By asvpkilla

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Works #1 : Kimberly James, a typical 23 year old with a successful occupation. What'll happen when sh... More

10 :: ep·i·logue


900 37 8
By asvpkilla


I woke up in the morning around 11 am I looked over to see August sleeping as well with his hand around my waist.

I got up and texted my mom telling her that I'd be over for lunch since lately I've been caught up with other things. As I got up from bed I noticed August's phone going off rapidly, I didn't know the passcode to his phone so I just saw the message previews. Apparently he had been setting up a plan to 'get rid of' a guy named Trevor.

It was ironic hence I had an ex with the exact same name, although there's a lot of people with that name. And plus he was involved in the drug business that's what mainly took a tole on our relationship, his and my life constantly were in danger so we broke up.

I planned on asking August about it later on after lunch. I was lost in my thoughts as I felt August get up kissing my neck. I told myself I wouldn't give in but I was weak to his touch.

"August, stop I have to start getting ready." I said in a somewhat serious tone. He rolled his eyes and sat up.

"Where you goin' this fuckin' early?". He grumbled in a raspy tone.

"Over to my mother's house for lunch, would you like to come?". I offered

He nodded and got up walking towards the bathroom. "Oh and I think you should check your phone." That's when his head whipped around so fast and he walked back to get it before going into the bathroom.

I went into the kitchen and quickly grabbed my smoothie and sipped it. Eventually I had no other option but to use the second bathroom to get ready, I showered and did my make up then put my hair into a bun. I completed my lool with putting on some subtle accessories. I looked in my closet tapping my hip deciding what to wear.

20 minutes later I somehow pulled off an outfit, including a burgundy and black flannel shirt with black skinny jeans and all black Uggs. When August did whatever he had to do I got my coat and scarf and bundled up.

"You look beautiful." He said, I smiled and thanked him and we set off to his house where he'd get ready since he didn't have any more clothes at my condo.

When we arrived at his house I pulled up to a stunning mansion, with about 4 cars all being different, I was shocked well not too shocked since I knew he had a lot of money.

As we got out I viewed the home in awe, he simply chuckled and opened it up to and large foyer and spiral staircase leading upstairs.

"You can chill in the living room if you'd like, make yourself comfortable." He said as he jogged upstairs. I nodded and started walking around, passing the large dinning room, kitchen and so on. I finally found the living room and sat in the love seat sofa. I turned on the approximately 75" inch TV and put on reruns of bad girls club.

An hour later August came down in a red Tommy Hilfiger shirt, blue jeans a bomber jacket and white air forces. To say he looked good was an understatement.

I smiled and got up checking the time, it was a little after 2 pm and lunch started at 2:30. Not wasting any time I parked my car in his driveway and he decided to drive his black BMW M6 coupé. He had a great taste and I liked it. I gave him the address to my mother's house and he arrived there in no time.

August and I both walked up the pathway and I knocked on the door and waited, just then my mother opened it up smiling and bringing me into a hug.

"Hello sweetheart, and who's this you brought with you?." She said referring to August as she invited us in. "My..uh." I said lost for words because honestly I didn't know what we were.

"I'm her boyfriend." August spoke proudly,  my mother smiled while I blushed like crazy.

"Finally you've gotten over that no good of a boy Trevor." I nodded shyly but I couldn't help but notice when August looked up intensively as if hearing Trevor's name sparked his interest.

I shook that thought away and took off my shoes going into the kitchen where I saw my dad, August simply sat in sofa not paying attention. I saw my dad taking out the last few food items then looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey babygirl, how you doin'?." He smiled and hugged me. August got up and walked up beside me. My dad eyed him for a second.

"Good afternoon, sir." Was all
August said holding his hand out to my father I mentally laughed at the act he was playing but surprisingly he was pulling it off.

"What's up son?, you're her boyfriend I'm guessing?." My father shook his hand. "Correct."
August said boldly, while my father was talking to August trying to break him, I helped my mother take the food out of the oven. I placed the lasagna on the table along with the vegetables, rice and peas, and curried goat. I heard laughter from the living room so I guess my father warmed up to August.

My mother announced that the food was prepared and we all sat at the table, August being beside me and my father and mother beside each other. We said grace and dug into our food.

My mother was making small talk with August until she stumbled upon the reason of my absence from dinner last week.

"Why didn't you call sweetie? We would've understood I thought you said you'd be on your way." My mother said using her guilt look on me which didn't work I mentally rolled my eyes.

"When I was about to leave work to come here, I was caught up with my patient that also happened to be August." I explained.

I could see the disappointment and wrath in my mother's eyes as my dad just starred into space they just listened and ate. At this point I was no longer hungry and just wanted to leave.

"Don't you think you're moving a bit too fast Kim?." My mother asked I shook my head no.

"Sometimes things just happen I didn't plan to meet him at work." I shrugged.

It was going on to 5 o'clock and I started to get annoyed and bored, and the way how my mother was reminiscing about the importance of getting married blah blah blah just turned my mood sour. I didn't care too much for what she was saying since I was an adult and no longer lived under her roof.

I sat up and gathered my things, pulling my coat on "Thanks for lunch mom and I'll see you guys later." I said while I walked to the door. I heard August thank them as well as he closed their door behind him.

When I got to the car he opened it up and I slid into the passengers side letting out a huge sigh.

"You okay?." He asked,  I simply nodded and reclined my seat back to get comfortable. As we drove I felt dizzy.

"August pull over." I said and he wasn't  paying me any mind probably thinking I was joking or something.

"August seriously! I'm going to throw up in your car if you don't pull off to the side right now". I said releasing my seat belt.

He pulled over and I opened the door and started to vomit, vomiting up everything I ate, he came out and started rubbing my back. A few minutes later I was done and took some napkin that was in the car to wipe my mouth.

When we arrived at his house he parked and got out, coming over to my side he opened the door. "Can you walk or?." He said with his hands in his pockets I shook my head no and he lifted me up walking to his door.

When he opened it up I stood to my feet and took off my shoes he did the same and we went upstairs, I laid down in his bed and he followed putting his arm around me.

"Ya parents fuckin' irritate me but the food was good as fuck, you must be Jamaican?." He chuckled, I let out a loud sigh.

"Don't remind me and yes I am." I laughed and turned facing him, my mind wondered off to earlier when I saw Trevor's name pop up on his phone.

"Hey uhm August?." I said, he looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?."

"Don't say I'm being nosey but this morning unexpectedly I saw a name pop up on your phone, care to tell me why?."

He tensed up and I saw that he clenched his jaw.

"Well let me explain, a few years ago I was caught up in what's known as the 'game' that same dude and I had been niggas since high school ..going on and over time we started sellin' dope and shit together overtime I then eventually surpassed him and he didn't like that so out friendship cut and I became the one of the top sellers in New York, killing his crew, fuckin' his baby moms allat." He explained.

"Just a few weeks ago when I got shot,  it was his bitch ass who shot me and I did the research and found his new trap house, so next week I'm going to kill him why?".

"Oh no reason." I said yawning looking off to the side. "Wait! Kill him?!." I said as I finally processed what he had said.

"I got an idea that'll get rid of him faster than I thought." He spoke sitting up.

"Whatever it is I hope it doesn't involve m-." He cut me off.

"Oh it doesn't I'm hiring a girl to do it for me." He said giddy.

"No no no, August that's a bad idea I'm sure she wouldn't want to get involved in your thugish activities." I said sighing holding my forehead.
"Not if she getting paid". He added or more like challenged.

We stayed up a little longer and I felt nauseous again so I started to throw up uncontrollably. Around 1 in the morning I was extremely annoyed due to the fact that August wouldn't turn his phone volume down while watching Mia Khalifa, yes he was beating his meat simply because I wouldn't help him.

He kept groaning until I got up and hit him with a pillow. He grabbed me by my arm and smirked pulling me on top of him. I was inches away from his erected member and surprisingly I had no intention to have sex with him.

He put my hand on his dick and I began to jerk it up and down as we kissed and immediately it reminded me of the first time we met. I bit his lip and he smacked my ass as it got more intense I felt him ooze on my stomach and I smiled against his lip.

"You my princess." He mumbled biting his lip, a few minutes later he got cleaned up and joined me in bed, I cuddled up beside him and as for him he decided to place his hand on my ass, rubbing and squeezing it, which I don't know why since my body isn't all Amber Rose but we fell asleep.

When I woke up, I didn't feel August beside me but I had work in an hour so I needed to start getting ready.

I got up and made the bed and brushed my teeth using his many tooth brushes he kept for guests, I decided I wouldn't take a shower at his house and that I would just do it when I get home in time hopefully.

As I walked downstairs to the living room I saw a familiar Nike bag that looked like it was mine. When I looked in it I saw my scrubs, my makeup, my hair gel and all my hygiene products.

I looked around and just as if on Que
August kissed my cheek holding me from behind.

"You're welcome." He smiled revealing his perfect set of straight white teeth.

"How did you and when did you leave and how'd you know I use all this?." I asked.

"I pay attention Kimberly and I did earlier this morning around 6 because I know you'd be late in traffic going to your condo, oh and I used your key." He said in a duh tone and chuckled walking away.

I smiled "Aww thank you so much." I quickly grabbed the bag and headed upstairs getting ready. When I finally finished I came back down and looked at my watch noticing it was 8:30. I was about to head out the door when August stopped me.

"I'm going to drop you off, cus' I already got shit I need to handle on the road so c'mon." He said opening the front door.

August dropped me to work and as I got out the car I saw a person at the corner of the hospital and it looked as if the person was sleeping, as I got closer I noticed it was Vanessa and I could now see her small baby bump.

I tapped her shoulder and it seemed as if she'd been there for weeks judging by her appearance, she slowly got up with bags underneath her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I'll leave." She said scrambling to get to her feet.

"No no, come on I'll get you cleaned up and something to eat." I told her while holding her hand to help her get up.

We walked into the hospital and I clocked in right on time, I had told her to wait in the waiting area and I'll get her in a few minutes. When I returned to the area I saw her looking at the ground, I tapped her shoulder motioning for her to come with me.

When we got the bathroom she broke down crying on my shoulder, I held her and rubbed her back then let go shortly after.

"What's wrong?." I asked.

"Well.. I'm pregnant 1 month to be exact and my land lord kicked me out for paying my rent late and when I went to go live with my boyfriend also the baby's father he said it wasn't his and that he'd call the police on me for harassing him, and I have absolutely no where to go no money so I was sleeping at the side of the hospital for 3 weeks like how you saw me this morning." She said as a tear slid down her face.

That was a lot to take in but I felt so much sympathy for her that she'd been going through so much. But then I got an idea. My lunch break wouldn't be for another 2 hours so I bought her breakfast at the hospital cafeteria and told her to wait for me down there.


As I exited the elevator I saw Vanessa looking down, I walked over to her and pulled out the seat sitting in front of her.

"Okay so while I was working I had an idea, I have a condo which currently I'm barely at since sometimes but you can come live there if you'd like".

"I couldn't, oh my goodness no." She expressed with a uneasy look.

"I'm not taking no for an answer so.." I said as I sat back into my chair.

"Well alright, thank you this has been probably the best news I've heard all week." She hugged me.

"No problem, something in me is just telling me to lend a helping hand to you". I smiled as I seen August walking towards us.

"What's up Kim?." He smiled as he gave me a side hug. Looking in Vanessa's direction he said hello as well.

My lunch break would be over in an hour and since August had just got here he could help.

"Vanessa we're going to my condo, you can stay their for as long as you want". She nodded and cracked as small smile.

"Can you come?, I'm dropping her off there and then we can talk." I said promptly. He nodded and we all left and went out to the parking lot.

As we drove home I thought about what August said the other night and even tho I didn't want another person's life in danger I knew I'd eventually have to help August. I saw Trevor's contact name, I haven't talked to him on over a year but I texted him.


Trevor: Wassup Kim?

yeah how's it going ?

Trevor: Good, how bout yourself?

I've been okay

Trevor: listen I'd like to apologize for when we dated ya kno I feel bad about how I treated you and maybe we can get pass it? If it's possible could we meet up tomorrow?.

Sure just text me

After he sent that I got emotional all these months I just wanted an apology and I finally got it.

I looked out the window and wiped my eyes, I saw August looking at me but he didn't say anything. When we dropped Vanessa off at my condo I got back into the vehicle and closed the door.

"Baby,why you cryin?." August asked turning to me and caressing my cheek.

"It's s nothing." I fixing my hair in the mirror.

He didn't say anything, he nodded and kissed my cheek gently before he stopped at the same Starbucks where I met him months ago. As he walked towards the table I could tell he got me a French vanilla coffee.

As he sat down with it I started to realize how much my feelings for him has started to grow drastically and when he sat down I bit my lip.

"August what are we?." I asked looking in his direction.

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