Loss Of Words (Scorbus) (Boyx...

By Clevermess

99.9K 4.9K 8.9K

Albus is finally going to admit his feelings for his best friend Scorpius Malfoy in his sixth year. However... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Seventeen

4.4K 207 355
By Clevermess

*The italics is sign language*

Question of the day: Can Clevermess write a fanfic that doesn't involve a hospital scene?

It was clear to Scorpius by the guilty looks he was receiving from both Rose and Lily that he was right. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath remembering all the occurrences from that year. The thing he had to tell him when they got back for term. It wasn't that he was gay, it was that he was gonna tell him he was in love with him. The crying made sense too. He was heartbroken which is why he was so hostile towards him. He broke Albus' heart and led him straight into the arms of Cain. And when he kissed Albus, he thought for that moment he kissed back which he probably did but when he shoved away, Albus incredibly hurt. That was probably because he knew Scorpius didn't feel the same.

"How long?" He asked opening his eyes. He was looking at the two girls calmly but very stoically. When they didn't answer him, anger spiked through him. "How long?!" He shouted.

"Scorpius!" Draco scolded. Lily sniffed and pushed out of her mom's arms.

"He's liked you since third year." She told him. "I don't know when he exactly fell in love with you but he did somewhere along the way." She explained and he looked at Rose.

"How long have you known?" He asked and she blinked away her tears.

"Since Albus came out to his family." She told them. "Since august."

"You knew our whole relationship?" He asked and she nodded. "Why continue it when you knew your cousin liked me?" He asked.

"I didn't think you were gay and the thought of me losing you to Albus made me angry because you were the guy who consistently tried to get with me."
She admitted.

"Did you even like me?" He asked desperately.

"I don't know." She answered.

"Rose, how about you and I go on a walk?" Ginny suggested.

"Okay Aunt Ginny." She said. She got off the floor and walked off with Ginny. Scorpius looked close to tears. He looked at his father who sighed.

"It's okay Scorpius." Draco walked over to him and hugged him close. "You're alright." Scorpius hugged his father back and slowly started to cry. He really liked Rose and she decided it was okay to play with his feelings.

Harry stepped out and gave them a small sad smile.

"He took the news as expected but he's asking to see Kyle. I'm gonna see what I can do but you can go keep him company." He told him.

"I'll accompany you Harry." Draco told him and Harry grinned.

"Thank you Draco." He said and then the two started to walk off. Lily and Scorpius walked into the room and Albus' curtain was closed but they could hear the soft crying coming from him. Scorpius stilled. He hated seeing Albus cry, it was the worst thing he had ever experienced. Lily walked over to Albus and sat near him as Scorpius had an inner conflict.

"I'm sorry Albus." She whispered. "It wasn't mum or dad who told Rose you were gay. It was me." She told him and his crying slowed as he just pulled her into her a hug. She knew he had forgiven her and that's all she could ask for.

"It's gonna get better buddy." Scorpius walked from the curtain. "We're gonna get you better." Albus just smiled at Scorpius. He wrote something on his paper and handed it to Scorpius.

Friends again? It read and Scorpius nodded.

"Best friends till the end Albus, best friends until the end." He assured. Scorpius bent down and hugged his best friend tightly. He kissed his head gently and Albus blushed. Now wasn't the time to let Albus know that he knew. He'd wait until he was better again to tell him he knows his real secret.

Minutes later, Harry came in with a chained up Kyle and they stood in front of Albus. Kyle regarded Albus and Albus took a deep breath. With Lily and Scorpius by his side, Albus wrote

Why? It was simple and Kyle took a deep breath.

"I was walking by you two while you were arguing. He was pissed that you cheated on him even if you didn't do it deliberately. I saw him hit you in the throat and I saw you fall down all those stairs. I confronted him and told him he needed to stop. He told me he would only stop treating you badly when he was dead. He saw you as his property and he needed to be stopped." He explained and Albus teared up. He just nodded at the boy and shakily wrote something. He handed the boy the paper and Kyle nodded.

"Kyle was acting in self-defense on your behalf Albus. There is a possible way he could get off without any time in Azkaban." Harry explained.

I don't want you to go to Azkaban. You were only looking after me and I appreciate it greatly.

"I'm sorry you got hurt. Get well soon, eh Albus?" Kyle said and Albus nodded. Harry kissed his son's head before taking Kyle away again.

"What did you write to him when he finished?" Lily asked and Albus wrote it again.

Thank you for saving my life. Lily just nodded as she snuggled into her brother's side. Scorpius nodded his head and smiled.

"Yes, thank you Kyle." He said aloud to Albus who grinned. "I'm happy you're still here."


Harry, Ginny, James and Lily stayed with Albus most of the day as Draco spent time with Scorpius. James had floo to the school after getting home from work that day.

Albus was asked by Harry to explain that occurrence that took place but he Albus had admitted that he didn't remember anything that went down.

Is there another way I can communicate other than writing? He wrote. I don't like writing so much.

"We can ask Madam Promfrey if there is another way." Harry answered and Albus nodded.

"I'll go get her." James volunteered. He was a right hand mess when he heard about Albus. He rushed there and nearly broke down when Albus grinned at him. He didn't know Cain was capable of such thing, he wished he knew before allowing his brother to date him. That was his baby brother and you were crazy to thing you could mess with him.

Where is Scorpius? Albus wrote and Harry ran a hand through his hair.

"He was with his father. He's been a bit upset today." Harry explained and when Albus furrowed his brow, he expounded further, "Your mother tells me that he and Rose got into it today and he just needs some time with his father."

Is he okay? He scribed and Ginny kissed his temple.

"Yes he is." She spoke gently.

Madam Promfrey came out with a James and grinned at Albus.

"So I hear you're getting tired of writing?" She questioned and Albus nodded. She walked over to him and gently took the bandage off of him that was around his head. "I can give you a potion that will allow you to know sign language right away, I'll just have to give the other potion for someone to be your translator." She explained. "Or I can put a spell on you and link your mind to someone for them to voice your thoughts." She listed. "Hmm I could persuade you into getting the surgery and then you'll be able to speak." He scrunched up his face and scribbled the thing he wanted. Madam Promfrey rolled her eyes but grinned.

"Very well and who would be taking the translating potion?" She asked.

"I'll do it." A voice came from behind the closed curtain. Scorpius poked his head through as they all looked at him. "Err, what did I just agree to?" He asked and everyone chuckled.

"To be Albus' translator. I do believe, however, it's up to his parents if he should stay in school or go home with them." Madam Promfrey explained. Everyone's eyes grew wide. No one had thought of that.

Harry and Ginny exchanged a look and then looked at Albus.

"It's up to you baby." Ginny told him. "If you want to stay, we'll arrange with your professors to help you along the way."

"But if you want to come home, we'll have someone else take the potion and you can help me at the office because you can't just stay home all day." Harry butt in.

"Or come with me." James suggested. "Ministry has been looking to get me an assistant." He told his brother.

"So it's entirely up to you." Ginny finished. Albus chewed on his lip and gently wrung his hands. He had been looking for an out to not attend school from year one and now the opportunity was right in front of him. However, he didn't want to lose his friendship with Scorpius. Their friendship had gone through hell in those five long months and he just him back. He didn't want to lose that.

I think I'll stay in school. I don't want to work in an office. He explained in writing to them.

"Okay. Scorpius are you sure you're gonna want to do this? If he doesn't feel like writing, you'll have to translate for him whenever."

"Yeah it's fine with me." Scorpius shrugged and winked at Albus. "Yeah, you're okay with that?" Albus grinned and nodded.

"Brilliant. I will go get it." Madam Promfrey left the room.

Thanks Scorp, it means a lot that you're doing this.

"Of course Albus." Scorpius responded. Promfrey came back with a blue looking substance and a green substance.

"The green potion is for Scorpius. You'll be able to understand Albus while he's doing sign language. It'll take a few moments for it to take effect because it'll be connecting to you brain but nothing bad will come of it. In fact, you'll be able to understand any language that you hear and Albus will be to speak and understand any language."

"Including parseltongue?" Harry questioned genuinely interested.

"Well possibly, have you lost your ability to speak it?" Promfrey asked.

"No that was just a rumor but it would be cool for him to speak with snakes." Harry grinned and Albus nodded happily.

"Alright got on then." The two teen's boys took the potion like a shot and then grimaced at the taste. Albus was first to feel the effects and grabbed his head. He gagged a bit like his head hurt to the point of vomiting. James and Lily quickly rubbed his back. He finally started to calm down as Scorpius was feeling the effects. It wasn't as bad as Albus because he wasn't ill like his friend. He shook his head and looked at Albus.

"Did it work?" He asked. Albus blinked at him before signing perfectly.

Yeah I guess.

"He said 'yeah I guess'." Scorpius grinned wickedly. He turned to Harry. "Say something in Parseltongue." He told Harry.

"Thank you for helping my son." Harry hissed and everyone shivered.

"Wicked." Scorpius gasped. "And you're welcome."

Okay well I'm in dire need of a shower and a proper meal.

"He needs to shower and meal." Scorpius explained.

Thanks Scorp Albus signed and then grinned. Scorpius nodded.

"I guess we should leave you for the night." Harry suggested. "You can eat, shower and then sleep." Harry told him and Albus looked uneasy.

I can't sleep alone.

"He can't sleep alone." Scorpius spoke. "I don't mind staying with you if you need me to."

I meant in the same bed. Can you possibly find Puddles for me? He was always Cain's replacement. At the mention of his name, Albus started to tear up. He quickly hid his face and signed. Can you just leave me to myself for a bit? I need some time alone.

"Yeah. He wants us to leave and that he needs time alone." Scorpius relayed.

"Okay, we'll be back to say goodnight Albus. You do what you need to." Harry answered. Everyone hugged and kissed Albus goodbye save Scorpius who just hugged him. They left and looked at Scorpius.

"He mentioned Cain and his stuffed bear." He expressed. Everyone's expression sobered and Scorpius frowned.

"It's going to take a lot of time for him to heal emotionally and mentally." Harry told Scorpius. "But the good thing is, with time and the support of all of us, he'll be okay." Scorpius nodded at Harry's words. Yeah, he'll be okay...

Answer- no she can not

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