Komahina Stuff

By uuwwaaafghhhhhh

86.2K 977 5.3K

yeah so there's basically gonna be alot of one-shots of whatever I want More

Mall scenario
I have nothing better to do.

Narrative thinking

11.6K 128 1.4K
By uuwwaaafghhhhhh

Author's note: im probably gonna write badly.
oh boy.
Also, it's a new narrative-style thing that kind of represents Hajime's thoughts.
It's kinda confusing.
Oh well.

Non-despair college AU

Hajime Hinata's POV (aka thought process)

A normal day.
Too normal.
Just like me, to be frank.

He would always wake up before me.
Who, you may ask?
Nagito Komaeda.

We are both roomates and we go to the same college.

The faint smell of coffee would always roam around the apartment each morning. It's always really refreshing. I always inhale some of that aroma before doing my usual routine.

Brush my teeth, change clothes, eat breakfeast and go to school.
It repeats itself every morning.
Like an endless loop.

The only thing disorting that loop was Komaeda.
He always made me nervous and short of breath.
Not like anyone else.
It is love, I suppose.
I am in love with him.

Does he know that?
Haha, of course not.
Society says it's not normal,
And I am part of it.
"Close friends" is what we're called.
And I honestly don't mind that.

It's better this way.


-After school-

"A party? Where?" I tilted my head. "Apparently, it's in the same appartment building we live in. Want to go there with me?" Komaeda smiled.

I don't want to go...

"Ah, sure. No problem. When does it start?" I mentally sighed at myself.

"At six. Don't be late, okay?" I just nodded in response and walked away.

A party, huh...


-At 6 pm-

Why did I agree to go...

I still forced myself to go to that party.

Regret everywhere.

I'm not fond of alcool, but Komaeda, on the contrary, drinks way too much of it.

He was doing...
Concerning actions.

Gazing from afar, I would notice his every move.

The way he flirts with other people, or touches other people, or just glances somewhere, I notice every move.

...Kind of creepy, huh.

He's looking towards me?
Pretend you never even looked in his direction.

My heart is beating too fast for this.
It's just a simple glance, why am I so worked up about it?
I'm starting to turn red.
I'll just blame it on the alcool, if I start to stutter in front of him.
Yeah, pretend like everything is fine.

Pretend like everything is fine.



I drank too much alcool.
I feel too sick.

I'm hot.

I really want to strip.

I want to pleasure myself.

What? No! Stop thinking like this!-

I looked at Komaeda. He seemed to have found... a girl who catched his eye.

I feel sicker.

More alcool down the drain.

They were so flirty with each other, even touching intimate parts in private.

More burn.

They... were basically a couple at this point.

Ah, I'm shaking.

I think I should go.

I texted Komaeda: "I'll go home first."
I went to our appartment, staggering all the way through the stairs.

I feel sick.

I guess I'll take a nap on the couch.
To sleep the pain away.


-At 9 pm-

9 pm only?
Did Komaeda return from the party?

Let's check.

He's sharing a very intimate moment with that girl.
Ah, they both froze upon seeing me.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to barge in on this!-" I love my fast reflexes.

"I... it's fine." Komaeda seemed... out of it?
Alcool effect?

"... Hey can I join? It's not fair if you have a cute girl all for yourself..." I made the girl blush a little.

I'm not interested in that bitch, I'm interested in Komaeda.

The girl made a "you can" sign with her hands and well.



That girl left.

I'm really releived.

But I feel...

Too sick.

I can't bottle it up anymore.

I want to throw up.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet bowl.


I didn't even know why I was feeling sick.
The alcool or the girl?
Who knows.

I feel weak...

I hear Komaeda's footsteps ringing from afar as I quickly flushed the toilet.

"Hey, you okay there man?" Komaeda asked, checking up on me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Shit. I want to throw up again.

"On second thought, not really..." I hovered my head above the toilet bowl and indeed threw up again.

"S...sorry. I drank too much alcool..." I pretty much vomited everything inside my stomach.

I felt Komaeda's hand on my back.

"D-don't fucking touch me." The hand still stayed at the same spot, without moving.

"What are you, fucking gay?" I frowned.

Komaeda seemed a bit surprised to hear me say that.

"Ugh...." I turned on the bath's faucet to let the water fill in.

I stripped.

"W-wait!- You do realise that I'm still next to you, r-right?!-" Konaeda seemed cutely flustered.

"Hm? Would you like to join me in my bath?" Yep, I was controlled by alcool like a pupeteer.

"Yeah, I'm hot." Good thing Komaeda was too.

We both go in the bath, emmiting in sync a pleasured "aah".

It felt nice.

We fell asleep.




It was a new day.

Me and Komaeda were just staring at each other akwardly while being naked in a bathtub.

We fell asleep, I guess?

"Well. Uh. This is totally not akward at all." I stood up as Komaeda did too.

I glanced downwards.


"Did uou just glance dow-"
"But I'm pretty sur-"

I quickly dried myself and put my clothes back on.

I hided my gradually spreading blush with the towel.

It was bigger than I thought.

God! Don't think about things like that now!!- For fuck's sake!-

"I'll be going... " I sighed.

"Let's just forget about what just happened, okay?" I had to make sure Komaeda wouldn't tell anyone about that.

He nodded.


"Also... you have a bigger dick than I thought." I quickly blurted out these words as I went out and speedwalked to my bedroom.

Why did you say that, you idiot!-

I facepalmed myself.

But I heard a faint and distant voice from the other side of the room.

"Yours too."


It has been one hour since he had said that and I'm blushing like a 16 year old high-school girl who just confessed to their lover.


Did he glance down there too?


There's always a possibility thag he woke up before me, right?!-

I'm overthinking this too much...

And I'm hard too...


I glanced towards the lube and tissues on my desk...

You can guess what I did.


I feel so pleased... and relaxed... and pleasured... and exhausted...

But it feels so good...

I put on my clothes back and threw the 'dirty' tissue in the trash.

"Why the hell do you have to be so... good looking, alluring in all of the ways possible, cutely innocent but secretly dirty inside and gah... so perfect..."


Wait, huh?

Was my door not closed?


I quickly rushed to the door and tried to see if anyone was there.

No one.

I checked more, walking though the hallway.

Did I just forget to close the door..?

Yeah, let's just leave it at that.



Komaeda seems oddly quiet?

"Hey, Komaeda? Are you still traumatized about this morning?" I asked while tilting my head a tad.

"H-hm? O-Oh, no. Why do you ask..?" He was shyly twiddling around with his fork.

"You just seemed a bit silent, that's all."


"Did you peek into my room..?"

Komaeda's movements went into an abrupt halt.


"Did you?"  I slightly squinted.

"I-I uh... n-no... I-I did not..."

Too obvious.

"How much did you see?" I bended over to approach myself from him.

"I-I swear I didn't see much!!- I-I swear!!" Komaeda entered in a panicked state.

"So you DID peek into my room." I stood up, making Komaeda sweat and tense up.

"What. Did. You. See." I frowned.

"I-I didn't see anything!! I promise!!"

If I could, I would give him a good and proper punishment for lying to me.

I sat back down.

"I see, good." I just smiled normally.

You liar~

Author's note: Idk if this style of writing is good but eh it's something.

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