Having Patience//AU// ( Harry...

By Amandaaapandaa

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Having Patience//AU// ( Harry fanfic sequel to ZT)
Chapter 1: A New Awakening
Chapter 2: Wants & Demands & Surprising Visits
Chapter 3: Liar Liar
Chapter 4: Back to Square One
Chapter 5: All Hell Breaks Lose
Chapter 6 : Pleasure is The Best Source of Healing
Chapter 7 Sneak Peak part 1: Unwanted Family Reunions
Chapter 7 Sneak Peak part 2 : Unwanted Family Reunions
Chapter 7: Unwanted Family Reunions
Chapter 8: Fights and Baby Talk
Chapter 9: Anticipation
Author's Note/ Sneak Peak chapter 10: So much for Waiting to Tell the Truth
Chapter 10: So Much for Waiting to Tell the Truth
Chapter 11: Baby....
chapter 12: Let's 'Talk'
Chapter 13: Parental Guidance
Chapter 14: Sneak Peak: Shocking Appointments
Chapter 14: Shocking Appointments
Chapter 15: Silver Bullets
Chapter 16: Family Intuition
Chapter 17: Sneak Peak :Parental Bliss
Chapter 17: Parental Bliss
Chapter 19: Never Count Your Chicken's Before They Hatch...
Chapter 20: All Ends in Love & War
Chapter 21: Emotionally Unstable
Chapter 22: Igniting the Flame
Author's Note :>
Chapter 23: Let the Games Begin.
Chapter 24: Game 1: Dangerous Exchanges
Chapter 25: Game 2: Fighting the Challenger
Chapter 26: Game 3: Merely Practice
Chapter 27: Decisons, Decisons, Decisons
Sneak Peak: Chapter 28: Last Straw
Chapter 28: Last Straw
Sneak Peak: Chapter 29: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 29: Surprise Surprise
Chapter 30: Part 1: Scheming
Chapter 30: Part 2: Behind Locked Doors
Chapter 31:Part 1: Prefighting Arguements
Chapter 31: Part 2 Sneak Peak: Happy Bloody Valentine's Day
Chapter 31: Part 2: Happy Bloody Valentine's Day
Chapter 32: Endings? Beginnings?

Chapter 18: Again...

503 9 1
By Amandaaapandaa

Harry's POV

I was angry.


Better yet furious, one because that jackass keeps wanting to get Blake and two he almost killed me as well. I looked at Blake to see her rubbing her hand on her forehead and sighing, her brown eyes flashed to my dark green ones and I looked away walking towards the stairs.

"Harry." I heard her call and I spun around with my index raised at her stopping her.

"Don't!" she froze at my tone and dropped her eyes, I turned around and continued up the stairs to put my gun away. I made it to the room and clicked the safety on the gun before shoving it under my clothes in the drawer. I picked up my phone and texted Jason to meet me somewhere, and got a text immediately back saying he'll come, I put my phone down and got dressed. I pulled on a white tee, dark blue jeans and my boots; I grabbed my coat and made my way out the room, once I made it downstairs to not see Blake anywhere but the sound of glass being swept was heard and I looked into the kitchen to see her bending down and sweeping the shattered glass. She stood up and made her way to the garbage, throwing it away and then jumping when she saw me looking at her.

"Where are you going?" she asked in confusion.

"I'll be back." I said and continued walking but she followed me.

"You're going to leave me here after what just happen, wow thanks." she said sarcastically. I turned around and stalked toward her, she stood her ground and glared at me while I returned the favor.

"Watch what you say to me, Blake, I'm in no fucking mood to deal with your shit. I said I'll be back I meant I'll be motherfucking back. Got it?" she rolled her eyes and turned from me walking up the stairs.

"Blake!" I called out and she stuck the middle finger at me. I rolled my eyes deciding to deal with her later. I slammed the door behind me before making my way to my car and driving to hide out.


"ALRIGHT!" I shouted over everyone's voices. The room became silent as everyone stopped arguing or talking, I looked around the faces of my gang members each and everyone was different, had different skills. 

"Look, we have another gang trying to take over us. We know that we own Brooklyn and half of Manhattan but this new gang comes from New Jersey, I need everyone to keep there eyes peeled. And remember that the bigger picture is what blinds you look for the small things first to uncover the main story, HEAD OUT!" I watched as everyone grabbed their weapons and left, I grabbed my coat and made my way outside of the abandon looking building to my parked car. I heard footsteps behind me and I pulled out my gun spinning around ready to pull the trigger, but stopped when I saw a teenager who reminded me of me. His bright blue eyes looked frighten and he stared at me as I stared at him.

"What are doing in this area?" he gulped before answering.

"I was just passing through." he said. His voice was shaking and I noticed he didn't have any jacket on just a bag. I sighed putting the gun away.

"Come on." I said nodding towards the car. His eyes widen but he followed quickly, I opened the doors and climbed in waiting for him to do so as well.

"What's your name kid?" I asked as I pulled a cigarette out my pocket and lit it with my lighter.

"Chris." he said as he buckled up. I puffed out smoke from my lips as I turned the key in the ignition and started to drive back to the house.

"I'm not a kid, I'm almost 16." Chris spoke and I chuckled at him.

"So, you're 15 years old and running away from home." I stated my eyes glancing at him before going to the road ahead of me again. I made a left onto my street and parked the car two houses down, turning off the car I unlocked the doors and made my way out; Chris followed close behind me as I opened the door to the house.


Blake's POV

I was in the kitchen, messing with my cross bow gun; I huffed in aggravation due to the fact I couldn't get the arrow to shoot correctly, it kept going off in another direction leaving holes in the wall. I sighed and slowly put the arrow in the slot and hooked the wire too before pulling it slowly into place, the sound of footsteps startled me and accidentally sent the arrow flying forward.

"Look out!" I heard Harry shout and I dropped the gun on the table running to the hallway to see Harry on the ground with someone under him.

"Oh shit are you ok? Did I hit you?" I questioned and watched as Harry got up and turned to me with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine but you could of shot Chris." he said and I raised an eye brow at him.

"Whose Chris?" I asked. Upon asking that I heard a groan behind Harry and I looked around his body to see a teenage boy holding his head.

"Hi" he said and I smiled waving at him. I pushed Harry out the way and helped the boy up.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded. The sound of nails clicking on the floor was heard and I looked down the hallway to see Midnight come down to see what all the noise is, being a couple months old he is a lot bigger than before, he walked up to Chris and sniffed him out.

"Midnight." I said and he back down. Chris was slightly taller than I was and I looked back at Harry wondering why he was here.

"He's staying the night." he stated before walking into the kitchen and I nodded grabbing his hand and showing him a clean bed room.

"You can stay here, I'm upstairs with Harry if you need me and I'm Blake by the way." I said and he nodded smiling. I closed the door only to be met with the angry shout from Harry.



Hey guys :)

Do you guys trust Chris?

Or no?

His picture is on the side>>>

Bye guys :)

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