Phantom Nightmare

Von FariyFlare

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Danny falls through a portal that came out of nowhere beneath him that takes him to a whole new world. What w... Mehr

Chapter 1: The Portal
Chapter 2: Darkrai
Chapter 3: The International Police
Chapter 4: Back in Danny's World
Chapter 5: A Magazine Journalist
Chapter 6: Cresselia
Chapter 7: Revenge Served Hot
Chapter 9: Meeting up with a New Friend
Chapter 10: A Rival?
Chapter 11: Scare Game of the Night
Chapter 12: The Hunt
Chapter 13: A Dizzy Surprise

Chapter 8: The Gym Battle that Awaits!

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Von FariyFlare

After a bit of flying and Darkrai calming down from the scare he got from the Halfa, they landed by some trees outside of Caralave City, out of view of anyone in the area for Danny to transform back to human. Once he was back to human, the group headed into the city, "So Luna, do you want to go into your Pokeball when we are in public?"

"I would like to stay out, thank you very much," the Lunar Pokemon stats holding her head up high, "But thank you for asking though."

"No problem," Danny smiled in reply, but in his head, he was saying, "Great, now I'm going to have more people staring at me. How come where ever I go now, I have pretty much everyone staring at me?"

"Hey, just be glad they don't know who or what you are here," Darkrai tells him mentally as he smirks, "Because I'm sure you won't just be getting stares sent your way."

"Good point," the Halfa replied mentally as he remembered all the times he been bombarded by fans and paparazzi alike. He was now even more glad that no one in this world knew who he was.

"You know what," Luna starts to say as she looks between her brother and the Ghost Boy as they had a silent conversation, "I'm starting to hate that mind link of yours even more than before, but mostly the fact that you two can talk mentally to each other. I have no idea what you two are talking about and can't have a say in it!"

"You're not the only one," Danny grunts as he crossed his arms, "I can barely have a private thought or rant," he then jerked his thumb pointing at the Dark-Type beside him, "without your brother here listening in."

"Then don't think so loud," the Nightmare Pokemon retorts smirking.

Danny then stops and turned to face Darkrai giving him the 'Really?' look, "Really? Because I'm sure you would be able to hear them no matter how quite they are."

"I know," the Dark-Type replied happily smirking even more.

"Then I hope you enjoy the Ghost Wail if I ever try using it mentally," Danny tells him smirking evilly.

Darkrai paled at that, "You won't dare."

"Try me," Danny answered not letting his evil smirk drop.

Darkrai just glared at the Halfa as Luna just shook her head at how the two antics.


Roark was pacing back and forth around the middle of Caralave City deep in thought, "What am I going to do?" he asked himself, "I have to head back to the gym soon, but I can't leave with my dad the way he is. What am I going to do?"

After a bit with his thoughts going nowhere, he decided to look up in a random direction and stopped pacing in surprise from what he saw. Walking in his direction was a wild black haired boy with icy blue eyes wearing a white t-shirt with a red trim and oval on the chest, baggy blue pants, red and white sneakers and had a black and white backpack. But the shocking thing about the boy was that there was a Darkrai and a Cresselia following him. He had TWO LEGENDARIES! "That boy has two legendaries? That's unbelievable," the Rock-Type gym leader stats in disbelief, then he got an idea, "I wonder if he will be able to help," he then went racing over to the boy.


"So what do you two want to do before we head out?" Danny asked as he stopped in the area he believed to be the center of the city.

"How about getting something to eat?" Darkrai suggested as he started to look around for a restaurant or food stand.

"We just had something to eat no that long ago," the Lunar Pokemon reminded her brother.

"I know, but I'm still hungry," Darkrai tells her as he remembered how his last meal turned out.

Danny just couldn't help but shake his head, "Man, you remind me of a friend back home who loves to eat," then he smirked, "But if you are still hungry, I still have some of the Pokefood I made for you earlier in my bag."

"Do they also have the Tamato Berry juice in them?" the Dark-Type asked as he paled a bit once again not wanting his mouth to be on fire again.

"Maybe," Danny answered in a playful tone, he knew that they didn't have it, but he wasn't going to let the Nightmare Pokemon know right now.

"Then I guess I can wait," Darkrai replied not wanting to take the risk and not wanting to take a pick into the Halfa's thoughts in case he tried to use the now feared Ghostly Wail that may or may not work mentally.

Danny couldn't help but smirk at Darkrai's nervousness, he still couldn't believe that he was managing to scare the Nightmare Pokemon. But was he that scary? Well with mouths and mouths and a few years of exchanging pranks with the Fruitloop and pulling pranks in general and fighting other ghost causing him to become more resourceful. With those thoughts in mind, then yeah, he has become scary doing certain things. He then thought of something that he should have asked earlier, "Hey Darkrai? Do you go by anything else?"

"Why do you ask?" the Dark-Type asked curiously as to why the sudden question.

"Well, your sister goes by Luna, so I was wondering if you happened to go by a different name as well," Danny pointed out.

"Well I-"

"Hey!" someone called out interrupting the Dark-Type who sighed a bit in relief which caused the Halfa to raise an eyebrow at the sudden relief.

Danny then turned around in the direction that he heard the voice come from and saw a teen with red hair, brown eyes wearing glasses with a black frame and a red mining helmet with a light on the front coming his way. He was also wearing a grey short-sleeved jacket with the cuffs being a gold coloring with a black ring in the middle with the bottom trim being the same design but with a thinner black line, the jacket was opened revealing a black t-shirt, he was also wearing grey pants with the pockets having a gold band, black rubber boots with the bottom being red and white gloves with the cuffs a gold coloring. "Um, do you need something?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could help me with something," the teen answered a bit nervously.

"With what?" the Halfa asked curiously as to what the guy wanted his help with.

"You see, my dad hasn't really been himself lately," the guy started to explain, "He's the gym leader in this city and he hasn't been battling like himself or arguing with me about who loves fossils more or exclaiming his love of holes like he usually does. So far nothing I done had managed to bring him around and when I saw you and your legendary Pokemon, I thought if you challenge him to a gym battle that may get him back to his regular self."

"I won't mind helping you out," Danny told him, "But it is also up to these two, I don't want to make them fight if you don't want to. So do you guys want to help him out?"

"I don't see the problem with helping him out," Luna tells him with a nod so the teen before them could understand her.

"Why not? I'm in the mood for a good fight," Darkrai agreed, "Besides, I been wanting to try these gym battles I heard tons of trainers talking about out."

"Looks like they're in," the Halfa informs the teen before them, "So we will be happy to help you out."

"Thanks, I just hope you will be able to being him back to his old self," the boy tells them, "I'm Roark by the way."

"Danny," the Ghost Boy introduced, "And this is Luna and Darkrai."


Roark led the group to a huge building that had the bottom part with looked like jagged rocks sticking out, above the rocks looked to be made out of sheets of steel sticking out that had a bit of a purple tint to it with many windows, the roof was that of a giant white oval and on the side of the building starting from the were red beams that were curved outwards as it grew in hight. "Here it is, the Canalave City's Gym!" Roark announced to the group as they stopped a bit away from the gym.

"It's huge!" Danny commented at the sight with wide eyes then gained a look of confusion, "But why does it look like a volcano with smoke coming out of it?"

"It's supposed to look like a fossil on top of a pillar I believe," Roark explained as he looked the building before him over, "But now that you mention it, it does look like a volcano with smoke coming out of it." He then led the group inside to a huge room which turned out to be the battlefield with a man standing in the middle of it, "Dad, I bought you a new challenger," Roark announced as he walked into the room the trio right behind him, "And I'm sure you will have fun battling him."

"That is what you said for the last one," the man now known as Roark's dad grunted.

"I'm sure you will enjoy this one," Roark assured his father and the smirk he was giving could be heard in his voice.

The man then turned around to face his son revealing his appearance. Roark's father had burgundy spiky hair and beard and black eyes. He was wearing a black cloak that was torned up a bit at the bottom with a white sleeveless shirt under it, grey pants with a golden band on the legs a bit above the knees that was a bit torned at the end of the pant legs, a black belt with a silver buckle, black work shoes with golden colored laces, white gloves with a golden colored cuff and was holding a shovel with a black spade. "And what makes you think that th-" he started to say but stopped once he saw who and what was standing or floating by his son.

Roark smirk just grew when he saw his father's reaction for who he brought, "Danny, this is my dad, Byron, the Canalave City's Steel-Type Gym Leader," he then turned his attention back to his father, "So what do you say? Do you accept the challenge?"

The shock expression soon left Byron's face to be replaced by a goofy smile, "Of course! I accept the challenge!"

"And you Danny?" Roark asked, he was glad to see that some of his father's old self had returned.

Danny was a bit surprised at Byron's sudden changed in attitude, but he simply pushed it aside as he smiled, "I was born ready!"

With a nod, they all got into their places for the battle with Roark being the referee, "This is an official Pokemon League Gym Battle against Byron the Gym Leader against Danny the challenger! The rules are simple, it will be a three on three battle with the challenger only being able to substitute his Pokemon. Now, let the Gym Battle begin!"

"Wait? A three on three battle?" Danny cried out in surprised not expecting it, "I only have two Pokemon!"

"Then I guess this is just going to be even more interesting!" Bryon called out as he sent out his first Pokemon, "Come on out Bronzor!"

Out of the Pokeball came a flash of light and out of the light came a plate-like creature. The creature was that of a teal circular flat plate with three dark teal orbs on the top and bottom of its rim, an inner darker teal circle in the plate with two yellow eyes, a teal orb nose and two smaller teal circles above and below the eyes. The Pokemon now known as Bronzor stared at Danny and the Pokemon at his side, "So this is my opponent? Let's see what he got."

Before Danny even had the chance to take out his Pokedex to see what this Pokemon was, Luna made her way over to Danny, "If you don't mind, I will like to go first."

"Sure," Danny agreed with a nod as Luna made her way out onto the field, "I choose Luna as my first Pokemon!"

"The first battle is Byron's Bronzor verse Danny's Cresselia! Now let the battle commence!" Roark announced and in his mind, he was saying, "How can he only have two legendaries? Shouldn't he have more Pokemon on him beside those two? How was he even able to get those two without any other Pokemon?"

"Danny, some of my sister's moves are Moonlight, a move that heals her, Mist, it just like what it name is, Aurora Beams, it's a colorful beam of icy energy, Future Sight, a move that takes time to activate, Psychic, a move that she uses her psychic energies to attack or to control her surroundings and Psycho Cut, a move that creates blades of compressed psychic energies that are sent flying at your opponents," Darkrai quickly explained mentally.

"Thanks for the heads up," Danny thanked mentally, then called out, "Ok, Luna, let's start this off with Mist!"

"Well do," Luna replied as her eyes glowed light blue and a thick mist started to roll in.

"Do you really think that this mist will stop me?" Bronzor asks as he tries to see through the thick mist that surrounded him.

Just then a silhouette appeared before the Bronze Pokemon as the Halfa called out, "Now use Psycho Cut!" As soon as that move was called out, pink blades of psychic energy came flying out of the silhouette hitting Bronzor straight on sending him flying backwards a bit, but once he regained his balance the silhouette was gone.

Seeing that the mist was going to prove difficult to see through and battle in, the Steel-Type Gym Leader called out, "Bronzor, spin at top speed to blow away the mist away!"

"On it!" Bronzor called out as he started spinning at a quick pace causing the mist in the room to disappear revealing Luna floating not that far away in front of Danny.

"Man, I thought that would last a bit longer," the Halfa commented at the sight of the mist disappearing on them.

"At least we were able to get a few hits in undetected," Luna pointed out.

"Bronzor, use Flash Cannon!" Byron called out to his Steel/Psychic-Type Pokemon.

"Have a taste of this!" Bronzor cried out as a bright ball of light appeared in front of him and shot a bright beam of light at Luna.

"Luna dodged it quickly!" Danny called out quickly not wanting to see his new friend get hurt.

"You better watch where the attack is heading," Darkrai warned as he moved out of the way as Danny sent him a strange look.

When the Ghost Boy went to look back at the battle, he eyes went wide as he saw the attack coming right at him once Luna was out of the way. Doing his best not to turn intangible to dodge the attack, he drove to the ground to let it fly past him. "That was a close one," Danny says to himself as he stood back up once he was sure the danger passed over him, "Note to self, watch out for flying energy blasts."

"Do you really need to make a mental note to watch out for energy blasts?" Darkrai asked as he returned back beside Danny.

"You'll be surprised about what I make mental notes for," Danny replied with a shrug, "Anyways what does Future Sight do again?"

"It's a move that takes a bit to activated once used," the Dark-Type Pokemon explained again.

"That should do," Danny says then called out, "Ok, Luna use your Future Sight then follow it up with some Aurora Beams!" Luna nodded in reply as her eyes glowed blue for a moment before fading away, then she opened her mouth and started firing beams of colorful icy energy.

"Bronzor dodge those attacks and use Extrasensory!" Byron called out when he saw the Aurora Beam coming towards his Pokemon.

In reply, Bronzor dodged the attacks sent it way with a few of the attacks grazing it now and then and dodging them by a hair. Durning the time between dodging the attacks, the Bronze Pokemon's eyes glowed a golden color as it shot a rainbow beam of psychic energy at Luna. Seeing the attacks coming her way, Luna dodged the beams of psychic energy sent her way with a few grazing her now and then. After a bit, both fired a beam of rainbow energy at each other that ended up crashing into each other creating an explosion causing the two to be pushed back towards their trainers. Once each Pokemon regained their balance and before Bronzor could make another move, Luna smirked and said, "Now."

Bronzor and Danny stared at the Lunar Pokemon in confusion as they tried to figure out what she meant by that, but all Darkrai did was smirk. "Do you know what she means by that?" Danny mentally asked the Dark-Type in confusion.

"Just look up above Bronzor and you will see what she meant by that," the Nightmare Pokemon replied mentally as he continued to smirk.

Danny followed Darkrai's instructions and stared up in surprise for what he saw. Up in the air above the Steel/Psychic-Type Pokemon appeared what seemed to be a wormhole that reminded Danny of a Ghost Portal, but this one was a mixture of purple and blue and seemed to sucking inwards. After a bit of nothing happening after the Ghost Zone like portal appeared, a bolt of what seemed like blue lightening came shooting out of it striking Bronzor, knocking the Bronze Pokemon out of the battle. "Bronzor is unable to battle! The victory of this round goes to Danny's Cresselia!" Roark announced as Byron returned his Pokemon to its Pokeball.

"You did a great job Bronzor, you deserve a nice long rest," Byron congratulated as Bronzor entered its Pokeball. Once the Steel/Psychic-Type Pokemon was safely in it's Pokeball, the Steel-Type Gym Leader turned his attention to Danny, "I have to say that this is starting to be one of the most interesting Gym Battles I had in a while. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you," he then tossed out another Pokeball, "Steelix, it's your turn!"

Out of the Pokeball in a flash of light came a giant silvery-grey snake-like creature, its body seemed to be made out of what looked like boulder-like sections. Three of the boulder-like sections of its body had rock like spikes coming out horizontal to each other and had a spike like tip at the end of its tail. It had a massive head that was mostly made up of its large jaw that had square white teeth inside, it had two sets of ridges under and small square lumps covering its lower jaw. Its eye sockets were slightly deep with red eyes and had two long ridges going from its eyes to the top of its head. "Now, who's ready to rumble?" the Iron Snake Pokemon asked as he took in his surroundings to see who his opponents were.

"Hey, Luna? Do you want to switch out and take a break?" Danny asked even though the Lunar Pokemon didn't look that tired yet.

"That was barely a challenge, let alone a workout," Luna huffed, "I can take care of this round as well. Besides, I can't let my brother get hurt now can I?"

"I can take care of myself sis," Darkrai huffed as he crossed his arms, "And you wonder why I don't stay around long."

"Well I don't want you getting hurt," Luna responded going into overprotective sister mode as she turned to face her brother, "I just want to make sure that you stay safe."

"Well, I always make sure I stay safe whenever I go out and I always return home fine," the Nightmare Pokemon stats trying to defend himself as he was starting to get ticked off with his sister's overprotectiveness, "If that doesn't say anything, then I don't know what does!"

"Why does it seem like I'm in the middle of a conversion that I will have with my sister?" Danny asked no one in particular as he shook his head in disbelief at the argument that had just started.

"Then explain why and how you got captured by those scientists?" the Psychic-Type asked in a know-it-all's voice ignoring the Halfa for the time being, "If you were watching what you were doing and what was going on around you, that may not have happened!"

"I was watching what I was doing and where I going!" the Dark-Type exclaimed ticked off, "It was a one and a billion chance of it happening!"

"But it did happen!" the Lunar Pokemon growled.

Danny's eye started to twitch as he began to become annoyed at the bickering that was happening before him and was doing his best not to let his eyes glow green in annoyance. He was about to step in to break it up, but someone else bet him to it, "Will you two stop that annoying bickering already?!" Steelix cried out sounding very annoyed, "This is no place for a family argument! This is a battlefield meant for battle! If you two want to argue, wait until this is all over and lose to my team!"

The two legendaries glared at each other for a minute, then turned away from each other with a huff, "Fine we will settle this later then."

Luna then turned her attention to the Steelix before her and glared, "And just to let you know, the one who is going to win this battle is us."

Steelix could be heard laughing at that statement, "Really? Let's just see you try."

Off on the sidelines, Darkrai all of a sudden felt a chill go down his spine and when he looked over to where he felt it coming from, he sees the Halfa glaring at him with a hint of green in his eyes, "Y-Y-Yes Danny?"

"We will talk later," Danny told him as he turned his attention back to the battle at hand.

The Nightmare Pokemon just floated there unsure of what he should do. Sure he may be scared of his sister at times, but Danny...he was something else. Darkrai couldn't explain it, but at the moment, he was quite scared of the Halfa before him. Why? It may have something to do with hearing a bit about what the Halfa was capable of, "What have gotten myself into?"

"I'm wondering the same thing for myself," the Ghost Boy responded with other hearing his friend's comment.

"Begin!" Roark called out, he was doing his best to hold it back, but he was excited to see who would win this battle.

"Steelix, start this off with Dragon Breath!" Byron ordered sounded pretty pumped up and Roark couldn't help but smile at hearing his father sounding like his old self.

Without missing a beat, Steelix opened his mouth and fired out a blue beam-like attack that looked to have wind twisting around it, "Have a taste of my Dragon Breath!"

With seeing the attack coming her way, Luna dodged the attacked without even needing to be asked, but it almost hit her by a hair. Danny watched as another Dragon Breath was sent at Luna when an idea came to mind, "Luna, use Future Sight and then use Psychic on the Dragon Breath!"

Somewhat understanding what Danny was getting at, Luna's eyes glowed blue casting the Future Sight and stayed that way as an outline of the same blue surrounded the Dragon Breath. The Iron Snake Pokemon quickly closed his mouth once he saw the Dragon Breath he just fired started to curve around Luna as if it had a mind of its own. "Now what are they up to?" he asked himself.

Byron stared at the battle before him and raised and eyebrow when he saw the Dragon Breath circling around the Cresselia without harming her, "Mmmm, I wonder what he is planning on doing with that."

Seeing the confused look on both the trainer and his Pokemon, Danny knew that it was time to make their move before it was too late, "Now send it right back at them!" In response to the order, Luna sent the Dragon Breath straight back to the one who fired it, hitting the Steel/Ground-Type head on pushing him back a bit.

At seeing what just happened, Darkrai blinked a few times before asking, "What made you think of that combo?"

"I just remember what you said about Psychic earlier and how some of the ghosts back home use something like that to control objects around them to attack," Danny explained to the Nightmare Pokemon.

"So you just are coming up with things based on your ghost fights?" the Dark-Type asked and when he saw the Halfa nod, he adds in, "I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but I hope to see you in action at some point during our journey."

"Knowing my luck, that may just happen," the Halfa groaned as he recalled what his luck brought him so far.

Steelix groaned a bit from the damage he took from his own Dragon Breath with the added strength of the Psychic attack added to it, "I should have seen that one coming." Once he was back up and recovered a bit from the attack, he turned his attention to the Lunar Pokemon and glared, "You're are going to pay for that!" Without waiting for another order, he went charging forwards as he fired another blast of the blue Dragon Breath at Luna.

Seeing the attack coming at her at a quick pace, Luna quickly made her way to dodge the attack, but wasn't that fast for it grazed her side a bit. Seeing that a lot of the attack hasn't disappeared yet, the Lunar Pokemon's eyes glowed and took control of the attack once again. When Steelix saw that happening, he creased the attack so the Psychic-Type wouldn't gain any more ammo and was bracing himself for the return of the attack. Lunar saw how the Iron Snake Pokemon was ready for the return of his attack and smirked as she made it circle and spread out around her to form something like a shield.

Byron from his side of the field stared at the Lunar Pokemon forming the Dragon Breath into what appeared to be a Type of shield and started to figure out a plan to get around it. "Use Sandstorm!" Steelix in reply, eyes started to glow blue as a sandstorm started to happen on the battlefield.

To try to stop the sand from going into his eyes without creating an ecto shield, Danny brought his arm above his eyes as Darkrai droved into Danny's shadow without him noticing to escape the sand. "Now where is he?" Danny asked himself as he tried to look through the sand that was blowing around them. After a bit he let out a small growl as he started to feel a bit powerless in this situation, "Man, I wish I could be out there fighting, I feel so useless right now."

"Then why don't you go out there and fight?" Darkrai joked mentally.

"You know I can't do that!" the Halfa mentally snapped back annoyed.

"I was just joking! Can't you take a joke?" the Nightmare Pokemon asked a bit surprise at the Halfa's response.

"I can! But you don't understand! I'm usually the one out there fighting to protect everyone," Danny explained mentally as he did his best to hold back his anger from not being able to do anything at the time being, he really hated this feeling. He then mentally sighed, "Sorry, I just hate sitting off on the sidelines unable to do anything to help. Before I thought that it was great being able to set off on the sidelines and let other take care of everything as I set back and relax. But after some chain of events, I can't stand sitting on the sidelines anymore, unable to do anything. It's just not my thing, not anymore."

From Danny's shadow, Darkrai stared at the Halfa surprised at what he just learned. From the short time he has been with the boy, he could already tell that the boy acted as if the whole world was on his shoulders and that it was his responsibility to take care of everything. But until now, he didn't realize this is how Danny really felt. Even though you couldn't see it, he was smiling and shaking his head, "You got a huge hero-complex, you know that right?" he asked mentally and could be heard smirking.

"I been told that a lot," Danny commented mentally with a roll of his eyes then gained a serious look as he started thinking of a plan, "Now what can we do to work around this sandstorm? We can't just send the Dragon Breath around the field randomly with the chance of it hitting us or Byron and Roark by accident. Maybe if we...yeah that may just work," he then shouted out, "Luna, try to stay calm and slowly expand the Dragon Breath around you!"

On the field, Luna was freaking out a bit as she tried to find her opponent in the blowing sand around her and barely heard Danny call out to her. After taking a few deep breaths, she managed to calm herself down a bit and put all of her concentration on the Dragon Breath shield around her and started to slowly expand it around her. After a bit, she stopped expanding the Dragon Breath shield when she believed was out far enough and was no was nowhere close to hitting Roark. Then without warning, a glowing ball of white energy came out of nowhere hitting Luna sending her to the ground and causing her to lose her concentration and letting the Dragon Breath dispell into the air. Through the sound of the sandstorm, Byron could be heard calling out, "Now Steelix, use Ice Fang on Cresselia!"

Before Luna had the chance to get back up, Steelix came charging out of nowhere out of the sandstorm and bit down on the Lunar Pokemon with glowing blue fangs. The Psychic-Type cried out in pain as she felt the power of the bite hit her along with the added effect of the freezing cold. Not wanting to hear Luna's cry of pain, Danny quickly called out, "Luna, use Aurora Beam to try and escape!" and at the same time, he was doing his very best to hold himself back from running in there to save her.

Doing her best to deal with the pain, Luna brought her head up slowly, pointed her head towards the Steel/Ground-Type and fired the colorful beam of icy energy. The beam of icy energy hit Steelix right in the head catching him off guard and causing him to let his grip go on the Lunar Pokemon. With her new found freedom, she quickly made her way away from the Iron Snake Pokemon and with the vision she barely had she made her way over to where Danny was. "Luna, do you think you can go on?" Danny asked in concern as he did his best not to go charging out there and take down what caused his friend's pain.

"Yeah, I think so," Luna panted as she answered, "But we have to do something about this sandstorm. If this keeps up, it's going to make it even more difficult to battle in and get damaged at the same time because of it." Her eyes then started to glow blue and the sandstorm disappeared, "There, that much better. Let's get this over with," the Lunar Pokemon stats as her eyes return back to normal and glared at the Steel/Ground-Type as Darkrai turned back to his place beside Danny before the Ghost Boy could notice he was gone.

"Now Steelix, finish this off with Flash Cannon!" the Steel-Type Gym Leader called out smiling.

Steelix opened his mouth creating a ball of light inside it and was about to fire it when the vortex appeared above him striking the Steel/Ground-Type with blue lightening. By the psychic lightning hitting Steelix when he was about to fire the Flash Cannon created an explosion and a huge smoke cloud. When the smoke cloud cleared, it revealed the Steel/Ground-Type laying on the ground with swirls in his eyes, "Steelix is unable to battle! Cresselia wins!" Roark announced.

"Great job Steelix, take a nice rest," Byron congratulated as the Iron Snake returned to his Pokeball. He then turned to look back at Danny and laughed, "I haven't had this much fun in such a long time! But I'm not going down with without a fight!" He then tossed out his last and final Pokemon, "Bastiodon, show them your strength!"

The Pokeball opened up releasing a flash of light that formed into the Steel-Type Gym leader's final Pokemon that was cream yellow and gray and looked a bit like a cross between a Zuniceratops and a bulldozer. It had a dark gray head that looked like a square castle wall with four yellow window like spots outline with a darker gray, three spikes on top and two larger light gray spikes on the corners. It had a triangle nose extended from the middle of its shield-like head down to around its mouth and seemed to be pierced by a light gray horizontal spike, it had had four tusk like light gray spikes curving upwards from its jaw and cream yellow eyes a bit under the spike coming out of his nose. It had a cream yellow body with dark gray plating on the top of its back with light gray spikes coming out of its back, dark gray plating from its feet to its shoulders, light gray toes and dark gray plated tail. The Rock/Steel-Type looked around to see who his opponents are, "Who ready to party?"

Before the battle could start, the Halfa called out, "Luna come back and let Darkrai take over!"

Luna turned to look at the Ghost Boy, "No! I will continue to fight! I will not let my brother be a part of this battle!"

"Luna, you look as if you are about to drop at any moment, you need to rest," Danny told her sternly. He didn't want to do it, but he would return Luna to her Healball just to get her to rest.

Luna was about to argue back about allowing her to continue to battle, but once she saw the boy's eyes she stopped. She saw worried, concern, the need to protect and much more written in the Halfa's eyes which caused her to stop in her tracks because she felt as if all those feelings were aimed right her. She then looked the boy over and saw that the Halfa looked to be using a lot of his will power just to stand there and not rush out onto the field to help her. She stared at the boy for a bit then sighed, "Fine," she then floated over to the sidelines by Danny and when she went by Darkrai, she whispered, "Be careful, watch your back and good luck."

"I will," the Nightmare Pokemon assured his sister as he floated out onto the battlefield.

"So you are our next opponent?" Bastiodon asked as he took in his opponent, "This is going to be an interesting battle, expectantly against a Legendary Pokemon."

"I could say the same thing," the Dark-Type replied as he took his place on the field and got ready to battle.

"Let the battle commence!" Roark called out expecting that this battle wasn't going to last very long even against Steel-Types.

Remembering what Darkrai's moves were and wanting to end this quickly, Danny called out, "Darkrai, use Dark Void!"

"Once again, no need to yell," the Dark-Type retorts as he puts his hands together creating a purple and black orb and fired it at the Shield Pokemon before him. The orb flew at a quick pace and hit Bastiodon before he could dodge in the chest causing a pink sphere to form around him. After a few seconds, the sphere disappeared as the Rock/Steel-Type fell to the ground fast asleep. Not long after the Rock/Steel-Type was fast asleep, the Nightmare Pokemon's eyes started to glow blue and Bastiodon started to thrash around in his sleep. At this sight, once his eyes went back to normal, Darkrai couldn't help but sigh, "Man, I really hate this Bad Dream ability at times."

"What do you mean?" Danny asked mentally to not cause suspicion.

"It's an ability that causes people and Pokemon in the area around me to have nightmares when they are asleep," the Dark-Type grumbled mentally not very pleased with the ability, "It makes it quite hard to sleep somewhere when there are others sleeping and you don't want to give them nightmares."

Danny just blinked when he heard that, "Really? Then how come I only suffered from a serious nightmare once since we started traveling together," he says mentally then quickly added in, "Not that I'm complaining or anything. But now that we are on the topic, was it you who caused it?"

Darkrai just shook his head as he answered mentally, "No, I don't think I was the one who caused it to happen. It may be our connection or something, but I've noticed that my ability doesn't seem to effect you in the slightest. But trust me, after going through that one nightmare, I hope that the ability will never effect you because I don't think I'll be able to live through it again!"

"You and me both," the Halfa agreed mentally and hoped that Darkrai would never figure out the meaning behind it.

Byron stared at his opponents as he watched what seemed to be a silent conversation going on between trainer and Pokemon. It was interesting to watch because something like this, you don't see every day, but by the looks the Cresselia was giving, it was something she was used to. Deciding that he will wonder how they seemed to be having a mental conversation later, he turned his attention back to his Bastiodon who was still sound asleep, "Bastiodon, wake up! We got a battle to win!" but the Rock/Steel-Type remained fast asleep.

"Darkrai, use your Ominous Wind and keep it up!" the Halfa called out as he ignored the mental protest about not yelling attacks.

The Nightmare Pokemon's eyes then glowed blue and threw his arms forwards as he created purple colored wind that went flying towards the sleeping Shield Pokemon. Throughout the attack, the Shield Pokemon stayed fast asleep until he opened his eyes waking up and when the Rock/Steel-Type realized what was going on, he jumped to his feet to receive a face full of the attack. From from not expecting the sudden attack, Bastiodon stumbled back a bit as he heard his trainer yell out, "Great, you're awake! Now use Iron Defense and follow it up with Ancient Power!"

Bastiodon's body gained a faint blue outline that faded away as what looked like light reflected down his face. As soon as the blue glow disappeared, it was soon replaced by a white glow causing a silvery orb to appeared before him that was soon fired at Darkrai. The silvery orb went flying towards the Dark-Type who was able to dodge it with ease, "Ha! You miss!"

"I won't miss next time," the Shield Pokemon growled.

"Flash Cannon!" Byron called out and in response, Bastiodon created a white ball of light before him and fired a beam of white light from it.

Seeing the attack coming straight at Darkrai and believing that yelling out would take too long, Danny mentally called out, "Darkrai use your Dark Pulse to cancel out that attack then fire it again to finish this battle."

"It's about time," the Dark-Type replied mentally he got ready to fire a purple and black attack.

"About ending this" the Halfa mentally asked confused.

"No, that you finally called out a move mentally," the Nightmare Pokemon replied mentally but a smirk could be heard in it.

"Really?" Danny mentally asked a little bit surprised at the answer


"No, it just sounded like something I would say."

Darkrai just rolled his eyes as he threw his arm forwards as he released rings of twisting purple glowing black energy. The dark energy crashed into the oncoming attack causing an explosion and a giant cloud of smoke. Bastiodon ended his attack believing that his attack managed to make it threw, but ended up being hit square on by the dark energy that came out of the cloud of smoke. The dark energy was powerful enough to push Bastiodon backwards hard against the wall knocking him out. Roark looked over at the fainted Pokemon for a moment then over to Danny and Darkrai, "Bastiodon is unable to battle meaning that Danny and his Darkrai are the victors of the Canalave City's Gym Battle!"

The Halfa stared there in shock, "We won?" when he was sure that it was real, he gained a big goofy smile, "We won!"

"Apparently so," Darkrai commented as he made his way back over to Danny and Luna.

"You were great!" Luna exclaimed as she nuzzled up to her brother, but after a bit she backed up a little and looked down a bit in embarrassment and sadness, "And sorry about thinking that you weren't able to defend yourself," she then let out a sigh as she turned her head away a bit, "I guess ever since I found out that I may have lost you forever, it felt as if I lost a part of myself. But then when I found out that you were back, even though you were connected to our new friend here, I just became even more protective over you."

Darkrai looked at his sister and saw how upset she looked, seeing her like this was stinging his heart. With a small sigh, he made his way over to his sister, he enveloped her in a hug which surprised the Lunar Pokemon who was no expecting it, "Don't be so hard on yourself about this, ok? I would probably be acting the same way if I found out something happened to you."

Luna then turned her head to look at her brother, "So you're not mad at me?"

"Why would I be?" Darkrai asked smirking, "You were just looking out for me."

"Looks like they finally made up," Danny stats smirking watching the two. He then looked over to Byron who looked more lively than before, "And by the looks of it, Byron looks much better as well. Looks like we did our job."

Roark made his way over to the trio, "Danny, thanks for your help with bringing my dad back to his old self," he then looked over to his father who was heading over to Bastiodon, "I don't think I ever saw him that excited about something besides fossils before, even holes." He sighed a little knowing what may happen if he didn't leave soon and turned back to Danny, "Well I better get going before we end up arguing about who loves fossils more when we see each other. Besides, I have my own gym to get back to anyways, I don't want to keep any of the challenges waiting right?"

Danny just stared at Roark in surprised not expecting that, "Wait! You're a Gym Leader too?"

"I guess I forgot to mention that didn't I," Roark laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You think?" The Halfa replies smirking.

"Then let me properly introduce myself then. I am Roark, the Gym Leader of the Oreburgh City's Gym," Roark reintroduced himself, "So, I guess if you continue to challenge the Sinnoh Gyms, I'll be more than willing to accept your challenge," he then looked over to the clock that was hanging high on the wall, "Well I better get going if I want to catch the blimp to head back home."

"Thanks, I'll think about it and good luck with your Gym Battles," the Ghost Boy tells the Rock-Type Gym Leader not letting his smile drop.

Byron off to the side by his Bastiodon, watched as his son left the building without saying his good-byes. It hurt him a bit at seeing this, but at the same time, he understood. He and his son haven't gotten along for a long while now, so him leaving without saying anything would probably stop any arguments from happening. "You did great out there Bastiodon, you deserve a nice long rest."

"Bast," Bastiodon says before returning to his Pokeball in a red light.

Byron then slowly got back onto his feet and made his way over to the trainer who just defeated him, "That was the greatest battle I had in a while! And thanks to you, I was able to get my battling spirit back!" He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a metal object that looked a bit like a triangle. The badge-like object looked to be three silver pickaxe, one pointed straight up, another pointed to the bottom left corner and another in the bottom right corner with their handles combining in the middle and the three spaces in between the pickaxes were colored a bronze color to look like stones. "This is the Mine Badge, it proves that you have defeated the Canalave City's Gym."

At the sight of the Mine Badge, Danny put his hands up in protest, "I can't take that. Really I can't. We just did this to help you out."

Byron just smirked as he took one of the Halfa's outstretched hands and placed the badge in it, "Then take it as a thank-you gift for helping me out. Plus, if you ever plan on entering the Sinnoh League, you will be needing it."

"Thanks then," Danny replies with unsure what else to say as he accepts the Gym Badge. He was about to ask what the Sinnoh League was when the Steel-Type Gym Leader interrupted him.

"Now I better be off! With me mopping around for so long has caused me to fall back on my fossil finding. There must be tons of fossils out there that are waiting for me to find them!" the fossil loving Steel-Type Gym Leader then went charging out of the room with his shovel in hand.

The gang watched as the Gym Leader took off in such a rush towards the door that it looked like he would have run into a wall if he wasn't watching where he was going. "Strange guy," the Dark-Type commented, "I don't think I ever saw someone obsessed over something that much before. Well, maybe Luna."

"Hey!" the Lunar Pokemon cried out not pleased with what her brother said, "I'm am not obsessed with anything!

"What about being obsessed with making sure I am safe?" the Nightmare Pokemon asked smirking.

"That is me looking out for your well-being," the Psychic-Type stats trying to defend herself.

"So Danny, do you know anyone that is over obsessed with something?" Darkrai asked the Halfa ignoring his sister's statement.

Danny thought about it, but it didn't take him very long to think of someone or many that were over obsessed with something, "More then you may be able to believe," then he sent a small glare at the Dark-Type, "And don't even think about looking through my mind to find out who they may be."

"Fine," the Nightmare Pokemon huffed, it wasn't like he was planning on doing that...ok, maybe he was, "But can you at lease tell use what one of them was obsessed with that may have been the most annoying."

"One that is the most annoying? That would be hard to do," Danny stats as he thought about four of the most annoying obsessions that the people and ghost alike had.

"What are they?" Darkrai pushed hoping that he would get an answer from the Halfa.

"Maybe another time," the Halfa stats as he heard the Nightmare Pokemon grumble in disappointment for not finding out, "Right now, we have to get you two to the Pokemon Center to get healed up before we get going," then as an afterthought added, "And find out what this Sinnoh League is."

"If I remember correctly from what I heard from trainers, it's a thing that many strong trainers who had collected all the gym badges in Sinnoh to gather at to find out who the Sinnoh League Champion would be," Darkrai informed them as he thought about.

"I believe I heard the same thing somewhere as well," Luna added in to back up her brother.

Darkrai then took the Mine Badge out of the Ghost Boy's hands, "So this is what one of the Sinnoh Badges look like," then after a bit of staring at it, says, "I won't mind fighting in more of these Gym Battles to get more of these things and test my strength."

A blue glow surrounded the badge and floated over to Luna for she could have a closer look at it, "It does look cool and I agree with Darkie, I won't mind battling in those other gyms. If they were anything like this one, they will be easy."

"I don't think all the gyms will be the same as this one," Danny told her sweatdropping at the Lunar Pokemon overconfidence as he took his gym badge back and pocketed it away, "And I guess it settled then, we are going after all the Gym Badges and try to win the Sinnoh League."

"And maybe the other gyms from other regions?" Luna suggested hopefully.

"Maybe," the Halfa respawned with unsure if he would be around that long for that, "Now come on, let's get you two the Pokemon Center," and with that, they headed out of the gym and over to the Pokemon Center for the two to heal up.


Here we are, the long awaited Chapter 8 for Phantom Nightmare! Sorry that it took so long to type up and post, but I think I have a good reason why it took so long. I guess the reason why it took so long to post was because I was a bit nervous that I may not have gotten the Gym Leader's battle style and characteristics down and with so many people following this story made me even more nervous about uploading it. But after rereading what I have posted and what I haven't posted yet and reading all of your wonderful comment, I was like, "What the heck, this is a fanfiction after all! I can't make the characters and battle styles like the show," which brought us to this. I also wanted to let you guys know, that when I first wrote this chapter was when I haven't watched the Diamond and Pearl series for a while, but I did my best from what I remembered. Also, for what I have written down so far, I got to the point where Danny, Darkrai, Luna and maybe someone else or someones made it to Oreburgh City, and I was wondering if any of you guys have any ideas what they could do there before and after the gym battle. I haven't came up with anything for that part yet, so I wanted to get your suggestions for what should happen there. Also, just because I'm feeling nice and all since it has been a while since I updated this, the chapter that the gang will arrive in Orebough City is Chapter 13 and for when Ash and his friends will appear in this, I think will be some time before the Journey to the Unown! but after the Dawn's Early Night! episodes. So if you guys want Danny to take part in the Hearthome City's Tag Battle Competition and meet them there or maybe meet them a bit after that at some point let me know, I'm opened for suggestions. :)

I hope that all enjoyed this very long chapter. :) Also the guest who commented with the name ErSa, I'll try to make the chapters longer, but I can't promise anything because they come as they come even for me. Also, I'm not planning on abandon this anytime soon! I have so much planned for this, even up to the point for when Pokemon Sun and Moon happens! So you can expect sequels and much more funniness and randomness to happen! Also, I believe the next chapter will be up much faster than this one. XD Oh and also, this story is based on the things that happen in both the show and in the game in case any of you are confused on the move set and all. Also, the reason why Luna has so many moves is because Pokemon can have more than 4 set of moves.

So until next time, Flare, over and out!


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