love has no limit.. (student...

By 22398xxx

29.9K 643 11

senior rebecca hayes and her sister rachel arent exactly angels, they go out to clubs, the drink, they smoke... More

problems already? fucking typical!
break ups, tears& birthdays
you have got to be kdding me!
title of your story or chapter
try outs
title of your story or chapter
christmas& holidaysss
shopping and dates
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16-
chapter 17
chapter 18-
chapter 19-
chapter 20

blessings and new faces

1.4K 34 1
By 22398xxx

hi guys, got bored didnt i so, decided im gonna write another chapter, here it is..


 Connors uncle, the headmaster, gave us his 'blessing' he said we had to be carefull though,

were not stupid, i doubt we'd take that risk, we were on our way home and had just pulled into connors drive when we noticed an unfamiliar car; a citroen c1, it was a nice car, but i loved my audi...ALOT

connor looked worried as he slowly walked up to the door i slowly crept up behind him,

then stood straight realising how stupid we'd look,

he crept up to the door as if he was a secret angent, looking around as if men in black suits were gonna jump out of the bushes and recruit him for men in black or something, and ninjas were gonna start abseiling down the side of the building,

the door flew open and connor screamed like a girl and ran behind me!

i spun round with my hands on my hips


he grinned sheepishly, 'your the bestest henchest girlfriend ever?' he questioned..

'CONNOR IM GOING TO KILL YOU!' i screamed as he ran past the girl, i ran after him and through the house towards the kitchen he ran through the back door and into the garden i chased him down the garden shouting after him, we ran towards the pool in the middle of the garden, he got to the edge of the pool and stopped and turned around..

i slowly walked up to him grinning..

'becca, princess im sorry, i wont hide behind you next time i suspect theres a murderer in my house, i promise'

i laughed at him,' i hope you dont have anything expensive in your pockets connor' i said grinning evilly, i dropped my phone onto the grass and pulled my converse off,

'becca! please donttt!' he screamed, i threw my jacket off and ran at him, as i jumped at him, we both fell back into the water, i rose for breath laughing and grinning, connor came to the top his grey shirt clung to him and his tie was soaking, i laughed as he scowled at me, he gabbed my waist and pulled me into him,

'now becca! that was really mean, you'll have to be punished' i looked at him questioningly

'im not your friend' he said pouting,

'oh connor im sowwie, pwease forgive me?' i said in a innocent voice,

'eurgh'-he groaned- 'fine!' i giggled and swam to the other side of the pool and climbed out, my white top clung to my chest showing my black lacy bra and my shorts were soaking, i heard someone wolf whistling so i looked up to see Callum, Cole and the girl who opened the door crying with laughter at the drama that just happened infront of them, i grinned and walked up to them, Callum and Cole high fived me and the girl smiled warmly at me,

'hey im rebecca, connors girlfriend' i stuck my hand out grinning, 'hey im megan, their sister', she said pointing at the morons next to us, 'we're triplets' she said before i said anything else, my eyes got wide and i exclaimed

'TRIPLETS?!' she giggled, 'i like you' she said,i smiled warmly

nice to know, i thought to myself

Connor came up behind me and wrapped his arms round my waist, 'ye they're triplets, so if we have kids, you could have triplets' he chuckled at my facial expression, i turned 'or twins!' i shouted, 'oh my god ill never cope, ill be depressed, i might commit, i cant handle that many children! what the fuck omg!' i said to myself, everyone was rolling around on the floor laughing at my little mutterings to myself, 'stop laughing!' i shouted connor anaged to gasp in between laughter i- hahah-m- hahaha s-s-orry hahaahha y-ou-r so hahhaha cute!' he gasped, i groaned in frustration and ran upstairs, i grabbed one of connors t-shirts out of the wardrobe i put it on after peeling my clothes off and looked down at the t-shirt i scowled, the t-shirt had fred flintstone on it and it said 'welcome to bedrock' i groaned this isnt going to go well!

i sat on the bed playing temple run, when the door opened,

connor froze looking at my t-shirt, his face paled, i quickly pulled the t-shirt off and grabbed a plain black one, i hung the top up and looked at him, he was still stood in the doorway looking at me,

'connor, baby, are you okay?' i whispered, 'err, ye im fine' he said, 'no your not connor dont lie to me!' i said my voice coming out more confident than i thought,

'for fucks sake it doesnt matter rebecca!, just go!' he shouted,

 'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG?' i screamed back,


 my heart felt like it had been torn apart, he had called me rebecca, not becca or baby, or princess or baby girl, not even becky! he called me rebecca, 

i sobbed and pulled my shorts on, i flew down the stairs, the front door was locked, i ran through the kitchen where everyone was, megan saw my tears and ran after me, i ran out of the back door and jumped over the gate to get out, megan followed almost instantly, which was quite amazing, i ran down the drive and as i got to the end my legs gave way, 

megan sat down next to me and pulled me to her, i sobbed into her shoulder, my blonde hair all over the place, i pulled back sniffling, i dragged my hair up into a messy bun, megan gasped,

'you look so pretty with your hair up' she said quietly, i looked up shocked 'oh- e-erm t-t-t-hanks megan,i-i- gotta err, go ye' as i stood up she shot up too, i started walking 'WAIT REBECCA!' she called and jogged after  me, i turned and she said 'lets talk? we can go get ice cream?' she asked, i grinned, ye i needed that! 'hey can my sister come megan? i need to go home anyway?'

'ye sure why not the more the merrier' she smiled,

i ran into the house megan behind me, 'RACHHH' i screamed, she came out of her room,

'oh look its my disapearing sister, what?' she said rather coldly, i realised id been pushing everyone away for Connor, i lost my friends, i started sobbing again and she was by my side in seconds, 'what the fuck is up becca! i knew something was wrong! i felt it who am i killing!' she shouted, i laughed and sighed 'come get ice cream with us?ill explain everything then!'

'hmm okay'

i ran into my room pulling my new black skinny jeans on with my blue wedges i kept Connors t-shirt on, it smelt like him, i smiled at the thought of him and me in a big house with triplets running round, i shook the images from my head and grabbed my blue blazer and my blue bangles, i walked downstairs and heard a wolf whistle,

EVERYONE was in my house, Megan, Rachel, Callum, Cole, Courtney, Grace, Nathan and Josh, AND there stood smack bang in the middle of everyone was the one and only 

CONNOR ADAMS, i looked questioningly at everyone, Megan and Rachel smiled at eachother

'well i heard you and that dip shit over there *she points at connor* screaming at eachother, everything that was said i heard, i told Rachel and she realised we had to sort this out, then she decided that this lot needed to know what was going on and invited them here, i went back to the house and Connor was in his room with his head in his hands, i grabbed his ear and dragged him here' she grinned,

i smiled, 'thanks but i think someone a bit upset with me' i said a tear escaping my eyes, Connor sighed and walked up the stairs

'baby, im not mad at you, or upset, or angry, i was shocked, that t-shirts not mine, and seeing you wearing it shocked me, when you asked what was wrong i didnt want to tell you, i was worried, i did what i normaly do and shouted, i needed to be alone im sorry rebecca'

i smile 'im sorry connor, i didnt mean to-' he cut me off by his lips, he kissed me passionately and i pull away gasping for breath i rest my head on his shoulder then remember that EVERYONE is in my house,

i turn to see, ALOT of very confused, shocked, worried, annoyed faces,

 'ermm *i cough arkwardly* i think i should explain, lets go in the living room'

courtney spins 'oh hell no! we're going in the garage'

'but court theres not enough room?' i questioned

'WELL WE WILL MAKE ROOM! everyone follow me' she says sweetly, i laugh and grabbed connors hand lets do this!

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