Handcuffed to A Pole?

By skybear367

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Handcuffed to A Pole?
Chapter Uno
chapter threeeeee

chapter two

513 7 2
By skybear367

A/N: Hey guys, yeah sorry but my chapters are probably gonna start off short cause I'm writing like right off the top of my head, but once I start actually writing in my notebook the chapters will start being longer. Just this is last week of the semester so I'm studying and all that bull. And on friday I'm going to a ball with my bf, how cool is that?! Well, Comment, Rate, and all that jazz.
Sky's POV
I felt his breath on my neck and it sent goosebumps down my back and arms. I smiled and I could feel how much he wanted to kiss me and such. I pulled my face back and looked him in the eyes seductively. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck as he was trying to control himself. Our noses brushed against eachother as we were breathing in eachothers scents. In a flash his arms were on either side of my hips on the pole, pushing me against it. I smirked and bit his lip slightly tugging it back. By now his breath was heavy and  anticipation rushed through his veins. I licked his lips teasingly and his body was shocked with coldness. Now before I tell you what happened next I'd like to clarify that I had no intentions to actually kiss him, I just wanted to tease him. But he connected our lips. My body was jolted with fireworks, and before I knew it our lips were moving in sync. But then there was an aching in my gums and I broke the kiss. I bit my lip and looked at the school. A minute later the bell rang signaling the end of the day. I looked at the ground and then up into his eyes.
"I need to go..." I said pushing his arm away. I bent down and grabbed my bookbag.
"Wait you never answered me. And you took my keys." he said feeling his pocket. I smiled and turned around tossing his keys to him. And he caught them. 
"If you can get free and catch up we can talk on the way to my house." I said walking backwards. I then turned around.

Ash's POV
Damn shes evil. I thought as I unlocked the handcuffs, grabbed my stuff, and ran up behind her. I knew there was something about her but that kiss confirmed it. I knew she was my mate. But something in me feels like theres something different about her. Just keep your cool Ash. Dont push her. 
"Ah... nice name." she nodded and avoided eye contact, " You ok?" she nodded again, still not making eye contact. She pulled something out of her pocket and walked towards a house that looked kinda small. She unlocked the door and walked inside, I following close behind, "Nice place. Where are your folks?" She stopped walking and put her bookbag down against a wall, then turned around to face me.
"I dont know.... I never knew them..." we stood in silence for a little.
"Look Sky I'm sor...." she interupted me.
"You can sit down if you want. Do you want something to drink.... Or eat?" I walked closer to her and put my hand on her cheek. I looked into her eyes and could see the sadness.
"I'm sorry, I didnt know..." I whispered. I could see she was about to cry. She wiped her eyes and looked away.
"It's ok... It happenes a lot... So... you didnt answer my question" I shoke my head and sat down. She nodded and sat down next to me. After a while of talking and just really getting to know eachother a little better, I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto my lap, her legs on either side of mine. She didnt hesitate to wrap her arms around my neck and lay her head on my shoulder. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. She then sat up and looked into my eyes.
"Before this gets serious or anything I need to tell you something." I smiled and nodded. She sighed, "Ash... I know what you are..." My eyes widened.
"You do? How?"
"I can smell it...." she said slowly. She can smell it.... what does that mean?, "It means I have super sensitive smell... because I'm a vampire" I was frozen. She sighed and looked down. I lifted her chin up.
"It doesnt matter. We'll figure something out. I promise." She smiled and kissed my cheek softly, "So considering you read my mind a second ago... did you read it earlier?"  She smiled and nodded. 
"Yup" she said popping the 'P', "So that means I know that I'm your 'mate'" I smiled and put my hands on her hips and kissed her quickly, "Why do you act the way you do in school, but now your different?"
"Because I have to keep my gaurd up, because I knew there were vampires in our school and most of them, unlike you obviously, would love to kill the alpha of the local werewolf pack." She nodded and leaned her forhead against mine. We sat there for a little just talking until it got dark, "Well it's getting dark I guess I should leave..." I said getting up. I was walking towards the door when she grabbed my hand.
"Theres something else I have to tell you..." I nodded, "My coven is hunting me down. I use to be their leader but my brother turned them against me. He lied to them and told them that I was just using them and now their trying to find me and kill me....."  I could see her eyes getting watery and she was talking faster and faster. I sat down and hugged her.
"Shhhhh its ok... I wont leave. I'll never leave." She nodded.
"I havent slept for months.... I'm so scared... their the closest thing I'v had to a family.... and now they wanna kill me..." I pulled her into my lap and wiped away a few tears with the pad of my thumb and she looked up at me.
"I'll never let them hurt you." I whispered. She softly smiled and leaned her head on my chest a few minutes later I looked down and she was asleep. I took her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed and laid next to her. I wrapped her up in my arms and there I stayed.

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