Only his

By 123twerp

1.7M 32K 18.6K

I felt his nose run up and down along jaw and collarbone. Every few seconds he left soft kisses that made s... More

Chapter one
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22

chapter 8

97.1K 1.8K 671
By 123twerp

I awoke with wet hair, and in new clothing that consisted of only a black v-neck. It's probably Románs. What's really scaring me is, who gave me a bath or showed and who dressed me. Not to mention, I didn't have any underwear on.

I looked around the room, Román wasn't in here. My mind wonders off as to where he could of have gone.
He probably went downstairs or something. No, Katherine! Stop thinking about him.

After giving my self a lecture, I threw the covers off me and got up. The loud sound of metal hitting the floor, made me jump and let out a little scream.

Great, just great. Im still cuffed to the bed. Wait, what if I have to go to the bathroom? What if something bad happens?

I quickly walked to the bathroom, but i tripped when the cuff stopped me. I put my hands out, ready to catch myself. The fall didn't hurt as bad. I wonder if I can reach the door?

I walked to the bedroom door, and looked at it. I grabbed the handle and tried to trun it, but it was locked. So I knocked on the door.

A couple seconds later, a very big man but not as tall and muscular as Román, opened the door. He had an expressionless face and he was looking at me with a glare. Why would he be glaring at me, though? I didn't do anything to him.

I gulped and stepped back. My eyes found my feet as my head bowed down. I started fiddling with my fingers, trying to calm my rapid breathing. What do I say?

I heard the man grunt before barking a what. I flinched at his vocie. I thought they weren't allowed to talk to me? I looked back up at the man, with fearful eyes. He was looking at me, still holding a glare, but he looked impatient and angry.

What do I say? God, say something.

I cleared my throat, stepping back once more.

"R-Román" I whispered. I hated that I sounded so weak. Who am I kidding, I am weak.

"Hold on, I'll call him" he said before slamming the door close. I jumped at the sound. It sounded like he almost broke the door.

I heard some taking, but I couldn't tell what was being said. The man was probably calling Román. Hopefully.

I heard loud and thunderous foot steps coming my way. I ran back to the bed and hopped on, throwing the blankets over me. Is he mad? It sounds like it.

I heard the door being unlocked, before someone entered. They, Román shut the door behind him softly.

"Kitten?" He called. Why did he call me that? I have a name you know.

I peeked out from under the covers. Hope and relief filled my eyes, but why? A smile made its way into his face, as he strolled over to me, but the smile quickly faded.

"Why are you hiding, baby?" He asked with concern. His eyebrows were pulled forward as he looked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking him in the eyes. I saw that he got mad, and I wondered why. It was my turn to give him a confused look now. His anger slowly faded away.

"Words" he reminded me. I nodded my head understanding now.

"I thought th-that you were mad" I whispered, still looking him in the eyes. He chuckled..

"Oh, I am mad" he chuckled. My face dropped as I tensed. The fear was quickly growing as I shrieked away from him. He pulled me closer.

"But not at you" he said kissing my nose. I breathed a sigh of relief. I'm really glad he's not mad at me, I wouldn't want a other punishment. I need to get on his good side to be able to escape.

"Why did you think I was mad at you?" He asked me. One of his perfectly shaped eyebrows rose as his head was cocked to the side.

I just shrugged my shoulders. What does it matter now, he's not mad at me. He sighed while looking at me.

"I'm gunna have to get you to talk a lot more. I like hearing your vocie" he complemented. I smiled a little hiding behind my hair as I felt my cheeks burning up. I can't let him catch me blushing.

His fingers laced under my chin, lifting my head up. He smiled weirdly, but warmly at me.

"Don't hide from me gattino, your beautiful. Don't. Hide. From. Me." I flinched back. Just when I thought he was gonna be nice, he was being mean again. Didn't his mom ever teach him manners?

"You know, I like that I scare you. But I also don't like it, I dont want you to be afraid of me" he told me as he nuzzled my neck. Is he bipolar or something?

I'm so confused, he likes that I'm scared of him but doesn't want me to be. What??

"What I mean is, is that you will be a great submissive. Like, a maid in a way, but your my woman. So your like my very own maid" he said.

A maid? Is that why he kidnapped me, to be his maid? What in the world? He must be delusional.

"Maid?" I asked, finally speaking my thoughts.

"No, my woman. But you do everything I tell you to do, my submissive. There's more to it, but I'll save that for later" he said. Did he mean sex? Oh hell to the no, this is not how I'm gonna lose my virginity.

"Submissive?" I asked another question. I needed answers.

"Have you ever heard of that term before, baby?" He said as if he was talking to a baby. His vocie actually sounded soft and soothing. I shook my head 'no'.

"Words little miss" he commanded.

"N-no" I squeaked. Great, now I'm back to stuttering and squeaking. Just how much more pathetic can I sound?

"Well let me explain it to you," he started.

*1 hour later*

I was frozen. All I wanted to do was run. I can't stay here. I need to escape now. I'm not a sex toy. I'm a human being.

"Katherine, you will be fine. I'll go easy on you" he tried to reassure me. But for how long will he go easy on me. I guess he saw the fear still etched in my eyes and the confused face I was giving.

"You have already begun being my submissive. Oh darling, I know what your scared of. I'm not gonna use you like that, well not yet" he said as a creepy smirk made its way on his face.

I started to slowly scoot away from him. I can't be here. I need to go. Román grabbed wrist and squeezed it tight. I yelped at the pressure he was using. His grip started to get tighter and painful. I clawed at his hand.

"Don't. I'm trying to be nice to you Katherine. Stop what your doing or I'll give you a punishment, and I wont go easy. I'll spank your ass till you can't sit or lay down. I'll chain you to the bed and whip you with a fucking belt. And believe me, I'll do much worse to you if you don't. Stop" he yelled at me.

I whimpered, stopping my movements. He let go of my wrist and I cradled my hand as I cried silently. I don't want to be here. Oh Mrs jennnings, I hope everything's okay. I miss you.

Román was breathing heavenly as he clenched and unclenched his fist. He was looking behind me and I could tell he hesitating about something. What if he is gunna punish me? I need to calm him down. I don't want him to punish me, maybe if I calmed him down he won't.

I took a leap of faith and crawled towards him, lucky he didn't notice yet. I was carefully not to use my left hand as much. I crawled on top of him, and laid on his chest. I can't believe I'm doing this right now. What the hell am I doing?

I felt his arms wrap around me and squeezed me right, but not to where it hurt. I felt his lips touch the top of my head as he kissed me. I whimpered a little, but quietly.

Soon his breathing calmed down, which is a good thing. It meant he was calm. I sighed in relief. I hope I'm not getting punished.

All of a sudden, my stomach starts growling. I felt my cheeks go hot and I knew I looked as red as a tomato now. I heard Román chuckling as he kissed the top of my head some more.

"I guess someone's hungry. Let's go get dinner" he said. Thank God.

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