time he had been okay with being alone but now he wasn't so sure that he liked the thought of it. Stiles was sure that this wasn't because he had weakened but more because he had strengthened. Being with the others had made him feel stronger, with them around he felt more confidence in himself.

He was happy to put his life at risk for them and had complete trust in them with his own life. A while ago the concept would of been strange to him but now he was completely at peace with it.

The only other option Stiles could think of was getting someone else to do it. Not the most courageous option but the one Scott seemed to think was best. But Stiles wasn't thinking of leaving it to the police but some other individuals, who he hoped were a lot more capable.

Stiles wasn't exactly sure how he had found out about the "immortal club" as he liked to call it, but one way or another he had stumbled across it. Thats where he was now, about to walk into the vampire only bar that was tucked away at the end of an alley. Just out of sight from the pavement and the wandering eye. This meant that you had to know about the place to find it, and if you know about it you were almost definitely from the undead variety.

Stiles realised this as he stood ,leaning against a brick wall, at the mouth of the alley that housed the immortal club. No one in Beacon hills knew about him and he definitely wanted to keep it that way. But if they though he was human there was no way they would help him in anyway or even listen to him. The thing that worried stiles was that if they knew who he was that they would spread it around and that would be the end of it. For all he knew students from his school could be in there.

Trying to brush of any doubts or worries, Stiles pushed of the wall and headed down the alley, deciding that there was no better time than the present. The entrance to the bar was just a shabby looking door in a faded brick wall. It didn't looking like anything exciting but Stiles knew better, he could already hear the hum of music from within.

He pushed open the rusty door , stepped in and closed it behind him. The bar was exactly as you would picture any bar to be. The usual counter and stools and various other tables and chairs. But he had a feeling that the taps held blood not beer.

While Stiles had been observing everyone who was in the bar gazes seemed to be fixed on him. He was a new comer to them, they were all wondering who he was, none of them knew if he was a vampire but they all got a airy and powerful feeling from him.

Three men who where previously sitting at the counter, stood up and made there way over to him. They were big and buff and were obviously the top dogs in here, and well Stiles looked like a skinny defenceless 16 year old.                                                                                                             

They stood around him closing him in. A situation Stiles was not one bit happy about. Mostly because Stiles had a hatred for being closed in. It made him feel trapped and caged like an animal. He also disliked it because they were looking for a confrontation or a fight. This was also some thing Stiles didn't really want to do here.

"Who are you?" The man in the middle said, his muscles bulging thought his tight top. It was a challenge, they were challenging him. To see if he would try and take his place on top.

And Stiles had no idea how to respond. His face stayed blank while he thought. This seemed to aggravate them further, the one in the middle breathed out in frustration and black vines appeared below his eyes, which were now a deep red.

Stiles now had to make the choice show them who was boss or take one for the team. But before he could even begin to make a decision, a voice cut through the silence in the building from behind the three.

"You wouldn't want to mess with an original would you boys?"

The men in front of him eyes widened and faces filled with shock. This was all Stiles needed to push past them and find the source of the voice. He glanced back only to see the door closing, they had left.

The man who had spoken was behind the counter. He looked like he was the owner of the place. Stiles pulled a chair up in front of where he was drying glasses calmly.

"I hope you realise that you have just blown my cover," Stiles said in a low voice.

"Aww come on Mikealson, you really don't remember me?" The bar tender said.

He lifted he head and brushed the hair that was covering his face to side to reveal a person Stile knew.

"Joe," Stiles breathed out. He had never expected to meet him again.

"Yea man. What has it been, 50 years? Still using your little cover story's?" Joe said with a smile.

Stile chucked in response.

"As for your cover being blown," Joe said rolling his eyes. "You don't have to worry about it here, everybody keeps everybody's secrets."

The sentence didn't exactly strike relief into him but it was good enough. He hoped they would all have enough respect to keep their mouths shut.

"So what brings you in here. Care for a drink?" Joe asks.

"Err no thanks."

"Still on the bunny diet I see."

Stiles hummed a yes in response.

"What I really came in for was to quire about the murders that have being going on."

The sentence made Joe pale and most of the other people in the bar, who were probably listening to their conversation, go silent. To mood in the air changed from lighthearted to fearful and careful.

"We don't really like to talk about that," Joe said looking down and going back drying glasses.

"So you're not doing anything about?" Stiles asked and Joe silently shook his head.

Stiles narrowed his eyes and turned around to face everyone else in the room. Most of them had their eyes on him.

"So none of you are gonna do anything about it?" Stiles said raising his voice.

This made them all look away, avoiding his gaze. This angered him even more, they were all cowards who weren't even going to stick up for their own kind.

"I hope you all know that it could be you next," still no one looked up to meet his eyes. Stiles let out a huff and made his way to the door.

"Cowards," he said before closing the door behind him.

Stiles slowly made his way back to the sheriffs house. He was still thinking about what he should do. The vampires had been no help at all. They all wanted to stay alive themselves instead of helping prevent more deaths.

He then had the horrible thought of just letting them all get killed. Why should he care he thought they all put themselves in this mess anyway, he gave them the option to help and they all declined.

But he knew that this wasn't right, they were all scared. Scared of finally leaving this world.

He hated hunters for this reason. While some vampires deserved to die along time ago and some were so out of control that they needed to be put in place. Most just were trying to have a peaceful existence. But hunters didn't care which category they fitted in too. In their eyes every vampire needed to die and this was not something Stiles agreed with.

He knew he had to do something and the only option he was really left with was seeking help from Scott and the others. So that is what he finally decided he had to do.


Yay another chapter!!!!!

Stuff is about to go down

Anyway please vote it would mean the world to me.

I will try and update as soon as possible but i am quite busy at the moment.

See ya

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