A problem shared is a problem...

By claraalonso_fans_

3.1K 72 63

This story is about Angie and making a tough decision and while making that decision she remembers her past a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 part 2
Chapter 3 Thoughts
Chapter 4 IT'S NOTHING!!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 "You Seem To Make Her Happy "
Chapter 7 House or Mansion
Chapter 8 Birthday and the past
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9 Fransisco and trip

120 3 1
By claraalonso_fans_

Angie's P.O.V

V: what are you talking about

A: um stuff

P: what did he do


P: then why are you crying

A: you were the one who said I should not hide my feeling and stuff so what do you think . I said angry I'm not really angry I'm just scared and I'm taking it all out on him well I'm a mad to and I'm letting it out  on pat

V: I should um leave now I guess

An: yeah Violetta its better if you left

Violetta left and me pat and Antonio are the only ones in the hall now

An: sweety what happen

A: he asked for me to take him back that's it

P: you said no right

A: yes I said no but we are technically still together by law he is my husband

P: I know

             Time Skip               

After the studio I had to take Violetta to her house as German won't let her walk home alone so when we got there Olga made me go in and so did Violetta and they told me to stay for dinner they did puppy eyes till I said yes so had to text pat that I was go on a eat dinner at the Castillo house I hope he will be okay he said it was fine with him but still

G: Olga is dinner almost ready? Said German coming into the kitchen

V: yes dad it is almost done and Angie is eating dinner with us okay I told her to stay

G: okay how are you Angie

A: fine thanks for asking and you German . I said with a fake smile what I can't smile today so I have to fake one

G: good thank you . he said and my phone vibrated telling me I got a text message so I just checked it very quick and it said

Dear Angeles ,

Hey its Fransisco your husband and I just want to ask if you can meet me tomorrow at the place you know where please we need to talk my love please please forgive me please I love you with all my heart I'm really sorry for what I did to you in the past but I really changed

Xxxx.... Fransisco

I got kinda mad when I read the text message but I texted him back

Dear Fransisco,

Sure I could met you there tomorrow at lunch time but I won't forgive you but I do wanna hear what you have to say

After I texted him back I put my phone down on the counter and I felt something watery on my face when I realized I had tears coming out my eyes

O: sweety who texted you that made you cry

A: no one Olga

V: you were texting back who was it

A: someone but I don't wanna talk about it okay

V: okay but are you okay

A: yeah sweety I am

G: are you sure you are Angie you were crying

A: yeah I'm fine German don't worry guys I'm fine really

V: fine if you say so Angie

After some time Olga finished the food and we all went to the diner room and sat there and Olga severed me , Violetta , German , Ramallo and Esmeralda then they all started to talk about stuff but I didn't really listen my mind was on Fransisco and him back in Buenos Airs I don't want him to do anything to  me or anyone

V: Angie Angie Angie Angie Your House is On fire

A: what what happened

V: don't worry it really isn't but your phone is ringing but Olga answered

O: its some guy saying that he is your boyfriend miss Angie

A: what uh can you give me my phone Olga

O: sure here miss Angie

A: is it okay if I go to the kitchen to take this

G: its fine go

So I went into the kitchen to take my phone call

           Phone Call           

F: Angie hey

A: what do you want Fransisco

F: please I need you to forgive me please

A: I told you already no and now leave me alone we will talk tomorrow

F: please I still love you I have changed

A: I know you , you haven't changed and you will never change okay

F: I did change I changed for our daughter

A: she doesn't need someone like you in her life and its not our its mine as long as I can remember you were never there

F: but I will be there for her and you now I changed

A: we will talk tomorrow okay so just leave me alone right now okay

F: okay but I won't stop fighting for our family and you

            End Of Phone Call              

After I finished the phone call I went back to the diner room and sat back done

O: you have a boyfriend

A: no

O: but the guy in the phone said he was your boyfriend

A: well he is not and will never be

O: miss Angie is something wrong

A: I'm just stressed out today Olga

O: what's wrong

G: yeah what's wrong Angie

A: just today is my dad birthday and that's it

G: oh I forgot it was your dad birthday today how are you feeling
A: good how would I feel

G: okay

O: so you don't have a boyfriend

A: no

O: okay then miss Angie

After dinner at there house i went home were pat was waiting for me and i sat next to him on the couch

A: hey

P: hey

A: Fransisco wants to see Hope

P: what why

A: he said he wants to be near me and his daughter 

P: and what did you say

A: I said me and her don't need him are life but u still need to tell hope that her dad wants to see her she needs to know

P: I know but why

A: she hasn't seen home since she was 8 she is 14 now I think she needs to know

P: well that's true sis

A: and I'm glad she is coming here tomorrow i  missed her so much I know it's only been a couple of  months but i am her mom and I still miss her I'm  glad her trip is over  

P: well I'm glad she is coming home to she is my niece and why do that trip have to be so long

A: she wanted to help the people in need and I couldn't say no she is a good girl and she has been threw so much in her life so she has to do something she wanted to do even though she would be away from home but the trip is done now and she is coming back hone to her mommy

I hope you liked this chapter and there is a new charter coming in the next one Angie's daughter Hope. Well Fransisco convince Angie to let him see there daughter and what will Hope say about that well she want to see him after 6 years not seeing her dad ? Angie and Hope will be seeing each other after almost a year without each other how will it go

Thanks for reading my book

Love you ❤❤

I hope you all in joyed this chapter even if it was bad and today is myyear since I became a clarinatica so yay

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