Hayato Shinomiya is MISSING

Oleh Gaylordsenpai

22.1K 672 291

Hayato Shinomiya is being stalked! Scared and traumatized Shinomiya-kun seeks help from his friends. But just... Lebih Banyak

Hear No EVIL
Bad Things
3:16 AM
Forget me not
Not Today Satan
Questioning Everything
I'm Not Afraid
Letters They Wrote
A distant reunion
Just for now
Hayato Shinomiya is found


1.1K 35 13
Oleh Gaylordsenpai

There was a fly. Zizzing slowly up and down a window pane. It was that sort of room. Grey linoleum, putty walls with chairs and tables with tubular metal legs. The wall at the far end was covered in whiteboards and pinboards. Pictures with posted noes covered the board with each note labeled: Names, Dates and Places.

A picture of Kae Serinuma and all her friends picture were pinned one by one as a pin and sting tied them all together with a posted note labeled her as a "witnesses".

A picture of all the men in the "Isami Princess fan club" all labeled: Suspects.

As far as Forensics go, pictures of the crime scene entailed a sights of blunt force and a sign of struggle with turn posters off the wall and broken glass of the window and some anime knickknacks with an the image of crawl marks on a table.

There where five people in the conference room of the The Criminal Affairs Bureau, (Keiji-kyoku) and they all have been working for hours.

Agent Tohru Moriyama was assigned to Lead investigator the Hayato Shinomiya case along with his rookie partner Hara Kuzowa.

Crime Scene Investigator Kurt Hinagiku. Age 26 with light brown hair and golden eyes. Protruding ears with a long bangs which tangled in front of his forehead. His specialties of decoding the crime scene are flawed. Kurt can tell what kind of a person is just by looking at one's room. Are they OCD, Is everything overally neat? Are they disorganized and irrational? Kurt can tell a lot by just walking into a room. Just like he can tell if in a crime the suspect or the victim showed signs of a struggle or if it was a robbery.

Behavioral Analysis Unit Dr. Jarin Fujiko. Age 30 who stood tally of 5'10 with a broad shouldered and thick glasses. His hair was black and short and always kept clean. Holding a PH.D.s in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy. He credentials make him an outstanding

Along with Police Family Officer (FLO) Shinko Soong. Age 28 with long blonde curly hair and freckles on her nose. She stands average height of 5'5 and has a passion for helping others. She holds a role of former liaison with police and media officials. Her job is key to gathering Ante Mortem data which will assist in the identification and repatriation of loved ones. They also keep the family updated on the progress of the investigation. FLO's need excellent commutation skills as they are often the person who reports investigative advances in the case. Sometimes the FLOs will give a statement to the media if the family do not wish to.

His dull expressionless tried eyes stared at the pinborad for over twenty mins now. Agent Moriyama felt as if she spend his entire life staring at those kind of pictures.Day in and day out, his mind consist of hundreds and thousands of crime scene photographs locked away instead of his head.

Staring into the time capsule of that bright fresh face. Almond shaped brown eyes. The school tie. The newly timed hair. The expression. Interested alerted with a gentle smile.

"Agent Moriyama?" one of his colleagues called.

Moriyama turned away from Hayato Shinomiya's school picture as his eyes flickered black at the images proportional suspects.

"We have all six memebers of the Princess Usamimi (A/N: I realized it was Usamini not Isami ) in custody," Dr. Jarin Fujiko said.

Moriyama the lead in the team shifted his tried eyes at Fujiko as he seemly nodded his head,"Fujiko and Hinagiku," he said as they both turned to look at their leader.

"I want you guys can start on the interrogation." He stated.

"Right away sir," Hingaku said with respect.

"Ms. Soong," He shifted his tried eyes to her as she stood up," I want you to take Kuzowa and get all the details you can on the woman who has been shot. And Kuzowa..."

Hara Kuzowa was leaning on the edge of the table as he flipped through pictures when he heard his name being called,"HM?" He turned and resided an eyebrow.

"Don't disappoint me," Moriyama said with pirecing eyes.

"Yeah alright," Kuzowa said as he rolled his eyes and close the file as he place it on the table. He place his hands in his pockets as he shuffled around the room as stop to stay,"I'm getting some coffee," and walked out of the room.

"I'll go prepare the room," Moriyama said as he left the room leaving his colleagues behind.

"Did you see how he spoke to Moriyama? He has no respect at all," Soong said in disgust.

"Wait, you don't know?" Hingaku began.

"Know what?" Fujiko chimed in.

"For Kuzowa's behavior," Hingaku began,"They say his a rookie but his true intentions are far more sinister,"

"Sinister? Are we talking about the same guy?" Fujiko asked.

"I often wondered about his personality. His always his a bad mood, and whats wrong is his lazy with all the reports. And what's more his only in his mid twenties and his assigned to be partnered up with one of our best investigators. For a guy who seems like he hates his job they keep promoting him. So curiosity got the best of me and I looked through his file," Hingaku said with a sharp eye.

"Why?" Fujiko asked.

"Oh that's just a little habit I do from time to time. I want to know all I can about my team," He said with a smile,"However," His smile fainted,"I was completely shocked when I saw his file."

"Hara Kuzowa...,"

Hara Kuzowa filled his coffee cup as he took a sip from his coffee cup.

"...is an ex-convict,"

"To what charges?" Soong asked in disbelief.

"To everything," Hingaku said with a narrowed grin.

"I was shocked to see all the stack of felonies that guy did," Hingaku said with disgust.

"But you said Ex-convict, So he was discharged from prison," Fujiko said in resureance.

"Not quite," Hingaku said with narrowed eyes,"Turns out him and the goverment made a deal,"

Soong and Fujiko rised an eyebrow.

"To carryout his life sentence by working for the government," Hingaku said.

"But he has a gun, Why would they issue him a gun!?" Soong spat.

Just outside of the conference room Hara Kuzowa rises his cup to his mouth a grin curled from ear to ear as he walked by into the break room.

"You really think they'd give him a real gun?" Hingaku laugh,"Its only a prop gun,"

"HUh?" Soong rised an eyebrow,"Why?"

Hingaku shrugged,"I guess they thought it'll make him look like a real cop,"

With a loud slam, the door open as Fujiko and Soong stood up.

"Gossiping huh?" His voice startled even Hingaku to stood.


"Just do your job," Moriyama said.

"Understood," They all sat.

Hara Kuzowa added some sugar and coffee creamer to his black dull cup of coffee. So, they were talking about me huh?

He thought to himself as he took a drink from his coffee. I guess there's no point hiding my past now.

I knew one day they'd find out.

"Oh! Kuzowa!"

"huh?" Kuzowa turn to see Shinko Soong standing there with a fake charming smile,"There you are," She smiled,"I was looking all over for you,"

"I told everyone I was getting some coffee." Kuzowa said as he sipped his coffee, while an invisible of bricks landed on Soong's pride as she clearly forgot he said that before.

"Oh haha, silly me," She said with a smile,"So are you ready to go?"

Kuzowa drink the rest of his coffee as he threw the Styrofoam cup in the trash,"Okay."

His body and face was blurry as the camera lenses zoomed in and out of focus with a DING sound the red recording light flickered on as the record icon blinked and started rolling on film.

Moriyama sat in the interrogation room as his intimating stare burn the back of the suspects head.

"State your name for the record," Moriyama's voice was cold.

"Uh... H..Hiromasa Toshiyuki," The man stated.

"State your age and occupation," Moriyama said.

"Whh..why?" Toshiyuki asked.

"Do you want us to rule you out as a suspect or not," Moriyama said with those eyes.

With a sigh the man mumbled,"Hiromasa Toshiyuki age 42 and Manger at Pizza-Pizza,"

"Very good, now can you tell me...Are you the leader of that fanclub that entails a high school boy?" Moriyama asked coldly.

The man swallowed hard.

Dr. Jarin Fujiko stood outside of the interrogation room as he watched by the two way glass.He then turned around to peer out the other glass window which held another member of the group as Hingaku started questioning.

"Aye man, what's this all about?" The man nervously laughed as he ran his fingers threw his thick red dyed hair covering up the fact he was fidgeting in his seat.

Hingaku took a seat as he looked from side to side then he lean forwards with a hand on the side of his mouth,"I honestly have no idea, the other cops just told me to come in here." He said playing dumb.

"Wait, aren't you a cop?" The man asked with an eyebrow.

Hingaku sat there as he stated with a shrug,"Today's my first day," he said with glee.

"Oh really?" The man narrowed his eyes as he smiled from ear to ear. This kid seems like He'll let me off easy if I just play along. HA! What a piece of cake.

That's right, take the bait you piece of scum. Hingaku smiled politely as he filled through the file as he said,"So I'll just ask you some questions and the quicker we do this the faster we both can get out of here,"

Dr. Jarin Fujiko stood outside of the room as he observed. Interesting approach Hingaku. Perhaps I shouldn't underestimate you.

"So just go ahead and state your name, age and occupation," Hingaku smiled gently.

"Yasuo Daisuke, Age 34 and I work at Chaos Arcade," Daisuke said hatched over with his hands inside of his pockets.

"okay good, now I'll start with some simple questions," Hingaku smiled gently on the outside, but from within his narrow eyes flickered as a sinister smile crept on his face.

"Oh dear," Dr. Fujiko said out loud from the other side of the glass,"From the looks of those two it seem their personality type is clashing quite nicely," He said with a sigh,"I think I'll be the one who will get some coffee,"


It was quiet. A little too quite. As Shinko Soong drove up to the Hospital her and Kuzowa didn't bother to even make some small talk. Perhaps it can't be helped.

Shinko Soong pulled into a parking spot and putting the car in park as she turned off her her. Opening her door and she stepped out to pulled her keys into her suit pocket.

Kuzowa took a step on the Hospital grounds as he and Shinko Soong walked through the slide doors.

"So where's the morgue in a place like this....The basement?" Kuzowa asked almost as if he tried to make a joke.

"What?" Soong rises an eyebrow and which a slight sigh she said,"We will not be going to the morgue,"

"But...didn't they found a woman's body?" Kuzowa asked.

"Oh...you don't know?" Soong asked she smirked as she said,"Well, sometimes we agents have to lie or bluff to the media."She began.

"The woman didn't die. She was shot in the end but through some miracle she's only stable. But not for long. So we have to go in and ask her questions before it make be too late. You understand right?" Soong said.

"Yeah," Kuzowa said and with a nod they approach with their credentials to the front desk as a nurse walked them to the woman's room.

"She's stable and comfortable for now. But we don't know how long she'll make it. The bullet entered through her forehead and come out her skull. It's amazing she can still sit up," The nurse said.

"Can she speak?" Soong asked.

"We tried that and I didn't think she can. Not after having a hole in her head." The nurse said.

"Can she write? Because we need to try to communicate with her somehow," Soong said.

"Yeah you can try," The nurse sat as she handed Soong a notepad and a pen,"Good luck," She said as she walked out of the room.

"Hello Ma'am my name is~" Suddenly Soong was interrupted.

"Have you seen this kid? Blink once for no twice for yes," Kuzowa asked as he pulled up the phone to her face.

HEY! WHAT'S THE DEAL TRYNA SELL MY THUNDER!? Soong growled to herself.

The woman was pale and she had multiple bandages wrapping around her head. But she slowly looked at the image on the screen.

It was a picture of a young boy with a nice smile.

She stared at that image studying it. Until...

Her surrounds faded to black.

"Ma'am? Ma'am!?" Soong asked in concern she though the woman was going to die.

"I was there you see. I was..there." The woman's voice spoke softly and clear.

"Oh good she spoke," Soong said.

"IS she alseep?" Kuzowa wondered as he stared at the women who eyes remained open as she stared to the cieling like she was under some spell.

"No i think she's remembering," Soong said as she pulled out her phone and on the voice memo's began recording.

"Where are you?" Soong asked the woman.

Deep inside the woman's mind she regained some of her memory. As she relived the every day she was shot.

"I'm in my car," The woman said.

"Good that's good, What else is happening right now?" Soong asked.

The woman open her eyes to see she was in the driver seat of her SUV, "I'm in my car," She looked down to the passenger floorboard to see a bag of groceries.

"Good we're getting somewhere. Are you driving?" Soong asked.

"No," The woman said with her eyes close.

She open her eyes and she was hold the brown paper bag, as she feet her feet move up the staircase,"I'm bring in groceries,"

Suddenly she heard someone yelling as she looked up with a startle.

"What's happening?" Soong asked her.

"I...I...see him," She said with her eyes closed.

"Who's him?" Soong asked.

"A..a..man," She said as she open her eyes and once again she appeared back in her memory.

The woman stood on the stair case as she watch a man in a black mask talking loudly as she guided a young boy down the staircase.

"His wearing a mask...a black one..And there's a..boy with him...," The woman said.

"Does the boy see you?" Soong asked.

Standing in her dreams she shook her head,"No, he's blindfolded...And...the man has the boy by the back of the neck...,"

"Good, what else?" Soong asked.

She stood there as she watched everything came so clearly.

"The boy is having trouble walking down the stairs," The woman said as she watched the young boy stepped in foot out as he almost fell forwards but with a firm grip the man stopped his fall.

"I TOLD YOU TO BE CAREFUL!" The man in the mask yelled.

"The man in the mask is yelling at him," The woman said.

"WAIT," The man looked over to see the woman standing there.

"Oh no," The woman says,"H..he..see's me!" She trembled in fear.

"You're safe now, nothing is going to happen to you," Soong said.

The man stared at her with those grey blood shot eyes which made her freeze in fear as her mouth open wide.

Suddenly the man drew out his gun,"He has a gun and-"

And he fires.

With a starle the open flicnhes in her hospital bed. But when she awakes she's still on the ground,"Wait...I'm still there,"

The women laid motionless on the ground but she still could see everything.

"Were you still conscience after you were shot?" Soong asked.

"Yes," The woman says as she laid in her own puddle of blood.

"GODDAMMNIT!" The man shouted as he lift the boy over his shoulder and threw him in the truck of his car.

"But wait," The woman began.

"What's happening?" Soong asked.

"It's the man. He threw that boy in the trunk of his car," The woman said.

"Can you make out a licence plate number?" Soong asked.

"I don't know everything's getting a little blurry," The woman says.

"It's okay, just try and focus on that plate," Soong said.

"The vehicle class code is...a seven and two...and has a Hiragana prefix...and the plate number is..one... six...zero...eight," The woman said as she faded back to reality,"One..my head," She said as she felt pain.

Soong turned to Kuzowa,"We have that plate number. There's a laptop in the car, run the plate and see what we hit,"

Kuzowa nodded as he took her phone.

"Thank you so much ma'am," Soong said with a bow, she then turned to wave at a nurse to come into the room.

"Thank and and please take good care of her," Soong said with a smile as she bowed politely as she rose her head.

She walked outside of the room as she called Moriyama to give him an update.

"Hello? Moriyama, I come with good news! So we're at the hospital and the woman-"

"JUST GET TO THE POINT." Moriyama shouted on the phone.

"Okay okay! You so mean," Soong puffed her cheeks out.

"We got the licence plate number and we're running it now," Soong said.

"Good." Moriyama said as he hung up the phone.

He stood outside of the interrogation room and folded his arms as he watched Hingaku interrogate.

"what's the update?" Fujiko asked.

"They have the liceance plate and they're running it now," Moriyama said.

"Oh that's excellent," Fujiko said.

"Tell me," Moriyama began.

"Hm?" Fujiko turned to him.

"Just how long has he been at this?" Moriyama asked as he watched Hingaku and the suspect agrue back and forth.

"For awhile now," Fujiko said in disappointment.

"Looks like you're suspect called it and gave up," Fujiko said.

"Actually I rule to dismiss Mr. Toshiyuki as a suspect," Moriyama said.


"He told me that he is a member of the fan club and swore he and none of his members wouldn't touch Mr. Hayato Shinomiya. Beside the guy has a solid alibi." Moriyama said,"However..."

Fujiko looked up at Moriyama with a rised eyebrow.

"Toshiyuki claims about a two months ago Yoasu Daisuke and another member argued about Hayato Shinomiya. That other member left the fan club," Moriyama said with narrowed eyes.

"Oh...you think that Daisuke fellow is still communicating with that member?" Fujiko asked.

"I'm not sure," Moriyama said.


"I ANIT TELLING YOU SHIT!" Daisuke said as he stood up.

But suddenly the door open as a fairy large man walked into the room,"Hingaku take a break," Moriyama ordered.

"What!? NO I DON'T NEED A-"

"Now," Moriyama narrowed his expression.

With clenched fist Hingaku walked out of the room and into the other room with Dr. Fujiko.

"Man I could've had em!" Hingaku said with disappointment.

"Oh man not this again!" Daisuke complained.

"Show me your phone," Moriyama said.

"What?" Daisuke asked nervously,"why you gotta see my phone?"

"Just hand it over," Moriyama said intimating.

Daisuke fidgeted again but he was complying as he handed over his cellphone.

Moriyama took the phone as he took a list of all the current members of the club and went down the list from on Daisuke's phone contacts then scratched them off.


"You're probably wondering why I'm looking thought your contact list huh," Moriyama said.

"YEAH," Daisuke said with an annoyed look.

"I was watching you on the camera and couldn't help but to notice you fidgeting." Moriyama said,"The same fidget twitch you do when you receive a text message on your phone. And to my prediction, your phone was on vibrate,"

"Yeah so what...my mom like to check in," Daisuke said with a shrug.

"that's odd..." Moriyama said as he looked at the phone.

"what?" Daisuke asked.

"I searched through your phone's history and your mother should be charged with neglection. She hasn't texted you for months," Moriyama said coldly.

Daisuke scowld.

"Oh well what do I have here," Moriyama said as he turned the phone to face him,"Looks like you've been reciving a lot of text messages from a unknown number. Why have you've been texting that person?"


Suddenly the phone vibrated.

"Oh a message," Moriyama said.

"NO DONT READ THAT," Daisuke tried to snatch it away but with a swift of Moriyama's hand Daisuke missed.

"I guess I'll have to intrude into your personal texts," Moriyama said.

"NO DON'T! I'LL TELL YOU! ANYTHING YOU WANNA KNOW!" Daisuke said desperately.

Hingaku's mouth dropped.


"Got it!" Kuzowa said as the plate number came back on the computer.

"great, what do you have," Soong said as she sat in the passager seat of the company's SUV.

"Says that the car is own to a Kuboru Satsuma," Kuzowa said.

"Great!" Soong said as she wrote that detail down in a notepad.

"Now...Let's go back to run a background check," Soong said.

"Sure thing," Kuzowa said as it was his turn to drive. As he started the car he looked down at the image on the laptop one last time.

Kuboru Satsuma...so you're the one behind this.


A/N: OMG I'm so tried! Im done! hope you enjoy and thank you for stopping by! until we meet again!

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