Hayato Shinomiya is MISSING

Oleh Gaylordsenpai

22.1K 672 291

Hayato Shinomiya is being stalked! Scared and traumatized Shinomiya-kun seeks help from his friends. But just... Lebih Banyak

Hear No EVIL
Bad Things
3:16 AM
Forget me not
Not Today Satan
Questioning Everything
I'm Not Afraid
Letters They Wrote
A distant reunion
Just for now
Hayato Shinomiya is found


1K 31 21
Oleh Gaylordsenpai

He was short and small for his age but brilliant at that. At the age of fifteen he was four feet and seven inches for his small skinny boyish body who still shopped at the boy's department at Macy's. Which wasn't a sight to see for this particular student. Hara Kuzowa was a genies and just at fifteen he was a freshmen in college. Jumped from high school bullshit drama and into a prestige student entering college life. Where Hara Kuzowa crossed paths with Kuboru Satsuma.

Hara Kuzowa had a blessed life. Living in a mini-mansion with a maid and a butler and even private tutors. He had it all. However, Hara Kuzowa didn't care for such things. Either did he like the time of extra studying or being a perfect prestige student. Perhaps being perfect was his limit. Perhaps he didn't want to be perfect. He was only fifteen. And at fifteen he was never given the teenage hood of acting out. Thus came an idea. He was smart and his studies come as a breeze. Even college work seem simple with a high I.Q. even computer test could not accurately calculate.

But moreover, Hara Kuzowa was all the talk on the campus. A young teenage boy was attending college. Not only was the some of the older teenagers how just graduated high school of eighteen and nineteen years of age looked at this "young'n" and already despised him for his skills. But Hara Kuzowa had a careless personality. Which angered the older students more.

However there where still a bunch of immature "youngers" of seventeen, eighteen and nineteen who was just overall fantasized with Him as the cute Kouhai.

But Hara didn't care at all about anyone or anything.

He rolled up into school in a black limbo which seemed to stroke everyone with anger. People of all ages, young, older, some even parents, who worked hard to get into college seemed already defeated by the young kid's presence. Who didn't have a care in the world.

"OH! THERE'S KUZOWA-KUN!" Some girl giggled cheerefully.

"Don't speak to me... scum," Kuzowa spat at the girl.

"What's up with that brat!" Some girl questioned.

"If you asked me he's a little twisted," A guy chimed in.

But Kuzowa being a little twisted was nothing compared to Kuburo Satsuma. He was different from Hara Kuzowa. Unlike Kuzowa, who had a blissful life as a brillant honor student of the only child. Satsuma grew up in a broken home of two brothers one sister.

His mother told him,"Don't get into trouble."

His father knew he would anyway. His brother said they didn't give a damn about him. And his sister told him he had to do something good for a change.

At the age of 20 Satsuma was a victim of insomnia, who stayed up long nights of studying and wondering at night around campus taking pictures. A strange guy who lurked around at campus at night surly would stir up a fright.

Satsuma was uncontrollable emotional, chaotically proportional, visceral reloadable; everyone who knew Satsuma knew he was twisted. His was completely crazy. And a college student majoring in photography was something eerie. He had a strange gloom over him like a fog. Which people avoided him at all cost.

It was then passing threw class when Satsuma bumped into the small frame of just 4'7. He looked down to the small child as he rise a brow and asked,"Are you lost?"

"You're in the way," Kuzowa spat readjusted his book-bag over his shoulder.

"Wait...are you a college student?" He asked rising a brow.

"What's it to ya?" Kuzowa frown his brows annoyed.

"Sorry, you just look like a middle schooler," Satsuma said.

"And you look like a thug. Now move outta the way, creep." Kuzowa said which Satsuma was taken back by this.

He blinked with shock as Kuzowa turned as she smirked a smile,"What the hell you look so surprised for? You look like a lowlife piece of scum who just walked in from the streets. Surly you should be aware of how other's see you," He said as he left to his other class.

...WHAT THE FUCK? Satsuma blinked.

He blinked as he stared at himself in the men's bathroom looking at his face in the sink of the mirror. As much as he didn't want to say it but that kid was right. His med-built was long and slim as he wore for comfort appose for looks. He wore skinny red ripped jeans baggy, with an old pair of beat up converse with a baggy grey t-shirt. His hair styled with slick and pulled back into a light grey backwards cap a as a single piece of hair which hung in the middle of his forehead.

That fucking kid... Satsuma growled in his mind.

Since then, Satsuma and Kuzowa had been running into each other more so often. Even exchanging each other's names at one point. From being completely strangers to acquaintance.

But even so, Kuzowa was always on guard around Satsuma and never fully trusted him. More hostile then with anyone else.

And Satsuma always question that.

"Kuzowa you're always so mean." Satsuma whinned following him to the library after class.

"You're the one who's stalking me," Kuzowa spat irritably annoyed.

"No, I'm not. I so happen to be going to the library as well," Satsuma said in a matter of fact.

But the more Satsuma hung around Kuzowa the negativity grew with in Hara Kuzowa's soul. And the more Kozuwa tried to distance himself from Satsuma, the more Satsuma got close.

It was on a suicide Tuesday where a Kuzowa finally cut ties with Satsuma. Once and for all.

"We need to talk," Kuzowa approach Satsuma.

"Sure thing, Kuzowa-kun," Satsuma said with a smile as he followed Kuzowa behind the back of the building.

"What is it you want to talk about?" Satsuma asked.

With a firm hand Kuzowa made a fist and punched Satsuma in the gut, bending down grasping his stomach he looked to Kuzowa in surprise,"WHAT THE-?"

"You," Kozuwa begin,"Why don't you leave me alone?" His face was hung low.

"What?" Satsuma was completely confused.

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME BE!?" Kuzowa demanded with a look of anger, he grabbed Satsuma by the collar,"TELL ME."

"A...Aren't we friends?" Satsuma asked,"Or we established some sort of status?"

"WHAT?" Kuzowa pushed him away,"Why would you ask something so fucking stupid. We were never friends! You're just a pain in my ass!"

Satsuma stared with wide eyes,"But...I like you,"

Kuzowa eyes frown and were wide,"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!?"

"I...really like you, Kuzowa. You're so cool by going to college as a kid. I wish I'd be smart as you," Satsuma turned his head,"I though you were just some spoiled kid. But the more time i spent which you, the more time I've developed such feelings...I thought already knew all this," He turned his head but his face expression was different.

"Are you dismissing my affection for you, Hara Kuzowa-kun?" Satsuma's voice was low and haunting.


"You don't believe me?" Satsuma asked seriously,"You should at least think about my proposal,"


With a hand he took a hold of Kuzowa by the neck as Satsuma pinned him against the wall, He face was hung low as he whispered in his ear,"Remember you're just a child, So you have to respect you're elders," As he licked his neck up to his ear, nipping on it a bit. With rage, Kuzowa somehow broke free.

With his feet he ran from Satsuma as he fled running away with all of his might. He paged his driver as he jumped into the black limbo driving away from he campus. He sat in his seat clenching his chest as he caught his breath. No fucking way...His a fucking homo!?

Satsuma watched as the black limbo drove way.

"See you later...Princess."

Hara Kuzowa was never the same after that. Violence and hostile came hand to hand just as it did with knowledge and his intelligence. He become a mastermind villian. Stealing government documents framing other people all for his own enjoyment. That was until he was caught at the age of 22.

Satsuma however ventured a different path. Yes his rejection did send him over the edge but to him...he was in denial.

Kuzowa didn't reject him. He just seemly moved on. He moved far away and perhaps in the future he would see him again. But he never did.

Now, Satsuma was at his limit. At the age of 28, he tried desperately to maintain his sinful ways. But it was during that silly festal when his eyes laid on Shinomiya went he view the world differently. Shinomiya was simpler to fifteen year old Kuzowa but was so much more different. He was on a float, and dressed in girl clothes acting as a princess of all things, and without a care in the world. It was that free welcoming spirit which allured Satsuma in the beginning.


He thought with bright attentive eyes.

Those eye grew dark and triedlessly as eyelids blinked on the screen.

Shinomiya didn't reject me, He only said that because of Riku is there. He thought with anger to himself. He was in his panic-room of metal walls and a huge door with cameras and computer scans everywhere. He sleep on a tiny futon in the back but most of all he hadn't slept in days which made him, unstable.

It was that fake bond Riku and Shinomiya had conjure which drove Satsuma so mad.

"They have a close bond," He mimicked in a funny voice.

Sure, it was all a lie. Shinomiya and Riku may have played a dangerous part but it was survival of the fittest. But Satsuma is selfish. He didn't like them together at all.

I need to separate them. He thought. I have must break their spirit.

Shinomiya and Riku had sat in the living room area as they whispered among themselves. It has been a few days and Shinomiya's leg was starting to feel better. Suddenly with a loud sound of the door they knew he him.

Coming from the room above his keys rattled as he walked down the staircase with booming footsteps.

"oh...you don't look so good," Shinomiya said to Satsuma who didn't get a blink of sleep.

"...Aren't you two getting all comfy now," He said with his head hung low and his slightly hunched due from triedness.

"Satsuma, you look really-" Riku began but was interrupted with a...

"SHUT UP," He yelled at him, he turned to Shinomiya.

"Let's all go in Shinomiya's room," He said a bit tried.

The two looked at each other then walked following Satsuma into Shinomiya's room.

With a CLUNG he then cuffed Riku against the small mental pipe wall, "H-Hey!?"

"You just stay right here," Satsuma says to Riku with a glare.

"But..wait...can't we all just talk thing over," Riku asked feeling a bit anxious.

Sastuma turns to Shinomiya, "You know...It's not very polite of you to keep refusing..."

*Takes off jacket*

"...Given that I've put in so much effort into you...don't you think?" Satsuma says as he glares intensively at Shinomiya.

Shinomiya flinches, "What!?" a single sweat drop run down his brow.

OH NO. THIS ISN'T GOOD. The last time was from behind and it was quick. But he never approached to me face to face like this!

Step. Step. Step.

Shinomiya step back only tripping backwards as he lands on his back.

"Satsuma...," Shinomiya looked up to him with pleading eyes,"Please don't...not in front of-"

"Oh but all the reason's why I have to," Satsuma said,"Seems you boys have forgotten who's the man of the house and I'm hear to remind you."

"Why are you doing this?" Shinomiya's fear came back crumpling him again."Why all of a sudden..."

With a forceful grip, Satsuma's hands wrapped around Shinomiya's collar as he shoved him to the ground with a THUMP! "AAAHH!" Shinomiya gave out a cry.

Riku pulled on the metal pipe but with a BLUNK he was forbidding to pass or even stop, Oh shit!

Shinomiya's stomach dropped to his feet as the chills stopped his body as he froze. Satsuma's face only a few inches away from Shinomiya's who leans over him with a tight grip on his shirt collar.

"I'm sorry," The words escaped Satsuma's lips and with an UMF started to pull Shinomiya's clothes apart. Hands fidget as the clothes made a BRIP, and Shinomiya made a "Ummfh!?"

With a hand, Satsuma place his fingers grasping Shinomiya's jaw as he slipped his tongue inside his mouth. With a tug of the shirt buttons ripped off exposing Shinomiya's cold bare chest.

Shinomiya turned his head slipping out from Sutsuma's hand as he let out a cough as tears flowed from his eyes. He was pushing him away yelling,"Stop IT!" And a "What do you think you're doing?"

Satsuma replace his hand back on Shinomiya's mouth as he leaned forward with a heavy hot breath as he said,"This wont take long..," He began.

Riku fell on his butt as he cowardly hiding his head in his knees looking away. I can't do anything...I'm so useless.

"If you don't remain still, I have no choice but to hurt you," Satsuma said in a serious tone.

Shinomiyas heart began to panic beating and throbbing he felt the blood rushing to his face, WHAT!? WHY IS HE DOING THIS TO ME!? WHY DO I DESERVE THIS TREATMENT? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG!? WHY!?

With a cold hand, his fingers touched his chin as they slowly trailed down from his neck to torso.


Chills sent down his body, as Satsuma lean forward with an open mouth. Shinomiya turned his face where Satsuma planted a thick hot tongue on his neck. Satsuma's tongue slid up Shinomiya's neck sending alarmed emotions throughout his body. Shinomiya place his hands on Satsuma's chest as he tried to push him off, but it was no use.

Suddenly those finger on his torso travled down to his pants as those fingers slowly creeping down. Shinomiya's heart dropped to his feet in a shock as he blurred out,"STOP...!"

But those fingers unbutton his pants as Shinomiya mummer,"PLEASE!?...STO-"

Panting, he gripped at the cold hard surface of the ground until his fingertips bleed. Shinomiya was now on his stomach as he felt those cold hands on his back.

He felt him, penetrate his anal as the wet fleshy skin pushed inside of him as he gave out a,"ARGH!...It hurts!"

"You thought I was taking advantage of you behind that old dumpster. But I was just feeling you up with my fingers then. THIS is what it feels like when you get FUCKED," Like needles Satsuma's words pierced through Shinomiya's skin tainting it forever.

He was turned back on his back as Satsuma's hand firmly grasped Shinomiya's hand pulling it above him. With his other hand gently griped his jaw and place his thumb just on Shinomiya's lower lip. His breath was like fire as he breath our flames onto his face sticking his wet juicy tongue inside Shinomiya's mouth. Shinomiya with only one free hand he had, grasped around Satuma's wrist as he tried to pull him off.

But with his tongue entering his mouth and the motion his thing invaded his insides, which made him unable to fight back. Thrusting hips and a motioned tongue Shinomiay's could feel his skin melting with sweat and fluids he never knew he had. Panting and grunting where the only sounds that escaped him.

His knees shook and trembled as his fingertips and toes curled under. Shinomiya started to cry as his body shifted up and down. His fighting spirit was over as he laid there his head to the side as he watched the light from the open door. Satsuma's hands was no longer on his body, for he was broken.

With a hand place on Satsuma's forearm, he could feel that hand tremble on his skin. Suddenly Shinomiya tighten his grip as his face crashed up and thick tears escaped his eyes. He was whimpering silently to himself as he just laid there and took the abuse.

But suddenly with a stroke a thumb gently wiped a tear. Looking up, Satsuma place a hand on Shinomiya's face almost a reassuring gesture to ease the pain.

But it was the look on Satsuma's face that made Shinomiya raised his eyebrows.

Satsuma looked sad with tears in his eyes as his lips trembled.

Is that remorse?

Satsuma gazed into Shinomiya's eyes with that look. Shinomiya reflected that emotion back with a wide sad frown as tears took form.

Shinomiya felt a changed affect the way Satsuma's body moved. He caressed Shinomiya's face with those hands as he planted a kiss on his lips. It felt as if Satsuma was holding Shinomiya in a loving caring kind of way. His kiss didn't feel forced like it did before.

But not of that mattered now, Satsuma had invaded him and in front of Riku how cowardly look away. It was all humiliating.

Shinomiya laid on his side emotionless and motionless with his ass exposed to the side and fluid escaped his colon.

Satsuma had stood up dressed himself as he turned to Riku,"Hey Satoshi,"

Riku bravly looked to him.

"You'll be next if you don't obey me," He said and he placed the key for the hand cuffs in the other corner of the room as he turned and left.

Riku was slightly relived when Satsuma left. He turned to Shinomiya who laid wearing his white dirty long sleeved shirt as his bloody ass escaped only a few feet across from him.

Shinomiya legs had betrayed him forever in a feet position as he slightly trembled and shook from the extreme force. His anal bleed with left a bloody cum-like substance to escape his bare butt. Shinomiya was raped. Being used and abused like that just completely broke his very existence. Without a single thought or a reassuring conscience he laid in that same position.

"Shinomiya?" Riku asked.

But Shinomiya didn't replay to him.

"Come on, his gone...you can get up," Riku said.

But still no response.

Riku took leg stretched it out as he gently tapped on Shinomiya's heel,"Come on man, get up," He said.

But still nothing.

He back was facing him and he couldn't tell if he was sleeping or passed out or just stunned.

So Riku waited. And he waited.

It was until when waiting was tried and he was falling asleep.

"SHINOMIYA! ARE YOU DEAD!?" He tapped him foot again but more forcefully.

Shinomiya slowly sat up.

"Oh good, you didn't pass out," Riku said,"Okay, Go and get that key."

Shinomiya slowly stood up as he covered himself with the long shirt he had on as he slowly walked with a wobble to the corner of the key. He picked it up and walked backwards to Riku as he turned his hand around his back giving the key to him.

Riku at first reluctantly grabbed the key due to Shinomiya's back was facing him. But he had un- cuffed himself,"Thanks man," rubbed his wriast for a moment just before he looked to Shinomiya.

"Hey...are you okay?" Riku asked Shinomiya. He had felt awful and waited to help him but he couldn't.

"Riku...?" His voice trembled as his back didn't face him.

"huh?" Riku questioned.

Shinomiya's hand cuffed his man hood as he slowly turned with tears in his eyes,"What am I suppose to do with this?" He plead exposing his boner.

"WHAT?" Riku turned embarrassed.

"It's starting to hurt," Shinomiya cried like a baby as he rubbed his eyes.

"Geez have you never had a boner before?" Riku asked.

"Of crouse I have!-but I never had one that lasted this long!" He mumbled the last part.

"I see," Riku said,"Well," He turn away,"you're gonna have to jack off."

"what! and after what all just happened!?" Shinomiya complained.

"You're body's probably confused. It might be a good thing to release it then to hold back," Riku said with his back still turned.

"I..I Can't," Shinomiya confessed covering up with his shirt.

"HUH!?" Riku turned to him.

"I don't wanna touch it after what was just done to me, it's sick!"

"But it you don't it'll only get worst!" Riku said.

"But i-" Shinomiya was embarrassed.

"Look just go in that corner and think about the girl you like," Riku said.

"But...I can't think..," Shinomiya confessed,"As much as I want to remember her I can't think. It's blank and I got this stupid thing....," Shinomiya said almost in tears as he hugged on his shirt and fell to his knees.

Riku had no idea what to do. He wanted to help him before but not like this.

What Should I do? Go get Satsuma? No! He just raped him! Oh MAN!

Riku watch him. His hands and his body still trembled from the fact he was just raped and that was the only thing logical Riku could think of why he couldn't touch himself.

Feeling a bit awkward and buren he then said, "You have three options,"

Shinomiya looked up to him.

"You can try to hold back and control it using your own free will," Riku said.

"Two, I could go get Satsuma back in here,"

Shinomiya's heart drop to his feet with shock.

"Or...,"Riku turned his head slightly embarrassed,"I could help you,"

"I'll try to control it my own," Shinomiya said with his head hung low.

Shinomiya tried to control his problem but it wasn't useful. It just got harder.

"Ow," He muttered as he face the corner.

Riku rolled his eyes as his foot steps approached.

From behind he lean in and gently grabbed Shinomiya's thing.

"WHA?" Shinomiya was taken by surprise.

"Let me help you," Riku said.

Shinomiya's face turned bright red,"No it's okay-"

"No it's not," Riku said as he suddenly started to help releasing Shinomiya's problem.

Shinomiya placed his hand on the wall as Riku did this unspeakable dirty job.

With a moan Shinomiya exploded his insides all over the corner.

"Wow, that was fast," Riku said as he gently released him.

Shinomiya turned his head low,"Sorry,"

"It's okay, it's a guy thing." Riku said,"I'm going to wash up my hands in the sink," He said as he turned.

RIku walked casully out of Shinomiya's room but then suddenly run into the small shower bathroom as he washed his hand. But he had a problem all on his own and he looked down at his pants to see it rising. GOD DAMMNIT SHINOMIYA!

He sat on the loo as he frapped his thing away only remembering what he had done to Shinomiya earlier, It's all your fault. Why did I have to help him like that?

Luckily his exhaustion got the best of him and Satsuma was asleep long ago. He did not see the events of Riku and Shinomiya which had taken place.


Heyyoo kittens another draft I had just an edit version and i do apologize for the random gayness just didn't know how to end this chapter... -///.\\\- sorry. anyway i hope this is okay and you all enjoyed it.

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