Of Spirit and Body

By Insanitysquared

262 41 4

Join Jason and his friends as he descovers a life that was taken away from him. The mysterious and powerful s... More

From Humble Beginnings
New Beginning
Training Day
Sparing Partners
Hitting the Books
Getting Serious
Life and Death
Old Friends
A Warm Welcome
Lesson Learned
A New Way Forward
The New Recruit
Divide and Conquer
Desert Storm
Tale of Two Kings
Full Circle
The Black Wave
That Last Deathless

We Need To Talk

19 2 0
By Insanitysquared

Jason moved into the room, slightly afraid of what they were going to say. Both of them seemed, darker somehow. He could see the lines of tension on both of them as they walked to sit on their bed. He took a seat on the mini fridge across from the bed, it was styled to look like a wood cabinet or end table, but it was always locked. His mom kept her wine in there and he supposed she didn't want him touching it. His mom loved wine, she drank at least one class every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes they made jokes about that being why her eyes were red, but they all had their quirks. His dad liked his meat rare, which he didn't understand because he liked it charred, and Jason was admittedly a bit of a pyro. They often laughed at each other for these things whenever some messing around seemed appropriate. He felt a sense of longing for that playfulness in uncomfortably serious times like this.

"Son" his dads harsh, fatherly tone caught his attention "This man, Bahn" He held up the invitations "He's someone you don't know and can't trust"

"How do you know that?" Jason wasn't angry, but suddenly curious. They sounded like they were speaking from experience. He must have been right, his mother and father exchanged weary looks before turning back to him.

"We've met him before," His mother finally spoke "When we were your age he gave us this same invitation". Before Jason could raise a question his father held up a stern hand to silence him.

"Him and people like him go after people like us," He hesitated before adding "People who have unique eyes"

"Like that girl who handed me the letter, she had..."

"I know, I saw" his father cut him off

"Why does he, or they go after people like us?" he was having a hard time connecting the dots. The girl with the Galaxy in her eyes, this Bahn guy, This organization of people. None of it made sense.  How do I fit in? was all he could think.

"He wants to make us slaves" His mother shot out with a twinge of pain in her voice. "They'll give you things, make promises, show us his stupid magic and illusions" Tears of anger began to well up on her face. His father touched her shoulder and with a deep breath she composed herself. She turned to look t him, her ruby eyes glistening. "Look, just don't trust him" his mother said abruptly in her 'end of discussion' voice.

Jason was surprised, he'd never seen his parents this way before. "Alright if it's such a big deal" He rose from the fridge and grabbed the invitation before leaving, feeling his fathers eyes piercing him as he left the room.

The next day at school Jason barely looked up, lost in thought. Something is wrong. Should I go? What if I get caught and sold into slavery or something? Or worse, My mom finds out. He shuddered at the thought looking down at the note with a apprehension, debating whether or not to throw it away.

"Hey!" shouted a group of people as an arm wrapped around the back of his neck.

"Alright man come on" Jason laughed feeling a wave of relief at the familiarity of his friends.

David released the headlock with a laugh. He'd known David for as long as he could remember, he was on the shorter side at 5'6", but he was stronger then everyone else he knew. He always liked to say he was like Altoids small, white, and curiously strong. His golden blond hair almost reflected the sunlight. Jason was always a bit jealous of the natural muscle he had, he guess not everyone had to work to be strong. And that's exactly who David was, always content in his favorite hammock drinking a banana smoothie, doing nothing. It was funny how different he was from the rest of them, but he always had a way of finding peace with the group.

Jessica was the quiet one of the bunch. You could find her reading books when she wasn't writing them. She was the imaginative one, Jason was jealous of her artistic talent. Jason always found a beauty in the way she hid her face behind her long blond hair, her bang flipped to one side to cast a shadow over her. When you really get to know her though she could be pretty excitable. She was a ball of energy hidden in a shy and awkward tomb. He laughed inwardly at the thought of her talking about the books and shows she loved, that's when she felt the most alive. The light behind her eyes shimmered and glowed with excitement as she talked. He knew she hated it, but Jason would always pat her head affectionately when he saw her. He did that now and she snapped back at him looking like a child throwing a tantrum. They all laughed together.

Baylee came up next. He'd known her for the shortest time, but seemed to be the closest with her. She had mid length brown hair and curves that made guys sad that she was a lesbian. Baylee was as strong mentally as David was physically if not stronger. She was outspoken, brave, and a bit of a flirt. If you messed with anyone who couldn't defend themselves you could count on her being there to do it for them. She reminded him of a knight, the fiercely loyal protector of the innocent. She radiated a feeling that made those around her calm and happy. That's How Jason felt now.

"Hey guys" Jason smiled with a genuine happiness he haven't felt since his discussion.

"What up brotha you look down" David gave a stretch, flexing his muscles over his head giving a big warm smile.

He looked out at all of his friends they all started talking because all of them had different eyes. David's eyes were a mix of black and silver swirling uniformly into his pupil. Jessica had eyes like a ghost, deep silver like fog filled her iris lined with purple streaks waving out from her pupil. Baylee's eye were light, they reminded him of a forest, deep green at the center in the shape of trees and plant life and a deep lake blue surrounding that. Her eyes changed with the seasons, going from full of life in the spring to duller and lifeless in the winter. Him and people like him go after people like us. His dads words crossed his mind as he looked at his friends.

"Well I got this invite to some party on Friday" Jason held the invitation at the center of the group.

David let out a hearty laugh "Well why are you so down about that?"

"Well, my dad and mom said these guys are dangerous" He looked down feeling the apprehension at the invitation again. "They seemed very serious about me not going"

A strong hand hit his shoulder "Then we'll go together!" David laughed at the challenge looking excited for the adventure to come. Baylee stepped up as well "Yeah if they want to mess with you then they want to mess with all of us". "Hmph" Jessica made a noise of agreement and a nod.

"I don't know" Jason hesitated "They said these people go after people like us, with different eyes"

"Come on you really think they can take me?" David flexed his muscles as if that's all he needed to prove his point. Baylee hit him in the stomach and they all laughed as he bounced back.

"No fair I wasn't ready!" David said in joke anger

"Well you better be if we're going to go fight the bad guys" Baylee laughed

"Charming as always Baylee" Jessica poked fun at her .

Jason felt better knowing that if he went he'd be going with his friends. The excitement radiated off of David infecting all of them. They all began talking about the trip with excitement rather than fear. Going on about the mysterious bad guys, and how they could be heroes. Jason Knew they had to go it was just a matter of time, but he wasn't afraid anymore.

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