Devil May Cry ✔

De petra_the_first

44.3K 1.4K 439

She was the angel and I was the devil. I knew better than to fall for a good girl like her but something abo... Mais

Sneak Peak - Balanced Treachery: the alliance of traitors
30 Something Doesn't Feel Right
31 A Talk In Private
32 Taking Decisions And Bossing The Boss
33 Maybe A Little Too Fast
34 Mysterious Vacation
35 Didn't Change
36 Morning Kisses
37 Let's Go
38 Why So Soon?
39 Quite A Night
40 Coffee Sounds Perfect
41 Do You Want Some Icecream?
42 Hiring The Best
43 Want You
44 Please Be Okay
45 Thank You
46 Promotions
47 Second Chances
48 Reunite
49 Something More
50 Here It Goes
51 Emergencies
52 Letting It Out
53 The Best Memories
54 Meet the Devil
55 Why To Care Anymore?
56 Last Day's Events
57 Am I Crazy?
58 A Long Night Shift
59 Lunch And Dinner
60 Where Is He?
61 Well That's New
62 Mini-Feelings
63 It's About Time
64 Closer Together
65 More Than Enough
66 Three Am Confessions
67 Again
69 And So It Begins
70 Not Over Yet
71 You Have My Word
72 Wondering Minds
73 Breakouts
74 Reminisce
75 Please
76 Gone
77 Killed Twice
What The Characters Look Like
Other Books
Author's Note

68 At The Airport

206 10 0
De petra_the_first

Claire was paranoid and kept looking over her shoulder every now and then,even if we were in the hotel room. We couldn't stay for the rest of the week because it wasn't safe for us so we booked the first flight back to LA.

"Claire stop thinking about Walter. He's not going to get you. Luca and Dylan won't allow him to do so." I spoke to the scared blonde.

"But Ang,he'll probably go tell that Frank guy."

"Freddie." I corrected.

"Frank,Freddie I don't care. The important thing is that they might track Luca and me down and they may find out about Dylan."

I sighed as I thought about it,I couldn't sleep yesterday because of this and even though I tried not to think about I couldn't. There was a big probability that they may find out about Dylan and God knows what they'll do to him.

"Let's not think about it. Tomorrow we'll be back in Los Angeles and won't be hearing from this gang ever again." Hopefully. I added mentally.

We didn't push any further conversation there's nothing to talk about anyway,each were lost in our own world and thoughts. It's hard to imagine your life without the love of your life. Just the mere thought of losing them rips your heart into a million of pieces.

Dylan and Luca came later this afternoon but their presence didn't affect anything. There was still tension in the air and even though each one of us was in his or her world,we were all thinking about the same thing.

Luca slept that night in Claire's room,they agreed that he'd sleep on the couch while she and her son share the bed. Dylan and I went back to our room in silence. The room was quiet,so quiet it was suffocating. It was just like the previous night and worse.

"Dylan?" I whispered to the man that was sitting with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"Hm?" he looked at me as if I scared him a little bit.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Everything's going to be okay."

"I know." His smile was assuring but wasn't convincing enough.

"The gang won't affect you anymore. They're in the past now."

"I'm just afraid that they'll show up any second now and do something."

"They won't. We won't allow it. If anything we can call the cops."

"The cops won't help,besides if they get involved there's a big chance that Luca and I would end-up in jail because we are also involved in past crimes."

"I'll be your lawyer there are a lot of things we can say to clear your names."

"It won't help but that much Angela," he cupped my cheek with his free hand and I closed my eyes at his touch. "Don't think about this anymore and go to sleep."

"Aren't you coming?"

"In a sec. I just need to check something."

"Okay." I said after a while and then went to the bedroom and got under the sheets. My eyes were closed but my head was going through a thousand thoughts. I felt as Dylan laid on the bed and pulled the sheets over him. I turned around to see his back facing me,I knew he wasn't sleeping and as just as awake as I am. I moved a little closer to him and touched his back then went all the way through and hugged his waist. Dylan turned around and I met his grey eyes.

"I love you." That was all I could think of. That was all I wanted to say and let him know.

"I love you,too." he smiled at me.

"Don't leave me,devil." Tears began to build-up in my eyes.

"I can't even if my life depended on it,angel." Dylan strocked my hair and kiss my forehead then pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his chest and hugged him was tightly as my arms could.

"We're going to get through this," he said quietly. "Just wait."

I prayed that this would be all over soon so we can be together and live with nothing that can seperate us. I pray.


Today we will be flying back to Los Angeles,the ideo of leaving this place made things slightly better and we all had this feeling that we won't be hearing from Walter and the gang anytime soon.

Claire,Nate,and I were waiting for Dylan and Luca in the lobby. They were checking out and ordering a taxi to pick us up and drive us to the airport. My bestfriend kept looking around the crowded lobby,searching for a familiar face and seemed to be terrified because she couldn't spot where Walter is.

"He's not here." I said.

"He is I can feel it." Claire answered as she scanned the room.

"Who is mommy?" Nate's voice peeked.

"No one sweetheart." she looked at him and smoothed his brown hair with one hand and held his hand in the other.

"Okay,we're ready to go." Luca announced.

The cab was waiting for us outside the hotel. The driver got out and helped us with our bags then he stepped back in. Claire placed Adam on her lap in the backseat beside me and Luca while Dylan sat in the passenger seat. The ride was quiet.

Upon reaching the airport,we all piled out of the car and headed inside. As usual it was packed and there all kinds of people walking passed us while carrying their lugage with them.

As we walked to the gate,Claire suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Luca asked quickly.

"I need to go to the bathroom I'm not feeling very well."

"I'll come with you." I said.

"No,it's okay. You stay with Nathan while I go to wash my face."

"Let Angy come with you." her boyfriend insisted.

"I can handle it. Be right back." she pecked his lips and left to the bathroom. We couldn't go aboard without Claire so instead we sat and waited for her to come back.

Claire's POV:

I felt nauseous all of a sudden maybe because I've been under a lot of stress lately that I neglacted my diet and haven't been eating properly. Walking to the bathroom with the hair of my neck standing up didn't make the situation any better but I know it's all in my head. I hope so.

I entered the bathroom and turned on the faucet and washed my face. After drying up and taking deep breaths,I looked at the mirror to see my pale reflection staring back at me. At that point I was so tired and my body no longer had any energy left,my head was pounding with pain and I was about to throw up any second. I honestly felt like breaking down anytime now but I knew better than that so I sucked it all in and let out a breath.

"Somebody seemed lost in their own thoughts." a voice said. I turned around terrified as I saw his face.

"HEL-" I tried to scream but he quickly placed a hand on my mouth to shut me up.

"I thought you were smarter than this Claire." he sqeazed his hands tighter over my body.

I wiggled as he tried to keep me in place and prevented me from screaming.

"Okay enough," Walter pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. "This is how it's going to be,you'll walk quietly with me,outside this airport or I'm putting a bullet through your head." he removed his hand from my mouth.

"What do you want from me,you disgusting bastard?! You left me seven years ago! What do want now?!" I spoke angrily.

"I don't want anything from a filthy whore but you've seen things you shouldn't have saw."

"I already told you. I didn't see anything!"

"Lower your voice!" the cold metal was pressed on my temple. I looked a little surprised by the attitude of the man I actually thought I knew,but now I doubt that he's the same guy I dated for about three years.

"Leave me alone Walter and go back to your pathetic life." I spatted quietly.

"Sorry but I can't,now move."

I had no choice but do as I was told,I tried to spot Angy or Luca but I couldn't find them even if I did I couldn't get their attention,the airport was packed.

"Get in the car," Walter ordered and pushed me on the closed door. My body made quite a hard contact but I ignored it. "Come on we don't have all day."

I opened the door and he closed roughly. Walter got behind the wheel and started the car.

"You're sick." I said.

"At least I'm not the one who allowed some bastard to rape me."

"It wasn't my fault!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me!" he pulled my hair with one hand and kept the other on the steering wheel.

"Keep your hands off me!" I yelled and hit his hand but he pushed my hand and I hit with the window.

"How do you know Luca?" Walter asked after a few moments of silence. My heart began to beat faster as he mentioned his name.

"Who?" I asked trying to keep calm.

"Don't play dumb with Claire,you know who that bastard is!"

"You're the fucking bastard! Not him!"

"So you do know him."

"That would be none of your damn business." I hissed.

"It's about to become." Walter said and the smiled creeply. I realized that my hands began to shake and fear started to take over my thoughts. What will he do?

Angela's POV:

"It's been five minutes,where is she?" Dylan asked.

"I'm going to check on her." I said.

"I'll come with you." Luca added.

"I'll go too." Dylan wanted to join.

"No,you stay with Adam. We won't take too long." I said and he nodded. Luca and I walked to her the bathrooms are,he waited outside as I headed inside the ladies room.

"Claire?" I called out looking under the bathroom stalls. "Claire?!" I panicked as I realized no one was there.

"She's not here!" I spoke to Luca when I busted outside.

"You don't think..." he couldn't continue his question. "Let's go get Dylan."

We quickly hurried to where Dylan and Adam where.

"Come we have to go." I told Dylan and quickly lifted Adam in my hands.

"Why? Where's Claire?" he quickly asked.

I looked at Nathan who's tears began to build in his eyes.

"She's doesn't want to leave Miami just yet,she told me to meet her back at the hotel." I lied.

"Let's go already!" Luca ordered. We quickly hurried outside the airport and stopped a cab. Adam can't stay with us so I phoned Kathy and asked her to take the first flight to Miami so she can pick up Adam.


"You stay here while we go search for them." Dylan ordered.

"No! I'm going with you!"

"Somebody has to stay with Nate so he doesn't suspect anything."

I sighed in defeat and nodded my head. Dylan kissed my forehead.

"Don't worry,we'll find her." he assured and then left. I took a shaky breath and swallowed the lump building in my throat. God please don't let anything happen to her.

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