Beastiful || Completed||

By eaderray

9.8K 1.8K 490

DO YOU KNOW THE BEAST? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¥• So that was how her first kiss played o... More

Chapter 1: Me, myself and I
Chapter 2: Truth or Freaking Dare?
Chapter 3: First point of Contact
Author's Note
Seven- The List
Author's Note
Authors Note
Twenty One
Twenty three
Author's note
Twenty Four
Twenty 5
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five


107 25 4
By eaderray

Important chapter!!!

Sasha was beyond cold. Her hands and teeth refused to stop clattering and she could feel sweat dotting her skin. Her eyes weren't registering anything or anyone at the moment. Her ears weren't hearing sounds at all. It was like she was in a nice daze where all she was aware of was how cold it was and also the flashes of pain from her injuries.

She didn't know it but she was in the hospital, sitting up on the hospital bed as the nurses tried to pry her fingers apart so they could clean her palm injuries. The scratches weren't deep but they were really painful and it would be a while before she would be able to open and close her fists with comfort. Her knees were raw and bloody but the nurses had already handled them so they were nicely covered up with gauze and plaster.

She had picked the wrong day to wear shorts.

The nurses finally opened her tightly closed fists and called in a doctor.
There was really nothing wrong with Sasha on the outside. She was simply in shock. Clammy skin, unfocused eyes, strained breathing.

It didn't help that the doctor had no idea who he was treating. She had no ID on her and her boyfriend was too incapacitated to be of any help so he needed her to come around so he could start calling parents and the likes.

In general, Dr Franklin was having a hard day.

The police wanted to know what was going on he just couldn't provide that sort of information without them telling him. Their phones were password protected so it was impossible to get the necessary info without invading their privacy.

The nurses wrapped Sasha in two thick blankets and left her to get warm. There were more people with more serious wounds to take care of.

After about 30 minutes, Sasha woke up from her shock trance. It took her a while to remember what had happened but once she did, the tears came again.

She found her phone on the bed beside her and immediately called her mom.

"Mo-om?" Her voice quavered slightly.

"Hey Darling. It's getting pretty late. How's your date with Jeremy going?"

"Mom, there was an accident." She let out a choked sob.

There was a brief silence at the end of the line.

"Where are you? Are you hurt?" Mrs Stewart's voice had a panicky edge to it all.

"N-no I'm fine. J-Jeremy isn't. I'm at the hospital. Everything was going so well then the car from nowhere-"

"Shhh. Calm down baby, I'm on my way. Central hospital right?"

"I'm not sure... I called 911. Mom... he saved me."

"Don't you worry sweet heart. Just stay calm and wait for me. Go talk to the doctor if you can."

"Yes Mom" Sasha managed as tears flooded her eyes again. Her knees and palms were bandaged tightly. It made it hard to move without causing flares of pain but Sasha stood up and drew back the curtain that separated her from other patients.

Doctors and nurses buzzed by her busily, some with blood on their coats and others with clipboards in hand. No one gave her a second look. Apparently if she could get up, she was fine.

She stood there for a few minutes before one of her nurses noticed her.

"You're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Fine... my mom's on her way." To the nurse's credit, she didn't grimace once while talking to Sasha. It made Sasha feel a lot better. At least the lady was being civil.

"Okay I'm Nurse Irene, let me give you some forms to fill. Any dizziness? Did you lose consciousness at all at any point? "

"Do you know the fellow you came in with?"

"Uh yeah... Jeremy Cox." Tears started spilling again so Irene hushed her, putting an arm around her shoulders and making her sit on the bed.

Irene managed to extract the story from Sasha then asked her if she knew his parents' cellphone numbers. She didn't. Irene decided to go and check the phone book but first she helped Sasha fill in the forms.

"Oh, the police are here. Are you ready to talk to them?"
Sasha panicked slightly as she remembered the sight of the car bearing down on her.

"No. I think I'll wait for my mom first. Do you know where Jeremy is?"

"Right now, he's in the ER. Who's he to you anyway?"

"My boyfriend."

A disbelieving look came over Irene's face for a split second. Sasha immediately felt tired. Even the ones that you hoped were nice still judged in their hearts.

"Okay then. If you feel fine than you should just wait in the special waiting area. When your mom gets here, she'll see you."

Sasha nodded grimly and walked away.

For a few seconds, she zoned out, lost in memories. She couldn't understand. Why did someone run over them with Jeremy's own car? Clearly, it wasn't an accident. Tears came back to her eyes when she recalled how broken Jeremy had looked. There had been a huge bleeding cut at his temple, so blood had gotten on her and him.


She flew into her mother's  arms and restarted the entire crying fest. She noticed that Solomon was there as well so she added him to the hug.

Haltingly, she managed to tell them what had happened. Mrs Stewart held Sasha close throughout.
Together, they went to speak to the two policemen waiting for them.

After recounting the entire story for them, the questions started.

"So he pushed you out of the way? And got hit by his own car?" The cop asked for clarification. Sasha nodded.

The man looked at his partner and shrugged. The questioning continued till Mrs Stewart told them it was okay and Sasha needed to rest.

Together they sat in the waiting room, in the vicinity of Jeremy. For a while, Sasha sat and worried endlessly. She played with her fingers, the fringe on her shorts and everything she could get her hands on.

"Do you have a pen and paper?" Sasha asked urgently. She needed to do something, anything to take her mind off the entire ordeal. Her mother riffled through her handbag and came up with a black pen.
Solomon asked one of the nurses for a piece of paper, which she happily gave to him.
He handed it to Sasha and sat beside her as she went to work.

"I'm sorry Sasha." His voice was very small and Sasha puzzled over it for a moment. She looked up from her drawing to find Solomon gripping his hands tightly together and barely holding back tears.


"All I can think about is that it could have been you in the ER right now. It would have been you!"

Sasha held out her arms and he hugged her fiercely. He was trying hard not to sob but one little on choked out.

"Hey, I thought manly men don't cry" Sasha joked, to lighten the mood.

"They do, sometimes. I can't believe I gave him such a hard time."

"Don't worry. He's got... he's going to be fine."

Sasha couldn't believe that she was comforting a weepy Solomon over her injured boyfriend that he hated.

Her mom rubbed his shoulder comfortingly and at that moment, he looked exactly his age: 13.

"I swear this never happened." He mumbled, straightening up and wiping his tears. "Tell anyone and you both die."

There was a sudden commotion at the doors as Lisa Cox flew in with Harley right behind her. The police officers trailed in behind them. Lisa looked stunning as usual. Sasha was sure that even if she wore a garbage bag, she would look glamorous in it.

Lisa sent a hurried look round the waiting room, saw Sasha sitting there, scrunched her pretty nose and walked up to the nurse.

"I need to see my son. Is he okay?" She insisted.

"Ma'am, I'll have to ask you to sit down. The doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse said, pointing at the empty chairs.

"God damn! I'm asking about my son's welfare and you tell me to wait! Are you out of-"

"Sorry, we'll wait." Harley cut her off, directing her away from the nurse and towards chairs.

Towards Sasha.

This time Lisa's blue-gold eyes trained in her and didn't let her go. Sasha felt like she was drowning in a sea of hate at that moment because the amount of hate rolling off Lisa was palpable. Lisa's perfectly shaped brows pulled together in a frown, her eyes narrowed and her teeth were gritted.

"You! You! You ugly bitch!"

And that is how I'll leave you. I'm officially back guys so just get ready for updates updates and more updates !!!
Love you all so very much and thank you for staying with Beastiful for so long.
It means loads to me and I love yooooouuu.

Heaps of love

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