The Guardian (Final Version)

Door MiaSousa

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What if your perfectly normal life was thrown into chaos just by meeting a single boy? Mia Harrison, a s... Meer

Author's Note
Understanding the world of "The Guardian"
1st chapter: And so it begins
2nd chapter: Guardians, spirits and what-more
3rd chapter: An encounter with fate
4th chapter: An hectic school trip (part one)
5th chapter: An hectic school trip (part two)
6th chapter: The power of a Guardian
7th chapter: Dangerous pacts
8th chapter: Meetings, fights and secrets unveiled
9th chapter: What are friends for?
10th chapter: To trust another
11th chapter: Captured and locked, all hope lost
12th chapter: The resolution to be strong
13th chapter: Ambush
14th chapter: Finally reunited
15th chapter: Safe at last
16th chapter: What the future holds
17th chapter: Back home
18th chapter: The wheels start to turn
19th chapter: Secrets of the past
21st Chapter: Fallen one
22nd Chapter: An alarming meeting
23rd Chapter: Seeking answers
24th Chapter: Unfolding mysteries
25th Chapter: Let's eat some cake
26th chapter: Friendly advice
27th chapter: Taking action
28th chapter: Advancing towards the end
29th chapter: To each his own
30th Chapter: Recollections of the past (part one)
31st Chapter: Recollections of the past (part two)
32nd chapter: Broken heart
33rd chapter: The world's destruction
34th Chapter: Goodbye!
35th chapter: Dawn of a new day
36th chapter: Epilogue
Thank you note

20th chapter: Feelings ablaze

18 2 2
Door MiaSousa

For those of you who haven't checked my profile I just want to let you know I have a surprise for all of you. 

Because I was inactive for a long time, this week I'll be updating more. 

Now, it might be once, or twice or even thrice. 

We never know  (¬‿¬)

Anyway, enjoy your chapter~! 

Reyen's PoV

"Hey Mia, are you listening to me?" I called trying to regain her attention.

Lately she was constantly with her head up in the clouds and quickly would stop listening to what people were saying.

"Oh Reyen, sorry about that I was−"

"Distracted. Yeah, yeah. I know." I sighed and Mia's expression sadden.

"I'm really sorry, it's just that I've been sorting out some information in my head." apologizing she explained and I smiled at her as an answer.

"I understand your feelings, I'm still trying to understand this whole guardian thing." I stated and brought a piece of meat to my mouth.

Mia and I were in the canteen having lunch together seeing as Richard was speaking with his head teacher, it was tough being a transfer student in this school.

"Yes, there's that too." after a brief moment Mia let out. "But my mind was trying to sort out something else."

"Then what is it?" I asked before picking up my glass of water and drinking from it.

Mia slide her plate to the left and putting her elbows on the table and using her hands as a chin supporter she asked.

"Have you ever been in love?"

It was such a sudden question about a topic still so fresh to me that I chocked on the water I was drinking making me cough compulsively.

"Are you alright?" worried flashing through her face Mia asked.

"Yes, I'm fine." letting out a last cough I composed myself. "So why do you want to know?" curious I couldn't help but ask and Mia blushed slightly.

"I want to understand what these feelings I'm having mean." she was desperately trying to maintain eye contact with me even though her embarrassment told her otherwise and to my eyes that only made her look cuter.

"You know, even If I do tell you that, everyone feels it in a different way, so you can, and probably will, feel it in a different way than I." scratching the back of my head I tried to explain.

"Oh, so you do love someone."

"Why do I feel you just laid a trap for me?" leering at her in a jokingly manner I stated once her words hit me while she just laughed. "But you're right. I do love someone." staring at Mia I said. "She's kind, brave, beautiful and very cute. She sticks for herself and her believes and always puts other's wellbeing before her own. She doesn't allow the adversities she might face wear her down and despite what might happen to her she always puts a wonderful smile on her face. To me she is my very precious person and no matter what, all I want to do is protect her and hold her and hope someday the reason she smiles is me."

"Woah. That's really beautiful. I could feel the love in your words." smiling at me like she always did, Mia proclaimed. "You should tell that to the person you love. I'm sure your feelings will reach her."

"I just did" I thought letting out a small sigh but then smiling back at Mia.

"I hope so too."

Despite my rather obvious declaration Mia hadn't understood I was talking about her but it didn't matter because one day I'd make sure I told her straight and clear the words I love you.

"Say, Reyen." she called and I met her gaze once again. "When did you know you loved her?"

"I guess I just listened to my feelings, I listened to my heart. I know it seems cliche but that's how it works."

"Listened to your feelings..." repeating my words Mia muttered falling silent.

"Yes." I nodded, somehow I knew I was going to regret asking the moment the words came out of my mouth but at the same time I was dying to know her answer." What do your feelings tell you?"

Mia placed her right hand over her heart and closed her eyes for a brief moment, then as if troubled by what she had found out, she looked at me.

"I think I'm starting to fall for Heart."

Heart's PoV

"Then I will be going now, Mr. Carter." I mentioned closing the door and stretching my arms in the air.

These meeting were supposed to have finished but somehow the teacher was convinced I still wasn't well integrated with the class and kept calling me to discuss methods that could help me; countless times I had told him I was doing great but he kept on insisting that was not what he had been told however I couldn't find a reason for someone to be passing on false information just to have me under the close watch of the teacher. Really, what was the point?

"I hope I can count on you in the future." as soon as I turned left at the end of the hallway I heard Jeremy say to a boy at the end of the stairs.

"Hey there!" I greeted and Jeremy jumped taken aback by my presence.


My name was said in such a ferocity way that left me speechless. Last time he had been extremely nice to me, that is if I ignored the incident in the classroom with Mia, so I didn't know why he was mad.

"Is he alright?" shifting my gaze to the boy behind him who had not moved a single muscle, I asked.

"Everything's fine, right?" patting the boy's shoulder, Jeremy stated and the boy nodded leaving right away.

There was something off about the kid but even more about Jeremy, however I couldn't quite put my finger on it; while staring at me Jeremy composed his tie that was loosen up and that was when I saw the bracelet with a dark cross on his left wrist. With a shot of energy running through my veins I quickly approached him and grabbed his wrist exposing the bracelet.

"Nice bracelet you have there." I exclaimed warily.

"You think? I bought it on one of those street vendors you see everywhere." he mentioned calmly.

"Really? Then it must have been a very talented person, to make such fine accessory."

"You like it that much?" with a smirk Jeremy countered. "Unfortunately I can't give it to you, it was a present from me to myself for obtaining maximum score on the English Literature test, you know, it helps keep the motivation up." he mentioned and I tighten my grasp around his wrist however he didn't even flinch, instead he put on a mocking grin. "Still, I never thought of you as someone interested in cheap accessory."

"That is the fun part of meeting new people, like a treasure hunt, you keep digging until you find all of the treasure." I stated never once breaking eye contact.

"Indeed, I wonder what else I'll find about you if I keep digging."

"Cut the crap and tell the truth. You−"

"Heart?" Mia's voice called me behind interrupting what I was about to say.

"Jeremy?" joining Mia, Reyen said.

"Is something wrong?" Mia asked staring at both of us and I let go of Jeremy's wrist.

"No, everything is fine." I mumbled placing my hands in my uniform pants and starting to walk away from there. "Jeremy, a friendly warning. If I were you I would get rid of that bracelet of yours, it does not suit you."

"I'll think about it." he replied and even though I couldn't see his face, for I had turned my back on him, I could still feel his smirk on my rear as I walked away.

"Heart?" Mia called a second time following me and I stopped once I was far away from the stairs and Jeremy.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

Jeremy's bracelet had a strange feeling to it, a demons feeling to be more precise but it was too small for me to be sure and not wanting to worry Mia without a valid cause I faced her to say everything was alright, however as I locked eyes with her I couldn't find the strength in me to do so. I had already told myself I would trust her and confide in her whenever necessary and I wasn't going to go back on my word, besides I didn't want to lie or hide things from her anymore, there was something in me that just hated that thought.

"I might be wrong but Jeremy's bracelet emanated magic from it, demon's magic. I hope I am wrong but he does seem kind of off." with a sigh I let out.

"You think so too..." thoughtful Mia mumbled. "From the beginning I've had this strange feeling around Jeremy but ever since that morning in the classroom the feeling has grown stronger, like an ominous presence around him."

"I hope we are both wrong." I admitted. "This is so frustrating. It seems that the less I want for the humans to get involved the more they do." letting out a frustration groan I blabbed.

"Don't worry." placing her hand on my left shoulder Mia said. "Everything's going to work out in the end." smiling she tried to reassure me. "For now let's ask Reyen about Jeremy. He gets along with him so he can tell us if there's something out of the ordinary going on."

"Speaking of him, where did he go?"

"Ah, he went after Jeremy."

Reyen's PoV

"Wait!" I exclaimed running after Jeremy.

"What?" stopping, Jeremy faced me.

"What's going on? You're acting stranger every passing second and don't deny it, you've just picked a fight with Richard. You never do that!" stating the facts I mentioned prepared to finally get out of his mouth what was going on.

"For the record, I didn't pick a fight with him, he picked a fight with me."

"That doesn't sound like something Richard would do."

"Oh, so now you know him that well?" with a scorn Jeremy let out. "Well, guess what, you actually don't."

I rubbed my temples while sighing trying to calm down. Richard had already become my rival in love I wasn't going to have a fight with my best friend because of him either.

"Look, I'm not saying I know him that well, despite knowing a thing or two, but I'm just saying he doesn't look like the type to randomly pick fights with people."

Jeremy kept quiet while looking at me. It felt like, for a brief moment, he was going to answer back but in order to keep his secret a secret he kept his mouth shut.

"Jeremy." I called in a plea. "I'm really worried about you, why won't you tell me what's happening?"

Jeremy sighed and rubbed his eyes, his shoulders were now slumped and his defensive demeanour changed to a tired one, I was sure that if I kept on insisting maybe, just maybe, the wall he had created around him would crumble and he would finally tell me what was happening, however things hardly go the way you want and suddenly my time was up.

"You should go to class, the bell is ringing." returning to his defensive demeanour, Jeremy exclaimed turning his back to me and started to walk.

"No way!" quickly grabbing his sleeve I exclaimed. "I won't let you go anywhere without spilling all out, besides you're going in the wrong direction." I stated.

"Well someone held me back with his blabber so I can only go to the bathroom now, so, unless you like to watch, I'd recommend you let go of me."

Reluctantly I let go of his sleeve even though I had been so close to find out what was going on, and while I watched Jeremy walk away I was left with a lonely feeling just as if I had lost my best friend forever.

Jeremy's PoV

I entered the bathroom and moved towards the mirror placing my hands on the side of the sink to support my weight.

As I closed my eyes Reyen's worried face flashed through my mind and I let out a sigh.

"Having second thoughts?" a voice I already knew too well asked behind me and I looked at the mirror only to see Klaud's reflection on it.

"Why do you say so?"

"I can see you're starting to waver."

"Hmph." I puffed some air not wanting to admit he might be correct.

After seeing how worried Reyen was I had started to doubt whether what I wanted was worth the price I had to pay.

"Is it because of that boy? Reyen?"

"How do you know about him?" turning around in order to be face to face with Klaud I asked warily.

"I know a lot of things but you, on the other hand, continue a naive fool!" with a smirk playing on his lips Klaud let out and I tighten my fists feeling angry.

"I'm no fool!"

"Then I assume you know about Reyen having been playing hero with the spirit and the girl?" with a triumphant smirk Klaud stated and I was left speechless.

A range of emotions were twirling inside me due to the new information. Reyen was my best friend but he had sided with Richard, my enemy, and moreover he hadn't told me a thing and yet expected me to tell him everything. That was playing dirty.

"So you didn't know." with a mocking grin Klaud said, he knew I didn't know yet he still feigned ignorance, I was officially stuck with a sadist.

I turned back to the mirror and lowered my head looking at the sink. I had been betrayed by the one person who wasn't suppose to betray me.

"If you want to quit go ahead. I have no use for weak guys." I heard Klaud say which lit up a flame within me.

"Quit? You think I'll quit after coming this far?"

"But you seem so shaken up by such small information. I don't think you can do this." Klaud's fake sympathy got on my nerves and finally made me snap.

"No. This is nothing but a process of transformation. You've just helped me see the truth. From now on it's just me and nobody else." and as I looked at the mirror again a flash of red lit up my eyes as Klaud's amused smirk grew bigger and bigger.

Klaud's PoV

Jeremy was a fool. He had completely been swept by my trap but that only made things easier.

For the queen's plan to work we didn't need a footman that could think for his own, we needed someone who would just follow orders without questioning if that was right or wrong, therefore I had been put in charge of contaminating Jeremy's soul and control it.

To be honest this type of job didn't please me. Controlling souls was a tremendous tiring thing to do and always left a bad aftertaste. I preferred the fights, fierce enemies that didn't give up no matter what, that was exciting, this... not so much.

So, if there was something good about all of this was that trying to control Jeremy's soul was more complicated then what I first had thought. Yes, he was in our clutches already but his determination in achieving his goal had become a problem too, not to mention his attachment to the human. This determination of his made things a bit more interesting to me however it couldn't last and that's why I had made sure his attachment to the human boy would become his down fall – precisely what had just happened.

Jeremy was now a step closer into falling in the deep abyss of chaos.

"Fall deeper into my hands and before you know it, you won't be able to escape." I thought as Jeremy's eyes flashed with a red light signalizing the connection that now bonded us.

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