Regency Romance: An Unexpecte...

By Eleanormeyers

477K 22.2K 1.8K

( COMPLETED STORY) What happens when the rakish Lord in the whole of London is truly falling in love with a s... More

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Chapter ONE
Chapter TWO
Chapter THREE
Chapter FOUR
Chapter FIVE
Chapter SIX
Chapter EIGHT
Chapter NINE
Chapter TEN
Chapter ELEVEN

Chapter SEVEN

30.2K 1.7K 116
By Eleanormeyers

Amy's heart was racing as she held onto the earl's gloved hand. As he spoke, she tried to pay attention, but her mind raced with thoughts of Lord Nathaniel. Her entrance to the party had been more warming than she'd expected, and she'd almost wanted to back out of the entire event before her arrival.

During the ride over, her aunt had done nothing but go on and on about Amy's new wardrobe and how she'd managed to get an entire trestle of clothing from a specialty booth in a manner of days when the Duchess Hensman herself had struggled to get the exclusive designer to make her more than two frocks a year. She'd also been upset that her husband had bothered to buy Amy anything while not getting Christa a single new item—new being something that hadn't been purchased just last month! Christa had an abundance of clothing, which was a fact that the duke pointed out, yet still, as Amy watched him, she wondered why the duke didn't come right out and say that it was Wardington who'd arranged Amy's wardrobe. No doubt it would have given the duchess something else to talk about besides Amy's lower percentage.

"You've got the girl going around looking like something she's not," Sally Eaton had said.

The duke, who'd been staring out his window, had turned to her. "And exactly what is it that she is?" The question had been whispered in a soft voice, but the threat was there.

The duchess fluffed the skirt of her gown and looked away from his dark eyes. "Well, since you've forbidden me to mention anything about the people who birthed her—"

"And you'll do well to remember that, dear wife," he warned. "And need I remind you why?"

The duchess swallowed, and Amy wished she'd say yes, but since her arrival, she'd wondered why the gossips didn't know the truth yet, especially when Sally Eaton lived to gossip.

The duke continued, revealing the truth of it all. "The moment her secret is out, you and your daughter will be taken to a small cottage in the country to live out the remainder of your days alone. Do not embarrass me." It was the first time he'd said the words in front of Amy, and she finally understood.

The duchess cut her eyes at her husband, her chest rising and falling quickly, fueled by both fear and embarrassment... and hate. It wasn't enough that he spent time with half the women in London, but now he'd begun to threaten the small things that made her happy. London. Parties. Her friends of the peerage. All of it gone if she were to reveal Amy's true identity.

Christa had stared out of the window on the opposite side of the carriage, not breathing a word. Your daughter. The words hung in the air, filling the space. The disappointment that Christa wasn't a boy couldn't be more evident.

The entire ride had been a disaster, ruining Amy's mood about the white dress she wore. It was the first fine thing she'd ever had and now it was tainted with scorn. She'd never wished for Levi's presence more than she did at that very moment. Levi had always been the middleman between Amy's family and the duke. Amy had never seen her uncle growing up. Their entire relationship had been through Levi, a boy who'd been Hensman's right hand since he could walk.

Once they'd arrived to the party, Amy had been able to shake off some of the disappointment, as though she could leave it in the carriage. But when her uncle and his wife had been announced at the door, everything had changed.

Amy had found herself surrounded by people she'd never met but people who apparently knew about her. It had been Wardington's doing. He'd told her that once the right people accepted her, all would be well—and he was right. Amy had never seen so many smiles, and then the Dowager Cartridge had approached—the leader of them all, who also happened to be a very beautiful woman. Her hair was a dark blonde, her skin plump despite her age, and her dark blue eyes twinkled, like some mythical creature out of an adventure novel.

She'd given Amy a hug as though they were old friends. As though she actually loved her, and then she called her beautiful. Amy had never been so moved, and the smile that touched her lips had become real. There was something about the dowager that had made Amy feel more welcome than she had in years.

And then Nathaniel had approached, all dark and handsome, holding her gaze as though she were the last woman on Earth. Exactly how Wardington had predicted it. He'd been spellbound, and Amy had felt the first rush of power, remembering Wardington's instructions in the letter.

Listen to everything I say, and do exactly as I tell you. If you do this, you will not fail... When planning to capture a man's attention, many women will assume silence is best. Ignore that for the time being. The next assumption is to ignore the male, believing that he will chase you. That too is unlikely... which leads us to the truth of it all. When you see Nathaniel, this is what you will do.

"Miss Ott. It's so good to see you again." His voice was just as deep and rich as she remembered... reminding her of their kiss... reminding her of his words right after it.

She stayed focused. The corners of her lips lifted, "You as well, my lord."

When you speak to Nathaniel, look into his eyes and stare at him as though he were the only man in the room.

"This must be your first event of the season." His green eyes danced. "I didn't see you at any others."

Witty reply. Witty reply. "Looking for me, were you?" Close one.

He grinned, "I would not have missed you had you been present."

Listen to his words and respond appropriately... then give him something that makes him feel masculine.

"Nor I you, my lord."

All men love to feel appreciated. Adored. And right when you make them feel like the king of the world...

"I'd be delighted if I could have your first dance."

"I'm sorry. My first dance has already been promised to another."

Cut him off.

And then she'd turned away from those piercing eyes. It had been the hardest thing she'd ever done. She hoped Nathaniel hadn't seen the color that touched her face when Earl Cartridge had come to take her for their dance, which had been another thing arranged by the duke. When she'd seen the stunned look on his face, she'd known she'd done well. She'd succeeded.

She went out onto the floor, listening to the earl talk, actually enjoying their conversation, all the while reminding herself of the duke's final words.

And don't look back. Never look back. Wait for him to come for you, for he will come for you. But never look back, for in looking back, you relinquish your power.

The song seemed to go on forever and by accident, the earl had said something about Nathaniel, which had caused her to look at him. Their gazes had locked. She tripped. The earl caught her, but it did not matter. She'd seen the smile that touched Nathaniel's lips and immediately knew she was doomed.

"Lord Cartridge!" Sally called. "You've such grace when you dance."

The earl tipped his head to her and Christa. "Thank you, Duchess Hensman. Though, I believe my grace had more to do with my partner than anything else."

Amy flushed at the compliment. Such lies.

Sally looked stricken then recovered. "Well, my daughter, Lady Christa, has been dancing much longer than Miss Ott. Were you to ask her, I'm sure we'd find ourselves in agreement."

Amy tried not to frown.

"Duchess Hensman."

Amy stilled at the voice. Taking a moment to catch her breath, she turned and looked up into Nathaniel's eyes before he turned back to her aunt. "Have you seen the Greece collection?"

Sally fluttered her eyes, obviously confused by the lord's sudden appearance. "Why, no, my lord. I have not."

Earl Cartridge broke in, cutting his blue eyes at Nathaniel. "I was just about to ask if she and Miss Ott would like a tour of my mother's latest attraction."

Sally huffed, "And my daughter."

"Of course," both men said at the same time.

Sally looked between the men.

Christa looked bored, and Amy knew her mind was still back in the carriage.

Nathaniel spoke then, "Why don't we all go."

"Splendid idea," the earl said, while extending his arms to both Sally and Amy.

Amy looked at the arm and then to Nathaniel, saw how anger had turned his eyes a darker green, and then took the earl's arm.

Christa was left with Nathaniel, and soon the group was off. 

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