A Writer's Cerebrum

By seouIIy

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A collection of one shots, inspired by you guys! ~~~~~~~ The game: - You send me keywords - simple nouns, ver... More

Let The Game Begin (short stories on 'demand')
Theme: 5 Seconds of Summer (Ashton Irwin)
Theme: One Direction (Zayn Malik)
Wolves (inspired by song)
Theme: Harry Potter - Christmas Edition

Theme: Pirates of the Carribean

99 3 8
By seouIIy

Keywords: *read author's note at the end of this story!*


"The king and his men,

Stole the Queen from her bed,

And bound her in her Bones,

The seas be ours,

And by the powers,

Where we will, we'll roam.

Yo Ho, all together,

Hoist the colours high,

Heave Ho, Thieves and Beggars,

Never Shall We Die!"

I had been singing for approximately 6 days, I haven't counted, and my voice is starting to vanish from existence. Alright, I'm exaggerating, my voice starts to get hoarse. But seriously, It's really no fun to be floating around on a wooden plank... going nowhere... just floating... all by myself. Ah well, now I've got nothing better to do, I might as well introduce myself. But why should I introduce myself to myself? I think I'm already going crazy. I'm starting to introduce myself to myself! 'Pfffahahaha' My laugh is the only thing I heard except for the clashing of waves. But you already were crazy... I heard a voice say. Great! I'm officially mad! I'm hearing voices! O, come on... it's not that bad and you know it! Don't you recognise your best friend anymore!? My best friend...? Damn it! How could I forget Soar!? God, I'm so sorry Soar! I groaned. I hope he won't leave me for this...Dummy! Of course I'm not leaving you just because you were pitying yourself... You're my best friend! Without you I'd be dead by now

Well, that's right, I did save him when he was only a chicken, or whatever you call a baby eagle. He had fallen out of his nest when an avalanche destroyed the nest. I had taken him on board of the ship I was on at that time and raised him. Ever since he's been my companion and best friend. And the reason why he was able to talk with me trough my mind? I don't know, but Soar said I was the one talking to him, not the other way around. But either way it came in very handy. I was able to 'see' much further than the other sailors, thanks to being able to transmit thoughts with Soar which means I can also see what he sees. Which reminds me..

Soar! Can you search the sea for any passing ships!? Sure, already on it! I could see the sea through his eyes and saw something that gave me hope; An English ship was heading towards me! Soar, can you lead them to me? I can try, but I'll probably need the help of some friends. He screamed once and in no time there were like 20 sea gulls soaring above my head. That's genius, Soar! I could 'see' the English ship coming closer. I closed my eyes (I could still see through Soar's eyes) and pretended to be on the verge of death. I could feel Soar giving me a disapproving look, telling me I shouldn't exaggerate so much. Oh fine! I'll just pretend to have fainted!

But anyways, the ship was coming closer and closer. Until one of them shouted 'Look there!'. I 'saw' everybody looking in the direction he pointed. 'Man over board!' one of them shouted. Finally! I sighted inwardly. It was about time to be rescued! No need to be so impatient. You should be happy to be so lucky.  I sighted in defeat. Yeah, you're right. 

I felt myself being pulled out of the water into a boat. Than a minute later I was dragged on board and laid on the deck on my back, bad idea... Water flowed into my throat and I had a coughing fit. Damn, that hurts! I decided to play the damsel in distress and slowly opened my storm-grey eyes. Ah! Now you know another thing about me! Wait... Who am I talking to? Oh well... I pretended to be afraid as one of them, I assume their commander, walked up to me and crouched in front of me. 'Are you alright?' he asked, worry clearly audible in his voice. I nodded but flinched away as he tried to touch me. 'I'm not going to hurt you. But you need to eat something and probably some new clothes. By the way, what is your name?' he asked.

'Elvira Teague, sir.' I replied softly, acting anxious. He didn't show any sign of recognition, good, and ordered that I was to be brought into the commanders cabin and be given some food. I was really thankful for the food; chicken leg, bread, water etc. The chicken was devoured within seconds and the bones I sneakily threw out of the window for Soar. The water was, and I never thought I would say that, delicious! (AN: Am I the only one who thinks water doesn't taste good?) And by the time my stomach was satisfied, we arrived at Port Royal.


So now I'm standing in front of a mirror looking at myself in a maids-dress. Yeah, you heard it, a maids-dress. Governor Weatherby Swan said it would be the fairest way to thank him and his man for saving me. I agreed. It would be the easiest way to get food, water and a good place to sleep. But now I don't like it so much anymore, 'cause if there is one thing I hate... it's dresses. But I couldn't complain. If I hadn't agreed I would be sitting under a bridge or somewhere, starving. So, turning away from the mirror I blew a hair out of my face and went to get Elizabeth's, the Governors daughter's, breakfast.

I walked up to her room carrying a tablet filled with delicious looking things like croissants, an egg, toast and more. Refraining from hiding a croissant in my dress, I knocked on the door. no response came. I opened the door and poked my head inside. Elizabeth was still sleeping, although it looked like she would wake up at any moment, she was rolling around, sweat covering her forehead, she was whispering thing like 'He's a pirate.' and 'Pirates...'. I walked to her nightstand to put down the breakfast when she jolted up and scared me to death. I tripped over my dress, I told you I hated them, my right sleeve being ripped of while trying to grip anything close. My dress ripped further and my whole right shoulder up to my spine was exposed. I stood up quickly, brushed my hands over the dress and asked her if she was alright. 'I'm fine but how are you!?' she ask worriedly, eyeing my ripped dress. 'I'm fine, nothing bruised nor broken. Breakfast is over there,' I said pointing to her nightstand, 'I shall take my leave.' I turned around but heard her gasp. I turned around and saw her eyes filled with shock. 'Are you alright?' I asked, worried she might had gotten a seizure. 'Y-you're a... pirate!' she stammered. Damn it! I looked at my exposed shoulder, at what had caused her fright. A P 'adorned' my shoulder blade. You wonder why it frightened her? This is a sign for being a pirate. Apparently she knew that because she was now pointing at me with a knife she probably had hidden under her pillow. I sighed and said calmly: 'Calm down, I'm not going to do anything. But if you were really afraid of pirates you would've told your father that Will Turner was in possession of a golden medallion that would identify him as pirate.' she looked flabbergasted. 'H-how do you know that!?' she said holding the knife tighter. 'Ah, I didn't. But you just confirmed it. I knew you had the medallion because I saw you looking at it one evening and wondering out-loud 'Is he really a pirate?' , I'd been thinking a long time about who 'he' could be, but lately I had been spending some time with Will Turner...' her face changed a bit from scared to... jealous? Well, that's interesting, '...and asked him if he knew anything about a golden medallion. He said he used to have one but thought he'd lost it when he was rescued 8 years ago. It was a gift from his father.' I explained eyeing the drawer containing the medallion. 'You're more like fascinated of them, aren't you?' I said after a long pause, remembering to have overheard her father worrying about his daughter's fascination for pirates. She lowered the knife and she didn't looked so scared anymore, more like determined.

Her next question surprised me, to say the least: 'Can I trust you?' I didn't answer. 'Can I trust you not to tell my father any of this?' she asked again, or more like pleaded. I thought about it for a moment before nodding: 'Yes, I won't say anything to your father, provided that you won't tell anybody that I'm a pirate.' I said, offering my hand for her to shake. She shook my hand and said: 'Agreed.' And that was the beginning of an adventurous friendship.

It has been a month since Elizabeth discovered the truth and they became close friends. Elvira told Elizabeth many things about a pirate's life, and Elizabeth - or Liz, as Elvira chose to call her after a while, saying her name was to long to be calling constantly - requested her father to treat Elvira as an equal. Accepting her request he treated Elvira like a niece. She got her own room, clothes and even a personal maid.

'Oh come on Liz. Why don't you just tell him you like him?' I asked her for the thousandth time. She blushed like she did every time I mentioned Will. 'I'm afraid he will reject me...' she said looking down. I hit her on the shoulder. 'Of course he likes you! When I visit him he talks about nothing else than you!' I assured her and before she was able to argue uncle Swann, as I decided to call him after he agreed on me being Liz's niece, knocked on the door. I quickly hid behind the folding screen while Liz quickly put on a dressing gown and hid the medallion between her breasts. He came in and talked with Liz. He said that Lieutenant James Norrington is being promoted to Commodore. He'd bought a dress for Liz, 'latest fashion in London' as he called, and asked her to wear it at the ceremony. He then asked if I was there. Liz said yes and I appeared from behind the folding screen, a smile on my face to greet him. 'Hello uncle!' I said as I walked towards him. He smiled back and said: 'Of course I have something for you too, Elvira.'  He then handed me a small wooden box with beautifully carved flowers. 'Thank you so much!' I said while bowing. Shaking his head he said: 'No need to thank me. But look inside it.' My smile broadening I opened the box. Inside it was a beautiful silver necklace with a tiny wooden eagle as chain (I guess he remembered my fascination about eagles). It was magnificent! The wooden bird was so detailed that you almost thought it could fly away at any moment. I couldn't help but swing my arms around my so called Uncle. But after realizing that it was very rude I quickly let go of him and apologized. He just laughed and said he was happy I liked it, then he had to go because of a guest. He had opened up a lot to me in the past month.

I walked back to Liz only to see her almost choke in the dress. I couldn't help but laugh. She tried to playfully hit me but I fled to my room and locked the door.

After changing into a more appropriate dress and putting on the necklace I stepped out of my room, only to be tackled by Liz. I let out a cry of surprise as we landed on the floor. We laughed for a while, and I asked: 'Don't you wonder who that guest is?' She nodded and we stood up walking towards the stairs.

I walked down first. It was Will who probably delivered Norrington's new sword, according to the sword uncle Swann was holding. 'Good morning, Elvira.' he greeted me. We have become good friends over the last month. He turned out to be an excellent swordsman, so in my free time I often dueled with him to improve his as well as my skill. He often asked me why I was so experienced in sword fighting, but all I would and could say to explain it was: 'Sea turtles, mate!'. The man who'd raised me, Edward Teague, always used those words to explain things that couldn't be explained. Will gave up on asking after getting the same answer over and over again, I mean, I can't just walk around telling everybody I was a pirate, can I? But back to the story...

I saw Will looking awestruck at something behind me. I turned around and saw it was Liz walking down the stairs. I had to admit, she looked beautiful in that dress. I saw a blush creeping up her cheeks when she saw Will and Will looked like a lost puppy. 'Will! It's so good to see you.' She said happily stopping in front of him, 'I had a dream about you last night.' She did, in fact, have the the same dream last night as the morning I told her I was a pirate. 'Really?' Will asked dumbfounded. 'Yes. About the day we met, remember?', 'How could I forget, Miss Swann?' he replied politely, to her dismay. 'Will, how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth?' she asked, a little bit irritated about him acting so distant towards her. Will, being the polite man he was, replied: 'At least once more, Miss Swann. As always.' But that was exactly the opposite of what Liz expected him to say and was a little bit disappointed about it. Uncle Swann praised Will that 'at least he had a sense of propriety' then turned around to leave for the ceremony, Liz following him, taking her leave with a short 'Good day, Mr. Turner.' before storming out the door after her father, and got into the carriage, Will an me following her out the door. As soon as that carriage drove off Will said: 'Good day......Elizabeth...'. He farewell-ed me too and went back to the forge, leaving me standing alone.

I decided not to attend Norrington's ceremony for I didn't like him very much, or more like he didn't like me. I went back inside, up to my room, took my telescope, went out again and up the tower of the city walls to observe the port, where there always seemed to happen something interesting. In the distance I heard drums and flutes, signaling that the ceremony had begun. Suddenly it went silent at the port and I looked trough my telescope to see what was causing this silence; A man was standing on the main-mast of a sinking fishing boat. It was actually very funny because instead of panicking like any other person would be, he stood confidently with no sign of panic regarding his sinking boat. And I don't know if he'd planned it out or was simply extremely lucky, but the timing was perfect. For when his boots almost touched the water-level, he'd reached the jetty and casually stepped on it as if taking an extended step. I observed him trough my telescope and his appearance said but one thing: Pirate. I couldn't fail to notice that he looked a lot like Teague, the man who'd raised me the biggest part of my life. I whistled on my fingers and Soar descended and landed on my shoulder. Hey buddy, haven't seen you in a while! I 'thought' to him, crawling his head. He screeched and cocked his head. Yeah, so it seems. What can I do for you? he replied. Could you fly down to the port so I can hear what they're saying? 

I said pointing at the mysterious pirate talking with the harbor master. He nodded and jumped of my shoulder, spreading his wings and landing on one of the barrels near the two men. I managed to catch the last phrase the harbor master said: 'Welcome to port royal, Mister Smith.' So his name's Smith...

I told Soar to follow him so I could figure out what his intentions where. He walked down to The Interceptor's dock but was stopped by two man. They said this dock was off limits to civilians. Smith answered 'I'm terribly sorry. If I see one, I shall inform you immediately.' and started to walk around them. The two man blocked his way again. Smith said 'Apparently there's some sort of high-toned and fancy to-do up at the fort, eh? How could it be that two upstanding gentlemen, such as yourselves, did not merit an invitation?'. One of the two men replied 'Someone's got to make sure that this dock stays off-limits to civilians.', 'It's a fine goal, to be sure. But it seems to me... that a ship like that one, makes this one here seem a bit superfluous, really.' replied Smith. 'Oh, the Dauntless is the power in these waters, true enough. But there's no ship as can match the Interceptor for speed.' refuted the man. Smith put his finger to his chin and said 'I've heard of one, supposed to be very fast, nigh uncatchable: The Black Pearl.'. The Black Pearl... I've heard of her. It's said to be cursed. The other man said she doen't exist, the first one said to have seen the Black Pearl, the other one said he didn't and so they started to discuss about whether the first one had seen the Black Pearl or not.

Meanwhile Smith slipped past them and climbed aboard The Interceptor and stood behind the steering wheel. When the two man finally noticed they ran after Smith on the boat and shouted: 'AYE!...YOU!...Get away from the'h!' while pointing their guns at him. 'You don't have permission to be aboard there!'. And what Smith said next caused me to have a laughing-fit: 'I'm sorry, it's just-it's such a pretty boat...' he said acting as if he was truly sorry, '-ship!' he corrected himself as if he 'did not' want to insult the size of the ship. (AN: Really! you should watch that scene! It's hilarious!) 'What's your name?' the first man asked. 'Smith.' Smith replied, '-or Smithy, if you like.', 'What's your purpose in Port Royal, Mr. Smith?' the other man asked. 'Yeah, and no lies.' the first man added. Smith shrugged and said: 'Well, then, I confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out.' was he actually telling the truth!? I wondered. 'I said no lies!' the first man said. The second men then murmured to the first: 'I think he's telling the truth.', 'If he were telling the truth, he wouldn't have told us.' the first man replied as if it was obvious. Smith then said: 'Unless, of course, he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you.' which confused them. Oh,if only they knew...

I wondered what Liz was up to, so looking back to were the ceremony had been held and by chance I saw her and Norrington standing at the cliff with the bell. They were talking. I looked back into Soar's mind and saw Smith telling the two men something, but wasn't able to hear what because I heard a splash. I looked back towards the cliff and only saw Norrington standing there. Where was Liz? My eyes caught something down below, in the water. LIZ! She must have fallen down! I have to save her! But I won't make it in time! Oh no! She will drown! And then before I could get help I heard another splash; Smith had jumped into the water, most likely to save Liz. So as fast as I could I ran down to the dock with The Interceptor and waited for Smith to return with Liz. At the exact same moment a ripple-like wave went trough the water, and the wind turned 180˚. Curious...

A minute later Smith appeared with Liz heaved over his shoulder. The two men took her over from Smith and I went to help them.

For a moment the three men stared at me, probably wondering where I appeared from, but then went on saving Liz. Noticing her corset was suffocating her, Smith sliced it open and ripped it off, handing it to the first man. Immediately Liz started breathing again and spat out the water. Smith then noticed the golden medallion Liz was wearing. He held it and gave her a serious look: 'Where did you get that?' She looked at him with fear, but before she could answer Smith was being pointed at with a sword, which belonged to Norrington. 'On your feet.' he said. Smith stood up and Uncle helped Liz up and covered her with a blanket. He saw the first man, from earlier, holding Liz' corset, and assumed he was a pervert, but the man dropped the corset and pointed at Smith. 'Shoot him!' uncle said, and Norrington's men immediately raise their weapons, but was interrupted by Liz saying: 'Father! Commodore...do you really intend to kill my rescuer?'. He thinks about it, then nods and he and his men lower their weapons. Smith nods in thanks and Norrington holds out his hand for him to shake: 'I believe thanks are in order.' He says and Smith takes his hand. But the moment their hands touch, Norrington turns Smith's hand around and pulls up his sleeve, revealing the mark of a P, exactly the same I have.

'Had a brush with the East India Trading Company, did we...pirate?' Norrington says. Uncle looks shocked and shouts: 'Hang him!' with fear clearly audible in his voice. Norrington then suddenly says: 'Keep your guns on him, men. Gillette, fetch some irons.' Norrington's men point their guns at Smith and Gillette left to get irons. At the same time Norrington notices the blue edge of what was obviously a tattoo. He pulls up Smith's sleeve further to reveal a tattoo of a sparrow with a descending sun in the background. A sparrow... but that means his name isn't Smith but... 'Jack Sparrow isn't it.' Norrington said, confirming my suspicions. So this is the infamous Sparrow, Teague had always been talking about... Yeah, Teague often told me stories about a pirate named Jack Sparrow... He sounded almost... proud of him... 'Captain Jack Sparrow...if you please.' Smi-, I mean, Jack said sounding rather insulted. Norrington looked 'confused' and said: 'Well I don't see your ship...captain.' on which Jack replied: 'I'm in the market...as it were.'

The first man, from earlier, butted in and told Norrington that Jack had come to commandeer one. The other man that had been with him the entire time then presented Norrington Jack's weapons that jack had given them earlier when he went to save Liz. 'These are his, sir.' Norrington inspects the weapons and sums up: 'No additional shots...nor powder. A compass that doesn't point North. And I half-expected it to be made of wood. You are without doubt the worst pirate I've ever heard of.' Jack then replied: 'But you have heard of me.' That...is true. Norrington glared at him and dragged him over to Gillette, who was about to cuff Jacks hands. Meanwhile Liz stormed up to stand in front of Jack and ranted about him being spared because he saved her life on which norrington replied with: 'One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness.' on which Jack pedantically replied: 'Though it seems enough to condemn him.', 'Indeed!' Norrington replied sternly. But at the exact same moment Gillette was done with putting Jack's cuffs on. Jack flung the chain around Liz' neck and held her hostage.

Everybody was startled for a moment, even I, but then readied to attack but uncle shouted in fear not to shoot. Jack smiled and said sternly: 'I knew you'd warm up to me. Commodore Norrington my effects please!' then added: '-and my hat!'. Norrington didn't react, nor did anybody else, and Liz looked around in fear. She spotted me standing in the back of the group of soldiers and send me a look that said: 'HELP MEEEEEEEEEE!', but I couldn't, as a fellow pirate I actually wanted Jack to be able to flee. But I didn't want anything to happen to Liz, so I sent her a look that meant, or I hoped it meant: 'I will not let you down!'. I think she got the message because she looked a bit less scared and kept eye contact with me. 'Commodore!' Jack shouted, drawing my attention again. Norrington than looked defeated and took the weapons, and his hat, from the man who took them earlier. And gave them to Liz. Jack called her name and anger began winning over her fear and she snapped back with: 'Its Miss Swan!'. Jack apparently didn't like that attitude and sneered at her: 'Miss Swan, if  you'd be so kind.' Norrington hands the effects over to Elizabeth. 'Come, come, dear, we don't have all day.' He turns her around and they stood face to face. 'Now if you'll be very kind.' Jack said sarcastically. She dresses him his effects roughly. 'Easy on the goods, darli'n.' Jack said while smiling a sweet smile at uncle and Norrington. Liz glared at Jack (if looks could kill, Jack would've died around 10 times by now) and spat at him: 'You're despicable!'. Jack just smiled at her and said: 'Sticks and stones, love. I save your life, you save mine; we're square.' He turns her around and walks back with her still in his arms. Then he said to Norrington and the rest: 'Gentlemen,' he looked at Liz, '-my lady,' and looked back, '-you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught...Captain Jack Sparrow!' He then pushed her into the group of men, who caught her, and turned around quickly to unlock a cannon hanging in the air. It came down and Jack took the rope on the other end and was pulled up, he fled and the other soldiers went after him. 'Genius!' was all I could think. I wonder...does he plan it all out, or does he just improvise. But instead of running after him to find out how he'll flee, I went with Liz and uncle back to the mansion.

Once inside I brought her up to her room, assuring uncle that everything would be alright and ordered a maid to make a bath for Liz. I put Liz on her bed and went to fetch some clothes for her, some she actually could breath in. When I came back she looked at me seriously. I sent her an raised eyebrow. 'Were you like that too?' she asked me. My raised eyebrow increased. 'When you were a pirate... Did you kill people?' she now had a different look in her eyes. Hope? I laughed at her and said: 'I am a pirate, I never stopped being one nor will I ever stop. And yes, of course I killed a couple of people.' fear struck her face and I laughed, 'Did you really think I would ever harm my best friend!?' fear left and was replaced by a smile. She stood up and embraced me. I was a little startled by this but hugged her back. We stayed like this for a moment and then she let go of me. 'Thanks for being my only friend...' she said.

Later on, the sun had already set, she climbed down the balcony, or rather jumped, and went to the dungeons. There she looked for Jack, for she heard about his recapture and saw him alone in a cell, asleep, or so she thought, and examined him.

He looked up to look who was standing in front of his cell but only saw a hooded figure, she had been smart enough to disguise herself so nobody would either notice nor recognize her. Jack asked her who 'he' was, thinking she was a man.

I lowered a voice and said: "What will you do in case a miracle happened and you could flee?" It was really hard for me to maintain that low voice but luckily Jack didn't appear to have noticed. He looked at me questioningly but then said: "I would hijack that fast ship, what's it called?" "The Interceptor." I told him. He nodded, "Yeah, that one... Why do you care?" I didn't say anything and just left, leaving him shouting after me, demanding me to tell him who 'the hell' I was.

After pondering if he would be able to flee or not, I decided to trust his luck and ingenuity. I went to The Interceptor and climbed on board and hid in the Berth*. I looked trough one of the cannon holes and waited. It didn't take long before the Black Pearl arrived. I wasn't as horrified about the invasion of captain Barbossa as I'd expected. Which probably was because I had already witnessed it in a dream I had recently. I wasn't very liked in Port Royal anyways, so my absence wouldn't be noticed that quickly. The would probably declare me dead as soon as possible just to get rid of me... Everybody except 'Uncle', Will and Liz, of course. I thought about hijacking the Black Pearl but hit myself on the head for thinking something so stupid, but then laughed at how stupid it must've looked if someone had seen me.

After a short while I actually fell asleep and had another predictive dream, just like the one that told me that the Black Pearl would appear and attack Port Royal. The dream showed Will, who was running down to the dungeons and then freeing Jack. I then had a flash and saw a scene that wasn't so bright; Liz' house had been taken over by the pirates and she was hidden in her closet, clasping the medallion. Two pirates sensed it and dragged her out. She screamed and a rush of adrenaline went trough me, waking me up.

She saw Elizabeth being taken on board of the Black Pearl and knew that now it wouldn't take long 'till Will would free Jack and hijack The Interceptor. She mentally called for Soar and commanded him to keep an eye on Liz, to check her well-being. After that she allowed herself a short nap 'till sunrise. Waking up she saw the sun just rising. She climbed on deck but had to hide again because Commodore James Norrington was already loading the ship. She was confused by this and looked back out the cannon hole and saw Jack and Will trying to hijack the Dauntless. She observed the situation and figured that Jack will just hijack The Interceptor as soon as Norrington and his man hop on the Dauntless. And as she thought that, Norrington noticed Jack and Will and readied The Interceptor to get the Dauntless back, but as soon as they left The Interceptor to search for Jack and Will on the Dauntless, the two man swung on board of The Interceptor and sailed away to Tortuga, with Elvira on board.


*(The deck below the gun decks where the mess, sick bay, living/sleeping quarters were found. The berth was often at or just above the water line and was devoid of proper lighting and poorly ventilated)


This, I must admit, hasn't been written according to the rules of my game...

This is an older story I wrote last summer when I had a heavy infatuation about POTC... =^.^=

I know, I know, I shouldn't be braking rules but I really wanted to post it! Especially after I reread it a few days ago and was really surprised about how well it was written... (Ahhh, Narcissism attack, eek! Get it of me!) Anyways...

I hope you liked it!

Be sure to vote (if you want and if you have internet)


Thank you...

Love you nuts! :)

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