Lead The Way (BL)

By orblee

161K 8.4K 756

Gene dies and reincarnates as Cia, a young man with many secrets. When Gene wants to focus on fixing things i... More

FIVE (Part 1)
FIVE (Part 2)
EIGHT (Part 1)
EIGHT (Part 2)
TWENTY (Part One)
TWENTY (Part Two)
PART TWO: Unravel


3.2K 165 22
By orblee

A/N: No excuse for this late chapter. I took on too much to handle in life haha...ha 😧


Today is the one-week getaway trip organized by the company.

The plan was to leave on a monday, bond and learn with those who you'll be working alongside with for the next few years, idols and managers alike, and return on a saturday with a fresh start.

Whether that will happen or not, is up to the people putting themselves through this.

Gene looked over the only suitcase he had packed, making sure everything he needed and the company didn't provide, was all there before zipping it up in satisfaction and handing it over to staff who were packing the two vans.

Whenever he went on trips, he only packed a few outfits and his basic toiletry. Usually, he'll buy anything else he needed.

"Got everything?" Ace asked as he came alongside gene and passed over one large suitcase of his own.

"Hopefully." Replied gene.

Ace chuckled. "Even if you don't, I'm sure Les would have you covered."

Gene glanced at the said man sauntering over and was shocked to see him tugging along three LARGE luggage bags, as if he weren't merely going on a one week trip but moving away for good.

"Why did he bring so much?" Gene asked curiously.

However, he wished he hadn't asked when he heard the answer.

"One suitcase for cosmetics, one for clothes and the other for snacks. But since we are on strict diet regimes, it's unavoidable that he is going to be one bag down." Ace replied casually.

Sure enough, when Les tried to pass off his three bags, the smallest bag was swiftly removed by the manager and thrown to a staff member who quickly ran it inside like a rugby player.

This happened all within a matter of seconds.

Les watched with utter disappointment as his snacks disappeared. He then walked slightly hunched over to where gene and ace stood, complaining along the way.

"It took me all night to pack that bag. I chose all my favourites!" He moaned.

Gene couldn't help himself and laughed. To the younger man who was looking offended by his response, he reached out a hand and pat his shoulder in a weak attempt to reassure.

"Don't worry about it," he said. "I'm sure you can buy more on the way to our destination."

Les paused and shared a glance with ace.

"Cia my man, did no one tell you where we are going?" Les inquired.

Gene tilted his head in confusion and said. "I was told to a resort."

"Lies. We aren't going to a resort...we're going to hell. Where you have to wake early hours in the morning and do exercises that apparently strengthen our bonds with each other." Les shuddered, adding emphasis to his words.

Ace sighed when gene turned to him and raised a questioning brow.

He said, "What Les says is somewhat correct. We are going to a resort but not that kind. Well, you'll see once we get there."

Ace lightly pat genes shoulder before dragging a hunched Les over to the vans and packing him in. Gene sighed and also entered the vans. He had a feeling that this trip wasn't going to be a time to relax and release the tension. However, having his suspicions confirmed made him want to continue sighing throughout the day.

There were a few cars also tagging along for the trip, pack full of trainee managers and the like coming to join in on this bonding trip. Ashton and sasha had already entered the vans, both fiddling with devices of their own.

Since this morning, ashton hadn't glance genes way once, to the older mans disappointment.

And once everything was packed and ready, at last the line of vans, cars, whatnots, finally set off.

It took roughly six hours to arrive at their destination by car and during that entire time, gene had spent it catching up on the much needed sleep he had lost in the past couple of nights.

"Look, we're here."

Ace nudged gene awake, chuckling lightly when the man shot up in his seat as if he hadn't been sleeping at all.

Here turned out to be a large building out in the middle of nowhere. On one side there was a dense forest that you had to drive through just to get here and on the other side, a large view of the ocean and a white sandy beach stretching off to both sides.

The building itself was like some abstract art. Gene was never into that sort of thing so to him, it just looked like a box...one out of proportion is all.

However, gene could tell it was definitely a resort for those who were trying to escape the public eye.

Gene stepped from the van he had been cooped up in for hours and moved to an area that was out of the way of those unpacking the vans but with enough space to do some basic stretches and still within sight. He started to stretch out all his limbs and joints that had stiffen from the long ride while taking in deep breaths and allowing them to circulate throughout his stiff body.

While he was bent over in all sorts of poses and forms, a couple of trainee managers gene had seen around the company occasionly walked pass, huddled in their own conversations, however speaking loud enough for gene to over hear.

"What is he doing here? I thought this was a trip for trainees..."

"I don't know. Maybe he's here on business? I also heard that guy who was with Lana at the dinner held for Tiptonic came in the same car with him. Though rumor is, they weren't dating and he was merely escorting her as a favour."

"Hah, with a hottie like that, even if they weren't dating, just being escorted by him would be a lot..."

"I know right!"

They're like a bunch of highschool girls.

Even though gene only caught a tidbit of their conversation in passing, something about their words had left gene feeling rather...unsettled.

And Lana? Why does that name sound so familiar?

However, gene never got the time to ponder on that name any longer as his new and easily irritable manager, especially when it came to gene, was calling for him.

And as much as it pained gene to follow others demands, he still picked up his feet and walked over while reminding himself that this is his position in life now. And if he wants to make it bigger, he'll have to go down the same path like in his previous life. But that is out of the question, because why would he want to live in pain and guilt again?

Though it still pained gene to be bossed around by someone who obviously hated his guts.

"Cia, what are you doing? Hurry and unpack your stuff." Anise said coldly, "Also, from today until the trip is over, I will be making sure you become a part of the team."

Les clapped gene on the shoulder when Anise had went off to target Ace next and whispered, "What did I tell you, this trip is hell. You know why? Because we as the Idols have to cater to our managers for once. Instead of the other way around...apparently, it's suppose to help us bond and get to know eachother better."

Les shuddered.

Just where is this 'weak heart' when I need it? Gene thought begrudgingly.


After tiring himself out again doing the devil's work and getting in a quick meal at the buffet styled resturaunt, gene finally decided it was time to retreat to his room before he was called out for dinner tonight. Which apparently, will be held beneath the stars.

Having retrieved his room card from the front desk as instructed by anise, Gene walked over to the elevator and quickly stopped one from leaving without him.

Fortunately, the elevator only had one occupant, allowing gene to easily punch in his floor number without bumping arms.

Unfortunately, the occupant was on the phone and didn't see the need to keep his conversation private or to himself at least. This was much to genes irritation as he was almost reaching his boiling point with the level of noise he's had to put up with recently.

"... you kidding me?! I told you I was going away on business and now you're trying to tell me I am suppose to go to Milan for a photoshoot?"

Slowly, ever so slowly did the elevator move upwards.

Wasn't this suppose to be a high class place? Why is it taking so long?

"Heh. If you're so desperate for a filler, how about you call that freak who thinks he's hot shit just because he has a wealthy backing...I don't care if he is my junior, he's an annoying shit who is trying to steal what's already mine. Now, I am going to hang up. I will call you when I am finished with business here."

The elevator arrived at genes floor and when he had just stepped off, he heard.

"You must be Jade's little brother. It's uncanny how much you two look alike."

Gene glanced back at the man who was smiling from within the elevator.

"Do I know you?"

As the elevator doors were about to close, the young man smoothly intercepted them and stepped out to stand alongside gene who was waiting for an answer.

"No. This will be the first time we have ever met in person. But I have heard so much about you, that it feels like we have met before. Oh right, my names Van. I'm an actor who works under Golden Corp."

Gene stared silently at the hand Van offered to him for a few seconds before reaching out and lightly shaking it.

"Since you already seem to know me, then I will assume you also know my name." Said gene.

The mans smile deepened and his eyes curved into crescent moons.

"Of course, who doesn't know about Cia?"

Feeling bothered about something, hence why he hadn't parted ways with this man yet, gene asked. "And how exactly do you know me?"

Don't tell me the past cia's infamous acts have reached other companies? Is he that much of a joke?! Is this really the reason behind Ashton's animosity towards Cia?

And this guy doesn't look new to the business, so just how much has he heard?

In fact, looking at this pretty young man standing in front of him, gene had a feeling he was definitely someone well known. He just had this certain flair about him that only those who have reached the top possess.

Though his hair was dyed an eccentric pink and combed back to reveal pale blue eyes that could be considered bewitching, he still held a sophisticated air about himself.

However, something about him made gene feel the need to be wary around him.

Van chuckled. "Well, I have been friends with your brother since highschool. You could say that we are close. And that man is always talking about you if not about work. Always something you didn't do...or did."

Eh, he's friends with Jade? And going by his words, he's old friends. Not just the type you keep pleasantries with but one similar to what han is to me?

Strange. Why did dylan not mention this dude. Is he perhaps telling lies?

Yet, gene felt he was telling the truth.

Suddenly, a phone started to ring, successfully breaking Gene out from his wandering thoughts and bringing him back to the present.

This phone belonged to Van, who had checked the screen and dragged out a sigh.

"Ah, it's a shame we can't talk any longer, as I have business to attend to. But it was still nice meeting the little brother at last. Maybe next time we meet, we can get to know each other better? Until then, I'll see you around, cia."

Gene watched as Van went off in the opposite direction, his phone already plastered to his ear.

However, though gene was left even more confused than ever, one thing was made clear to gene after that little meeting.

It was obvious to genes keen eye, that Van doesn't like Cia.

That man, though he was smiling and acting friendly, why does he seem to hate this kid so much?

He says they haven't met before yet his eyes says he can't stand seeing this kid.


That didn't matter to gene right now. But what does matter right now was washing up before dinner tonight.

He was sure that it is going to be a dinner from hell tonight. It is the first day of course.

If only he knew how accurate his thoughts would be.

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