Hayato Shinomiya is MISSING

By Gaylordsenpai

22.1K 672 291

Hayato Shinomiya is being stalked! Scared and traumatized Shinomiya-kun seeks help from his friends. But just... More

Hear No EVIL
Bad Things
3:16 AM
Forget me not
Not Today Satan
Questioning Everything
I'm Not Afraid
Letters They Wrote
A distant reunion
Just for now
Hayato Shinomiya is found


742 24 4
By Gaylordsenpai

There is only one thing I know true to my heart

and that is if times ever get tough, 

I will always try to "Stay Strong".

With a slight twitch he awoke flickering his eyes in alert. Riku Satoshi sat up from the couch as he rubbed his eyes. He stood up stretched his limbs as he looked at the digital clock which read ten am. 

He walked into the back room without Satsuma's "Express permission" as he took his clothes off and took a shower in the shower-tub-bathroom. After the shower he went through the clothes on the hanging rank. It's been a week and four days down in the bunker since Riku and Shinomiya's arrival.

 He found a pair of cotton boxer briefs and took a pair of old light dad jeans from the 80's, pulled a red plaid button up sleeveless shirt and got dressed. The jeans were slightly wrinkled and the shirt was old with two missing buttons on the top exposing the middle of his bare chest. He looked straight out of an 80's movie. But they were clothes. 

Riku freshly showered and dressed walked into Shinomiya's room who sleep soundly. He peered over Shinomiya and decide to poke his cheek. 

Shinomiya flickered his eyes open.

"Waky-waky,"  Riku woke Shinomiya up. 

"Uh, why-it's so early," Shinomiya complained. 

"It's ten," Riku said. 

"I'm up," Shinomiya said getting up from his small mattress. Shinomiya was dressed in an old dirty pair of underwear and that same white button up shirt from the strange night before. 

"You should probably shower and change," Riku suggested.

"Yeah you're probably right," Shinomiya said. He then looked to Riku as he asked,"Riku...do you mind...standing next to the shower...?" 

Riku turned his head to the camera which the red light glowed on as the camera focused and zoomed. Riku tsked at the camera, No wonder Shinomiya wants me to be around him, because that fucker is always watching. 

Riku blinked slowly,"If it makes you feel better...sure." He said with a shrug. 

"Okay thanks," Shinomiya said as he headed to the bathroom.  

"Do you think he'll come down?" Shinomiya then asked entering the other room. 

"Eh, he looked really tried so perhaps his sleeping," Riku suggested but he was still reminded by that camera which was always recorded. 

Riku turned his back standing next to the shower as Shinomiya undressed.

"I hope so," Shinomiya said hopping into the shower. 

Riku stood there in front of the shower hearing the water run as Shinomiya cleaned his body. 

He blinked as he stared off into the tile. 

"Don't you have someone you like...?" Riku randomly asked.

"Uh?" Shinomiya paused while cleaning his hair,"Yeah...I do," He looked down,"But...It's complicated,"

"How?" Riku asked. 

"I like this girl... but four other people are also in love with her," Shinomiya explained,"We're all rivals but we hangout like we are all friends just to win her over...," Shinomiya explained,"So in the end...she has to chose," 

"Wait...chose?" Riku asked.

"We all confessed to her and she hasn't made up her mind yet," Shinomiya said. 

"Oh I see," Riku smiled as he slightly chuckled at himself. 

"Are you laughing?" Shinomiya questioned. 

"It's just kinda cute...," Riku said. 

"CUTE!?" Shinomiya questioned.

"I didn't think you'll be the one chasing after a girl. Rather then you're the one being chased after," Riku slightly chuckled with himself.

"Wait..Why do you think that?" Shinomiya asked as he turned off the shower.

He took a towel as he dyed off in the shower. 

"Well for starters you just have that personality type," Riku said, "That Tsundere boy-type," 

Shinomiya tsked,"Whatever!..And you? Don't you have someone you like?" He asked. 

"Well....to be honest," Riku paused,"I'm...slightly confused," he began. 

"I thought I had always liked girls. But in middle school...," He paused. 

"I fell for a boy," He confessed.

Shinomiya stood in the shower with the towel around his waist as he listened.

"I was embarrassed of my feelings and decided to avoid dating all together," Riku confessed.

"So...you're not sure if you like boys or girls?" Shinomiya asked.

"sounds silly, but it's true." Riku said. 

For a moment Shinomiya was embarrassed that he had asked Riku to help him with his problem a while back but then he gathered his thoughts as he said, "...you're brave," Shinomiya,"Thank you for telling me."

"No problem," Riku said feeling slightly guilty that he told him. Shit he's gonna avoid me now.

Shinomiya stepped out of the shower and walked up to the clothes rack.

Riku stood with his arms crossed as he heard Shinomiya behind him as he heard the sounds of his friend dressing.

Shinomiya had found a pair of cotton underwear, a pair of old ripped black jeans with some bleach stains splattered on them and faded old Nirvana t-shirt.  

"Okay, I'm finished," Shinomiya said with a slight beam. 

Riku turned,"Hey we look like Hipsters now," He joked. 

"Yeah,  all we need are beanies and glasses," He smiled slightly. 

Shinomiya felt slightly different now after Riku told him his secret. First of all of what happen to him last night. It was apparent that Shinomiya being raped wasn't something appealing to either of them. However, after Shinomiya had his problem...Did Riku like it?

"Riku?" Shinomiya asked, Riku turned as he raised a brow. 

"I have two questions for you. And it would be helpful if you could answered them for me," Shinomiya said.

"Okay," Riku said, unprepared.

"First...Should I be addressing you by your first name or your last name?" Shinomiya asked in wonder.

"Oh," Riku chuckled,"Well...it's kinda late to be addressing me by my last name now, is it? Riku is just fine," He said almost flattered. 

"Oh okay. And Secondly," Shinomiya's face turned red as he asked such an embarrassing thing,"What...you did...to help me...," He paused,"Have...you done that to...anyone..?" 

"Nope," Riku said stuffing his hands in his pockets. 

"Did...you-" Shinomiya was interrupted. 

"I'm gonna stop you right here," Riku said slight turning to lean on the other foot,"If you're gonna ask me if I like it, you'd be wasting your time. Just because someone is bi doesn't mean that they like every guy or girl they see," Riku said rather annoyed. 

"Oh... I'm...sorry," Shinomiya said feeling embrassed he stepped back hitting a small shelf as a box from the corner fell and drop to the floor spilling what it looked like old pictures which scattered on the floor. 

"Oh shit," Shinomiya said in a whistler. 

"It's okay, your lucky it was just pictures that fell out. I don't think he heard it," Riku said as he approach the pictures and began to gather them up. 

Shinomiya sat on his knees to help but was instead interested in the photos. 

"Hey, who are these pictures of?" Shinomiya asked as he held up two images of different boys. 

Riku also picked a hand full of pictures as he flipped through them. Each picture was taken of a young boy between the ages of twelve to the ages of fourteen. The boys in each picture where small and petite which longer disheveled hair.  Riku turned the photo to the back which had a name and date printed. 

"Tomas... Mark... Emmett... Lee...Nick...Damien...Colton...Daehyun...Lysung...Philip...David...Henry...Haviair...,"Riku turned to Shinomiya with disbelief,"Do you think he took all of em?"

Shinomiya blinked as he stared down at two hunting images.

"What'd you find?" Riku asked questioning Shinomiya's face expression. 

"what do you see?" Shinomiya asked as he flipped the images around showing Riku. 

The images where of two boys who looked like they could pass as either siblings or other relatives. 

One photo in Shinomiya's left hand was of a picture of himself the first night when his kidnapper brought him in the bunker. A picture of Shinomiya which his hair in his face eyes closed and with a bruise ontop of his head. And in his right hand a picture of a school photo of a boy with light brown hair and green eyes. 

The same photo of the young boy mimicked the eyes of a person long ago. 

"Is this you?" Agent Shinko asked with a wide smile as she pointed of a picture of Hara Kuzowa on the website of college website. 

"Awh you were so cute!-What happen!?" Kurt said with a chuckle. 

"You all are so annoying," Kuzowa rolled his eyes as he sipped from his cup of coffee. 

"So you really went to college at fifteen! That's incredible!" Kurt said.

"That's not the only thing that's incredible...," Shinko said in a hunting tone. 

"Huh?" Kurt turn to the computer screen she was currently using. 

"NO WAY." Kurt said,"You went to school with the suspect!?" Kurt said as he looked at Kaburo Satuma's picture. 

"He's a freak," Kuzowa said as he casually took a sip from his coffee. 

"So you have history with him?" Kurt asked. 

"yeah...history," Kuzowa blinked as he flickered his eyes at the clock. 

The clock ticked and ticked as Satsuma laid in his cot which remained in the corner of his security room. He laid there his eyes closed but then which a feeling of odd, his eyes flickered open. 

"How many picture do you think these are?" Shinomiya asked observing what it looked like hundred of photos. 

"You know what this means?" Riku asked. 

"What?" Shinomiya asked. 

"That these photos are his trophies," Riku said,"pictures of all of his victims,"

"Victims? You think he really could have...killed all these boys?" 

"Just look at all the facts!" Riku whispered,"We are underground, he had been keeping us here for days, we have concept of time, we are in fact prisoners, and you know what he'll do next? Either turn us against each other or kill us! Use us then dispose us like trash!" Riku said. 

Shinomiya blinked as he saw that dark figure who stood in the door frame. 

Shinomiya's heart sank to his feet for he hadn't seen Satuma for a few days now and the fear was still engraved in his bones.  

[A/N: Okay so it's been a few months and i cant remeber how to spell his name...either it's Satuma or it's Satsuma....I dont even know anymore TT~TT I sorry so just go with either or.]

Riku blinked, "What are you looking at?" He turned to see Satsuma in the door way. 

Satsuma didn't look good at all. His skin grew grey and his eyes where blood shot. He had grew out a small pricked bread on his chin and around his mouth. His hair wasn't silk back but instead was ruffled and messy. 

"So you found my picture collection, huh?" Satsuma gave a small smile but he seemed off. 

Shinomiya and Riku turned to look at each other then back up at Satsuma,"...We're... sorry," 

"No matter," He said,"They're are long gone now," He said which left Shinomiya and Riku to exchange worried expresses within the dim silence.

"...You...have a picture of Shinomiya," RIku said filling in the void of the silence. 

"So is Shinomiya also long gone?" Riku provoked.

Satsuma gave Riku a grim look,"No... but perhaps you'd like to join my fellow friends?" 

"No, please don't." Shinomiya said as he rapped his arms around Riku's arm,"Please don't take him away from me." 

Satsuma stared at them for a moment or two. Blinkless and emotionless until his lips curled up into a grin,"You know, two can play at that game." 

"what? what game?" Riku asked. 

"I know the two of you are playing me from the beginning," Satuma said,"You two being all childhood friends is just a lie just so you could establish a force between you and me. Isn't that right?"  

They blinked and looked at each other without say anything else.

"However, I'm convince that Shinomiya will trust anyone just to survive." Satsuma said, "I know him well." 

"Like Hell you do," Shinomiya spat,"You know anything about me!"

"Are you sure about that?" Satsuma said,"Did you forget the very house I captured you from? what was that Otaku's name again...Kai? Or Kae?" Satsuma turned to give a devilish smile,"You know I could always go back for her. Isn't that what you want? Someone you can cling to? Because they are dear to you?" Satsuma laughed,"Did you think I was a fool!?" 

"No...no...of crouse not," Shinomiya said out of fear. What is this? Is he gonna snap?

"Well, perhaps I should separate you two permanently?" Satsuma said titling his head a little. 

If there is only one thing I know to be true... 

...Is that Satsuma is 100% unpredictable...

Satsuma pulled out a small black 38" Caliber gun as he directed it towards the both of the boys,"why don't we play a little game?" He said with a smile. 

The boys stood in the center of the room hands to their sides and stood approximately six feet away from each other.  

Their faces plastered of distress as Satsuma flipped the gun around his hand and looping the gun trigger around his finger.

Shinomiya stood stiffly as sweet droplets poured outta his face.  His eyes slightly looked over to Riku who seemed completely calmed and phased by this scare tactic. 

Riku's eyes turned to Shinomiya as he gestured a reassuring nod as if to say,"We got this". 

But Shinomiya had recalled Riku saying, "Whatever happens if there is a chance for one of us escaping we have to take that risk,"  

I don't want to die and I defiantly don't want Riku to die! Shinomiya thought.

"Eenie," Satsuma points the gun at shinomiya.

 "meenie," Points the gun at Riku.

"miney," Satsuma points the gun at Shinomiya.

Satsuma points the gun at Riku who stood there as Satsuma points the gun and places it directly on his forehand as he says,"Mo" and which a finger pulls the trigger. 

"NO!" Shinomiya turns to the sudden click noise as Riku stands there eyes wide open as if he saw a ghost. 

He's still standing? Shinomiya thought in shock.

Satsuma laughs wildly as he throws his head back. 

Riku blinked regaining and processing that the gun wasn't loaded for he escaped death's fate. 

Shinomiya sighed, "Thank god," 

"Now see what happens if I load a single bullet in the chamber," Satsuma said as he open the chamber and pulled a bullet as he flicked it back in the gun spinning the gun chamber around. 

Shinomiya's heart begin to race as he turn to see Riku's distressed face. 

This time, Satsuma had a loaded gun. 

"Now lets take this party to the the surface," Satsuma said. 

"To the surface?" Shinomiya asked out loud.

 Satsuma lured the boys to the leader of the bunker. 

"Now I'll climb up first so I can unlock it," Satsuma said placing the gun in the front of his pants as he climbed the leader. 

He reached the mental door of the ceiling as he took a key of his rustling key holder and unlocked the padlock as he pushed the bunker door upwards and out as sunlight brightly blinded Shinomiya and Riku who stood underground. 

"What are you two sloths doing down there, lets go lets go!" Satsuma said waving the gun. 

Riku turn to look at Shinomiya as he said,"Whatever happens if either of us can escape, you better take that chance and fucking run!"

Riku quickly hopped on the leader as he shimmied up the leader. Shinomiya also climbed up the leader. 

This is it... The moment  where I can finally feel the sun rays on my face.

Even if... this'll be the last moment I'll spend on this planet...

Shinomiya along with Riku emerged from the underground bunker which they had been imprisoned. 

The outside world was bright as Shinomiya and Riku could feel a cool breeze as the warm sun kissed their faces. Riku flickered his eyes to his surrounds. High waist hay fields and scattered trees where all that remained within their view. Fourty feet away, a long dead end highway was the only hope in Riku's soul. 

"We're out in the middle of nowhere," Satsuma said was he gestured his gun side to side. 

Shinomiya blinked releasing that maybe Satsuma was planning something.

"You can scream all you want but no one is gonna hear you," Satsuma said as he began pacing. 

Riku turned to Satsuma,"IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE!?"

Shinomiya and Satsuma turned to Riku. 

"Are you telling me that you kept us underground for what? We were Hiding in the middle of nowhere!?" Riku said. 

"Do you want to leave of do you want to stay?" Satsuma asked.

Riku turn to look at Shinomiya then back at Satsuma. 

If there was a moment of an opportunity...

...would you take it?

His heart raced as a single sweet dropped along his brow. He turned his foot and just before he took off Riku reached to the side as he grasped Shinomiya's wrist. 

And just as he blinked, his feet took off. 

Satsuma laughed as he saw Riku running as he pulled Shinomiya behind him. 

"RUN FOREST RUN!" Satsuma laughed with amusement. 

Riku ran pulling on Shinomiya's arm, "WE GETTING OUTTA HERE!" 

Shinomiya felt the convinced of running away as he too ran catching up along side Riku. Running side by side, running for their lives. 

Satsuma smiled as he looked down at the long thick rested chain which hid itself within the fields. Satsuma laughed as he held up the gun,"I still have my gun. And I only need one princess," He put his finger on the trigger and pulled. 


The chamber of the gun rotated.

Their feet stomped and cracked the leaves pushing waist high hay out of the way. 


With small feet running, too focused on the view ahead of him, he didn't pay attention what was luring beneath of him. With a determine step in front he step down on a metal flat plate in which the ground beneath him snapped biting Shinomiya's leg.

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!" Shinomiya screamed as he looked down to an old rested bear trap which had him by the ankle and caff. IN pain Shinomiya fell forwards gripping at his injured leg. 

Riku turned to reach for him but with a loud,"NO! RIKU JUST GO GET OUTTA HERE!" Riku didn't stop. 

Satsuma reached down and grabbed the chain which had been connected to the source of the bear trap.  He then started to pull the chain towards as Shinomiya with a scream was being pulled in like a fish on a line after its bit the bait. 

Riku wanted to turn and help his friend, but he kept on running.

Shinomiya wad hurt and in pain but he didn't mind it if it meant that Riku can get to safety. 

Satsuma pulling Shinomiya by his hurt leg was intense and painful as if he was going to pull his leg right off, but instead of screaming out in pain he yelled,"GO RIKU!"

Those two words stroke a cord in Riku's chest as he ran forwards and only fifteen footsteps away he could see the highway.

Shinomiya smiled as he watched his friend reaching to the end of the finish line. 

But that smile faded when he heard it. 

The loud gunshot which sent a shock wave into his soul as within seconds Riku was struck and he hit the highway pavement. 




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